This Version of the codes is highly edited so the City of Park Rapids does not take responsibility for any errors
that may have occurred during that editing.
2015 S-12 Supplement contains:
Local legislation current through Ord. 552, passed 11-25-2014
432 Walnut Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45202-3909 (800) 445-5588
10.01 Title of code
10.02 Rules of interpretation
10.03 Application to future ordinances
10.04 Captions
10.05 Definitions
10.06 Severability
10.07 Reference to other sections
10.08 Reference to offices
10.09 Errors and omissions
10.10 Official time
10.11 Reasonable time
10.12 Ordinances repealed
10.13 Ordinances unaffected
10.14 Effective date of ordinances
10.15 Repeal or modification of ordinance
10.16 Ordinances which amend or supplement code
10.17 Preservation of penalties, offenses, rights and liabilities
10.18 Copies of code
10.19 Adoption of statutes and rules by reference
10.20 Enforcement
10.98 Supplemental administrative penalties
10.99 General penalty
§ 10.01 TITLE OF CODE.
(A) (1) All ordinances of a permanent and general nature of the city, as revised, codified,
rearranged, renumbered, and consolidated into component codes, titles, chapters, and sections, shall be
known and designated as the “city code,” for which designation “code of ordinances,” “codified
ordinances” or “code” may be substituted.
(2) Code title, chapter, and section headings do not constitute any part of the law as contained
in the code.
(B) All references to codes, titles, chapters, and sections are to the components of the code unless
otherwise specified. Any component code may be referred to and cited by its name, such as the
“Traffic Code.” Sections may be referred to and cited by the designation “§” followed by the number,
such as “§ 10.01.” Headings and captions used in this code other than the title, chapter, and section
numbers are employed for reference purposes only and shall not be deemed a part of the text of any
(A) Generally. Unless otherwise provided herein, or by law or implication required, the same
rules of construction, definition, and application shall govern the interpretation of this code as those
governing the interpretation of state law.
(B) Specific rules of interpretation. The construction of all ordinances of this city shall be by the
following rules, unless that construction is plainly repugnant to the intent of the legislative body or of
the context of the same ordinance:
(1) AND or OR. Either conjunction shall include the other as if written “and/or,” whenever
the context requires.
(2) Acts by assistants. When a statute, code provisions or ordinance requires an act to be
done which, by law, an agent or deputy as well may do as the principal, that requisition shall be
satisfied by the performance of the act by an authorized agent or deputy.
(3) Gender; singular and plural; tenses. Words denoting the masculine gender shall be
deemed to include the feminine and neuter genders; words in the singular shall include the plural, and
words in the plural shall include the singular; the use of a verb in the present tense shall include the
future, if applicable.
(4) General term. A general term following specific enumeration of terms is not to be
limited to the class enumerated unless expressly so limited.
All provisions of Title I compatible with future legislation shall apply to ordinances hereafter
adopted which amend or supplement this code unless otherwise specifically provided.
§ 10.04 CAPTIONS.
Headings and captions used in this code other than the title, chapter, and section numbers are
employed for reference purposes only and shall not be deemed a part of the text of any section.
(A) General rule. Words and phrases shall be taken in their plain, or ordinary and usual sense.
However, technical words and phrases having a peculiar and appropriate meaning in law shall be
understood according to their technical import.
(B) Definitions. For the purpose of this code, the following definitions shall apply unless the
context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
CITY. The area within the corporate boundaries of the City of Park Rapids, Minnesota, as
presently established or as amended by ordinance, annexation or other legal actions at a future time.
The term CITY when used in this code may also be used to refer to the City Council and its authorized
CITY ADMINISTRATOR. The city employee responsible for administering the city affairs.
CODE, THIS CODE or THIS CODE OF ORDINANCES. This city code as modified by
amendment, revision, and adoption of new titles, chapters, or sections.
COUNCIL. The City Council.
COUNTY. County of Hubbard, Minnesota.
GENDER. The masculine shall include the feminine.
MAY. The act referred to is permissive.
MONTH. A calendar month.
OATH. An affirmation in all cases in which, by law, an affirmation may be substituted for an
oath, and in those cases the words SWEAR and SWORN shall be equivalent to the words AFFIRM
and AFFIRMED. All terms shall mean a pledge taken by the person and administered by an
individual authorized by state law.
office, employee, commission, or department of Park Rapids unless the context clearly requires
OWNER. Includes any part owner, joint owner, tenant in common, tenant in partnership, joint
tenant, or tenant by the entirety of the whole or of a part of the building or land.
PERSON. Extends to and includes an individual, person, persons, firm, corporation,
copartnership, trustee, lessee, or receiver. Whenever used in any clause prescribing and imposing a
penalty, the terms PERSON or WHOEVER as applied to any unincorporated entity shall mean the
partners or members thereof, and as applied to corporations, the officers or agents thereof.
PERSONAL PROPERTY. Every species of property, except real property.
PRECEDING or FOLLOWING. Next before or next after, respectively.
SHALL. The act referred to is mandatory.
SIDEWALK. Any portion of a street between the curbline and the adjacent property line,
intended for the use of pedestrians.
SIGNATURE or SUBSCRIPTION. Includes a mark when the person cannot write.
STATE. The State of Minnesota.
STREET or HIGHWAY. The entire width between the boundary lines of any way or place
when any part therof is open to the use of the public, as a matter of right, for purposes of vehicular
SUBCHAPTER. A division of a chapter, designated in this code by a heading in the chapter
analysis and a capitalized heading in the body of the chapter, setting apart a group of sections related
by the subject matter of the heading. Not all chapters have subchapters.
TENANT. Includes any person holding written or oral lease of, or who occupies the whole or
part of the building or land, either alone or with others.
WRITTEN. Any representation of words, letters, or figures, whether by printing or otherwise.
YEAR. A calendar year, unless otherwise expressed.
(Prior Code, § 1-2)
If any provision of this code as now or later amended or its application to any person or
circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions that can be given effect
without the invalid provision or application.
Whenever in 1 section reference is made to another section hereof, that reference shall extend and
apply to the section referred to as subsequently amended, revised, recodified, or renumbered unless the
subject matter is changed or materially altered by the amendment or revision.
Reference to a public office or officer shall be deemed to apply to any office, officer, or employee
of this city exercising the powers, duties, or functions contemplated in the provision, irrespective of
any transfer of functions or change in the official title of the functionary.
If a manifest error is discovered, consisting of the misspelling of any words; the omission of any
word or words necessary to express the intention of the provisions affected; the use of a word or words
to which no meaning can be attached; or the use of a word or words when another word or words was
clearly intended to express the intent, the spelling shall be corrected and the word or words supplied,
omitted, or substituted as will conform with the manifest intention, and the provisions shall have the
same effect as though the correct words were contained in the text as originally published. No
alteration shall be made or permitted if any question exists regarding the nature or extent of the error.
The official time, as established by applicable state and federal laws, shall be the official time
within this city for the transaction of all city business.
(A) In all cases where an ordinance requires an act to be done in a reasonable time or requires
reasonable notice to be given, reasonable time or notice shall be deemed to mean the time which is
necessary for a prompt performance of the act or the giving of the notice.
(B) The time within which an act is to be done, as herein provided, shall be computed by
excluding the first day and including the last. If the last day is a legal holiday or a Sunday, it shall be
(A) This code, from and after its effective date, shall contain all of the provisions of a general
nature pertaining to the subjects herein enumerated and embraced.
(B) All prior ordinances pertaining to the subjects treated by this code shall be deemed repealed
from and after the effective date of this code.
All ordinances of a temporary or special nature and all other ordinances pertaining to subjects not
embraced in this code shall remain in full force and effect unless herein repealed expressly or by
necessary implication.
All ordinances passed by the legislative body requiring publication shall take effect from and after
the due publication thereof, unless otherwise expressly provided.
(A) Whenever any ordinance or part of an ordinance shall be repealed or modified by a subsequent
ordinance, the ordinance or part of an ordinance thus repealed or modified shall continue in force until
the publication of the ordinance repealing or modifying it when publication is required to give effect to
it, unless otherwise expressly provided.
(B) No suit, proceedings, right, fine, forfeiture, or penalty instituted, created, given, secured, or
accrued under any ordinance previous to its repeal shall in any way be affected, released, or discharged,
but may be prosecuted, enjoyed, and recovered as fully as if the ordinance had continued in force
unless it is otherwise expressly provided.
(C) When any ordinance repealing a former ordinance, clause, or provision shall be itself
repealed, the repeal shall not be construed to revive the former ordinance, clause, or provision, unless it
is expressly provided.
(A) If the City Council shall desire to amend any existing chapter or section of this code, the
chapter or section shall be specifically repealed and a new chapter or section, containing the desired
amendment, substituted in its place.
(B) Any ordinance which is proposed to add to the existing code a new chapter or section shall
indicate, with reference to the arrangement of this code, the proper number of the chapter or section. In
addition to this indication as may appear in the text of the proposed ordinance, a caption or title shall be
shown in concise form above the ordinance.
All offenses committed under laws in force prior to the effective date of this code shall be
prosecuted and remain punishable as provided by those laws. This code does not affect any rights or
liabilities accrued, penalties incurred, or proceedings begun prior to the effective date of this code. The
liabilities, proceedings and rights are continued; punishments, penalties, or forfeitures shall be enforced
and imposed as if this code had not been enacted. In particular, any agreement granting permission to
utilize highway right-of-ways, contracts entered into or franchises granted, the acceptance,
establishment or vacation of any highway, and the election of corporate officers shall remain valid in
all respects, as if this code had not been enacted.
The official copy of this code shall be kept in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection.
The Clerk shall provide a copy for sale for a reasonable charge.
It is the intention of the City Council that, when adopting this code, all future amendments to any
state or federal rules and statutes adopted by reference in this code or referenced in this code are hereby
adopted by reference or referenced as if they had been in existence at the time this code was adopted,
unless there is clear intention expressed in the code to the contrary.
(A) Any licensed police officer of the City's Police Department, or the County Sheriff, or any
Deputy Sheriff shall have the authority to enforce any provision of this code.
(B) As permitted by M.S. § 626.862, as it may be amended from time to time, the City Clerk shall
have the authority to administer and enforce this code. In addition, under that statutory authority,
certain individuals designated within the code or by the Clerk or City Council shall have the authority
to administer and enforce the provisions specified. All and any person or persons designated may issue
a citation in lieu of arrest or continued detention to enforce any provision of the code.
(C) The City Clerk and any city official or employee designated by this code who has the
responsibility to perform a duty under this code may with the permission of a licensee of a business or
owner of any property or resident of a dwelling, or other person in control of any premises, inspect or
otherwise enter any property to enforce compliance with this code.
(D) If the licensee, owner, resident, or other person in control of a premises objects to the
inspection of or entrance to the property, the City Clerk, police officer, or any employee or official
charged with the duty of enforcing the provisions of this code may, upon a showing that probable cause
exists for the issuance of a valid search warrant from a court of competent jurisdiction, petition and
obtain a search warrant before conducting the inspection or otherwise entering the property. This
warrant shall be only to determine whether the provisions of this code enacted to protect the health,
safety and welfare of the people are being complied with and to enforce these provisions only, and no
criminal charges shall be made as a result of the warrant. No warrant shall be issued unless there be
probable cause to issue the warrant. Probable cause occurs if the search is reasonable. Probable cause
does not depend on specific knowledge of the condition of a particular property.
(E) Every licensee, owner, resident or other person in control of property within the city shall
permit at reasonable times inspections of or entrance to the property by the City Clerk or any other
authorized city officer or employee only to determine whether the provisions of this code enacted to
protect the health, safety and welfare of the people are being complied with and to enforce these
provisions. Unreasonable refusal to permit the inspection of or entrance to the property shall be
grounds for termination of any and all permits, licenses or city service to the property. Mailed notice
shall be given to the licensee, owner, resident or other person in control of the property, stating the
grounds for the termination, and the licensee, owner, resident or other person in control of the property
shall be given an opportunity to appear before the City Clerk to object to the termination before it
occurs, subject to appeal of the Clerk's decision to the City Council at a regularly scheduled or special
(F) Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the authority of the city to enter private
property in urgent emergency situations where there is an imminent danger in order to protect the
public health, safety and welfare.
(A) In addition to those administrative penalties established in this code and the enforcement
powers granted in § 10.20, the City Council is authorized to create by resolution, adopted by a majority
of the members of the Council, supplemental administrative penalties.
(B) These administrative penalty procedures in this section are intended to provide the public and
the city with an informal, cost effective and expeditious alternative to traditional criminal charges for
violations of certain provisions of this code. The procedures are intended to be voluntary on the part of
those who have been charged with those offenses.
(C) Administrative penalties for violations of various provisions of the code, other than those
penalties established in the code or in statutes that are adopted by reference, may be established from
time to time by resolution of a majority of the members of the City Council. In order to be effective, an
administrative penalty for a particular violation must be established before the violation occurred.
(D) In the discretion of the peace officer, City Clerk, or other person giving notice of an alleged
violation of a provision of this code, in a written notice of an alleged violation, sent by first class mail
to the person who is alleged to have violated the code, the person giving notice may request the
payment of a voluntary administrative penalty for the violation directly to the City Treasurer within 14
days of the notice of the violation. In the sole discretion of the person giving the notice of the alleged
violation, the time for payment may be extended an additional 14 days, whether or not requested by the
person to whom the notice has been given. In addition to the administrative penalty, the person giving
notice may request in the notice to the alleged violator to adopt a compliance plan to correct the
situation resulting in the alleged violation and may provide that if the alleged violator corrects the
situation resulting in the alleged violation within the time specified in the notice, that the payment of
the administrative penalty will be waived.
(E) At any time before the payment of the administrative penalty is due, the person who has been
given notice of an alleged violation may request to appear before the City Council to contest the
request for payment of the penalty. After a hearing before the Council, the Council may determine to
withdraw the request for payment or to renew the request for payment. Because the payment of the
administrative penalty is voluntary, there shall be no appeal from the decision of the Council.
(F) At any time after the date the payment of the administrative penalty is due, if the
administrative penalty remains unpaid or the situation creating the alleged violation remains
uncorrected, the city, through its Attorney, may bring criminal charges in accordance with state law
and this code. Likewise, the city, in its discretion, may bring criminal charges in the first instance,
rather than requesting the payment of an administrative penalty, even if a penalty for the particular
violation has been established by Council resolution. If the administrative penalty is paid, or if any
requested correction of the situation resulting in the violation is completed, no criminal charges shall be
initiated by the city for the alleged violation.
(A) Any person, firm, or corporation who violates any provision of this code for which another
penalty is not specifically provided, shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor. The penalty
which may be imposed for any crime which is a misdemeanor under this code, including Minnesota
Statutes specifically adopted by reference, shall be a sentence of not more than 90 days or a fine of not
more than $1,000, or both.
(B) Any person, firm or corporation who violates any provision of this code, including Minnesota
Statutes specifically adopted by reference, which is designated to be a petty misdemeanor shall, upon
conviction be guilty of a petty misdemeanor. The penalty which may be imposed for any petty offense
which is a petty misdemeanor shall be a sentence of a fine of not more than $300.
(C) In either the case of a misdemeanor or a petty misdemeanor, the costs of prosecution may be
added. A separate offense shall be deemed committed upon each day during which a violation occurs
or continues.
(D) The failure of any officer or employee of the city to perform any official duty imposed by this
code shall not subject the officer or employee to the penalty imposed for a violation.
(E) In addition to any penalties provided for in this section or in § 10.98, if any person, firm or
corporation fails to comply with any provision of this code, the Council or any city official designated
by it, may institute appropriate proceedings at law or at equity to restrain, correct or abate the violation.
General Provisions
30.01 City elections
30.02 Terms of office
30.03 Hearings
30.15 Regular meetings
30.16 Special meetings
30.17 Initial meeting of each year
30.18 Public meetings
30.19 Presiding officer
30.20 Rules of procedure
30.21 Appeals procedure
30.22 Rights of presiding officer
30.23 Minutes
30.24 Order of business
30.25 Quorum and voting
30.26 Ordinances, resolutions, motions, petitions, and communications
30.27 Committees
30.28 Suspension or amendment of rules
30.29 Salaries of Mayor and Council members
City Administrator
30.40 Appointment
30.41 Duties
30.42 Organizational chart
30.43 Separate offices for City Clerk and Treasurer
4 Park Rapids - Administration
The municipal general election shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in
November in every even numbered year.
(Prior Code, ' 2-1) (Ord. 297, passed 1999)
The Mayor shall be elected to a 2 year term of office, expiring every even numbered year.
Council members shall be elected to 4 year terms of office, with 2 member=s terms expiring every
even numbered year.
(Prior Code, ' 2-2) (Ord. 297, passed 1999)
' 30.03 HEARINGS.
(A) General. Unless otherwise provided in this code, or by law, every public hearing required by
law, ordinance, or resolution to be held on any legislative or administrative matter shall be conducted
in accordance with this section.
(B) Notice. Every hearing shall be preceded by notice of a nature to comply with the provisions
and authoritative interpretations of the Minnesota Open Meeting law, M.S. '' 13D.01 and 13D.02, as
they may be amended from time to time. Failure to give notice or defects in it shall not invalidate the
proceedings if a good faith effort has been made to comply with this division.
(C) Conduct of hearing. At the hearing, each party in interest shall have an opportunity to be
heard and to present any evidence as is relevant to the proceeding. The Council may adopt rules
governing the conduct of hearings, records to be made, and other matters as it deems necessary.
(Prior Code, ' 2-3)
City Administration 5
(A) Regular meetings of the Council shall be held at least monthly on the date and at the time set
by the Council at its re-organizational meeting.
(B) Any regular meeting falling upon a holiday shall be held on the next following business day at
the same time and place.
(C) All meetings, including special and adjourned meetings, shall be held in a location determined
by City Council.
(Prior Code, ' 2-31)
(A) The Mayor or any 2 members of the Council may call a special meeting of the Council upon
reasonable notice to each member of the Council.
(B) This notice shall be given personally to each member, or the information shall be left at the
member=s usual place of residence with some responsible person.
(C) Similar notice shall be given to the newspapers and electronic media servicing the city, as
time shall permit.
(D) The notice shall be posted at the city hall.
(Prior Code, ' 2-32)
At the first Council meeting in January of each year the Council shall:
(A) Designate the depositories of city funds;
(B) Designate the official newspaper;
(C) Choose 1 of the Council members as Acting Mayor, who shall perform the duties of the
Mayor during the disability or absence of the Mayor from the city or, in case of a vacancy in the office
of Mayor, until a successor has been appointed and qualifies;
6 Park Rapids - Administration
(D) Appoint officers and employees and members of Boards, Commissions and Committees as
may be necessary; and
(E) Designate the date, time, and place of the regular monthly meeting.
(Prior Code, ' 2-33)
All Council meetings, including special and adjourned meetings and meetings of Council
Committees, shall be open to the public.
(Prior Code, ' 2-34)
The Mayor shall preside at all meetings of the Council. In the absence of the Mayor, the Acting
Mayor shall preside. In the absence of both, the Clerk shall call the meeting to order and shall preside
until the Council members present at the meeting choose 1 of their number to act temporarily as
presiding officer.
(Prior Code, ' 2-35)
(A) The presiding officer shall preserve order, enforce the rules of procedure herein prescribed,
and determine without debate, subject to final decision of the Council on appeal, all questions of
procedure and order.
(B) Except as otherwise provided by statute or by these rules, the proceedings of the Council shall
be conducted in accordance with Robert=s Rules of Order, revised.
(Prior Code, ' 2-36)
(A) Any member may appeal to the Council from a ruling of the presiding officer.
(B) If the appeal is seconded, the member may speak once solely on the question involved and the
presiding officer may explain his or her ruling, but no other Council member shall be sustained if it is
approved by a majority of the members present exclusive of the presiding officer.
(Prior Code, ' 2-37)
City Administration 7
The presiding officer may make motions, second motions, or speak on any question except that on
demand of any Council member, he or she shall vacate the chair and designate a Council member to
preside temporarily.
(Prior Code, ' 2-38)
' 30.23 MINUTES.
(A) Who keeps minutes. Minutes of each meeting shall be kept by the Clerk or, in his or her
absence by the Deputy Clerk. In the absence of both, the presiding officer shall appoint a secretary pro
tem. Ordinances, resolutions, and claims need not be recorded in full in the minutes if they appear in
other permanent records of the Clerk and can be accurately identified from the description given in the
(B) Approval. The minutes of each meeting shall be reduced to typewritten form, shall be signed
by the Clerk, and copies thereof shall be available to each Council member as soon as practicable after
the meeting. At the next regular Council meeting following the delivery, approval of the minutes shall
be considered by the Council. The minutes need not be read aloud, but the presiding officer shall call
for any additions or corrections. If there is no objection to a proposed addition or correction, it may be
made without a vote of the Council. If there is an objection, the Council shall vote upon the addition or
correction. If there are no additions or corrections, the minutes shall stand approved.
(Prior Code, ' 2-39)
(A) Order established. Each meeting of the Council shall convene at the time and place appointed
therefor. Council business shall be conducted in the following order:
(1) Call to order;
(2) Roll call;
(3) Approval of minutes;
(4) Public hearing;
(5) Petitions, requests, and communications;
(6) Ordinances and resolutions;
(7) Reports of officers, Boards, and Committees;
8 Park Rapids - Administration
(8) Unfinished business;
(9) New business;
(10) Miscellaneous; and
(11) Adjournment.
(B) Varying order. The order of business may be varied by the presiding officer; but all public
hearings shall be held at the time specified in the notice of hearing.
(C) Agenda. An agenda of business for each regular Council meeting shall be prepared and filed
in the office of the Clerk not later than 2 days before the meeting. The agenda shall be prepared in
accordance with the order of business and copies thereof shall be delivered to each Council member as
far in advance of the meeting as time for preparation will permit. No item of business shall be
considered unless it appears on the agenda for the meeting or is approved for addition to the agenda by
a unanimous vote of the Council members present.
(Prior Code, ' 2-40)
(A) Quorum. At all Council meetings, a majority of all the Council members elected shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but a smaller number may adjourn from time to
(B) Voting. The votes of the members on any question may be taken in any manner which
signifies the intention of the individual members, and the votes of the members on any action taken
shall be recorded on each appropriation of money, except for payments of judgments, claims, and
amounts fixed by statute. If any member is present but does not vote, the minutes, as to his or her
name, shall be marked APresent-Not Voting.@
(C) Votes required. A majority vote of all members of the Council shall be necessary for approval
of any ordinance unless a larger number is required by statute. Except as otherwise provided by
statute, a majority vote of a quorum shall prevail in all other cases.
(Prior Code, ' 2-41)
(A) Readings.
(1) Every ordinance and resolution shall be presented in writing.
City Administration 9
(2) Every ordinance shall receive 2 readings before the Council prior to final adoption, but
shall not be read twice at the same meeting unless the rules are suspended for that purpose.
(3) An ordinance or resolution need not be read in full unless a member of the Council
requests a reading.
(B) Signing and publication proof. Every ordinance and resolution passed by the Council shall be
signed by the Mayor, attested by the Clerk, and filed by him or her in the ordinance or resolution book.
Proof of publication of every ordinance shall be attached and filed with the ordinance.
(C) Repeals and amendments.
(1) Every ordinance or resolution repealing a previous ordinance or resolution or a section or
subdivision thereof shall give the number, if any, and the title of the ordinance or code number of the
ordinance or resolution to be repealed in whole or in part.
(2) Each ordinance or resolution or part thereof shall set forth in full each amended section or
subdivision as it will read with the amendment.
(D) Motions, petitions, communications.
(1) Every motion shall be stated in full force before it is submitted to a vote by the presiding
officer and shall be recorded in the minutes.
(2) Every petition or other communication addressed to the Council shall be in writing and
shall be read in full upon presentation to the Council, unless the Council dispenses with the reading.
(3) Each petition or other communication shall be recorded in the minutes by title and filed
with the minutes in the office of the Clerk.
(Prior Code, ' 2-42)
(A) Committees designated.
(1) There shall be the following standing committees:
(a) Personnel;
(b) Finance;
(c) Infrastructure; and
10 Park Rapids - Administration
(d) Intergovernmental.
(2) Committee members shall be appointed by the Mayor at the first regular Council meeting
in January of each year.
(B) Membership. Each Committee shall consist of 2 members of the Council and the Chairperson
of each Committee shall be designated by the Mayor. Each Committee member shall serve as
appointed unless excused by a majority of the members of the Council. If the Committee does not
provide otherwise, Committee meetings shall be held at the call of the Chairperson.
(C) Referrals and reports. Any matter brought before the Council for consideration may be
referred by the presiding officer to the appropriate Committee or to a special Committee appointed by
him or her for a report and recommendation before it is considered by the Council as a whole.
Minority reports may be submitted. Each Committee shall act promptly and faithfully on any matter
referred to it.
(Prior Code, ' 2-43)
The rules set out in this chapter, except where they reflect state law requirements, may be
suspended only by a 2/3 vote of the members present and voting.
(Prior Code, ' 2-44)
(A) Establishing Mayor and Council salaries.
(1) The City Council establishes the monthly lump sum salary for the Mayor and Council
(2) The City Council determined the legal authority for the action is contained in M.S.
' 415.11, as it may be amended from time to time.
(B) Mayor and Council salaries.
(1) The salary for the Mayor and Council members shall be as listed in the fee schedule.
(2) Payment of the monthly salary shall be processed at the end of each month of service.
(3) The Mayor and Council members are not eligible for any other compensation when
serving on Boards, Commissions or Committees of the city.
City Administration 11
(C) Effective date. The effective date of the salary changes for the Mayor and Council members is
(Prior Code, ' 2-45) (Ord. 296, passed 1999; Am. Ord. 447, passed 9-27-2005)
(A) The office of City Administrator is hereby continued in the City of Park Rapids.
(B) The City Administrator shall be appointed by the Council on the basis of his or her training,
experience, and administrative qualifications.
(C) His or her appointment shall be made by a majority of the Council for an indefinite term.
(D) The City Administrator may be removed only by a majority of the Council.
(Prior Code, ' 2-62)
' 30.41 DUTIES.
The Administrator shall perform the following duties:
(A) Direct the administration as provided by Council action, and state and federal statutes.
Coordinate with Council in administering city affairs;
(B) Prepare reports and summaries relating to contemplated city projects and/or improvements
and submit them with recommendations as may be required to the Council for study and subsequent
(C) Prepare an annual fiscal budget and capital improvement plan for submission to the Council.
Maintain financial guidelines for the city within the scope of the approved budget and capital program;
(D) Prepare the annual financial statement and perform other duties as required in M. S. 412.141,
as it may be amended from time to time;
(E) Attend and participate in all Council meetings. Attend at his or her discretion or by invitation
other Committee and Commission meetings;
(F) Coordinate municipal programs and activities as authorized by the Council;
12 Park Rapids - Administration
(G) Supervise the activities of all city department heads in the administration of city policy with
authority to effectively recommend their employment and removal;
(H) Work in cooperation with the Council’s appointed attorney and engineer;
(I) Prepare news releases, develop and discuss public relations material with all concerned as
required. Maintain good public relations with the general public;
(J) Consult with appointed officials and with other public or private agencies as may be required;
(K) Be fully informed regarding federal, state, and county programs which affect the city;
(L) Negotiate or delegate the negotiation of the terms and conditions of employee labor contracts
for presentation to the Council;
(M)Perform all duties required of him or her by ordinances or resolutions adopted by the Council;
(N) Recommend to the Council any other measures required for the efficient administration of city
affairs and promotion of community welfare.
(Prior Code, ' 2-63)
City Administration 13
(Prior Code, ' 2-64) (Ord. 291, passed 1998; Am. Ord. 547, passed 1-28-2014)
The Office of City Clerk and City Treasurer will be separate Offices. Legal responsibilities for
the separate offices are set forth in Minnesota Statutes, federal law and the City of Park Rapids
Personnel Policies I include related Job Descriptions.
(Prior Code, ' 2-65) (Ord. 337, passed 2001)
2014 S-11
Municipal Airport Advisory Commission
31.01 Established
31.02 Purpose
31.03 Meetings
31.04 Memberships
31.05 Terms of office
31.06 Officers
31.07 Conflict of interest
31.08 Functions, powers and duties
31.09 Vacancies
31.10 Removal from office; vacancies
31.11 Reimbursement for expenses
Parks and Beautification Board
31.40 Purpose
31.41 Responsibilities of the Board
31.42 Members and terms
31.43 Composition of Board
The Advisory Airport Commission was established by City Ordinance 104, effective May 17,
(Prior Code, ' 2-121) (Ord. 104, passed 1945)
' 31.02 PURPOSE.
To serve as an Advisory Commission to the City Council. To plan, promote and encourage the
development and utilization of the municipal airport.
' 31.03 MEETINGS.
The Commission shall meet from time to time as determined by the Commission. The Commission
may meet more often upon the call of its Chairperson or a majority of its members.
(Prior Code, ' 2-123)
(A) The Advisory Airport Commission shall consist of 5 members appointed by the City Council.
(B) The Mayor, with the approval of the City Council, shall also appoint 1 ex-officio member
from the membership of the City Council to serve as liaison with the Advisory Airport Commission.
The ex-officio member shall be a voting member.
(A) Terms of office shall be for 3 years, provided however, that in first establishment of the
Commission, 1 member was appointed for a 1-year term, 1 for a 2-year term and 1 for a 3-year term.
(B) The Mayor shall appoint 1 Councilperson as ex-officio member to the Advisory Airport
Commission. The ex-officio member shall be appointed for a 1-year term.
' 31.06 OFFICERS.
(A) At the first meeting of each new year, the Commission shall elect from among those of its
members, a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson. The Commission may create such other offices as it
may determine appropriate.
(B) The secretary to the City Planner shall serve as the secretary to the Advisory Airport
If any appointed Commission member shall find that private or personal interests are involved in
any manner coming before the Commission, the member shall disqualify himself or herself from taking
part in action on the matter, or the member may be disqualified by the Chairperson of the Commission.
The functions, powers and duties of the Advisory Airport Commission shall be, in general:
(A) Serve as an Advisory Commission to the City Council.
(B) Develop and maintain a 5-year capital improvement plan.
(C) Recommend capital improvement projects to the City Council, including recommendations for
the zoning and protection of aerial approaches.
(D) Advise the City Council with respect to the airport budget, charges and other financial
arrangements for the use of the airport property.
(E) Consult and cooperate with the federal, state and other agencies to attain financial assistance
with airport projects.
(F) Recommend airport expenditures for submission to the City Council for approval and
payment authorization.
(G) Develop, monitor, review and recommend fixed base operator=s agreement.
(H) Develop, monitor, review and recommend airport management lease agreement.
' 31.09 VACANCIES.
It shall be the duty of the Chairperson of the Commission to notify the City Council promptly of
any vacancies occurring in the membership, and the City Council shall fill such vacancy within 60 days
for the unexpired term of the original appointment.
Any member of the Commission may be removed from office for just cause and on written charges
by a 2/3 vote of the entire City Council, but the member shall be entitled to a public hearing before the
vote is taken. In addition, any member may be removed after 3 consecutive unexcused absences at
Airport Commission meetings without action by the City Council, according to rules adopted by the
Airport Commission.
Members of the Commission shall receive no salaries or fees for their services thereon. Members
of the Commission, who incur expenditures related to travel, lodging and meals, while on official
business for the Commission will be reimbursed by the city. Mileage will be reimbursed according to
IRS regulations. Meals and lodging will be reimbursed upon submission of a paid receipt from the
motel(s) and/or restaurant(s).
' 31.40 PURPOSE.
The Parks and Beautification Board shall be empowered to advise the City Council on matters
relating to improving the existing parks, and/or development of new parks, and the overall
beautification of the City of Park Rapids.
(Prior Code, ' 2-147)
(A) Annually report to the City Council on their accomplishments. This report shall be made to
the City Council at the second meeting in May of each respective year.
(B) Prepare an annual report for the City Council outlining applicable plans and specifications,
for future park improvements and beautification plans, including those associated with the plans. This
report shall be made to the City Council at the second meeting in May of each year, to allow for
incorporation of any anticipated expenditures and/or capital improvements into the city budget.
(C) Frequently visit the city parks to evaluate, assess and determine what improvements if any are
(D) Develop and recommend methods to stimulate positive public interest in the parks and in the
beautification of the entire city.
(E) Develop and recommend feasible methods of discouraging vandalism and destruction in the
city parks.
(F) Serve as a forum for the public to voice their opinions regarding the city parks and the
beautification of the entire city.
(G) Encourage dissemination of information to organizations interested in the parks and the
beautification of Park Rapids.
(H) Coordinate efforts with interested organizations.
(Prior Code, ' 2-148)
(A) The Board shall consist of 7 members. Members of the Board shall be appointed by the
Mayor, with Council approval, for staggered terms of 3 years, except that any person appointed to fill a
vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term to which his or her predecessor was appointed
shall be appointed only for the remainder of that term. Upon expiration of his or her term of office, the
member shall continue to serve until a successor is appointed. In addition to the 7 members, the Mayor
shall appoint, with Council approval, 1 member of the City Council to serve as an ex-officio member of
the Board. Two city employees shall also serve on the Board, at the appointment of the City
(B) Any member of the Board may be removed from office for just cause with written charges or
after 3 consecutive unexcused absences at Board meetings by a 2/3 vote of the entire City Council, but
the member shall be entitled to public comment before the vote is taken. It shall be the duty of the
Chairperson of the Board to notify the City Council promptly of any changes occurring in membership,
and the City Council shall take action as is appropriate.
(Prior Code, ' 2-149) (Ord. 361, passed 2-26-2002; Am. Ord. 427, passed 4-12-2005; Am. Ord. 444,
passed 8-9-2005)
(A) Membership. Shall be comprised of members of the community who express an interest in
maintaining, enhancing and developing city parks and beautifying the City of Park Rapids.
(B) Chairperson. The Board shall elect from its members, a Chairperson who shall preside over
the meetings and shall have the power to call a meeting of the Board at any time.
(C) Vice-Chairperson. The Board shall elect from its members a Vice-Chairperson to chair the
meetings in the absence of the Chairperson.
(D) Secretary. The Board shall elect from its members, a secretary who shall record the minutes
of each meeting and submit a copy of the minutes to the City Clerk for distribution to the City Council.
(E) Compensation. There shall be no compensation for individuals serving on the Board.
(Prior Code, ' 2-150) (Ord. 315, passed 3-28-2000)
Fire Department
32.01 Fire Department continued
32.02 Selection
32.03 Chief to have Fire Marshal duties
32.04 Duties of Chief
32.05 Records
32.06 Practice drills
32.07 Assistant Chiefs
32.08 Firefighters
32.09 Loss of membership
32.10 Compensation
32.11 Minimum pay
32.12 Relief association
32.13 Interference with Department
Fire Code
32.25 Adoption
32.26 Enforcement
32.27 Explosive and flammable liquids district
32.28 Modifications
32.29 Appeals
32.40 Definitions
32.41 Burning restrictions and permits
32.99 Penalty
22 Park Rapids - Administration
There is hereby continued in this city a volunteer Fire Department consisting of a Chief, 2
Assistant Chiefs, and not more than 23 firefighters.
(Prior Code, ' 30-26)
' 32.02 SELECTION.
The Chief of the Fire Department and the Assistant Chiefs shall be elected annually by the
members of the Department. The Chief shall be confirmed by the Council. Each shall hold office for 1
year and until his or her successor has been duly elected, except that he or she may be removed by the
Council for cause after a public hearing, or he or she may be removed by the members pursuant to the
by-laws of the Department. Firefighters and probationary firefighters shall be appointed by the
members of the Department. All new members of the Department shall be confirmed by the Council.
Firefighters shall continue as members of the Department during good behavior and may be removed
for cause by the Council.
(Prior Code, ' 30-27)
The Chief shall have the duties of a Fire Marshal. He or she shall be charged with the enforcement
of all ordinances aimed at fire prevention. He or she shall have full authority to inspect all premises
and to cause the removal or abatement of all fire hazards.
(Prior Code, ' 30-28)
(A) The Chief shall have control of all the fire fighting apparatus and shall be solely responsible
for its care and condition.
(B) He or she shall from time to time make reports to the Council on the condition of the
equipment, the inventory of the equipment, and the needs of the Fire Department.
(C) He or she may submit reports and recommendations at any meeting of the Council, and he or
she shall report each suspension by him or her of a member of the Fire Department at the first meeting
of the Council following the suspension.
Fire Protection and Prevention 23
(D) He or she shall be responsible for the proper training and discipline of the members of the Fire
Department, and may suspend any member for refusal or neglect to obey orders pending final action on
his or her discharge or retention pursuant to the by-laws of the Department.
(Prior Code, ' 30-29)
' 32.05 RECORDS.
The Chief shall keep in convenient form a complete record of all fires. The record shall include the
time of the alarm, location of fire, cause of fire (if known), type of building, name of owner and tenant,
purpose for which occupied, value of building and contents, members of the Department responding to
the alarm, and any other information as he or she may deem advisable or as may be required from time
to time by the Council or state insurance department.
(Prior Code, ' 30-30)
The Chief shall, when the weather permits, hold a monthly practice drill of at least 1 hour=s
duration for the Fire Department and shall give or arrange for instructions to the firefighters in
approved methods of fire fighting and fire prevention.
(Prior Code, ' 30-31)
The Chief shall establish a chain of command between the 2 Assistant Chiefs. In the absence or
disability of the Chief, the highest ranking Assistant Chief present shall perform all the functions and
exercise all the authority of the Chief.
(Prior Code, ' 30-32)
(A) The Assistant Chiefs and firefighters shall be able-bodied and not less than 18 years of age.
(B) They shall become members of the Fire Department only after a 6 months= probationary
(C) The Fire Department may require that each candidate, before he or she may become a
probationary firefighter, must satisfy certain minimum requirements of height, weight, education, and
any other qualification which may be specified by the Fire Department and that he or she must pass
satisfactorily a physical examination.
(Prior Code, ' 30-33)
24 Park Rapids - Administration
Absence of any firefighter from 3 consecutive meetings or drills, unless excused by the Chief,
shall be cause for removal from the Department.
(Prior Code, ' 30-34)
The members and officers of the Fire Department shall receive compensation for their services.
The amount of the compensation shall be established by resolution of the Council.
(Prior Code, ' 30-35)
' 32.11 MINIMUM PAY.
In computing compensation for fires and practice drills, 1 hour shall be considered as the minimum
to be paid to any firefighter or officer.
(Prior Code, ' 30-36)
The members and officers of the Fire Department may organize themselves into a Firemen=s
Relief Association in accordance with law.
(Prior Code, ' 30-37)
No person shall give or make, or cause to be given or made, a fire alarm without probable cause, or
neglect or refuse to obey any reasonable order of the Chief at a fire, or interfere with the Fire
Department in the discharge of its duties.
(Prior Code, ' 30-38) Penalty, see ' 32.99
Fire Protection and Prevention 25
' 32.25 ADOPTION.
There is hereby continued, for the purpose of prescribing regulations governing conditions
hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion, that certain code known as the Fire Prevention
Code, Abbreviated Edition, recommended by the American Insurance Association, of which code not
less than 3 copies have been and now are filed in the office of the Clerk of the City of Park Rapids and
the same are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein, and the provisions
thereof shall be controlling within the limits of the City of Park Rapids.
(Prior Code, ' 30-61)
The code hereby adopted shall be enforced by the Chief of the Fire Department.
(Prior Code, ' 30-62)
The limits referred to in ' 53b of the code hereby adopted, in which storage of explosives and
blasting agents is prohibited, the limits referred to in ' 74a of the code hereby adopted, in which
storage of Class I liquids in outside above-ground tanks is prohibited, and the limits referred to in '
114 of the code hereby adopted, in which bulk storage of liquefied petroleum gas is restricted are
hereby established as follows: within the corporate boundaries of the City of Park Rapids.
(Prior Code, ' 30-63)
The Chief of the Fire Department shall have power to modify any of the provisions of the code
hereby adopted upon application in writing by the owner or lessee, or his or her duly authorized agent,
when there are practical difficulties in the way of carrying out the strict letter of the code, provided that
the spirit of the code shall be observed, public safety secured, and substantial justice done. The
particulars of the modification when granted or allowed and the decision of the Chief of the Fire
Department thereon shall be entered upon the records of the Department and a signed copy shall be
furnished the applicant.
(Prior Code, ' 30-64)
26 Park Rapids - Administration
' 32.29 APPEALS.
Whenever the Chief of the Fire Department shall disapprove an application or refuse to grant a
permit applied for, or when it is claimed that the provisions of the code do not apply or that the true
intent and meaning of the code have been misconstrued or wrongly interpreted, the applicant may
appeal from the decision of the Chief of the Fire Department to the City Council within 30 days from
the date of the decision appealed.
(Prior Code, ' 30-65)
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly
indicates or requires a different meaning.
OPEN FIRE or OPEN BURNING. A fire burning in matter, whether concentrated or disbursed,
which is not contained within a fully-enclosed firebox, structure or vehicle and from which the
products of combustion are admitted directly to the open atmosphere without passing through a stack,
duct or chimney.
RECREATIONAL FIRE OR CAMPFIRE. A fire set for cooking, warming, or ceremonial
purposes which is not more than 3 feet in diameter by 3 feet high and has had the ground 5 feet from
the base of the fire cleared of all combustible material.
SNOW COVERED. The ground has a continuous, unbroken cover of snow, to a depth of 3 inches
or more, surrounding the immediate area of the fire sufficient to keep the fire from spreading.
(Prior Code, ' 30-81)
(A) Open burning within the city limits of the City of Park Rapids is prohibited, except as
provided for in division (B) below of this section. Burning barrels are prohibited within the city limits
of the City of Park Rapids, as well as the burning of grass cover on yards and lots.
(B) The burning of vegetative debris, consisting of grass clippings, leaves, branches, and wood on
private property is permitted under the following conditions:
(1) Burning will be allowed only with a valid permit from the office of the City
Administrator. No burning shall be allowed before 6 p.m. or after 11 p.m. Burning permits are not
required when the ground is snow-covered, provided there is compliance with the remainder of the
conditions imposed by this subchapter.
(2) A responsible person shall be in constant attendance until the fire is completely
(3) The fire shall not be less than 100 feet from any structure, building, hedge, roadway or
any other permanent improvement, and shall be located not less than 100 feet from any property line.
(4) No open fire shall be placed on the city street, boulevard, or on any public property by
private citizens.
(5) No open burning shall take place during an air pollution alert warning or emergency
declared by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA).
(6) The City Fire Chief or Department of Natural Resources (DNR) may temporarily
discontinue burning within the city limits due to unsafe conditions including, but not limited to, high
winds or drought.
(7) No open burning shall take place during a high wind or when a traffic hazard may be
created thereby in a nearby street.
(C) Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, the Fire Department of the City of
Park Rapids may schedule and select certain lots or structures for controlled burns for demolition or
training purposes.
(Prior Code, ' 30-82) Penalty, see ' 32.99
' 32.99 PENALTY.
(A) Generally. Any person violating any provision of this chapter for which no specific penalty is
prescribed shall be subject to ' 10.99.
(B) Fire Code.
(1) Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of '' 32.25 et seq. hereby adopted or
violate or fail to comply with any order made thereunder, or who shall build in violation of any detailed
statement of specifications or plans submitted and approved thereunder, or any certificate or permit
issued thereunder, and from which no appeal has been taken, or who shall fail to comply with an order
as affirmed or modified by the City Council or by a court of competent jurisdiction, within the time
fixed herein, shall severally for each and every violation and noncompliance respectively, be guilty of a
(2) The imposition of 1 penalty for any violation shall not excuse the violation or permit it to
continue; and all persons shall be required to correct or remedy any violations or defects within a
reasonable time; and when not otherwise specified, each 10 days that prohibited conditions are
maintained shall constitute a separate offense.
(3) The application of the above penalty shall not be held to prevent the enforced removal of
prohibited conditions.
(Prior Code, ' 30-66)
(C) Burning. Any person violating any portion of '' 32.40 et seq. shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be subject to a fine of not more than $700 or imprisoned for
not more than 90 days or both, as amended by the legislature of the State of Minnesota. The officer
issuing any tickets pursuant to this subchapter may, in his or her discretion, write upon the face of the
tab charge Afirst offender/payable,@ rendering the matter a petty misdemeanor.
(Prior Code, ' 30-83)
Police Department
33.01 Establishment
33.02 Chief of Police
33.03 Duties of police
33.04 Uniform and badge
33.05 Extra police
Criminal History Checks
33.20 Persons subject to criminal history checks
33.21 Applications
33.22 Waiver statement to be on applications
33.23 Information on application
33.24 Referral to Chief of Police
33.25 Verification
33.26 Other investigations
33.27 Effective date
(A) A Police Department is hereby continued.
(B) The head of the Department shall be known as the Chief of Police and the number of
additional members of the Department, together with the ranks and titles, shall be determined by the
Council by resolution.
(C) The compensation to be paid members of the Police Department shall be fixed by the Council.
(D) Members of the Department shall be appointed by the Council.
(Prior Code, ' 38-26)
30 Park Rapids - Administration
The Chief of Police shall have supervision and control of the Police Department and its members.
He or she shall be responsible to the Council for law enforcement and for property of the city used by
the Department. He or she shall be responsible for the proper training and discipline of the members of
the Department. He or she shall be responsible for the keeping of adequate records and he or she shall
report to the Council on the needs of the Department and its work. Every member of the Department
subordinate to the Chief shall obey the instructions of the Chief and any superior officer. The Council
shall designate 1 of the police officers as Acting Chief, who shall have all the powers and duties of the
Chief during his or her absence or disability.
(Prior Code, ' 38-27)
Members of the Police Department shall enforce the ordinances and laws applicable to the city,
bring violators before the county court, and make complaints for offenses coming to their knowledge.
Members of the Police Department shall serve processes on behalf of the city and shall serve notices as
may be required by the Council or other authority. When the city is not a party to the proceedings
involved in the process or notice, the officer shall collect the same fees as provided by law for town
constables. All fees shall be paid into the city treasury.
(Prior Code, ' 38-28)
Each member of the Department shall, while on duty, wear a suitable badge and uniform furnished
by the city, except that the Chief may authorize the performance of specific duties while not in
uniform. When a member terminates his or her membership in the Department, he or she shall
immediately deliver to the city his or her badge, uniform, and all other property of the city in his or her
(Prior Code, ' 38-29)
In case of riot or other law enforcement emergency, the Council may appoint for a specified time
as many special police officers as may be necessary for the maintenance of law and order. During the
term of appointment, the special police officers shall have only those powers and perform only those
duties as shall be specifically assigned by the Chief of Police.
(Prior Code, ' 38-30)
Law Enforcement 31
(A) The City Council of the City of Park Rapids hires, appoints and contracts with individuals for
the following positions: all staff positions; volunteer firefighters; citizens on patrol (COPS) and other
entities designated as neighborhood watch programs; City Boards and Committees; and independent
contractors hired to perform specific contracts or services.
(B) In addition, the city accepts filings for those wishing to run for elective offices and issues
various licenses and permits pursuant to the City Code.
(Prior Code, ' 38-31) (Ord. 302, passed 6-13-1999)
Individuals applying for the above list of activities in ' 33.20 will complete an application with the
City Clerk or City Administrator with respect to city offices and with directors of the other agencies
mentioned in the above list in ' 33.20.
(Prior Code, ' 38-32) (Ord. 302, passed 6-13-1999)
The following waiver language shall appear on all applications.
Everything that I have stated in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I
understand that you will retain this application whether or not it is approved. You are
authorized to conduct a criminal history check.
(Prior Code, ' 38-33) (Ord. 302, passed 6-13-1999)
Applications submitted to the Chief of Police for background checks must include the following
(A) Name, place and date of birth, and residence address;
(B) Whether the applicant has ever used or been known by a name other than his or her present
name, and if so, the names so used and any additional information concerning dates and places where
those names were used;
32 Park Rapids - Administration
(C) Whether the applicant is married or single. If married, the name, place and date of birth, and
residence of the applicant=s present spouse;
(D) Whether the applicant, applicant=s spouse, or a parent, brother, sister or child of either of
them has been convicted of any felony, crime or violation or any city ordinance other than traffic
matters and petty misdemeanors. If so, the applicant shall furnish information regarding the time,
place, and offense for which convictions were had; and
(E) Any other information as the city or other agency may require.
(Prior Code, ' 38-34) (Ord. 302, passed 6-13-1999)
All applications will be referred to the Chief of Police for verification and investigation of the facts
set forth in the application. Investigations shall include, but not be limited to, a criminal history records
check. The Chief of Police will cause to be made an investigation of the information requested in
' 33.23 as shall be necessary and a list of all violations of federal or state law or municipal ordinance
and other facts that weigh upon the public interest in considering an application.
(Prior Code, ' 38-35) (Ord. 302, passed 6-13-1999)
Upon investigation and verification of the facts set forth in the application, the City Clerk or City
Administrator may use the data compiled to approve or deny an applicant=s application.
(Prior Code, ' 38-36) (Ord. 302, passed 6-13-1999)
Nothing in this subchapter will prohibit the Chief of Police from conducting other investigations
and background checks including driver=s license checks and credit checks as authorized by state or
federal law.
(Prior Code, ' 38-37) (Ord. 302, passed 6-13-1999)
The effective date of this subchapter will be its date of publication.
(Prior Code, ' 38-38) (Ord. 302, passed 6-13-1999)
Lodging Tax
34.01 Definitions
34.02 Imposition of tax
34.03 Collections
34.04 Exceptions and exemptions
34.05 Advertising of no tax
34.06 Payment and returns
34.07 Examination of return, adjustments, notices, and demands
34.08 Refunds
34.09 Failure to file a return
34.10 Administration of tax
34.11 Examination of records
34.12 Violations
34.13 Use of proceeds
34.14 Private or nonpublic data
34.99 Penalty
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly
indicates or requires a different meaning. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the
present tense include the future, words used in the plural form include the singular and words in the
singular include the plural form. The word SHALL is always mandatory and not merely directory.
LODGER. The person obtaining lodging from an operator.
LODGING. The furnishing for a consideration of lodging by a hotel, motel, bed and breakfast, or
public/private campground, except where the lodging shall be a continuous period of 30 days or more
to the same lodger(s). The furnishing of rooms owned by religious, educational, or nonprofit
organizations for self-sponsored activities shall not constitute LODGING for purposes of this chapter.
OPERATOR. The person who is the proprietor of the lodging facility, whether in the capacity of
owner, lessee, sublessee, licensee, or any other capacity.
PERSON. Any individual, corporation, partnership, association, estate, receiver, trustee, executor,
administrator, assignee, syndicate, or any other combination of individuals. Whenever the term
PERSON is used in any provision of this chapter prescribing or imposing a penalty, the term as applied
to a corporation, association or partnership shall mean the officers or partners thereof, as the case may
RENT. The total consideration valued in money charged for the lodging whether paid in money or
otherwise, but shall not include any charges for services rendered in connection with furnishing lodging
other than the room charge itself.
(Prior Code, ' 50-26) (Ord. 248, passed 1992)
Pursuant to M.S. ' 469.190, as it may be amended from time to time, there is hereby imposed a tax
on the rent charged by an operator for providing lodging to any person. The lodging tax program shall
commence on 1-1-1992. A tax of 3% of the rent charged shall be imposed on the effective date of this
chapter. The tax collected by the operator shall be satisfied only by payment to the city of the amount
levied by this chapter. In no case shall the tax imposed by this section upon an operator exceed the
amount of tax which the operator is authorized and required by this program to collect from the lodger.
(Prior Code, ' 50-27) (Ord. 248, passed 1992)
Each operator shall collect the tax imposed by this chapter at the time the rent is paid. The tax
collections shall be deemed to be held in trust by the operator for the city. The amount of tax shall be
separately stated from the rent charged for the lodging and those persons paying the tax shall receive a
receipt of payment from the operator.
(Prior Code, ' 50-28) (Ord. 248, passed 1992) Penalty, see ' 34.99
(A) Exceptions. No tax shall be imposed on rent for lodging paid by any officer or employee of a
foreign government who is exempt by reason of express provisions of federal law or international law.
(B) Exemptions. An exemption shall be granted to any person as to whom or whose occupancy it
is beyond the power of the city to tax. No exemption shall be granted except upon a claim therefor
made at the time the rent is collected and the claim shall be made in writing and under penalty of
perjury on forms provided by the city. All claims shall be forwarded to the city when the returns and
collections are submitted as required by this chapter.
(Prior Code, ' 50-29) (Ord. 248, passed 1992)
It shall be unlawful for any operator to advertise or hold out or state to the public or any customer,
directly or indirectly, that the tax or any part thereof will be assumed or absorbed by the operator, or
that it will not be added to the rent or that, if added, it or any part thereof will be refunded.
(Prior Code, ' 50-30) (Ord. 248, passed 1992) Penalty, see ' 34.99
(A) (1) The taxes imposed by this chapter shall be paid monthly by the operator to the city not
later than 20 days after the end of the month in which the taxes were collected.
(2) At the time of payment, the operator shall submit a return upon forms and containing
information as the city may require.
(B) The return shall contain the following minimum information:
(1) The total amount of rent collected for lodging during the period covered by the return;
(2) The total amount of exceptions/exemptions;
(3) The amount of tax required to be collected and due for the period;
(4) The signature of the person filing the return or that of his or her agent duly authorized in
(5) The period covered by the return; and
(6) The amount of uncollectible rental charges subject to the lodging tax.
(C) The operator may offset against the taxes payable with respect to any reporting period, the
amount of taxes imposed by this program previously paid as a result of any transaction the
consideration for which became uncollectible during the reporting period, but only in proportion to the
portion of the consideration which became uncollectible.
(Prior Code, ' 50-31) (Ord. 248, passed 1992) Penalty, see ' 34.99
The city shall, after a return is filed, examine the same and make any investigation or examination
of the records and accounts of the person making the return deemed necessary for determining its
correctness. The tax computed on the basis of the examination shall be the tax to be paid. If the tax
due is found to be greater than that paid, the excess shall be paid to the city within 10 days after receipt
of a notice thereof given either personally or sent by registered mail to the address shown on the return.
If the tax paid is greater than the tax found to be due, the excess shall be refunded to the person who
paid the tax to the city within 10 days after determination of the refund or credited against the amount
due for the next month.
(Prior Code, ' 50-32) (Ord. 248, passed 1992)
' 34.08 REFUNDS.
Any person may apply to the city for a refund of taxes paid in excess of the amount legally due for
that period, provided that no application for a refund shall be considered unless filed within 1 year after
the tax was paid, or within 1 year from the filing of the return, whichever period is the longer. The city
shall examine the claim and make and file written findings thereon denying or allowing the claim in
whole or in part and shall mail a notice thereof by registered mail to the person at the address stated
upon the return. If the claim is allowed in whole or in part, the city shall credit the amount of the
allowance against any taxes due under this chapter from the claimant and the balance of the allowance,
if any, shall be paid by the city to the claimant.
(Prior Code, ' 50-33) (Ord. 248, passed 1992)
(A) If any operator required by this chapter to file a return shall fail to do so within the time
prescribed or shall make, willfully or otherwise, an incorrect, false or fraudulent return, the operator
shall, upon written notice and demand, file the return or corrected return within 5 days of receipt of the
written notice and shall at the same time pay any tax due on the basis thereof. If the person shall fail to
file the return or corrected return, the city shall make a return or corrected return for the person from
the knowledge and information as the city can obtain, and assess a tax on the basis thereof, which tax
(less payments theretofore made on account of the tax for the taxable period covered by the return)
shall be paid upon within 5 days of the receipt of written notice and demand for the payment. Any
return or assessment made by the city shall be prima facie correct and valid, and the person shall have
the burden of establishing its incorrectness or invalidity in any action or proceeding with respect
(B) If any portion of a tax imposed by this program, including penalties thereon, is not paid within
30 days after it is required to be paid, the city may institute legal action as may be necessary to recover
the amount due plus interest, penalties, and the cost and disbursements of any action.
(C) Upon a showing of good cause, the city may grant an operator one 30 day extension of time
within which to file a return and make payment of taxes as required by this chapter provided that
interest during the period of extension shall be added to the taxes due at the rate of 10% per annum.
(Prior Code, ' 50-34) (Ord. 248, passed 1992) Penalty, see ' 34.99
The City Treasurer shall administer and enforce the assessment and collection of the taxes imposed
by this chapter. The City Treasurer shall cause to be prepared blank forms for the returns and other
documents required by this chapter and shall distribute the same throughout the city and furnish them
upon application; but failure to receive or secure them shall not relieve any person from any obligation
required under this chapter.
(Prior Code, ' 50-36) (Ord. 248, passed 1992)
The city may examine the books, papers, and records of any operator in order to verify the
accuracy of any return made, or if no return was made, to ascertain the tax as provided in this chapter.
Every operator is directed and required to give to the city the means, facilities and opportunity for
examinations and investigations as are hereby authorized.
(Prior Code, ' 50-37) (Ord. 248, passed 1992) Penalty, see ' 34.99
Any person who shall willfully fail to make a return required by this program, or shall fail to pay
the tax after written demand for payment, or who shall fail to remit the taxes collected or any penalty or
interest imposed by this chapter after written demand for payment, or who shall refuse to permit the
city to examine the books, records and papers under its control, or who shall willfully make an
incomplete, false or fraudulent return, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Prior Code, ' 50-38) (Ord. 248, passed 1992) Penalty, see ' 34.99
(A) Ninety-five percent of the proceeds obtained from the collection of taxes pursuant to this
chapter shall be used in accordance with M. S. ' 469.190, as it may be amended from time to time, to
fund a local convention/tourism bureau for the purposes of marketing and promoting the city as a
tourist/convention center. The city may retain a maximum of 5% for administrative costs.
(B) The city hereby designates the Park Rapids Convention and Visitors Bureau, Inc., as the
recipient of the tax proceeds collected hereunder.
(C) Violation of this article shall be considered a misdemeanor and punished by a fine of $700 or
90 days in jail, or both.
(Prior Code, ' 50-39) (Ord. 248, passed 1992; Am. Ord. 333, passed 2000) Penalty, see ' 34.99
Data collected from individuals or persons pursuant to this chapter shall be considered private data
on individuals or nonpublic data pursuant to M.S. '' 13.01 et seq., as it may be amended from time to
(Prior Code, ' 50-40) (Ord. 248, passed 1992)
' 34.99 PENALTY.
(A) If any tax imposed by this article is not paid within the time herein specified for payment, or
any extension thereof, there shall be added thereto a specific penalty equal to 10% of the amount
remaining unpaid.
(B) In the case of any failure to make and file a return within the time prescribed by this chapter,
unless it is shown that the failure is not due to willful neglect, there shall be added to the tax, in
addition to the 10% specific penalty provided in division (A) above, 10% of the amount remaining
unpaid if the failure is not for more than 30 days, with an additional 5% for each additional 30 days or
fraction thereof during which failure continues, not exceeding 25% in the aggregate. If the penalty as
computed does not exceed $10, a minimum penalty of $10 shall be assessed. The amount so added to
any tax shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner and as a part of the tax unless the
tax has been paid before the discovery of the negligence, in which case the amount so added shall be
collected in the same manner as the tax.
Finances 39
(C) If any person willfully files a false or fraudulent return or willfully attempts in any manner to
evade or defeat any tax or payment thereof, there shall also be imposed as a penalty an amount equal to
50% of any tax (less amounts paid on the basis of false or fraudulent return) found due for the period to
which the return related. The penalty imposed by this division shall be collected as part of the tax, and
shall be in addition to any other penalties provided by this chapter.
(D) All payments received shall be credited first to penalties, next to interest, and then to the tax
(Prior Code, ' 50-35) (Ord. 248, passed 1992)
Purchasing Policy
35.01 Purchasing agent duties, powers, and dollar limits
35.02 Emergency purchasing and contracting
35.03 City employee purchasing
35.04 Contracts from $2,500 to $25,000
35.05 Contracts from $25,000 to $100,000
35.06 Contracts of $100,000 or greater
35.07 Contracts for local improvements paid for by special assessments of $50,000 or greater
Personnel Policy
35.20 Establishment, amendment, and modification by resolution
Administrative Penalties
35.50 Purpose
35.51 Notice
35.52 Hearings
35.53 Hearing officer
35.54 Findings
35.55 Appeals
35.56 Record of proceeding
35.57 Misdemeanor prosecution
35.58 Continued violation
35.59 Penalties
35.60 Designation as an Administrator violation
35.61 Collection of Administrator penalties
35.62 Statute
Abandoned property, see Ch. 97
Employment background checks, see Ch. 38
2014 S-11
42 Park Rapids - Administration
The City Administrator shall serve as the chief purchasing agent for the city and is responsible for
insuring that purchases are reported to the City Council for approval, ratification and/or confirmation.
In the City Administrator’s absence, the Mayor and City Clerk jointly shall serve as the chief
purchasing agent. The City Council through this subchapter designates that the officially designated
City Administrator/department heads/supervisors/City Council Finance Committee shall serve as
purchasing agents for the city departmental requirements directly under their control. All authorized
city purchasers are required to coordinate their purchasing with the chief purchasing agent for reporting
to the City Council. All purchases for the city shall be approved by the City Council when they will
exceed $2,500. All purchases less than $2,500 will be ratified and confirmed by the City Council at
their next regular meeting. The chief purchasing agent will not exceed $1,200 and departmental
purchasing agents will not exceed $600. The City Council Finance Committee shall not exceed the
amount of $2,500. The City Council shall let purchases or contracts over $2,500 in value. All
authorized purchasers shall not permit purchasing that would exceed the appropriated budget dollar
amount per line item without City Council approval.
(Prior Code, ' 2-16) (Am. Ord. 531, passed 1-25-2011)
(A) In the event an emergency occurs requiring immediate action essential to the public safety,
health and/or welfare, the chief purchasing agent with approval from the City Council may make the
necessary purchase(s) and/or enter into the necessary contracts without following the specific
procedures set forth in this chapter.
(B) At least 2 competitive quotes/bids shall be utilized whenever possible as part of this
emergency purchasing and contracting process.
(Prior Code, ' 2-17) (Ord. 347, passed 6-12-2001; Am. Ord. 531, passed 1-25-2011)
Other than as authorized in this subchapter, no city employee, agent or independent contractor is
empowered to order, sign or give any receipt for materials except as the chief purchasing agent or a
purchasing agent (department head/supervisor/City Council Finance Committee) has approved.
Exceptions to this policy are only by order of the City Council.
(Prior Code, ' 2-18)
2012 S-9
City Policies 43
' 35.04 CONTRACTS FROM $2,500 TO $25,000.
Contracts, as that term is defined in M.S. ' 471.345, Subd. 2, as it may be amended from time to
time, in amounts estimated to exceed $2,500 but not exceed $25,000 shall be approved by the City
Council. The chief purchasing agent shall provide recommendations to the City Council based on a
manner of purchasing deemed most favorable to the interests of the city. The purchase or contract may
be made upon quotation or in the open market, in the discretion of the City Council. If the contract or
purchase is made upon quotation it shall be based, so far as practicable, on at least 2 quotations which
shall be kept on file for a period of at least 1 year after their receipt. Alternatively, the City Council
may award a contract for construction, alteration, repair or maintenance work to the vendor or
contractor offering the best value under a request for proposals described in M.S. '' 16C.28, Subd.
1(a)(2), and 16C.28, Subd. 1(c), as the same shall be amended from time to time.
(Prior Code, ' 2-19) (Ord. 369, passed 8-27-2002; Am. Ord. 531, passed 1-25-2011)
' 35.05 CONTRACTS FROM $25,000 TO $100,000.
Contracts, as that term is defined in M.S. ' 471.345, Subd. 2, as it may be amended from time to
time, in amounts estimated to exceed $25,000 but not exceed $100,000 shall be approved by the City
Council and may be made upon either sealed bids or by direct negotiation pursuant to M.S. ' 471.345,
Subd. 4, as it may be amended from time to time, by obtaining 2 or more quotations for the purchase or
sale when possible, and without advertising for bids or otherwise complying with the requirements of
competitive bidding, or pursuant to the best value alternative process established by M.S. ' 471.345,
Subd. 4a, as it may be amended from time to time, with recommendation(s) by the chief purchasing
agent in a manner of purchasing deemed most favorable to the interests of the city, or pursuant to any
other procedure authorized in state law. All quotations shall be kept on file for at least 1 year after
(Prior Code, ' 2-20) (Ord. 369, passed 8-27-2002; Am. Ord. 531, passed 1-25-2011)
' 35.06 CONTRACTS OF $100,000 OR GREATER.
Contracts, as that term is defined in M.S. ' 471.345, Subd. 2, as it may be amended from time to
time, in amounts estimated to exceed $100,000, shall be approved by the City Council and shall be
made pursuant to the competitive bidding or best value alternative processes set forth in M.S. ''
412.311 and 471.345, Subds. 3 and 3a, as they may be amended from time to time, or pursuant to any
other procedure authorized in state law. Sealed bids shall be solicited by public notice published in the
official newspaper of record at least 10 days in advance of the last day for the submission of bids. The
chief purchasing agent shall prepare or oversee preparation of formal bid specifications based on a
manner of purchasing deemed most favorable to the interests of the city and on specifications that are
broad enough to allow for competition. The contract shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder
as defined in Minnesota law.
(Prior Code, ' 2-21) (Ord. 369, passed 8-27-2002; Am. Ord. 531, passed 1-25-2011)
2012 S-9
44 Park Rapids - Administration
Contracts for any local improvement project that is paid for with special assessments pursuant to
M.S. Ch. 429 in amounts estimated to exceed $50,000 shall be approved by the City Council and shall
be subject to the process established in ' 35.06, or pursuant to any other procedure authorized in state
(Ord. 531, passed 1-25-2011)
(A) The Council is hereby continued to be authorized to establish by Council resolution or
continue in effect a personnel policy for the City of Park Rapids.
(B) The policy may be amended, modified, and added to by Council resolution.
(Prior Code, ' 2-171)
' 35.50 PURPOSE.
Any violation of the City Code which provides for a penalty of a petty misdemeanor or a
misdemeanor may be handled as an administrative penalty pursuant to this subchapter. The City
Council finds that adequate enforcement of the City Code may be accomplished through a system of
administrative penalties. Seldom would the city seek jail time as a penalty for violation of its code
provisions. A system of administrative penalties enforced by City Administration is therefore found to
be more efficient than the District Court.
(Prior Code, ' 2-200)
' 35.51 NOTICE.
(A) Upon discovery of a suspected violation, the alleged violator will be issued, either personally
or by mail, a citation that sets forth the alleged violation and which shall inform the alleged violator of
his or her right to be heard on the accusation.
2012 S-9
City Policies 45
(B) The notice will also inform the violator that a failure to either pay or respond to the citation
will result in the filing of a petty misdemeanor or misdemeanor complaint with the Court
Administrator=s office.
(Prior Code, ' 2-201)
' 35.52 HEARINGS.
If a person accused of violating this subchapter so requests, a hearing will be scheduled, the time
and place of which provided to the accused violator.
(Prior Code, ' 2-202)
A hearing officer or officers will be nominated by the Mayor or the City Administrator and
appointed by the City Council. If the City Council cannot agree upon the appointment of a hearing
officer then the City Council, upon notice, will serve as the hearing panel at a regular meeting or
special meeting called for that purpose.
(Prior Code, ' 2-203)
' 35.54 FINDINGS.
If the hearing officer determines that a violation of this subchapter did occur, that decision, along
with the hearing officer=s reasons for finding a violation and the penalty to be imposed will be
recorded in writing. A copy of the written findings will be provided to the accused violator. Likewise,
if the hearing officer finds that no violation occurred or finds grounds for not imposing any penalty,
those findings will be recorded and a copy provided to the accused violator.
(Prior Code, ' 2-204)
' 35.55 APPEALS.
(A) Appeals of any decision made by the hearing officer will be filed in Hubbard County District
Court, Ninth Judicial District of Minnesota.
(B) If the hearing officer has kept a verbatim written record of the proceeding, including an audio
or video tape record which is capable of transcription, then the appeal to the District Court will be
limited to a review of the record.
(C) If the hearing officer has failed to keep a record of the proceeding, then any appeal to the
District Court will be heard by the District Court de novo.
(Prior Code, ' 2-205)
46 Park Rapids - Administration
At the discretion of the hearing officer an audio-taped, video-taped, or stenographic transcription
of the proceeding may be ordered. Cameras, audio or video recorders, or other electronic means of
data preservation will not be allowed without the consent of the hearing officer.
(Prior Code, ' 2-206)
Nothing in this subchapter will prohibit the city from seeking prosecution as a petty misdemeanor
or a misdemeanor for any alleged violation of this subchapter.
(Prior Code, ' 2-207)
Each violation, and every day in which a violation occurs or continues, shall constitute a separate
(Prior Code, ' 2-208)
' 35.59 PENALTIES.
Annually the City Council will establish a fine schedule. In the event the City Council fails to
establish a fine schedule, then penalties will be imposed at the discretion of the hearing officer. The
hearing officer may, in addition to any administrative penalty imposed, require a violator to pay for a
recorder=s record, a stipend for the hearing officer or the hearing officer=s staff and any other
reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the hearing process.
(Prior Code, ' 2-209)
The decision to proceed against an accused violator on the basis of an administrative penalty as
opposed to a misdemeanor or petty misdemeanor violation in the District Court shall rest with the City
Administrator. The City Administrator will, as part of his or her reporting requirement, report to the
City Council of violations pending and the results of those hearings which have been concluded.
(Prior Code, ' 2-211)
City Policies 47
(A) Any violator who fails or refuses to pay an administrative penalty will remain subject to
misdemeanor or petty misdemeanor District Court action.
(B) Likewise, any license held by the violator is subject to suspension or revocation for
(C) No suspension or revocation of license shall be made without a mailed notice to the violator of
non-payment providing for a 10-day term in which to pay the penalty.
(Prior Code, ' 2-212)
' 35.62 STATUTE.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to M.S. 415.021, as it may be amended from time to time, that
copies of the amended Park Rapids City Code, '' 35.50 through 35.62 are on file in the office of the
City Clerk.
(Prior Code, ' 2-213)
36.01 Fees covered
36.02 Payment
36.03 Commerce fees
36.04 Beer fees
36.05 Liquor fees
36.06 Employee/contracted services compensation
36.07 Dog, cat and other animal fees
36.08 Building permit fees
36.09 Water and sewer fees
36.10 City equipment charges
36.11 Planning/zoning fees
36.12 Airport fees
36.13 Miscellaneous fees
36.14 Revolving Loan Fund fees
36.15 Event fees
36.16 Rental inspection fees
(A) All fees payable to the city, by reason of this code or state law, shall be governed by this
(B) If any code chapter or state law provides for or requires the payment of a fee to the city, and
this chapter makes no reference thereto, then any other code chapter or law shall govern.
(Prior Code, ' 24-1)
' 36.02 PAYMENT.
(A) All fees shall be due and payable in full at the time specified in the applicable code chapter or
state law.
(B) If no time is provided, fees shall be due and payable upon demand of the Clerk or other
authorized city officer or agency.
(Prior Code, ' 24-2)
2007 S-1
50 Park Rapids - Administration
Type of Fee
Fee Amount
Peddler=s, solicitors and transient
s license
$25 per day
' 114.04
$1,500 for seasonal license (valid no more than 4
Double fee for application not filed within allowed
14 day timeframe
' 114.03
Vendors as part of an organized event
$10 per day or $50 per day for the first 5, then $5
each thereafter
' 114.04
Extended garage sale
$250 annually
Commercial animal establishment
$150 annually
Wrecking or junk yard license
Backhoe operator
s license
s license
Liability insurance rates for persons
installing sewer and water connections
$500,000 per person, $1,000,000 per aggregate
and $50,000 for property damage
' 50.28
Mechanical contractors
$30 annually
Tree contractors
$30 annually
Taxi cab license
$25 for first vehicle
' 121.04
$10 for each additional vehicle
Pawn broker license
$100 annually
Adult use license
$500 annually. License fees are non-refundable.
(Prior Code, ' 24-3) (Ord. 342, passed- - ; Am Ord. 351, passed 8-28-2001; Am. Ord. 395, passed- -;
Am. Ord. 446, passed 9-27-2005; Am. Ord. 459, passed 4-25-2006)
Fee Schedule 51
' 36.04 BEER FEES.
Type of Fee
Fee Amount
Off-sale beer license
$50 annually
On-sale beer license
$150 annually
Temporary on-sale 3.2 beer license
$25 per day
(Prior Code, ' 24-4) (Ord. 401, passed- -)
' 36.05 LIQUOR FEES.
Type of Fee
Fee Amount
On-sale liquor license
$1,800 annually
Temporary on-sale liquor license
$25 per day
Administrative fee
$300 per new application
On-sale wine license
$250 annually
Sunday liquor license
$250 annually
(Prior Code, ' 24-5) (Ord. 401, passed- -)
Type of Fee
Fee Amount
Mayor’s compensation
$350 per month, effective 1-1-2006
Council member’s compensation
$300 per month, effective 1-1-2006
Fire Chief
$2,750 per year
Assistant Fire Chief
$750 per year
Training officer
$400 per year
Safety officer
$300 per year
Fire secretary
$300 per year
(Prior Code, ' 24-6) (Ord. 296, passed 1999; Res. 2001-121, passed- -; Am. Ord. 446, passed
9-27-2005; Am. Ord. 471, passed 11-28-2006; Am. Ord. 515, passed 8-25-2009)
52 Park Rapids - Administration
Type of Fee
Fee Amount
$5 per year neutered/spayed
$10 per year non-neutered/unspayed
Duplicate tags
Dangerous dog fee
$200 per year
(Prior Code, ' 24-7) (Ord. 338, passed- -; Am. Res. 01-220, passed- -; Am. Ord. 459, passed
Fee Amount
$1 to $500
$501 to $2,000
$22 for the first $500, plus $2.75 for each additional $100 or fraction
thereof, to and including $2,000
$2,001 to $25,000
$63 for the first $2,000, plus $12.50 for each additional $1,000 or
fraction thereof, to and including $25,000
$25,001 to $50,000
$325 for the first $25,000, plus $9 for each additional $1,000 or
fraction thereof, to and including $50,000
$50,001 to $100,000
$580 for the first $50,000, plus $6.25 for each additional $1,000 or
fraction thereof, to and including $100,000
$100,001 to $500,000
$895 for the first $100,000, plus $5 for each additional $1,000 or
fraction thereof, to and including $500,000
$500,001 to $1,000,000
$2,855 for the first $500,000, plus $4.25 for each additional
$1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $1,000,000
$1,000,001 and up
$4,955 for the first $1,000,000, plus $2.75 for each additional $1,000
or fraction thereof
All permits
Plan review shall be required on new construction, major remodels
and major repairs. Fee shall be 65% of building permit value
Fee Schedule 53
Fee Amount
Demolition permit
Residential: 1 or 2-family
Fee Amount
$1 to $500
$501 to $2,000
$15 for the first $500, plus $2 for each additional $100 or fraction
thereof, to and including $2,000
$2,001 to $25,000
$45 for the first $2,000, plus $9 for each additional $1,000 or fraction
thereof, to and including $25,000
$25,001 to $50,000
$252 for the first $25,000, plus $6.50 for each additional $1,000 or
fraction thereof, to and including $50,000
$50,001 to $100,000
$414.50 for the first $50,000, plus $4.50 for each additional $1,000 or
fraction thereof, to and including $100,000
$100,001 to $500,000
$639.50 for the first $100,000, plus $3.50 for each additional $1,000 or
fraction thereof, to and including $500,000
$500,001 to $1,000,000
$2,039.50 for the first $500,000, plus $3.00 for each additional $1,000
or fraction thereof, to and including $1,000,000
$1,000,001 and up
$3,539.50 for the first $1,000,000, plus $2.00 for each additional
$1,000 or fraction thereof
All permits
Plan review shall be required on new construction, major remodels and
major repairs. Fee shall be 65% of building permit value
All permits
State surcharge shall be applied to all permits based on valuation
according to M.S. 16B-70, as it may be amended from time to time
Other Inspections and Fees:
1. Inspection outside of normal business hours $30 per hour*
(minimum charge - two hours)
2. Reinspection fees ...... $30 per hour*
3. Inspections for which no fee is specially indicated $30 per hour*
(minimum charge - one-half hour)
4. Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to plans $30 per hour*
(minimum charge - one-half hour)
5. For use of outside consultants for plan checking and inspections, or both Actual costs*
* Or the total hourly cost to the jurisdiction, whichever is the greatest. This cost shall include supervision, overhead,
equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of the employees involved.
Demolition permit
(Prior Code, ' 24-8) (Ord. 386, passed 5-27-2003; Am. Ord. 399, passed 10-28-2003; Am. Ord. 404,
passed 2-24-2004; Am. Ord. 468, passed 10-10-2006; Am. Ord. 513, passed 3-24-2009)
2009 S-7
54 Park Rapids - Administration
Type of Fee
Fee Amount
Water connection fee
Residential water base rate
$17.50 per quarter
Residential water rates
$3.99 per 1,000, 0 to 15,000 gallons
$4.31 per 1,000, 15,001 to 30,000 gallons
$4.78 per 1,000, 30,001 to 45,000 gallons
$5.25 per 1,000, 45,001 gallons and above
Commercial water base rate
$17.50 per quarter
Commercial water rates
$3.99 per 1,000, 0 to 15,000 gallons
$4.31 per 1,000, 15,001 to 30,000 gallons
$4.78 per 1,000, 30,001 gallons and above
Oversized water lines, not to include fire
protection lines
3 inches
4 inches
6 inches
8 inches
10 inches
12 inches
Sewer connection fee
Sewer rates
Base rate of $10, then $3.58 per 1,000
' 50.47
Sewer only accounts
$43.74 per quarterly billing cycle
Wellhead protection fee
$0.75 per quarterly water/sewer billing
Wellhead Protection
State mandated water testing fee
$1.59 per quarterly water/sewer billing
' 50.08
Private sewer installer fee
Meter replacement - remote
New 5/8 inch meter
Cost plus freight
Fee Schedule 55
Type of Fee
Fee Amount
Irrigation water base rate
$17.50 per quarter
Irrigation water rates
$3.99 per 1000, 0 to 15,000 gallons
$4.31 per 1,000, 15,001 to 30,000 gallons
$4.78 per 1,000, 30,001 gallons and above
Meter horn
Cost plus 10% to 20%
Meter mounting bracket
Cost plus freight and 10% to 20%
Line valves
Cost plus freight and 10% to 20%
Hydrant rent
With hydrant meter
Fill station water
$0.25 per 100 gallons
Utility connect/disconnect
$40 each during regular hours
$60 after hours and weekends
Excavation permit fee
Right-of-way permit fee
Obstruction permit fee
Septic System Installations:
New system residential
New system commercial
Drain field extension
Holding tank
Re-inspection fee
Storm Water Utility single-family
residential standardized fee
$2 minimum per month
' 51.04
Review and processing of the Storm Water
Utility credit application
$25 per application
' 51.04
Storm Water Utility maximum fee
$75 per month
(Prior Code, ' 24-9) (Ord. 372, passed 1-1-2003; Am. Ord. 426, passed 4-1-2005; Am. Ord. 446,
passed 9-27-2005; Am. Ord. 459, passed 4-25-2006; Am. Ord. 464, passed 6-27-2006; Am. Ord. 472,
passed 12-12-2006; Am. Ord. 482, passed 4-24-2007; Am. Ord. 495, passed 11-13-2007; Am. Ord.
497, passed 4-8-2008; Am. Ord. 516, passed 8-25-2009; Am. Ord. 519, passed 9-22-2009; Am. Ord.
520, passed 9-22-2009; Am. Ord. 525, passed 5-11-2010; Am. Ord. 528, passed 6-8-2010; Am. Ord.
546, passed 12-10-2013)
2014 S-11
56 Park Rapids - Administration
Type of Fee
Fee Amount
*All equipment charges will be billed in 1 hour increments
Large truck
$65 per hour
Ord. 446
Water truck
$50 per hour
Ord. 399
Propatch unit
$75 per hour
Ord. 433
Pick-up truck
$25 per hour
Ord. 446
Large riding mower
$30 per hour
Ord. 446
Tractor mower
$40 per hour
Ord. 446
Small mower
$25 per hour
Ord. 446
Road grader
$55 per hour
Ord. 446
$75 per hour
Ord. 446
Payloader with snow-blower
$75 per hour
Sewer rodder
$50 per hour
Ord. 446
Street sweeper
$75 per hour
Ord. 446
$40 per hour
Labor during normal working hours
$30 per hour
Ord. 446
Labor rate for the first hour after normal working hours
*Anything after the normal working hours will be billed in a minimum of 1 hour increments.
$60 per hour
Ord. 446
Labor rate for all hours after the first hour for other than normal working
*Anything after the normal working hours will be billed in a minimum of 1 hour increments.
$45 per hour
Ord. 446
Water utility truck with hoist
$50 per hour
6" trash pump
$50 per hour
Ord. 543
Combination sewer cleaning unit
$250 per hour
Ord. 543
(Prior Code, ' 24-10) (Ord. 399, passed 10-28-2003; Am. Ord. 433, passed 5-24-2005; Am. Ord. 446,
passed 9-27-2005; Am. Ord. 543, passed 6-11-2013)
2014 S-11
Fee Schedule 57
Type of Fee
Fee Amount
Conditional use permit
$175 (effective 7-1-2005)
$175 (effective 7-1-2005)
Zoning amendment
$175 plus $175 when comprehensive plan revision is
required (effective 7-1-2005)
' 151.249
Preliminary plats/PUDs
$225 plus $15 per lot (effective 7-1-2005)
Minor subdivision
Land division - lot splits
Vacation of public land
$125 (effective 7-1-2005)
Sign permit
Temporary/portable sign permit
$25 before placement
$50 after placement
$50 security deposit
(Prior Code, ' 24-11) (Ord. 399, passed 10-28-2003; Am. Ord. 440, passed 6-28-2005; Am. Ord. 446,
passed 9-27-2005)
Type of Fee
Fee Amount
Airport hangar 1 - 6
$95 per month
Ord. 338
Airport hangar 7 - 8
$115 per month
Ord. 338
Airport hangar 9 - 10
$105 per month
Ord. 338
Airport hangar 11 - 16
$85 per month
Ord. 338
Airport hangar 17 - 22
$135 per month
Ord. 338
Airport hangar 23
$185 per month
Ord. 338
Airport hangar 24 - 28
$125 per month
Ord. 338
Airport hangar 29
$215 per month
Res. 2002-212
Airport hangar 30 - 36
$155 per month
Ord. 338
2009 S-7
58 Park Rapids - Administration
Type of Fee
Fee Amount
Airport hangar 37 - 43
$145 per month
Ord. 338
Airport hangar 44
$195 per month - large planes
Res. 2002-212
$155 per month - small planes
Landing fees for 3M
Airport parking fees
$75 per year for long term (30 or more days
Res. 2002-211
Airport meeting room fees
$40 per
Ord. 371
$60 all day
Airport meeting room key security deposit
(Deposit refunded when key is returned to
city hall.)
$40 security deposit
Ord. 386
Lost keys/cards/transmitters
$50 each
Ord. 399
Gate key cards, emergency vehicles exempted
$5 each
Ord. 409
(Prior Code, ' 24-12) (Ord. 338, passed- -; Am. Ord. 371, passed 9-11-2002; Am. Res. 2002-211,
passed- -; Am. Res. 2002-212, passed- -; Am. Ord. 386, passed 5-27-2003; Am. Ord. 399, passed
10-28-2003; Am. Ord. 409, passed 7-13-2004)
Type of Fee
Fee Amount
Fire calls
$500 for the first hour, $300 for each
additional hour
'' 32.01 et seq.
Police insurance reports
Parking fine
$10 per violation
Police incident reports
$5 per report up to 10 pages, $.25 each
additional page up to 20 pages
Extensive files over 20 pages - per page
plus time and postage
Police photographs (copies)
$25 per set
Cassettes and videos (copies)
$25 per tape
Vehicle impound fee
Vehicle storage fee
$10 per day after 24 hours
Type of Fee
Fee Amount
Plumbing inspection fees
$25 piping and first 5 fixtures; $2 each
additional fixture
' 115.08
Plumbing re-inspection fee
$25 per inspection
City information:
$0.25 per each black and white page copied
($0.50 for 2-sided copy) for 100 or fewer
pages (or) for more than 100 pages the actual
costs of
searching, retrieving, making, compiling and
transmitting copies.
M.S. ' 13.03, as it
may be amended
from time to time
Ord. 422
Ord. 446
Maps (large size)
$15 each
Ord. 399
$1 per page includes long distance
Zoning Code book
Ord. 399
Comprehensive plan book
Ord. 399
Housing study book
Ord. 399
City budget book
Ord. 422
City Council packet
$5 (copy for city
s official newspaper exempt)
Ord. 422
Surcharge for dishonored checks
$30 per check
M.S. 604.113,
subdivision 2A
Special assessment search
$25 per search
Ord. 389
Public meeting room fee (Includes library,
public safety building and city hall)
Non-profit groups: No charge
profit groups that charge a fee or tuition:
For-profit groups: $50
Ord. 446
(Prior Code, ' 24-13) (Ord. 386, passed 5-27-2003; Am. Ord. 389, passed- -; Am. Ord. 399, passed
10-28-2003; Am. Ord. 422, passed 1-25-2005; Am. Ord. 446, passed 9-27-2005; Am. Ord. 512, passed
Type of Fee
Fee Amount
Application fee
(Loans, loan guarantee or loan participation)
A nonrefundable application fee of $150 shall be
required with each application. This fee can be applied
toward the origination fee. However, if the origination
fee is less than $150, the application fee shall still remain
at $150 and remains nonrefundable. Upon receiving loan
approval, an additional $250 will be requested to apply
toward the costs to prepare the closing documents.
Ord. 419
60 Park Rapids - Administration
Type of Fee
Fee Amount
Original loan
1% origination fee, plus normal closing costs
Ord. 419
Successive loan
% origination fee, plus normal closing costs
Ord. 419
Assumption fee
1% of loan balance to be assumed, plus normal closing
Ord. 419
Loan modification
Fee of $150, plus legal costs (if any)
Ord. 419
Loan renewal
Fee of $100, plus legal costs (if any)
Ord. 419
Bank req. subordination
Fee of $100, plus legal costs (if any)
Ord. 419
Fee for late payments
If the regular monthly payment is not received within 15
days of due date, borrower shall be charged a late fee
equal to the lesser of 2% of the monthly payment of $20,
unless otherwise provided in the loan agreement. The late
charge shall be considered unpaid if not received within
30 calendar days of the missed due date for which it was
imposed. Any unpaid late charge(s) shall be collected
when the loan is paid off. Acceptance of a late charge by
the agency does not constitute a waiver of default.
Ord. 419
Other closing costs
The applicant may be required to pay some costs up
front. An example would be appraisal fees.
Ord. 419
(Prior Code, ' 24-14) (Ord. 419, passed 11-29-2004)
' 36.15 EVENT FEES.
Type of Fee
Fee Amount
Dance permit
$10 per day
Outdoor concert permit
$10 per day
Parade permit
$10 per block, maximum fee $150 per event
Public facilities use permit - general use
$25 per day
Street closing
$10 per block
(Prior Code, ' 24-15) (Ord. 460, passed 5-9-2006)
Fee Schedule 60A
Type of Fee
Fee Amount
2 to 4 units
$40 per unit
5 or more units
$35 per unit
New construction
$15 per unit
$30 per unit/per occurrence
No show fee
Property owners shall be assessed a $25 fee if
they fail to show up for a scheduled
appointment. The fee will be assessed if they
do not contact staff and reschedule their
appointment at least two (2) business days
prior and fail to show up. Property owners
will be allowed one (1) cancellation before
they are assessed a fee.
' 152.054
(Ord. 474, passed 2-27-2007; Am. Ord. 530, passed 12-14-2010)
37.01 Policy and purpose
37.02 Definitions
37.03 Establishment of emergency management organization
37.04 Powers and duties of Director
37.05 Local emergencies
37.06 Emergency regulations
37.07 Emergency management a government function
37.08 Participation in labor disputes or politics
37.99 Penalty
Because of the existing possibility of the occurrence of disasters of unprecedented size and
destruction resulting from fire, flood, tornado, blizzard, destructive winds or other natural causes, or
from sabotage, hostile action, or from hazardous material mishaps of catastrophic measure; and in
order to insure that preparations of this city will be adequate to deal with those disasters, and generally,
to provide for the common defense and to protect the public peace, health, and safety, and to preserve
the lives and property of the people of this city, it is hereby found and declared to be necessary:
(A) To establish a city emergency management organization responsible for city planning and
preparation for emergency government operations in time of disasters;
(B) To provide for the exercise of necessary powers during emergencies and disasters;
(C) To provide for the rendering of mutual aid between this city and other political subdivisions of
this state and of other states with respect to the carrying out of emergency-preparedness functions; and
(D) To comply with the provisions of M.S. ' 12.25, as it may be amended from time to time,
which requires that each political subdivision of the state shall establish a local organization for
emergency management.
62 Park Rapids - Administration
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly
indicates or requires a different meaning.
DISASTER. A situation which creates an immediate and serious impairment to the health and
safety of any person, or a situation which has resulted in or is likely to result in catastrophic loss to
property, and for which traditional sources of relief and assistance within the affected area are unable to
repair or prevent the injury or loss.
EMERGENCY. An unforeseen combination of circumstances which calls for immediate action to
prevent from developing or occurring.
EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT. The preparation for and the carrying out of all emergency
functions, other than functions for which military forces are primarily responsible, to prevent,
minimize, and repair injury and damage resulting from disasters caused by fire, flood, tornado, and
other acts of nature, or from sabotage, hostile action, or from industrial hazardous material mishaps.
These functions include, without limitation, fire-fighting services, police services, emergency medical
services, engineering, warning services, communications, radiological, and chemical, evacuation,
congregate care, emergency transportation, existing or properly assigned functions of plant protection,
temporary restoration of public utility services and other functions related to civil protection, together
with all other activities necessary or incidental for carrying out the foregoing functions.
EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT includes those activities sometimes referred to as Acivil defense@
EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT FORCES. The total personnel resources engaged in city-level
emergency management functions in accordance with the provisions of this chapter or any rule or order
thereunder. This includes personnel from city departments, authorized volunteers, and private
organizations and agencies.
EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION. The staff responsible for coordinating
city-level planning and preparation for disaster response. This organization provides city liaison and
coordination with federal, state, and local jurisdictions relative to disaster preparedness activities and
assures implementation of federal and state program requirements.
There is hereby created within the city government an emergency management organization which
shall be under the supervision and control of the City Emergency Management Director, called the
Director. The Director shall be appointed by the City Council for an indefinite term and may be
removed by the Council at any time. The Director shall serve with a salary as established by the City
Council and shall be paid his or her necessary expenses. The Director shall have direct responsibility
for the organization, administration and operation of the emergency preparedness organization, subject
to the direction and control of the Council.
Emergency Management 63
(A) The Director shall represent the city on any regional or state conference for emergency
management. The Director shall develop proposed mutual aid agreements with other political
subdivisions of the state for reciprocal emergency management aid and assistance in an emergency too
great to be dealt with unassisted, and shall present these agreements to the Council for its action. These
arrangements shall be consistent with the state emergency plan.
(B) The Director shall make studies and surveys of the human resources, industries, resources, and
facilities of the city as deemed necessary to determine their adequacy for emergency management and
to plan for their most efficient use in time of an emergency or disaster. The Director shall establish the
economic stabilization systems and measures, service staffs, boards, and sub-boards required, in
accordance with state and federal plans and directions subject to the approval of the Mayor.
(C) The Director shall prepare a comprehensive emergency plan for the emergency preparedness
of the city and shall present the plan to the Council for its approval. When the Council has approved
the plan, it shall be the duty of all city agencies and all emergency preparedness forces of the city to
perform the duties and functions assigned by the plan as approved. The plan may be modified in like
manner from time to time. The Director shall coordinate the emergency management activities of the
city to the end that they shall be consistent and fully integrated with the emergency plans of the federal
government and the state and correlated with emergency plans of the county and other political
subdivisions within the state.
(D) In accordance with the state and city emergency plan, the Director shall institute training
programs, public information programs and conduct practice warning alerts and emergency exercises
as may be necessary to assure prompt and effective operation of the city emergency plan when a
disaster occurs.
(E) The Director shall utilize the personnel, services, equipment, supplies, and facilities of
existing departments and agencies of the city to the maximum extent practicable. The officers and
personnel of all city departments and agencies shall, to the maximum extent practicable, cooperate with
and extend services and facilities to the city=s emergency management organization and to the
Governor upon request. The head of each department or agency in cooperation with the Director shall
be responsible for the planning and programming of those emergency activities as will involve the
utilization of the facilities of the department or agency.
(F) The Director shall, in cooperation with those city departments and agencies affected, assist in
the organizing, recruiting, and training of emergency management personnel, which may be required
on a volunteer basis to carry out the emergency plans of the city and state. To the extent that
emergency personnel are recruited to augment a regular city department or agency for emergencies,
they shall be assigned to the departments or agencies and shall be under the administration and control
of the department or agency.
64 Park Rapids - Administration
(G) Consistent with the state emergency services law, the Director shall coordinate the activity of
municipal emergency management organizations within the city and assist in establishing and
training programs as required to assure emergency operational capability in the several services as
provided by M.S. ' 12.25, as it may be amended from time to time.
(H) The Director shall carry out all orders, rules, and regulations issued by the Governor with
reference to emergency management.
(I) The Director shall prepare and submit reports on emergency preparedness activities when
requested by the Mayor.
(A) A local emergency may be declared only by the Mayor or his or her legal successor. It shall
not be continued for a period in excess of 3 days except by or with the consent of the Council. Any
order, or proclamation declaring, continuing, or terminating a local emergency shall be given prompt
and general publicity and shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk.
(B) A declaration of a local emergency shall invoke necessary portions of the response and
recovery aspects of applicable local or inter-jurisdictional disaster plans, and may authorize aid and
assistance thereunder.
(C) No jurisdictional agency or official may declare a local emergency unless expressly
authorized by the agreement under which the agency functions. However, an inter-jurisdictional
disaster agency shall provide aid and services in accordance with the agreement under which it
Penalty, see ' 37.99
(A) Whenever necessary, to meet a declared emergency or to prepare for an emergency for which
adequate regulations have not been adopted by the Governor or the Council, the Council may by
resolution promulgate regulations, consistent with applicable federal or state law or regulation,
respecting: the conduct of persons and the use of property during emergencies; the repair,
maintenance, and safeguarding of essential public services, emergency health, fire, and safety
regulations, drills or practice periods required for preliminary training, and all other matters which are
required to protect public safety, health, and welfare in declared emergencies.
(B) Every resolution of emergency regulations shall be in writing; shall be dated; shall refer to the
particular emergency to which it pertains, if so limited, and shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk.
A copy shall be kept posted and available for public inspection during business hours. Notice of the
existence of these regulations and their availability for inspection at the City Clerk=s office shall be
Emergency Management 65
conspicuously posted at the front of the city hall or other headquarters of the city or at other places in
the affected area as the Council shall designate in the resolution. By resolution, the Council may
modify or rescind a regulation.
(C) The Council may rescind any regulation by resolution at any time. If not sooner rescinded,
every regulation shall expire at the end of 30 days after its effective date or at the end of the emergency
to which it relates, whichever comes first. Any resolution, rule, or regulation inconsistent with an
emergency regulation promulgated by the Council shall be suspended during the period of time and to
the extent conflict exists.
(D) (1) During a declared emergency, the city is, under the provisions of M.S. ' 12.31, as it may
be amended from time to time and notwithstanding any statutory provision to the contrary, empowered,
through its Council, acting within or without the corporate limits of the city, to enter into contracts and
incur obligations necessary to combat the disaster by protecting the health and safety of persons and
property and providing emergency assistance to the victims of a disaster.
(2) The city may exercise these powers in the light of the exigencies of the disaster without
compliance with the time-consuming procedures and formalities prescribed by law pertaining to the
performance of public work, entering rental equipment agreements, purchase of supplies and materials,
limitations upon tax levies, and the appropriation and expenditure of public funds, including, but not
limited to, publication of resolutions, publication of calls for bids, provisions of personnel laws and
rules, provisions relating to low bids, and requirement for bids.
Penalty, see ' 37.99
(A) All functions and activities relating to emergency management are hereby declared to be
governmental functions.
(B) The provisions of this section shall not affect the right of any person to receive benefits to
which he or she would otherwise be entitled under this resolution or under the Worker=s Compensation
law, being M.S. Chapter 176, or under any pension law, nor the right of any person to receive any
benefits or compensation under any act of Congress.
The emergency management organization shall not participate in any form of political activity, nor
shall it be employed directly or indirectly for political purposes, nor shall it be employed in a labor
' 37.99 PENALTY.
Any person who violates any provision of this chapter or any regulation adopted thereunder
relating to acts, omissions, or conduct other than official acts of city employees or officers is guilty of a
38.01 Applicants for city employment
38.02 Criminal history employment background investigations
Personnel policy, see ' 35.20
The purpose and intent of this section is to establish regulations that will allow law enforcement
access to Minnesota=s Computerized Criminal History information for specified non-criminal purposes
of employment background checks for the positions described in ' 38.02.
(Ord. 541, passed 2-12-2013)
(A) The Park Rapids Police Department is hereby required, as the exclusive entity within the city,
to do a criminal history background investigation on the applicants for the following positions within
the city, unless the city=s hiring authority concludes that a background investigation is not needed:
(1) Employment positions.
(a) All regular part-time or full-time employees of the city;
(b) Positions that work with children or vulnerable adults; the city will not obtain all of
the criminal data authorized under the Child Protection Background Check Act, M.S. ' 299C.61 and
M.S. ' 299C.62, on positions working with children by using the city=s police department to conduct
background checks - the city must access those records by using the service provided by the Bureau of
Criminal Apprehension and paying the associated fee;
(c) Applicants for city licenses; and
(d) Sworn police positions are already authorized and covered by
M.S. ' 626.87, Subd. 1.
(B) In conducting the criminal history background investigation in order to screen employment
applicants, the Park Rapids Police Department is authorized to access data maintained in the Minnesota
Bureau of Criminal Apprehensions Computerized Criminal History information system in accordance
2014 S-11
68 Park Rapids - Administration
with BCA policy. Any data that is accessed and acquired shall be maintained at the Park Rapids
Police Department under the care and custody of the chief law enforcement official or his or her
designee. A summary of the results of the Computerized Criminal History data may be released
by the Park Rapids Police Department to the hiring authority, including the City Council, the
City Administrator or Clerk, or other city staff involved in the hiring process.
(C) Before the investigation is undertaken, the applicant must authorize the Park Rapids
Police Department by written consent to undertake the investigation. The written consent must
fully comply with the provisions of M.S. Ch. 13 regarding the collection, maintenance and use of
the information. Except for the positions set forth in M.S. ' 364.09, the city will not reject an
applicant for employment on the basis of the applicant=s prior conviction unless the crime is
directly related to the position of employment sought and the conviction is for a felony, gross
misdemeanor, or misdemeanor with a jail sentence. If the city rejects the applicant=s request on
this basis, the city shall notify the applicant in writing of the following:
(1) The grounds and reasons for the denial;
(2) The applicant complaint and grievance procedure set forth in M.S. ' 364.06;
(3) The earliest date the applicant may reapply for employment; and
(4) That all competent evidence of rehabilitation will be considered upon reapplication.
(Ord. 541, passed 2-12-2013)
50.01 Application for service connection
50.02 Water meters
50.03 Separate connections, branch systems
50.04 Installation
50.05 Installation, water services
50.06 Connection mandatory
50.07 Failure to connect; Council action
50.08 Water rates
50.09 Billing and payment
50.10 Disconnection for late payment
50.11 General regulations
50.12 Defective service
50.13 Inspection and repairs
50.14 Water Superintendent
Sewer Use
50.25 Definitions
50.26 Use of public sewers
50.27 Private sewage disposal
50.28 Building sewers and connections
50.29 Main and lateral sewer construction
50.30 Protection from damage
50.31 Authority of Inspectors
50.32 Validity
Sewer Service Charge
50.45 Sewer service fund
50.46 Administration
50.47 Validity
50.48 Sewer service rates
50.99 Penalty
4 Park Rapids - Public Works
Any party desiring water service connection with the water system of this city for premises
not heretofore connected shall make application or cause application to be made therefor on a
form provided by the city and file the same with the City Clerk, accompanied by a fee. The fee
for every connection shall be established by the Council and listed in the Fee Schedule, Chapter
36 of this code.
(Prior Code, § 62-26) (Ord. 219, passed 8-10-1981)
(A) Placing and testing. Every customer shall provide a suitable place where a meter can
be installed, and a licensed plumber shall install and maintain the same, and if at any time the
customer desires to have the meter tested for accuracy, the same shall be done by the city and the
fee as determined by the Council charged therefor to the customer if the meter registers 90% or
more accurate. If the meter and/or remote reader shall be damaged by lack of care by the
consumer, the cost of replacing the same shall be charged to and paid by the consumer.
(B) Breakage. In case of breakage, stoppage or other irregularity in the meter, the owner or
consumer, is to notify the utility billing clerk immediately, and any necessary repairs will be
made by the city as hereinafter provided.
(C) Adjustment. If the testing of a meter, as hereinafter provided, shows that it fails to
register correctly, the charge to the consumer shall be on the basis for the corresponding period
of the previous year, or for any other reason, the charge for the corresponding period of the
previous year cannot be justly applied, the charge will be equitably adjusted by the utility billing
(D) Re-reads. First re-read is free all others will be charged as set forth by Council.
(Prior Code, § 62-27) (Ord. 341, passed 2001) Penalty, see § 50.99
Unless special permission is granted by the Water Superintendent, each premises shall have
a separate and distinct service connection, and where permission is granted for branch systems,
each branch system shall have its own separate meter and separate curb cock. The supply of
water through each separate service must be recorded by 1 meter only, for which only 1 account
will be rendered by the city. If additional or auxiliary meters are desired for recording the
subdivision of supply, they must be furnished and set by the owner or consumer at his or her
expense and he or she must assume all responsibility for reading and maintaining the same.
(Prior Code, § 62-28)
(A) Street services. No person, except a plumber having a state license, a plumber with a
plumber’s permit issued by the city, or a backhoe operator licensed by the city, will be permitted
to do any work on service pipes from the main proper to the point of connection to the meter.
(B) Standards. All plumbing connected with the city water system shall conform to the
Minnesota Plumbing Code and ordinances of the city. For violation of this regulation, the
plumber will be liable for each offense or the revocation of his or her permit.
(C) Supervision. The stop cocks at the main and sidewalk, together with the box and cover,
are under the supervision of the city, and all persons are forbidden to interfere with them.
(D) Cost of installation. The cost of installing the service from the main to the premises, as
well as repairs to same shall be borne entirely by the consumer.
(Prior Code, § 62-29) Penalty, see § 50.99
(A) Connections. In installing water service, all taps shall be driven, street excavations
made, curb cocks inserted, pipes installed from main to curb, and the curb cock installed in an
iron box to which the service is to be connected, by the city’s employees only, or by a plumber
duly licensed under the laws of the State of Minnesota or the ordinances of the City of Park
(B) Service pipes. All service pipes connected with the water system shall be type k copper
or plastic approved by the City Engineer and shall be laid 8 feet below the established grades, or
as low as the top of the street mains. (Plastics must have a tracer line.) All service lines will be
insulated from main to curb stop.
(C) Corporation cock, curb stop and waste cock. The copper service line shall be
connected to the main with a stainless steel saddle and a corporation cock. There shall be a curb
cock in every service line attached to the water main, the same to be placed as near as possible to
the street side of the sidewalk if on a street, or within 1 foot of the alley line if the main is located
in the alley. To the curb cocks there shall be attached a substantial iron curb box to permit
opening or closing the curb cock from the surface. The curb box shall be covered with a tight
fitting iron lid, with the letter “W” cast upon it. Accessible shutoffs shall be provided on the
main supply line just inside the foundation wall on both sides of the meter.
(D) Check valves. Check valves are required on all connections to steam boilers, hot water
systems, or any other connection deemed by the City Plumbing Inspector to require one. Safety
and relief valves shall be placed on all boilers or other steam apparatus connection with the water
system where the pressure may be raised in excess of 60 pounds per square inch.
(E) Air chamber. For all 2 inch and smaller connections, an air chamber shall be placed on
the house side of the valve following the meter. The chamber must have ample capacity and
shall be at least 2 inches in diameter and at least 4 four feet long, with a reduced connection to
the service pipe.
(Prior Code, § 62-30) (Ord. 341, passed 2001) Penalty, see § 50.99
Each lot, piece or parcel of property in the City of Park Rapids, abutting on any street,
avenue or alley in which a municipal water main is laid, and having a dwelling house or business
building thereon, is required to be connected with the municipal water system of the city within 3
years after the mains are constructed provided the dwelling unit served is within 200 feet of the
edge of the street closest to the dwelling unit.
(Prior Code, § 62-31) (Ord. 223, passed 9-12-1983) Penalty, see § 50.99
(A) Should the owner of any premises having access to the municipal water system as
provided in § 50.06 hereof fail to connect the premises with the municipal water system, the
Council may cause the connection to the premises by an authorized representative of the city
upon 30 days notice to the owner thereof and may cause the cost of the connection charges to be
assessed against the owner of the premises and if not paid within 30 days may be certified to the
County Auditor to be collected in the same time and manner as real estate taxes against the
(B) The connection charge/assessment shall be a lien against the property. The assessment
when levied shall bear interest and term at the legal rate for local improvements will be set by
Council action, and shall be collected and remitted to the city in the same manner as an
assessment for local improvements.
(Prior Code, § 62-32) (Ord. 223, passed 9-12-1983; Am. Ord. 517, passed 8-25-2009)
§ 50.08 WATER RATES.
The rates and charges for water and water service supplied by the city shall be established
by the Council and listed in the Fee Schedule, Chapter 36 of this code.
(Prior Code, § 62-33) (Ord. 219, passed 8-10-1981)
(A) When payment due. Bills for water service charges shall be rendered on a quarterly
basis succeeding the period for which the service was rendered and shall be due 20 days from the
date of rendering. Any bill not paid in full 20 days after the due date will be considered
delinquent. At that time the city shall notify the delinquent owner/occupant in writing regarding
the delinquent bill and subsequent penalty. The penalty shall be computed as 10% of the unpaid
balance and shall be increased the same 10% for every billing that is outstanding.
(B) Fractional months. In all cases where water is furnished for a period of a fraction of a
month, the minimum monthly charge shall be payable.
(C) Unread meters. Should the meters not be accessible or for any other reason not be read
during the period designated, a bill shall nevertheless be rendered for the proper fixed or service
charge, for the period, and subsequent readings shall be equitably adjusted.
(D) Shut off. The fixed service rate will be charged as long as the meter remains in service.
In response to a written request by the owner or authorized agent asking that the water be shut
off and the meter removed, the city will proceed to comply with the request and the service
charge will cease on the date when the meter is removed.
(Prior Code, § 62-34) (Ord. 341, passed 2001)
(A) It is the policy of the city to discontinue utility service to customers by reason of
nonpayment of bills only after notice and a meaningful opportunity to be heard on disputed bills.
The city’s form for application for utility service and all bills shall contain, in addition to the
title, address, room number, and telephone number of the official in charge of billing, clearly
visible and easily readable provisions to the effect:
(1) That all bills are due and payable on or before the date set forth on the bill; and
(2) That if any bill is not paid by or before that date, a second bill will be mailed
containing a cutoff notice that if the bill is not paid within 10 days of the mailing of the second
bill, service will be discontinued for nonpayment; and
(3) That any customer disputing the correctness of his bill shall have a right to a
hearing at which time he may be represented in person and by counsel or any other person of his
choosing and may present orally or in writing his complaint and contentions to the city official in
charge of utility billing. This official shall be authorized to order that the customer’s service not
be discontinued and shall have the authority to make a final determination of the customer’s
(B) Requests for delays or waiver of payment will not be entertained; only questions of
proper and correct billing will be considered. In the absence of payment of the bill rendered or
resort to the hearing procedure provided herein, service will be discontinued at the time
specified, but in no event until the charges have been due and unpaid for at least 30 days.
(C) When it becomes necessary for the city to discontinue utility service to a customer for
nonpayment of bills, service will be reinstated only after all bills for service then due have been
paid, along with a turn-on charge in an amount set by City Council.
(D) The city reserves the right to discontinue service to any or all customers of the water
system, for non-payment of bills. When service has been discontinued for non-payment of bills,
it shall not be resumed except upon payment of the bills, together with interest thereon at the
rate, set by the Council and the payment to the utility billing clerk of a fee determined by the
Council for shutting off and re-establishing service.
(E) Any amounts due hereunder for water charges may be collected in action brought for
that purpose in the name of the city against the water user or the owner of the premises or the
utility billing clerk shall certify to the County Auditor the amounts due for water charges,
including penalty, together with the legal description of the premises served and the County
Auditor shall thereupon enter the amount in the tax levy on the premises collectible with the
taxes for the next ensuing year; provided that nothing herein shall prevent the Water
Superintendent from ordering discontinuance of service to any premises until any bill shall have
been paid.
(F) The owner of the premises shall be liable to pay for the water service charges to the
premises, and the service is furnished to the premises by the city upon the condition that the
owner of the premises is liable to the city. Premises upon which a shut-off has occurred will not
be reconnected until all delinquent charges, together with fees, penalties and interest charges
where applicable, are paid in full by the owner of the premises.
(Prior Code, § 62-35) (Ord. 236, passed 1989; Am. Ord. 341, passed 2001)
(A) Consent to regulations. Every person applying for water service from the city system,
and every owner of property for which the application is made, shall be deemed by the
application to consent to all rules, regulations, and rates contained in the ordinances of the city
and to all modification thereof and to all new rules, regulations, or rates duly adopted.
(B) Use of water without authority. It shall be unlawful for any person to use water from
any premises without the consent of the owner, or to use water from the city system, except to be
drawn through a meter installed by the city. No person, except an authorized representative of
the Water Superintendent, shall turn on or off or tamper with any curb cocks.
(C) Furnishing water to others restricted. No consumer, except with the written
consent of the City Council previously obtained, will be allowed to furnish water to other
persons or premises by means of temporary service lines, hose, and the like. Violation of this
regulation may cause the supply to be shut off.
(D) Re-establishment of service. After supply to metered premises has been shut off
for any reason, except for repairs, the service will not be re-established unless written order is
given the Clerk by the owner or authorized agent, nor until all arrears are paid.
(E) Fire hydrants. No person shall, without authority, use or interfere with any fire
(F) Lawn sprinkling. The use of water for lawn sprinkling purposes shall at all times
be subject to the express condition that the Council may at any time, when in its opinion the
condition of the water supply demands it, limit the time during each day during which hoses may
be used for sprinkling purposes, or the Council may forbid the use of water for any given period.
(G) Maintenance shut-offs.
(1) It is expressly agreed and understood that the Council reserves the right at
any time to shut off the water for the purpose of extending, replacing, repairing or cleaning
mains and appurtenances, and the Council shall not be held liable for any damages arising
(2) No claim shall be made against the city by reason of the breaking of any
service pipe or connection.
(H) Special winter use, freezing pipes. Any person using water supplied by the city
may apply to the Clerk for authorization to permit water to run at a stated location to prevent
water pipes from freezing during the months of January, February, and March of each year.
(I) Fires, use of water during. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person in
this city, or any person owning or occupying premises connected to the municipal water system,
to use or allow to be used during a fire from the system, except for the purposes of extinguishing
a fire, and upon the sounding of a fire alarm it shall be the duty of every person to see that all
water services are tightly closed and that no water is used except for necessary household
purposes during the fire.
(Prior Code, § 62-36) Penalty, see § 50.99
All claims for defective service shall be made in writing and filed with the Water
Superintendent on or before the tenth day of the month next succeeding the defective service, or
be deemed waived by the claimant; and if claims are so filed, it shall be the duty of the Water
Superintendent to investigate the facts alleged in the claim and determine the amount, if any,
which would be refunded to the claimant by
10 Park Rapids - Public Works
reason of the defective service, and report the determination to the Council, and if approved by
that body, the amount shall be allowed as a credit on the following bill or paid as other claims;
but no claim, shall be made against the city for any fire or any injuries to the person or property
of any consumer of water under the provision hereof.
(Prior Code, § 62-37)
(A) The Water Superintendent or his or her representative shall have the right to enter upon
any premises in the municipality, at all the reasonable hours, to inspect the service pipes and
fixtures connected therewith.
(B) If it shall be found from the inspection or otherwise that any part of the water service
line including corporation and curb stop is in need of repairs, the Water Superintendent or his or
her representative, shall serve notice upon the owner, and upon the occupant, and upon the
person in charge of the premises specifying the time as is reasonable considering the amount of
work to be done, and the nature of the emergency, within which the repairs must be made. It
shall thereupon become the duty of every person served with a notice to comply therewith; and if
it is not complied with, the municipality may cause the work to be done at the expense of any
person so served. Any amounts due hereunder may be collected in the manner provided herein.
(C) The Water Superintendent or employees of the Water Department shall be furnished
with an official department badge with the words “Park Rapids Water Department,” and his or
her number thereon. This badge shall be used for identification purposes when entering
(Prior Code, § 62-38)
Unless some other agent or employee of the city shall be designated by the Council as Water
Superintendent, the Clerk shall act as the Superintendent and in the event any reference herein to
the Water Superintendent shall be deemed to refer to the Clerk.
(Prior Code, § 62-39)
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context
clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
BOD (BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND). The quantity of oxygen utilized in the
biochemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory procedure in 5 days at 20°C
expressed in milligrams per liter. Laboratory procedures shall be in accordance with the latest
edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater.
BUILDING DRAIN. The part of the lower horizontal piping of a drainage system which
receives the discharge from soil, waste, and other drainage pipes inside the walls of the building
and conveys it to the building sewer beginning 5 feet outside the inner face of the building wall.
BUILDING SEWER. The extension from the building drain to the public sewer or other
place of disposal, also called house connection.
CITY. The area within the corporate boundaries of the City of Park Rapids, as presently
established or as amended by ordinance or other legal actions at a future time. The term CITY
when used herein may also be used to refer to the City Council and its authorized
COD (CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND). The quantity of oxygen utilized in the chemical
oxidation of organic matter, expressed in milligrams per liter, as determined in accordance with
standard laboratory procedures as set out in the latest edition of Standard Methods for the
Examination of Water and Wastewater.
COMBINED SEWER. A sewer originally designated to receive both surface water runoff
and sewage.
GARBAGE. Solid waste resulting from the domestic and commercial preparation, cooking
and dispensing of food and from the handling, storage or sale of meat, fish, fowl, fruit, vegetable
or condemned food.
INDUSTRIAL WASTES. The solid, liquid, or gaseous wastes resulting from an industrial
or manufacturing process, trade or business, or from the development, recovery, or processing of
natural resources.
INFILTRATION. Water entering the sewage system (including building drain and pipes)
from the ground through means such as defective pipes, pipe joints, connections, and manhole
INFILTRATION/INFLOW (I/I). The total quantity of water from both infiltration and
INFLOW. Water other than wastewater that enters a sewer system (including building
drains) from sources such as, but not limited to, roof leaders, cellar drains, yard and area drains,
foundation drains, drains from springs and swampy areas, manhole covers, cross-connections
from storm sewers, catch basins, surface runoff, street wash waters, or drainage.
SYSTEM). The system for issuing, conditioning and denying permits for the discharge of
pollutants from point sources into the navigable waters, the contiguous zone, and the oceans by
the Environmental Protection Agency pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of
1972, §§ 402 and 405, being 33 U.S.C. §§ 1342 and 1345.
NATURAL OUTLET. Any outlet into a watercourse, pond, ditch, lake or other body of
surface groundwater.
NORMAL DOMESTIC STRENGTH WASTES. Wastes which are characterized by a
composite average strength of 250 mg per liter BOD, and 285 mg per liter suspended solids.
OTHER WASTES. Garbage, municipal refuse, decayed wood, sawdust, shavings, bark,
lime, sand, ashes, oil, tar, chemicals, offal, and other substances except sewage and other wastes.
PERSON. Any individual, firm, company, association, society, corporation, municipal
corporation, governmental unit, or group.
pH. The logarithm of the reciprocal of the weight of hydrogen ions in grams per liter of
PROCESS WATER. Any water used in the manufacturing, preparation or production of
goods, materials or food. PROCESS WATER is an industrial waste.
PUBLIC SEWER. Any sewer owned or operated by a unit or agency of government.
SANITARY SEWER. A sewer which carries sewage and to which storm, surface, and
groundwater are not intentionally admitted.
SANITARY WASTE. The liquid and water carried wastes discharged from sanitary
plumbing facilities.
SEWAGE or WASTEWATER. The water carried waste products from residence, public
buildings, institutions, industrial establishments, or other buildings including the excrementitious
or other discharge from the bodies of human beings or animals, together with the ground,
surface, and stormwaters as may be present.
SEWER. A pipe or conduit for carrying sewage, industrial wastes, or other waste liquids.
SEWER SYSTEM. Pipelines or conduits, pumping stations, forcemains and all other
devices and appliances appurtenant thereto, used for collecting or conducting sewage, industrial
wastes, or other wastes to a point of ultimate disposal.
SHALL or MAY. SHALL is mandatory. MAY is permissive.
SLUG. Any discharge of water, wastewater or industrial waste which in concentration of
any given constituent, or in quantity of flow exceeds for any period of duration longer than 15
minutes more than 5 times the average 24 hour concentration of flows during the normal
STORM SEWER or STORM DRAIN. A sewer which carries storm or surface water and
drainage, but excludes sewage and industrial waste, other than unpolluted cooling or process
SUSPENDED SOLIDS. Solids that either float on the surface of or are in suspension in
water, sewage, or other liquids and which are removable by laboratory filtering in accordance
with the latest edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater.
UNPOLLUTED WATER. Clean water uncontaminated by industrial wastes, or any
substance which renders the water unclean or noxious or impure so as to be actually or
potentially harmful or detrimental or injurious to public health, safety or welfare to domestic,
commercial, industrial or recreational uses; or to livestock, wild animals, birds, fish, or other
aquatic life.
WASTEWATER FACILITIES. The structures, equipment, or processes required to collect,
carry away, and treat domestic and industrial wastes and dispose of the effluent.
devices and structures for treatment of wastewater, industrial waste and sludge. Sometimes used
as synonymous for wastewater treatment plant or waste treatment plant or water pollution control
plant or sewage treatment plant.
(Prior Code, § 62-51) (Ord. 234, passed 1987)
(A) It shall be unlawful to discharge to any natural outlet within the city or any area under
the jurisdiction of the city any sewage or other polluted waters, except where suitable treatment
has been provided in accordance with subsequent provisions of this section.
(B) Except as hereinafter provided, it shall be unlawful to construct or maintain any privy,
privy vault, septic tank, cesspool, or other facility intended or used for the disposal of sewage if
adequate and feasible city facilities are available.
(C) The owner of any building or property which is located within the city and from which
wastewater is discharged shall be required to connect to a public sewer at his or her expense
within 3 years of the date the public sewer is operational, provided that the public sewer is within
200 feet of the property generating the wastewater and the public sewer is located in a public
right-of-way or easement for sewer purposes adjacent to the property. All future buildings
constructed on property adjacent to the public sewer shall be required to immediately connect to
the public sewer. If sewer connections are not being made pursuant to this division, an official
90 day notice shall be served instructing the affected property owner to make the connection.
(D) In the event an owner shall fail to connect to a public sewer in compliance with a notice
given under division (C) above, the city may undertake to have the connection made and shall
assess the cost thereof against the benefited property. The assessment shall be a lien against the
property. The assessment, when levied, shall bear interest at the legal rate for local
improvements and shall be certified to the auditor of the County of Hubbard, Minnesota, and
shall be collected and remitted to the city in the same manner as assessments for local
improvements. The rights of the city shall be in addition to any remedial or enforcement
provisions of this section.
(E) No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged directly or indirectly any
stormwater, groundwater, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, waste from on-site disposal systems,
unpolluted cooling or processing water to any sanitary sewer except as permitted by the city or
other local unit of government. No person may discharge sump pump or footing drain water into
the public sanitary sewer.
(F) Stormwater and all other unpolluted water shall be discharged to a storm sewer, except
that unpolluted cooling or processing water shall only be so discharged upon approval by the city
and upon approval and issuance of a discharge permit by the Minnesota Pollution Control
(G) No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged directly or indirectly, any of the
following described substances to any public sewer:
(1) Any gasoline, benzene, naphtha, fuel oil, or other flammable or explosive liquid,
solid or gas;
(2) (a) Any water or wastes containing toxic or poisonous solids, liquids or gases in
sufficient quantity, either singly or by interaction with other wastes, to injure or interfere with
any wastewater treatment process, constitute a hazard to humans or animals, create a public
nuisance, or create any hazard in the wastewater treatment works; and
(b) A toxic pollutant shall include but not be limited to any pollutant identified
pursuant to § 307A of the Clean Water Act, being 33 U.S.C § 1317(a).
(3) Any water or waste having a pH lower than 5.5 or having any other corrosive
property capable of causing damage or hazard to structures, equipment and personnel of the
wastewater treatment works;
(4) Solid or viscous substances, either whole or ground, in quantities or of the size
capable of causing obstruction to the flow in the sewers, or other interference with the proper
continuation of the wastewater facilities, but not limited to ashes, cinders, disposable diapers,
glass grinding or polishing wastes, stone cuttings or polishing wastes, sand, mud, straw,
shavings, metal, glass, rags, feathers, tar, plastics, wood, unground garbage, whole blood, paunch
manure, hair and fleshings, entrails, sanitary napkins, paper dishes, cups, milk containers and
other paper products; and
(5) Noxious or malodorous liquids, gases or substances which either singly or by
interaction with other wastes are sufficient to create a public nuisance or hazard to life or are
sufficient to prevent entry into the sewers for their maintenance or repairs.
(H) (1) No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged directly or indirectly the
following described substances to any public sewer unless in the opinion of the city that
discharge will not harm the wastewater facilities, nor cause obstruction to the flow in sewers, nor
otherwise endanger life, limb, or public property, nor constitute a nuisance. In forming its
opinion as to the acceptability of the wastes the city may give consideration to factors such as the
quantities of the subject wastes in relation to flows and velocities in the sewers, materials or
construction of the sewers, nature of the wastewater treatment process, capacity of the
wastewater treatment plant, the city’s NPDES permit, and other pertinent factors. The city may
make these determinations either on a general basis or as to discharges from individual users or
specific discharges, and may prohibit certain discharges from individual users or specific
discharges, and may prohibit certain discharges from individual users because of unusual
concentrations or combinations which may occur.
(2) The substances prohibited are:
(a) Any liquid or vapor having a temperature in excess of 150°F (65°C);
(b) Any water or waste containing fats, wax, grease or oils, whether emulsified or
not, in excess of 100 milligrams per liter or containing substances which may solidify or become
viscous at temperatures between 32°F and 150°F (0°C and 65°C);
(c) Any garbage that has not been ground or comminuted to a degree that all
particles will be carried freely in suspension under flows normally prevailing in the public
sewers, with no particles greater than ½ inch in any dimension;
(d) Any water or wastes containing strong acid, iron pickling wastes, or
concentrated plating solutions, whether neutralized or not;
(e) Any water or wastes containing phenols or other taste or odor producing
substances which constitute a nuisance or hazard to the structures, equipment, or personnel of the
wastewater works, or which interfere with the treatment required to meet the requirements of the
state or federal government, or any other public agency with proper authority to regulate the
discharge from the wastewater treatment plant;
(f) Any radioactive wastes or isotopes of a half-life or concentration
that they are not in compliance with regulations issued by the appropriate authority having
control over their use or may cause damage or hazards to the treatment works or personnel
operating it;
(g) Any water or wastes having a pH in excess of 9.5; and
(h) Materials which exert or cause:
1. Unusual concentrations of suspended solids, (such as, but
not limited to, Fuller’s earth, lime slurries, and lime residues) or of dissolved solids (such as, but
not limited to, sodium chloride or sodium sulfate);
2. Excessive discoloration (such as, but not limited to, dye
wastes and vegetable tanning solutions);
3. Unusual BOD, chemical oxygen demand, or chlorine
requirements in quantities as to constitute a significant load on the wastewater treatment works.
The BOD discharged to the public sewer shall not exceed 400 mg/l;
4. Unusual volume of flow or concentration of wastes
constituting a slug; and
5. Water or water containing substances which are not
amenable to treatment or reduction by the wastewater treatment processes employed, or are
amenable to treatment only to a degree that the wastewater treatment plant effluent cannot meet
the requirements of the NPDES permit, or requirements of other governmental agencies having
jurisdiction over discharge from the wastewater treatment plant.
(I) (1) If any water or wastes are discharged, or are proposed to be discharged
directly or indirectly to the public sewers, which water or wastes do not meet the standards set
out in or promulgated under this section, or which in the jurisdiction of the city may have a
deleterious effect upon the treatment works, processes, equipment, or receiving waters, or which
otherwise create a hazard to life, or constitute a public nuisance, the city may take all or any of
the following steps:
(a) Refuse to accept the discharges;
(b) Require control over the quantities and rates of discharge;
(c) Require pretreatment to an acceptable condition for the discharge
to the public sewers; and
(d) Require payment to cover the added costs of handling or treating the
(2) The design and installation of the plant and equipment for pretreatment or
equalization of flows shall be subject to the review and approval of the city, and subject to the
requirements of 40 C.F.R. 403, entitled Pretreatment Standards, and the Minnesota Pollution
Control Agency.
(J) Grease, oil and mud interceptors shall be provided when they are necessary for the
proper handling of liquid wastes containing floatable grease in excessive amounts, as specified in
division (H)(2) of this section, or any flammable wastes, sand, or other harmful ingredients;
except that the interceptors shall not be required for private living quarters or dwelling units;
except, all interceptors shall be a type and capacity approved by the city and shall be located as
to be readily and easily accessible for cleaning and inspection. All apartment complexes shall
have interceptors.
(K) Where preliminary treatment flow equalization, or interceptors are required for any
water or waste, they shall be effectively operated and maintained continuously in satisfactory and
effective condition by the owner at his or her expense and shall be available for inspection by the
city at all reasonable times.
(L) When required by the city, the owner of any property serviced by a building sewer
carrying wastes shall install a suitable control structure together with necessary meters and other
appurtenances in the building sewer to facilitate observation, sampling and measurement of the
wastes. The structure and equipment, when required, shall be constructed at the owner’s expense
in accordance with plans approved by the city and shall be maintained by the owner so as to be
safe and accessible at all times.
(M) All measurements, tests and analyses of the characteristics of water and waste to which
reference is made in this division shall be determined in accordance with 40 C.F.R. 136,
Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants; the latest edition of
Standard Methods For the Examination of Water and Wastewater and shall be determined at the
control structure provided, or upon suitable samples taken at the control structure. In the event
that no special structure has been required, the control structure shall be considered to be the
nearest downstream manhole in the public sewer from the point at which the building sewer is
connected. Sampling shall be carried out by customarily accepted methods to reflect the effluent
constituents and their effect upon the treatment works and to determine the existence of hazards
to life, health and property. Sampling methods, location, times, duration and frequencies are to
be determined on an individual basis subject to approval by the city.
(N) The owner of any property serviced by a building sewer carrying industrial wastes may,
at the discretion of the city, be required to provide laboratory measurements, tests and analyses
of waters or wastes to illustrate compliance with this section and any special condition for
discharge established by the city or regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over the discharge.
The number, type and frequency of sampling and laboratory analyses to be performed by the
owner shall be as stipulated by the city. The industry must supply a complete analysis of the
constituents of the wastewater discharge to assure that compliance with the federal, state and
local standards are being met. The owner shall report the results of measurements and laboratory
analyses to the city at the times and in the manner as prescribed by the city. The owner shall
bear the expense of all measurements, analyses and reporting required by the city. At times as
deemed necessary the city reserves the right to take measurements and samples for analysis by
an outside laboratory.
(O) New connections to the sanitary sewer system shall be prohibited unless sufficient
capacity is available in all downstream facilities, including, but not limited to, capacity for flow,
BOD, and suspended solids.
(P) No user shall increase the use of process water or, in any manner, attempt to dilute a
discharge as a partial or complete substitute for adequate treatment to achieve compliance with
the limitations contained in this section, or contained in the National Categorical Pretreatment
Standards or any state requirements.
(Q) No statement contained in this section shall be constructed as preventing any special
agreement or arrangements between the city and any industrial concern whereby an industrial
waste of unusual strength or character may be accepted by the city for treatment, subject to
payment therefor by the industrial concern, in accordance with applicable ordinance and any
supplemental agreements with the city.
(Prior Code, § 62-52) (Ord. 234, passed 1987) Penalty, see § 50.99
(A) Where a public sanitary sewer is not available under the provisions of § 50.26, the
building sewer shall be connected to a private wastewater disposal system complying with the
rules and regulations in MCAR Chapter 7080 entitled Individual Sewage Treatment System
Standards or the requirements of the city or other regulatory agencies, whichever is more
(B) No new private sewer systems or sewer system extensions shall be constructed within
the city without first obtaining written approval of the system plan and the materials to be used in
the construction of the system.
(Prior Code, § 62-53) (Ord. 234, passed 1987) Penalty, see § 50.99
(A) The following provisions apply to persons wishing to engage in the work of installing
private sewer service lines and appurtenances for others.
(1) It is unlawful for any person to engage in the work or business of installing private
sewer service lines and appurtenances for others without a license therefor from the city.
(2) Any person desiring to engage in this work shall make application to the city on
forms to be supplied by the city together with a fee. The fee for every license shall be
established by the Council and listed in the fee schedule located in the Fee Schedule, Chapter 36
of this code and shall be for 1 calendar year only. Each renewal shall be made by application
together with the annual fee. A plumber licensed by the State Board of Health shall pay no fee to
the city, but shall show evidence of the state license before the city issues a license.
(3) Each applicant for license shall sign an agreement on form as may be delivered by
the city agreeing to pay the city the actual cost of repair for any damage caused to the city sewer
system by the applicant, or by any of his or her employees or agents. This agreement shall
accompany the license application.
(4) Each applicant shall accompany his or her application with a certificate of
insurance in a company acceptable to the city showing public liability insurance coverage with
limits as may be specified by the City Council as part of the Council’s annual review of fees.
This certificate shall specifically state that insurance covers underground construction operations
and shall contain a provision that the coverage afforded under the policies will not be canceled or
materially changed until at least 15 days prior written notice has been given to the city.
(B) No person, unless authorized by a written permit from the city shall make, install,
repair, alter, disturb, uncover, open or break any sewer connection to the sanitary sewer system
of the city. Permits for connection of a new sewer service or repairs to an existing service shall
be issued by the city after consideration of the application for the permit with regard to
compliance with other provisions of this section. Permits shall be issued in the following
(1) Application for a permit to perform work on a sewer service connection within the
city shall be made on a form supplied by the city by the person or firm who will be performing
the work to the city along with a fee as determined by the Council for the installation of a new
connection. The person or firm performing the work shall be licensed to perform the work by
the city.
(2) After approval of the permit application by the city, the applicant shall furnish to
the city a performance bond in an amount as determined by the Council. The performance bond
shall be for the good and faithful performance of all work on public and private property relative
to the work being performed. The bond shall be payable to the city and the owner of the
property on which the work is being performed. The bond shall warrant the work for a period of
1 year from the date of completion.
(3) The City Clerk shall issue a permit for the work after the application is approved
and the bond is received.
(C) All costs and expenses incidental to the installation and connection of the building
sewer or repairs to an existing connection shall be borne by the owner. The owner shall
indemnify and hold harmless the city from any loss or damage to the public sewer that may
directly or indirectly be occasioned by the installation of the building sewer.
(D) A separate and independent building sewer shall be provided for every building, except
where 2 or more buildings are situated on 1 parcel so that the parcel may not be subdivided. The
joint use private sewer may be extended to the rear building or buildings and the whole
considered as 1 joint use private sewer provided the buildings are the property of a single owner.
Special variances will be considered by the city.
(E) Old building sewers may be used in connection with new buildings only when they are
found, upon examination and testing by the city, to meet all the requirements of this section.
(F) Unused septic tanks, cesspools, leaching pits, and similar devices and structures shall be
backfilled or made safe and unusable in a manner acceptable to the city.
(G) The size, slope, alignment and materials of construction of a building sewer and the
method used in excavating, placing of the pipe, jointing, testing and backfilling the trench shall
all conform to the requirements of the building code and plumbing code; or other applicable
rules and regulations. In the absence of code provisions, or in amplifications thereof, the
materials and procedures set forth in appropriate specifications of the “Water Pollution Control
Federation (W.P.C.F.) Manual of Practice No. 9" and the American Society for Testing Materials
(A.S.T.M.) Standards shall apply.
(H) Whenever possible the building sewer shall be brought to the building at an elevation
below the basement floor. In all buildings in which any building drain is too low to permit
gravity flow to the public sewer, the building drain shall be provided with a lifting device by an
approved means and discharged to the building sewer.
(I) No person shall make connection of roof downspouts, roof drains, exterior foundation
drains, areaway drains, or other sources of surface runoff or groundwater to a building sewer or
building drain which, in turn, is connected directly or indirectly to a public sanitary sewer.
(J) The construction of the building sewer and its connection into the public sewer shall
conform to the requirements of the State of Minnesota Plumbing Code, the sewer specifications
included herein, and other applicable rules and regulations and procedures adopted by the city.
All construction shall be made gas tight and watertight. Any deviation from the prescribed
procedures and materials must be approved by the city prior to installation.
(K) Employees of the city shall be allowed to inspect the work at any stage of construction
and, in any event, the applicant for the permit shall notify the city when the work is ready for
final inspection and no underground portions shall be covered before the final inspection is
complete. The connection shall be made under the supervision of the city or its representative.
(L) All excavations for building sewer installations shall be adequately guarded with
barricades and lights so as to protect the public from hazards. Streets, sidewalks, parkways, and
other public property disturbed during the course of the work shall be restored in a manner
satisfactory to the city.
(Prior Code, § 62-54) (Ord. 234, passed 1987; Am. Ord. 341, passed 2001) Penalty, see § 50.99
(A) No person, unless authorized, shall uncover, make any connection with or opening into,
use, alter, or disturb any sanitary or storm sewer within the city or any part of the city wastewater
(B) No sanitary or storm sewers shall be constructed in the city (except house or building
service sewers) except by the city or by others in accordance with plans and specifications
approved by a professional engineer. No sewers shall be constructed or considered to be part of
the public sewer system unless accepted by the city.
(C) The size, slope, alignment, material of construction, methods to be used in excavation,
placing of pipe, jointing, testing, backfilling and other work connected with the construction of
sewers shall conform to the requirements of the city.
(Prior Code, § 62-55) (Ord. 234, passed 1987) Penalty, see § 50.99
No person shall maliciously, willfully, or negligently break, damage, destroy, uncover,
deface, or tamper with any structure, appurtenance, or equipment which is part of the wastewater
(Prior Code, § 62-56) (Ord. 234, passed 1987) Penalty, see § 50.99
(A) Duly authorized employees of the city shall be permitted to enter all premises for the
purposes of inspection, observation, measurement, sampling and testing in accordance with the
provisions of this subchapter. Those employees shall have no authority to inquire into processes
including metallurgical, chemical, oil, refining, ceramic, paper, or other industries except as is
necessary to determine the kind and source of the discharge to the public sewer.
(B) While performing the necessary work on private property as referred to in division (A)
above of this section, the authorized employees of the city shall observe all safety rules
applicable to the premises.
(C) Duly authorized employees of the city shall be permitted to enter all private properties
through which the city holds easements for the purpose of, but not limited to, inspection,
observation, maintenance, and construction of public sewers.
(Prior Code, § 62-57) (Ord. 234, passed 1987) Penalty, see § 50.99
§ 50.32 VALIDITY.
The validity of any section, subdivision, paragraph, clause, sentence, or provision of this
subchapter shall not affect the validity of any other part of this subchapter which can be given
effect without the invalid part or parts.
(Prior Code, § 62-59) (Ord. 234, passed 1987)
(A) (1) The City of Park Rapids hereby continues a sewer service fund as an income fund
to receive all revenues generated by the sewer service charge system, and all other income
dedicated to the operation, maintenance, replacement and construction of the wastewater
treatment works, including taxes, special charges, fees, and assessments intended to retire
construction debt.
(2) The city also continues the following accounts as income and expenditure accounts
within the sewer service fund:
(a) Operation and maintenance account;
(b) Equipment replacement account; and
(c) Debt retirement account.
(B) All revenue generated by the sewer service charge system, and all other income
pertinent to the treatment system, including taxes and special assessments dedicated to retire
construction debt, shall be held by the City Clerk separate and apart from all other funds of the
city. Funds received by the sewer service fund shall be transferred to the operation and
maintenance account, the equipment replacement account, and the debt retirement account in
accordance with state and federal regulations and the provisions of this section.
(C) Revenue generated by the sewer service charge system sufficient to insure adequate
replacement throughout the design of useful life, whichever is longer, of the wastewater facility
shall be held separate and apart in the equipment replacement account and dedicated to affecting
replacement costs. Interest income generated by the equipment replacement account shall remain
in the equipment replacement account.
(D) Revenue generated by the sewer service charge system sufficient for operation and
maintenance shall be held separate and apart in the operation and maintenance account.
(Prior Code, § 62-85) (Ord. 235, passed 1987)
The sewer service charge and sewer service fund shall be administrated according to the
following provisions:
(A) (1) The City Treasurer shall maintain a proper system of accounts suitable for
determining the operation and maintenance, equipment replacement and debt retirement costs of
the treatment works, and shall furnish the City Council with a report of the costs annually in the
city’s financial report.
(2) The City Council shall annually determine whether or not sufficient revenue is
generated for the effective operation, maintenance, replacement and management of the
treatment works, and whether sufficient revenue is being generated for debt retirement. The
Council will also determine whether the user charges are distributed proportionately to each user
in accordance with § 204(b)(2)(A) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended,
being 33 U.S.C. § 1284.
(3) The city shall thereafter, but not later than the end of the year, reassess, and as
necessary revise the sewer service charge system then in use to insure the proportionality of the
user charge and to insure the sufficiency of funds to maintain the capacity and performance to
which the facilities were constructed, and to retire the construction debt.
(B) In accordance with federal and state requirements each user will be notified annually in
conjunction with a regular billing of that portion of the sewer service charge attributable to
operation, maintenance and replacement.
(C) In accordance with federal and state requirements, the City Clerk shall be responsible
for maintaining all records necessary to document compliance with the sewer service charge
system adopted.
(D) Bills for sewer service charges shall be rendered on a quarterly basis succeeding the
period for which the service was rendered and shall be due 20 days from the date of rendering.
Any bill not paid in full 20 days after the due date will be considered delinquent. At that time
the city shall notify the delinquent owner/occupant in writing regarding the delinquent bill and
subsequent penalty. The penalty shall be computed as 10% of the original bill and shall be
increased the same 10% for every quarter the bill is outstanding.
(E) The owner of the premises, shall be liable to pay for the service to the premises, and the
service if furnished to the premises by the city only upon the condition that the owner of the
premises is liable therefore to the city.
(F) Any additional costs caused by discharges to the treatment works of toxics or other
incompatible wastes, including the cost of restoring wastewater treatment services, clean up and
restoration of the receiving waters and environs, and sludge disposal, shall be borne by the
discharger(s) of the wastes, at no expense to the city.
(Prior Code, § 62-86) (Ord. 235, passed 1987; Am. Ord. 341, passed 2001)
§ 50.47 VALIDITY.
(A) If any section or paragraph of this subchapter shall be held invalid, the invalidity
thereof shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of this subchapter, which shall
continue in full force and effect.
(B) The sewer service charge system shall take precedence over any terms or
conditions of agreements or contracts which are inconsistent with the requirements of §
204(b)(1)(A) of the Act, being 33 U.S.C. § 1284 and federal regulation 40 C.F.R. 35.2140 of the
Environmental Protection Agency’s grant regulations.
(Prior Code, § 62-87) (Ord. 235, passed 1987)
The sewer service rates and charges supplied by the city shall be established by the
Council and listed in the Fee Schedule, Chapter 36 of this code.
(Prior Code, § 62-33) (Ord. 219, passed 8-10-1981)
§ 50.99 PENALTY.
(A) Water.
(1) Any person violating any regulation of §§ 50.01 et seq. shall be guilty of a
petty misdemeanor.
(2) Any prosecution hereunder shall not prevent the enforcement of any civil
right or remedy hereunder or under any other applicable law.
(Prior Code, § 62-40)
(B) Sewer use.
(1) Any person found to be violating any provisions of §§ 50.25 et seq. shall be served
by the city with written notice stating the nature of the violation and providing a reasonable time
limit for the satisfactory correction thereof. The offender shall within the time period stated in
the notice permanently cease all violations.
(2) (a) Any person who shall continue any violation beyond the time limit provided
for in the written notice shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof shall be fined
in the amount not exceeding $500 for each violation.
(b) Each day in which any violation shall continue shall be deemed a separate
(3) Any person violating any of the provisions of §§ 50.25 et seq. shall become liable
to the city for any expense, loss or damage occasioned by the city by reason of the violations.
(Prior Code, § 62-58) (Ord. 234, passed 1987)
(C) Sewer service charge.
(1) Each and every sewer service charge levied by and pursuant to §§ 50.45 et seq. is
hereby made a lien upon the lot or premises served, and all charges which are on October 31of
each year past due and delinquent, shall be certified to the County Auditor as taxes or
assessments on the real estate. Nothing in this division shall be held or construed as in any way
stopping or interfering with the right of the city to levy as taxes or assessments against any
premises affecting any delinquent or past due service charges.
(2) As an alternative to levying a lien, the city may, at its discretion, file suit in a civil
action to collect the amounts as are delinquent and due against the occupant, owner, or user of
the real estate, and shall collect as well all attorney’s fees incurred by the city in filing the civil
action. The attorney’s fees shall be fixed by an order of the court.
(3) In addition to all penalties and costs attributable and chargeable to recording
notices of the lien or filing a civil action, the owner or user of the real estate being serviced by
the treatment works shall be liable for interest upon all unpaid balances at the rate of 10% per
(Prior Code, § 62-87) (Ord. 235, passed 1987; Am. Ord. 429, passed 4-26-2005)
51.01 Storm water utility and authority
51.02 Purpose
51.03 Administration
51.04 Rates and charges
There is hereby established a public utility to be known as the Storm Water Utility for the
City of Park Rapids. The Storm Water Utility shall be operated as a public utility pursuant to the
city code of ordinances and applicable statutes. The revenues shall be subject to provisions of
this section and M.S. § 444.075.
(Ord. 524, passed 5-11-2010)
§ 51.02 PURPOSE.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide a funding mechanism for the following services:
(A) The administration, planning, analysis, installation, operation, maintenance, and
replacement of public drainage systems;
(B) The administration, planning, implementation, and maintenance of storm water Best
Management Practices (BMP’s) to reduce the introduction of sediment and other pollutants into
local water resources; and
(C) Other education, engineering, inspection, monitoring, testing and enforcement activities
as necessary to maintain compliance with local, state, and federal storm water requirements.
(Ord. 524, passed 5-11-2010)
The Storm Water Utility shall be part of the Public Works Department and shall be
administered by the Public Works Director and the City Planner. This chapter shall apply to the
entire City of Park Rapids.
(Ord. 524, passed 5-11-2010)
In determining charges, the City Council may establish a Storm Water Utility Policy and
Credit Policy to specify application fees, exemptions and exceptions, unit areas, residential
equivalency factors, and unit rates to charge utility users based upon the volume or direct runoff
estimated to be generated by various land uses within the city.
(A) Minimum or maximum fees. The City Council shall establish a per parcel minimum and
maximum monthly fee, and a storm water utility credit application fee, and they shall be listed in
the fee schedule, Chapter 36 of this code.
(B) Estimated charges. If, for any reason, precise information related to the use,
development or area of a premise is not available; then storm water utility charges for such
premise shall be estimated, and billed, based upon information then available to the city.
(C) Billing method. Storm water utility fees will be computed and collected by the city
together with other city utility fees, in accordance with the procedures set forth in § 50.09 of this
(D) Delinquent accounts. Delinquent and unpaid storm water utility fees may be certified to
the County Auditor for collection with real estate taxes during the following year or any year
thereafter in the manner prescribed in § 50.99, pursuant to M.S. § 444.075, Subd. 3.
(E) Appeal. If a property owner believes that the fee charged to a particular property is
incorrect, she/he may request review and re-computation of the fee.
(Ord. 524, passed 5-11-2010)
70.01 State highway traffic regulations adopted by reference
70.02 Trucks prohibited on certain streets
70.03 Stop intersections
70.04 Through streets and 1-way streets
70.05 Turning restrictions
70.06 U-turns restricted
70.07 Excessive noise
70.08 Exhibition driving prohibited
70.09 Cruising prohibited
70.10 Motor vehicle noise
(A) The Highway Traffic Regulations Act is hereby adopted by reference. The regulatory
provisions of M.S. Chapter 169, as it may be amended from time to time, are hereby adopted as a
ordinance regulating the use of highways, streets and alleys within the city and are hereby
incorporated in and made a part of this section as completely as if set out in full herein.
(B) The penalty for violation of the provisions of state statutes adopted by reference in this
section shall be identical with the penalty provided for in the statutes for the same offense.
(A) The City Council by resolution may designate streets on which travel by commercial
vehicles in excess of 10,000 pounds axle weight is prohibited. The Chief of Police shall cause
appropriate signs to be erected on those streets. No person shall operate a commercial vehicle on
posted streets in violation of the restrictions posted.
(B) The weight restrictions established in division (A) shall not apply to city or emergency
vehicles, public school buses or to garbage and refuse trucks making regular collections and are
under contract with the city, nor shall the weight restrictions in division (A) apply if a
commercial vehicle must use the particular street in question for the purpose of local pick-up or
Penalty, see § 10.99
The city may designate intersections as a stop intersection and require all vehicles to stop at
1 or more entrances to those intersections. The city shall post signs at those designated
intersections, giving notice of the designation as a stop intersection. It shall be unlawful for any
person to fail to obey the markings or signs posted under this section.
Penalty, see § 10.99
The City Council by resolution may designate any street or portion of a street as a through
street or 1-way street where necessary to preserve the free flow of traffic or to prevent accidents.
No trunk highway shall be so designated unless the consent of the Commissioner of
Transportation to the designation is first secured. The city shall cause appropriate signs to be
posted at the entrance to designated streets. It shall be unlawful for any person to fail to obey the
markings or signs posted under this section.
Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) (1) The City Council by resolution may, whenever necessary to preserve a free flow of
traffic or to prevent accidents, designate any intersection as one where turning of vehicles to the
left or to the right, or both, is to be restricted at all times or during specified hours. No
intersection on a trunk highway shall be so designated until the consent of the Commissioner of
Transportation to the designation is first obtained.
(2) The city shall mark by appropriate signs any intersection so designated.
(3) No person shall turn a vehicle at any intersection contrary to the direction on those
(B) Except at intersections, and then only if not posted otherwise, it shall be unlawful for
any person operating a motor vehicle on any street to cross the center of the street for the purpose
of parking on the side of the street opposite the original direction of travel.
(C) It shall be unlawful for any person operating a motor vehicle on any street to back up or
drive from a parked position and commence travel in the opposite direction from which the
motor vehicle faced when parked.
Penalty, see § 10.99
No person shall turn a vehicle so as to reverse its direction on any street in the business
district or at any intersection where traffic is regulated by a traffic control signal.
Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) As used in this section, LIGHT-MOTOR VEHICLES means any automobile, van,
motorcycle, motor-driven cycle, motor scooter, go-cart, minibike, trail bike, or truck with a gross
vehicular weight of less than 10,000 pounds.
(B) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate, or cause to operate, or use a light-motor
vehicle in a manner as to cause, or allow to be caused, excessive noise levels as a result of
unreasonable rapid accelerations, deceleration, revving of engine, squealing of tires, honking of
horns, or as a result of the operation of audio devices including but not limited to radios,
phonograph, tape players, compact disc players or any other sound-amplifying device on or from
the light-motor vehicle.
(C) No person shall operate, or cause to operate, or use a light-motor vehicle in violation of
the noise standards contained in Minn. Rules parts 7030.1050 and 7030.1060, as it may be
amended from time to time.
(D) No person shall operate, or cause to operate, or use a light-motor vehicle that discharges
its exhaust other than through a muffler or other device that effectively prevents loud or
explosive noises. No person shall operate, or cause to operate, or use a light-motor vehicle whose
exhaust system has been modified, altered, or repaired in any way, including the use of a muffler
cut-out or by-pass, that amplifies or otherwise increases noise above that emitted by the light-
motor vehicle as originally equipped.
(E) The following are exempted from the provisions of this section:
(1) Sound emitted from sirens of authorized emergency vehicles;
(2) Burglar alarms on light-motor vehicles of the electronic signaling type which also
transmit an audible signal to a receiver which can be carried by the owner or operator of the
vehicle; and
(3) Celebrations on Halloween and other legal holidays and celebrations in connection
with duly authorized parades.
Penalty, see § 10.99
No person shall turn, accelerate, decelerate or otherwise operate a motor vehicle within the
city in a manner which causes unnecessary engine noise or backfire, squealing tires, skidding,
sliding, swaying, throwing of sand or gravel, or in a manner simulating a race. Unreasonable
squealing or screeching sounds emitted by tires or the unreasonable throwing of sand or gravel
by the tires is prima facie evidence of a violation of this section.
Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) As used in this section, CRUISING means the operation of a motor vehicle as defined
in M.S. § 169.01, Subd. 3, as it may be amended from time to time, past a traffic control point as
determined by a peace officer on a street in an area designated “No Cruising Zone” by City
Council resolution 4 or more times between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 3:30 a.m.
(B) The passing of a traffic control point under the conditions previously stated, shall
constitute unnecessary repetitive driving and is a violation of this section.
(C) The following use of vehicles shall constitute valid exceptions to this prohibition:
taxicabs for hire, buses, authorized emergency vehicle, vehicles use used by or under contract
with any governmental jurisdiction, any vehicle being used to conduct legitimate business
(D) This section may be enforced only in an area that has been posted as a “No Cruising
Zone.” Signs shall be posted at the beginning and the end of any public street, alley or highway,
or portion thereof which is a no cruising zone.
(A) Definitions. For the purposes of this section, the following phrases are defined as
(a) Distinct and loudly audible noise that unreasonably annoys, disturbs, injures,
or endangers the comfort and repose of any person or precludes their enjoyment of property or
affects their property's value;
(b) Noise in excess of that permitted by M.S. § 169.69, as it may be amended from
time to time, which requires every motor vehicle to be equipped with a muffler in good working
order; or
(c) Noise in excess of that permitted by M.S. § 169.693 and Minn. Rules parts
7030.1000 through 7030.1050, as this statute and these rules may be amended from time to time,
which establish motor vehicle noise standards.
ENGINE-RETARDING BRAKE. A dynamic brake, jake brake, Jacobs brake, C-
brake, Paccar brake, transmission brake or other similar engine-retarding brake system which
alters the normal compression of the engine and subsequently releases that compression.
(B) It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge the exhaust or permit the discharge of
the exhaust from any motor vehicle except through a muffler that effectively prevents abnormal
or excessive noise and complies with all applicable state laws and regulations.
(C) It shall be unlawful for the operator of any truck to intentionally use an engine-retarding
brake on any public highway, street, parking lot or alley within the city which causes abnormal
or excessive noise from the engine because of an illegally modified or defective exhaust system,
except in an emergency.
(D) Minnesota Statutes §§ 169.69 and 169.693 (motor vehicle noise limits) and Minn. Rules
parts 7030.1000 through 7030.1050, as these statutes and rules may be amended from time to
time, are hereby adopted by reference.
(E) Signs stating “VEHICLE NOISE LAWS ENFORCED” may be installed at locations
deemed appropriate by the City Council to advise motorists of the prohibitions contained in this
section, except that no sign stating “VEHICLE NOISE LAWS ENFORCED” shall be installed
on a state highway without a permit from the Minnesota Department of Transportation. The
provisions of this section are in full force and effect even if no signs are installed.
71.01 No parking where posted
71.02 Limited parking
71.03 Other parking restrictions
71.04 Declaration of snow emergency; parking prohibited
71.05 Parking certain semi-trailers or tractors on public streets prohibited
71.06 Overnight parking
71.07 Repairing of vehicles
71.08 Prohibiting parking areas in front yards in residential zones
71.09 Impoundment
71.10 Prima facie violation
Abandoned vehicles, see Chapter 97
No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle upon the public streets of the city at any place
where official signs or where appropriate devices, marks, or painting, either upon the surface of
the street or the curb immediately adjacent thereto, prohibit these acts.
Penalty, see § 10.99
No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle upon the public streets of the city where official
signs are erected limiting the parking time thereon, for a period of time in excess of the time as
designated by the official signs.
Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) The City Council may by resolution order the placing of signs, devices or marks, or the
painting of streets or curbs prohibiting or restricting the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles
on any street where, in its opinion, as evidenced by a finding in its official minutes, the stopping,
standing or
parking is dangerous to those using the highway, or where the stopping, standing or parking of
vehicles would unduly interfere with the free movement of traffic. The signs, devices, marks or
painting shall
be official signs, devices, marks or painting, and no person shall stop, stand or park any vehicle
in violation of the restrictions thereon or as indicated thereby.
(B) “No parking” signs may be placed by city employees on any street of the city to permit
construction, repair, snow removal, street cleaning or similar temporary activities. While the
signs are in place, it shall be unlawful to park any vehicle on the streets or portion thereof so
(C) It shall be unlawful for a person to park in an area designated by Council resolution and
posted as a fire lane.
(D) It shall be unlawful for a person to park a vehicle or permit it to stand, whether attended
or unattended, on an alley within the city, provided that this does not prohibit the parking of
vehicles for less than 1 hour on an alley for the purpose of access to abutting property for loading
or unloading merchandise or other material when parking on the property itself is not available.
(E) It shall be unlawful for a person to park a motor vehicle in an area designated by posted
signs pursuant to Council resolution for certain types of vehicles, unless the motor vehicle is 1 of
the types of vehicles specifically permitted.
(F) Every vehicle parked upon any street with a curb shall be parked parallel to the curb,
unless angle parking is designated by appropriate signs or markings. On streets with a curb, the
right-hand wheels of any vehicle parked shall be within 1 foot of the curb. On streets without a
curb, the vehicle shall be parked to the right of the main traveled portion of the street and parallel
to it and in such a manner as not to interfere with the free flow of traffic, unless angle parking is
designated by appropriate signs or markings.
Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) The Mayor, Police Chief or other designated official may declare a snow emergency in
the city. The emergency shall continue in effect for a period of 24 hours or until the snow has
been removed from the city's streets or until the snow emergency has been rescinded by action of
the Mayor, Police Chief or other designated officer.
(B) Notice of the declaration of a snow emergency shall be given by notifying the local
news media; however, the notification shall be a service aid only and not a duty on the part of the
(C) During a declared snow emergency, no motor vehicle shall be left parked on any street
or public way in the city.
(D) During a declared snow emergency, any police officer who finds a motor vehicle in
violation of this section shall attempt to contact the owner of the motor vehicle and require the
owner to immediately move the motor vehicle so as not to be in violation of this section. If the
owner does not
immediately remove the motor vehicle or the owner cannot be located, the police officer is
authorized to have the motor vehicle removed at the owner's expense.
Penalty, see § 10.99
No person shall park a semi-tractor or trailer, or any truck rated with a gross vehicle weight
in excess of 10,000 pounds, in any area of the city zoned for residential use or other area
designated by City Council resolution except when the vehicle is parked in a completely
enclosed garage.
Penalty, see § 10.99
The following vehicles shall not be allowed to park on city streets overnight: repair,
delivery, rented vehicles with commercial plates and refuse and recycling haulers or any other
vehicle not registered as a passenger vehicle.
Penalty, see § 10.99
Minor repairs and tune-ups, such as replacement of spark plugs, spark plug wires,
thermostat, radiator or heater hoses, oil changes and brake jobs shall be permitted on city streets;
provided, that they can be accomplished within the same day and completed by 10:00 p.m. All
other repairs shall be considered major repairs and shall not be permitted on any city street,
unless the repairs are made within an enclosed structure allowed within the zoning district.
Damage to city streets because of repairs or lack of repairs shall be charged to the person
responsible for the damage to the city streets.
(A) The construction, operation or maintaining a parking area, either paved or unpaved, in
the front yard of any lot is prohibited in any area zoned for residential use. For the purpose of
this section, front yard shall mean and include that area between the sidewalk, or street line in the
event there is no sidewalk, and the front line of the principal building, extending in both
directions to the side lot lines.
(B) Use of that portion of a vacant lot within 30 feet of the sidewalk lines for parking in an
area zoned for residential use is prohibited.
(C) Driveways in any area zoned for residential use shall not exceed 25% of the width at the
front or side lot line. Where more than 1 driveway is desired or required, they shall be at least 70
feet apart.
(D) The front part of any lot shall not be used for the parking of an automobile, truck,
trailer, tractor, recreational vehicle, camper, travel trailer, camper top, tent, wagon, boat, boat
trailer, storage area or motor home.
(E) No person, being the owner or having control of any building, shall violate or fail to
conform to any provision of this section, or fail to obey any lawful order of an officer charged
with its enforcement. Each and every day on which any person continues to violate the
provisions of this section, after having been notified of the violation, shall constitute a separate
offense. This conviction shall not relieve any person from thereafter complying with the
provisions of this section, and shall be sufficient cause to refuse further building or land use
permits to the offender until a time as the orders have been complied with.
Penalty, see § 10.99
Any police officer may order the removal of a vehicle from a street to a garage or other
place of safety when the vehicle is left unattended and constitutes an obstruction to traffic or
hinders snow removal, street improvements or maintenance operations. The vehicle shall not be
released until the fees for towing and storage are paid in addition to any fine imposed for
violation of this chapter.
The presence of any motor vehicle on any street when standing or parked in violation of this
chapter is prima facie evidence that the registered owner of the vehicle committed or authorized
the commission of the violation.
72.01 Intent
72.02 Definitions
72.03 Application of traffic ordinances
72.04 Restrictions
72.05 Stopping and yielding
72.06 Persons under 18
72.07 Equipment
72.08 Unattended snowmobiles
72.09 Emergency operation permitted
§ 72.01 INTENT.
It is the intent of this chapter to supplement M.S. §§ 84.81 to 84.91, and M.S. Ch. 169, as
these statutes may be amended from time to time and Minn. Rules parts 6100.5000 through
6100.6000, as these rules may be amended from time to time, with respect to the operation of
snowmobiles. These statutes and rules are incorporated herein by reference. This section is not
intended to allow what the state statutes and rules prohibit, nor to prohibit what the state statutes
and rules allow.
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context
clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
DEADMAN THROTTLE or SAFETY THROTTLE. A device which, when pressure is
removed from the engine accelerator or throttle, causes the motor to be disengaged from the
driving mechanism.
OPERATE. To ride in or on and control the operation of a snowmobile.
OPERATOR. Every person who operates or is in actual physical control of a snowmobile.
OWNER. A person, other than a lien holder having the property in or title to a snowmobile,
or entitled to the use or possession thereof.
PERSON. Includes an individual, partnership, corporation, the state and its agencies and
subdivision, and any body of persons, whether incorporated or not.
RIGHT-OF-WAY. The entire strip of land traversed by a highway or street in which the
public owns the fee or an easement for roadway purposes.
ROADWAY. That portion of a highway or street improved, designed or ordinarily used for
vehicular travel.
SNOWMOBILE. A self-propelled vehicle designed for travel on snow or ice, steered by
skis or runners.
STREET. A public thoroughfare, roadway, alley or trail used for motor vehicular traffic
which is not an interstate, trunk, county-state aid, or county highway.
The provisions of Ch. 70 of this code shall apply to the operation of snowmobiles upon
streets and highways, except for those relating to required equipment, and except those which by
their nature have no application.
Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) It is unlawful for any person to enter, operate or stop a snowmobile within the limits of
the city:
(1) On the roadway of any street, except the most right hand lane then available for
traffic or as close as practicable to right hand curb or edge of the roadway, except when
overtaking and passing another vehicle stopped in the lane or proceeding in the same direction,
or in making a left turn. Snowmobiles may also be operated upon the outside slope of trunk,
county-state aid and county highways where the highways are so configured within the corporate
(2) On a public sidewalk provided for pedestrian travel.
(3) On boulevards within any public right-of-way.
(4) On private property of another without specific permission of the owner or person
in control of the property.
(5) Upon any school grounds, except as permission is expressly obtained from
responsible school authorities.
(6) On public property, playgrounds and recreation areas, except areas previously listed
or authorized for the use by resolution of the City Council, in which case the use shall be lawful,
and snowmobiles may be driven in and out of those areas by the shortest route.
(7) On streets as permitted by this chapter at a speed exceeding 10 miles per hour.
(8) During the hours of 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., Sunday through Thursday, and 12:01
a.m. to 8:00 a.m. on other days closer than 100 feet from any residence. This provision is not
intended to prohibit snowmobiles from operating on city streets during the hours specified
(B) It is unlawful for any person to operate a snowmobile within the limits of the city:
(1) So as to tow any person or thing in a public street or highway except through use of
a rigid tow bar attached to the rear of the snowmobile; provided, that a disabled snowmobile may
be towed to a private residence or a place of business where snowmobiles are repaired without
the use of a rigid tow bar.
(2) Within 100 feet of any fisherman, pedestrian, skating rink or sliding area where the
operation would conflict with use or endanger other persons or operation.
(3) To intentionally drive, chase, run over or kill any animal.
Penalty, see § 10.99
No snowmobile shall enter any uncontrolled intersection without making a complete stop.
The operator shall then yield the right-of-way to any vehicles or pedestrians at the intersection,
or so close to the intersection as to constitute an immediate hazard.
Penalty, see § 10.99
§ 72.06 PERSONS UNDER 18.
(A) No person under 14 years of age shall operate on streets or make a direct crossing of a
city street as the operator of a snowmobile. A person 14 years of age or older, but less than 18
years of age, may operate a snowmobile on streets as permitted under this chapter and make a
direct crossing of those streets only if he or she has in his or her immediate possession a valid
snowmobile safety certificate issued pursuant to M.S. § 84.872, as it may be amended from time
to time.
(B) It is unlawful for the owner of a snowmobile to permit the snowmobile to be operated
contrary to the provision of this section.
Penalty, see § 10.99
§ 72.07 EQUIPMENT.
It is unlawful for any person to operate a snowmobile any place within the limits of the city
unless it is equipped with the following:
(A) Standard mufflers which are properly attached and which reduce the noise of operation
of the motor to the minimum necessary for operation. No person shall use a muffler cutout, by-
pass straight pipe or similar device on a snowmobile motor.
(B) Brakes adequate to control the movement of and to stop and hold the snowmobile under
any condition of operation.
(C) A safety or so called deadman throttle in operating condition.
(D) When operated between the hours of one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before
sunrise, or at times of reduced visibility, at least 1 clear lamp attached to the front, with sufficient
intensity to reveal persons and vehicles at a distance of at least 100 feet ahead during the hours of
darkness under normal atmospheric conditions. The head lamp shall be so aimed that glaring
rays are not projected into the eyes of an oncoming snowmobile operator. It shall also be
equipped with at least 1 red light plainly visible from a distance of 500 feet to the rear during
hours of darkness under normal atmospheric conditions.
(E) Snowmobiles shall fly a pennant flag or red or blaze material, of a size not less than 12
inches by 9 inches, at a height of not less than 6 feet from ground level at any time when the
vehicle is operated on public streets.
(F) Reflective material at least 16 square inches on each side, forward of the handlebars and
at the highest practical point on any towed object, so as to reflect lights at a 90 degree angle.
Penalty, see § 10.99
Every person leaving a snowmobile on a public place shall lock the ignition, remove the key
and take the same with him or her.
Penalty, see § 10.99
Notwithstanding any prohibitions in this chapter, a snowmobile may be operated on a public
thoroughfare in an emergency during the period of time and at locations where snow upon the
roadway renders travel by automobile impractical.
73.01 Purpose and intent
73.02 Definition
73.03 Operation requirements
73.04 Street crossings
73.05 Hours of operation
73.06 Minimum equipment requirements
73.07 Designation of public areas for use
73.08 Motorized golf carts
(A) (1) The purpose of this chapter is to provide reasonable regulations for the use of
recreational motor vehicles on public and private property in the city.
(2) This chapter is not intended to allow what the Minnesota Statutes prohibit nor to
prohibit what the Minnesota Statutes expressly allow.
(B) It is intended to ensure the public safety and prevent a public nuisance.
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definition shall apply unless the context
clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
RECREATIONAL MOTOR VEHICLE. Any self-propelled vehicle and any vehicle
propelled or drawn by a self-propelled vehicle used for recreational purposes including, but not
limited to trail bike, off-highway motorcycle, as defined by M.S. § 84.787, Subd. 7, as it may be
amended from time to time, or other all-terrain vehicle as defined by M.S. § 84.92, Subd. 8, it
may be amended from time to time, motorized go-carts, hovercraft or motor vehicle licensed for
highway operation which is being used for off-road recreational purposes.
It is unlawful for any person to operate a recreational motor vehicle:
(A) On private property of another without specific written permission of the owner of the
property; (Written permission may be given by a posted notice of any kind or description, so
long as it specifies the kind of vehicles allowed, that the owner, occupant or lessee prefers, such
as by saying “Recreational Vehicles Allowed,” “Trail Bikes Allowed,” “All-Terrain Vehicles
Allowed” or words substantially similar.)
(B) On publicly-owned land, including school, park property, playgrounds, recreation areas
and golf courses, except where permitted by this chapter;
(C) In a manner so as to create a loud, unnecessary or unusual noise which disturbs, annoys
or interferes with the peace and quiet of other persons;
(D) On a public sidewalk or walkway provided or used for pedestrian travel;
(E) At a place while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or narcotics or habit-forming
(F) At a rate of speed greater than reasonable or proper under all the surrounding
(G) At any place in a careless, reckless or negligent manner so as to endanger or be likely to
endanger any person or property or to cause injury or damage thereto;
(H) On any public street, highway or right-of-way unless licensed pursuant to Minnesota
(I) To intentionally drive, chase, run over or kill any animal, wild or domestic;
(J) By halting any recreational motor vehicle carelessly or heedlessly in disregard of the
rights or the safety of others or in a manner so as to endanger or be likely to endanger any person
or property or in excess of 25 miles per hour on publicly-owned lands; and/or
(K) Within 150 yards of any public recreational area or gathering of people. This provision
does not apply to the occasional use of recreational motor vehicles on private property for the
purpose of loading or unloading it from a trailer or for mechanically checking it.
Penalty, see § 10.99
No person under 14 years of age operating the vehicles regulated herein shall make a direct
crossing of any street, highway or public right-of-way.
Penalty, see § 10.99
Hours for use are 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) Standard mufflers shall be properly attached and in constant operation to reduce the
noise of operation of the motor to the minimum necessary for operation. No person shall use a
muffler cutout, by-pass, straight pipe or similar device on a recreational motor vehicle motor.
The exhaust system shall not emit or produce a sharp popping or crackling sound.
(B) Brakes shall be adequate to control the movement of and to stop and hold under any
conditions of operation.
(C) At least 1 clear lamp shall be attached to the front with sufficient intensity to reveal
persons and vehicles at a distance of at least 100 feet ahead during the hours of darkness under
normal atmospheric conditions. The head lamp shall be so that glaring rays are not projected into
the eyes of an oncoming vehicle operator. It shall also be equipped with at least 1 red tail lamp
having a minimum candlepower of sufficient intensity to exhibit a red light plainly visible from a
distance of 500 feet to the rear during the hours of darkness under normal atmospheric
conditions. This equipment shall be required and shall be in operating condition when the
vehicle is operated between the hours of one-half hour after sunset and one-half hour before
sunrise, or at times of reduced visibility.
Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) The Council may designate areas for use of recreational motor vehicles by approval of a
majority of the members of the City Council. The areas designated may be changed from time to
time by the City Council. Any area designated shall be published in the official newspaper of the
city in a conspicuous place after the approval. If an area is changed, the change shall be
published in like manner in the official newspaper of the city. An up-to-date map of any
designated park areas open for recreational motor vehicle use shall be kept on file in the office of
the City Clerk, who shall provide on request a copy of the map together with the applicable rules,
regulations and this chapter to each person requesting the information from the city.
(B) Unless designated by the City Council as an area for recreational motor vehicles, the
use on city park property shall be unlawful. Further, the use of city parks designated by the City
Council shall be in accordance with all of the applicable provisions of this chapter.
Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) (1) No person shall operate a motorized golf cart on streets, alleys, sidewalks or other
public property without obtaining a permit as provided herein.
(2) Every application for a permit shall be made on a form supplied by the city and
shall contain the following information:
(a) The name and address of the applicant;
(b) The nature of the applicant's physical handicap, if any;
(c) Model name, make and year and number of the motorized golf cart;
(d) Current driver's license or reason for not having a current license; and
(e) Other information as the city may require.
(3) The annual permit fee shall be as set forth in the fee schedule ordinance, as that
ordinance may be amended from time to time.
(4) Permits shall be granted for a period of 1 year and may be renewed annually
January 1 to December 31.
(5) No permit shall be granted or renewed unless the following conditions are met:
(a) The applicant must demonstrate that he or she currently holds or has held a
valid Minnesota driver's license;
(b) The applicant may be required to submit a certificate signed by a physician that
the applicant is able to safely operate a motorized golf cart on the roadways designated;
(c) The applicant must provide evidence of insurance in compliance with the
provisions of Minnesota Statutes concerning insurance coverage for the golf cart;
(d) The applicant has not had his or her driver's license revoked as the result of
criminal proceedings.
(6) Motorized golf carts are permitted to operate only on city streets, not state or
federal highways, except to cross at designated intersections.
(7) Motorized golf carts may only be operated on designated roadways from sunrise to
sunset. They shall not be operated in inclement weather conditions or at any time when there is
insufficient light to clearly see persons and vehicles on the roadway at a distance of 500 feet.
(8) Motorized golf carts shall display the slow-moving vehicle emblem provided for in
M.S. § 169.522, as it may be amended from time to time, when operated on designated
(9) Motorized golf carts shall be equipped with a wing-style rear view mirror to
provide the driver with adequate vision from behind.
(10) The operator of a motorized golf cart may cross any street or highway intersecting a
designated roadway.
(11) Every person operating a motorized golf cart under permit on designated roadways
has all the rights and duties applicable to the driver of any other vehicle under the provisions of
M.S. Ch. 169, as it may be amended from time to time, except when these provisions cannot
reasonably be applied to motorized golf carts and except as otherwise specifically provided in
M.S. § 169.045(7), as it may be amended from time to time.
(12) The City Council may suspend or revoke a permit granted hereunder upon a finding
that the holder thereof has violated any of the provisions of this section or M.S. Ch. 169, as it
may be amended from time to time, or if there is evidence that the permit holder cannot safely
operate the motorized golf cart on the designated roadways.
(13) The number of occupants in the golf cart may not exceed the design occupant load.
(B) For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context
clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
DRIVER. The person driving and having physical control over the motorized golf cart and
being the licensee.
MOTORIZED GOLF CART. Any passenger conveyance being driven with 4 wheels with
4 low pressure tires that is limited in engine displacement of less than 800 cubic centimeters and
total dry weight less than 800 pounds.
74.01 Definition
74.02 Traffic laws apply
74.03 Manner and number riding
74.04 Hitching rides
74.05 Where to ride
74.06 Right-of-way; sidewalks
74.07 Carrying articles
74.08 Lighting and brake equipment
74.09 Sale with reflectors
74.10 Riding on sidewalks in business district
Roller Blades, Roller Skates, Roller Skis and Skateboards
74.25 Definitions
74.26 Unlawful acts
74.27 Right-of-way
74.28 Hours of use
74.99 Violations
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definition shall apply unless the context
clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
BICYCLE. Every device propelled solely by human power upon which any person may
ride, having 2 tandem wheels, except scooters and similar devices, and including any device
generally recognized as a BICYCLE though equipped with 2 front or rear wheels.
Every person riding a bicycle on a street or upon any path set aside for the exclusive use of
bicycles shall be granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the
driver of a vehicle by this title, except as to special regulations in this chapter and except as to
those provisions of this chapter which by their nature can have no application.
(A) It is unlawful for any person propelling a bicycle to ride other than upon or astride a
permanent and regular seat attached thereto.
(B) No bicycle shall be used to carry more persons at 1 time than the number for which it is
designed and equipped, except on a baby seat attached to the bicycle, provided that the seat is
equipped with a harness to hold the child securely in the seat and that protection is provided
against the child's feet hitting the spokes of the wheel, or in a seat attached to the bicycle
Penalty, see § 74.99
It is unlawful for any person riding upon any bicycle, coaster, roller skates, roller blades,
skate board, sled, or toy vehicle to attach the same or themselves to any vehicle upon a street.
Penalty, see § 74.99
§ 74.05 WHERE TO RIDE.
(A) Every person operating a bicycle upon a street shall ride as near to the right side of the
street as practicable, exercising due care when passing a standing vehicle or 1 proceeding in the
same direction.
(B) Persons riding bicycles upon a street shall not ride more than 2 abreast except on paths
or parts of streets set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles.
Penalty, see § 74.99
Whenever a person is riding a bicycle upon a sidewalk, the person shall yield the right-of-
way to any pedestrian and shall give audible signal before overtaking and passing the pedestrian.
Penalty, see § 74.99
It is unlawful for any person operating a bicycle to carry any package, bundle, or article
which prevents the driver from keeping at least 1 hand upon the handlebars.
Penalty, see § 74.99
(A) Every bicycle, when in use at night time, shall be equipped with, or its operator shall
carry a lamp on the front which shall emit a white light visible from a distance of at least 500 feet
to the front, and with a red reflector on the rear of a type approved by the Department of Public
Safety which is visible from all distances from 100 feet to 600 feet to the rear when directly in
front of lawful lower beams of headlamps on a motor vehicle. A lamp emitting a red light
visible from a distance of 500 feet to the rear may be used in addition to the red reflector. No
person may, at any other time when there is not sufficient light to render clearly discernible
persons and vehicles on the highway at a distance of 500 feet ahead, operate a bicycle unless the
bicycle or its operator is equipped with reflective surfaces that shall be visible during the hours
of darkness from 600 feet when viewed in front of lawful lower beams of headlamps on a motor
vehicle. The reflective surfaces shall include reflective materials on each side of each pedal to
indicate their presence from the front or the rear and with a minimum of 20 square inches on
each side of the bicycle or its operator of white reflective material. All reflective materials used
in compliance with this section shall meet the requirements as prescribed by the Commissioner
of Public Safety.
(B) Every bicycle shall be equipped with a brake which will enable the operator to make the
braked wheels skid on dry, level, clean pavement.
Penalty, see § 74.99
It is unlawful for any person to sell or offer for sale any new bicycle unless it is equipped
with such reflectors as are prescribed in § 74.08.
Penalty, see § 74.99
No person shall ride a bicycle on any sidewalk in the business district of the city. The
business district shall consist of those sidewalks within an area bounded on the north by First
Street, on the east by Park Avenue, on the south by Fourth Street and on the west by Pleasant
(Prior Code, § 54-81) Penalty, see § 72.99
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context
clearly indicates or requires a different meaning:
BUSINESS DISTRICT. That part of the city so designated by council resolution.
OPERATE. To ride on or upon or control the operation of roller blades, roller skates, or a
OPERATOR. Every person who operates or is in actual physical control of roller blades,
roller skates, or a skateboard.
ROLLER BLADES/ROLLER SKATES. A shoe with wheels attached or a device with
which is designed to be attached to a shoe.
ROLLER SKIS. A pair of skis platformed with wheels attached which is intended to
simulate skiing.
SKATEBOARD. A device for riding-upon, usually while standing, consisting of an oblong
piece of wood, or of other composition, mounted on skate wheels.
(A) It is unlawful for any person to operate roller blades, roller skates, roller skis or a
skateboard under the circumstances set forth hereafter:
(1) On any public sidewalk, street, or public parking lot within the Business District;
(2) On private property of another without the express permission to do so by the
owner or occupant of the property; or
(3) In any careless, reckless, or negligent manner so as to endanger or be likely to
endanger the safety of any person or property of any other person.
(B) It is unlawful for any person operating roller blades, roller skates, roller skis or a
skateboard to attach the same, or the person of the operator, to any vehicle upon a street.
(C) Every person operating roller blades, roller skates, roller skis or a skateboard upon a
street shall ride as close as possible to the right-hand curb or edge of the street.
(D) Every person operating roller blades, roller skates, roller skis or a skateboard upon a
street shall observe the same rules of the road as required of bicycles, pursuant to M.S. §
Penalty, see § 74.99
§ 74.27 RIGHT-OF-WAY.
The operator of roller blades, roller skates, roller skis or a skateboard emerging from any
alley, driveway, or building, upon approaching a sidewalk or the sidewalk area extending across
any alleyway, shall yield the right-of-way to all pedestrians approaching on the sidewalk or
sidewalk area and upon entering the street shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching
on the street.
Penalty, see § 74.99
§ 74.28 HOURS OF USE.
It is unlawful for any person to use roller blades, roller skates, roller skis or a skateboard
upon a public street, sidewalk, or other roadway from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., except on private
property with express permission of owner, and except if the roller blades, roller skates, roller
skis, skateboard or operator are equipped with reflective surfaces that shall be visible during the
hours of darkness from 600 feet when viewed in front of lawful lower beams of head lamps on a
motor vehicle. The reflective material shall be a minimum of 40 square inches. All reflective
materials used in compliance with this section shall meet the requirements as prescribed by the
Commissioner of Public Safety.
Penalty, see § 74.99
A person apprehended by a peace officer in violation of the provisions of this chapter does,
by his or her use of the public sidewalks, streets, and public parking lots, consent to the
impoundment by a police officer of the roller blades, roller skates, roller skis or skateboard for a
period of 3 days upon a first offense, a week upon the second offense and 30 days upon a third or
additional offense. Any operator aggrieved by the impoundment of his or her roller blades, roller
skates roller skis or skateboard may petition the Council for a hearing thereon at the next regular
Council meeting following the impoundment. This provision is in addition to the provisions for
fines and penalties as set forth in § 10.99.
General Provisions
90.001 Definitions
Dogs and Cats
90.015 Registration and licensing requirements
90.016 License tag and fees
90.017 Rabies inoculation
90.018 Terms of license
90.019 New residents in the city
90.020 Running at large
90.021 Dog and cat nuisances
90.022 Confinement of certain animals
90.023 Impoundment and redemption procedures
Other Animals
90.040 General prohibition
90.041 Animals at large
90.042 Non-domestic or exotic animals
Humane Treatment
90.055 Improper care
90.056 Cruelty to animals
Dangerous Dogs
90.065 Registration of dangerous dogs
90.066 Dangerous dog designation review
90.067 Exemptions
90.068 Tag
4 Park Rapids - General Regulations
Destruction and Confiscation
90.080 Quarantine of certain dogs and cats
90.081 Confiscation of dangerous dogs
90.082 Safety emergencies
90.083 Provision of reclamation
90.084 Subsequent offenses
90.085 Destruction of certain dogs and cats
90.086 Destruction of animals in certain circumstances
90.999 Penalty
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context
clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ANIMAL CONTROL AUTHORITY. An agency of the state, county, municipality, or other
governmental subdivision of the state which is responsible for animal control operations within
its jurisdiction. The Park Rapids Police Department shall be designated as the animal control
authority for the City of Park Rapids.
AT LARGE. Off the premises of the owner and not under the control of the owner or a
member of his or her immediate family, either by leash or otherwise.
CAT. All cats over 4 months of age.
DANGEROUS DOG. Any dog that has without provocation, inflicted substantial bodily
harm on a human being on public or private property, killed a domestic animal without
provocation while off the owner's property, or been found to be potentially dangerous, and after
the owner has notice that the dog is potentially dangerous, the dog aggressively bites, attacks, or
endangers the safety of humans or domestic animals.
DOG. All dogs over 4 months of age.
GREAT BODILY HARM. Bodily injury which involves a temporary but substantial
disfigurement, or which causes a temporary but substantial loss or impairment of the function of
any bodily member or organ, or which causes a fracture of any bodily member.
NON-DOMESTIC OR EXOTIC ANIMAL. Any wild animal, reptile, or fowl which is not
naturally tame or gentle but is of a wild disposition or which, because of its size, vicious nature
or other characteristics would constitute a danger to human health, safety or property.
OWNER. Any person, firm, corporation, organization, or department possessing, harboring,
keeping, having an interest in, or having care, custody, or control of a dog or cat.
POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS DOG. Any dog that when unprovoked, inflicts bites on a
human or domestic animal on public or private property, when unprovoked, chases or
approaches a person, including a person on a bicycle, upon the streets, sidewalks, or any public
or private property, other than the dog owner's property, in an apparent attitude of attack, or has a
known propensity, tendency, or disposition to attack unprovoked, causing injury or otherwise
threatening the safety of humans or domestic animals.
PROPER ENCLOSURE. Securely confined indoors or in a securely enclosed and locked
pen or structure suitable to prevent the animal from escaping and providing protection from the
elements for the dog. A proper enclosure does not include a porch, patio, or any part of a house,
garage, or other structure that would allow the dog to exit of its own volition, or any house or
structure in which windows are open or in which doors or window screens are the only obstacles
that prevent the dog from exiting.
RESTRAIN. The animal is on the premises of the person harboring or keeping the animal
or that the animal is effectively restrained by a leash, chain, or electronic control device is within
10 feet of the person having custody of it and is obedient to the command of that person.
SUBSTANTIAL BODILY HARM. Physical pain or injury, illness, or any impairment of
physical condition.
(Prior Code, § 10-1) (Ord. 455, passed 2-28-2006)
Every person who owns a dog or cat shall cause the animal to be registered and licensed as
hereafter provided.
(Prior Code, § 10-26) (Ord. 455, passed 2-28-2006) Penalty, see § 90.999
6 Park Rapids - General Regulations
All dogs and cats kept in this city shall be registered in the office of the City Clerk. The
owner shall obtain a license and a tag for each animal and pay for a fee as the City Council may,
by ordinance, adopt. The tag should be attached to the collar of the animal. If the tag is lost or
stolen, the owner shall receive a duplicate license and tag upon payment to the City Clerk, a fee,
as provided. The animal tags are not transferable and no refunds shall be made on any license
because of leaving the city before expiration of the license period.
(Prior Code, § 10-27) (Ord. 455, passed 2-28-2006; Am. Ord. 458, passed 4-25-2006) Penalty,
see § 90.999
No license shall be issued for a dog or a cat unless the owner shall show written evidence
that the animal has been inoculated for the prevention of rabies within the past 2 years.
(Prior Code, § 10-28) (Ord. 455, passed 2-28-2006) Penalty, see § 90.999
The license period shall be for the whole or unexpired portion of the year ending on the
ensuing December 31.
(Prior Code, § 10-29) (Ord. 455, passed 2-28-2006) Penalty, see § 90.999
Any person who moves into and becomes a resident of the city and who owns a dog or cat
within the city shall cause the same to be registered and licensed as provided herein within a
period of not more than 30 days after becoming a resident of the city.
(Prior Code, § 10-30) (Ord. 455, passed 2-28-2006) Penalty, see § 90.999
(A) It shall be unlawful for the dog or cat of any person who owns, harbors, or keeps a dog
or cat, to run at large.
(B) A person, who owns, harbors, or keeps a dog or cat which runs at large shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor.
Animals 7
(C) Dogs or cats on a leash and accompanied by a responsible person or accompanied
by and under the control and direction of a responsible person, so as to be effectively restrained
by command as by leash, shall be permitted in streets or on public land unless the city has posted
an area with signs reading “Dogs or Cats Prohibited.”
(Ord. 455, passed 2-28-2006) Penalty, see § 90.999
(A) It shall be unlawful for any owner to fail to exercise proper care and control of his
or her animal to prevent them from becoming a public nuisance.
(B) It shall be considered a nuisance for any animal to bark or cry excessively; to
molest, annoy, or bite any person if the person is not on the property of the owner or custodian of
the animal; or to damage, defile, or destroy public or private property.
(C) Failure of the owner or custodian of a dog or cat to prevent the animal from
committing a nuisance is a violation of the chapter.
(Prior Code, § 10-43) (Ord. 455, passed 2-28-2006) Penalty, see § 90.999
Every dog or cat in heat shall be confined in a building or other secure enclosure, in a
manner that it cannot come into contact with another dog or cat except for planned breeding.
(Prior Code, § 10-44) (Ord. 455, passed 2-28-2006) Penalty, see § 90.999
The city will abide by rules and regulations set up by any shelter operated under the
auspices of the Humane Society.
(Prior Code, § 10-45) (Ord. 455, passed 2-28-2006)
It shall be unlawful for any person to keep or harbor any cattle, sheep, goats, swine, or
poultry within the platted area of the city except in areas zoned agricultural.
(Prior Code, § 10-55) (Ord. 455, passed 2-28-2006) Penalty, see § 90.999
No person shall permit any horse, mule, donkey, or pony of which he or she is the owner,
caretaker, or custodian to be at large when it is off the premises owned or rented by the owner
and not under his or her individual restraint.
(Prior Code, § 10-56) (Ord. 455, passed 2-28-2006) Penalty, see § 90.999
It is unlawful for any person to keep, maintain or harbor animals as theretofore described.
(Prior Code, § 10-57) (Ord. 455, passed 2-28-2006) Penalty, see § 90.999
It shall be unlawful for any owner to fail to provide animals with sufficient good and
wholesome food and water, proper shelter and protection from weather, veterinary care when
needed to prevent suffering, and with humane care and treatment.
(Prior Code, § 10-65) (Ord. 455, passed 2-28-2006) Penalty, see § 90.999
It shall be unlawful for any owner to beat, cruelly ill-treat, torment, or otherwise abuse any
(Prior Code, § 10-66) (Ord. 455, passed 2-28-2006) Penalty, see § 90.999
No person may own a dangerous dog in this jurisdiction unless the dog is registered as
provided in this section. The animal control authority shall issue a certificate of registration to
the owner of a dangerous dog if the owner presents sufficient evidence that:
(A) A proper enclosure exists for the dangerous dog and a posting on the premises
with a clearly visible warning sign, including a warning symbol to inform children, that there is a
dangerous dog on the property.
(B) A surety bond issued by a surety company authorized to conduct business in this
state in a form acceptable to the animal control authority in the sum of at least $50,000 payable
to any person injured by the dangerous dog, or a liability insurance policy issued by an insurance
company authorized to conduct business in this state in the amount of at least $50,000, insuring
the owner for any personal injuries inflicted by the dangerous dog.
(C) The owner has paid an annual fee, in an amount set by the City Council by
ordinance, in addition to any regular dog licensing fees, to obtain a certificate of registration for a
dangerous dog under this section.
(Ord. 455, passed 2-28-2006; Am. Ord. 458, passed 4-25-2006) Penalty, see § 90.999
Beginning 6 months after a dog is declared a dangerous dog, an owner may request
annually that the animal control authority review the designation. The owner must provide
evidence that the dog's behavior has changed due to the dog's age, neutering, environment,
completion of obedience training that includes modification of aggressive behavior, or other
factors. If the animal control authority finds sufficient evidence that the dog's behavior has
changed, the authority may rescind the dangerous dog designation.
(Ord. 455, passed 2-28-2006)
§ 90.067 EXEMPTIONS.
Any dog used by law enforcement officials for police work shall be exempt from this
subchapter. Also, dogs that may not be declared dangerous if the threat, injury, or damage was
sustained by a person:
(A) Who was committing, at the time, a willful trespass or other tort upon the
premises occupied by the owner of the dog.
(B) Who was provoking, tormenting, abusing, or assaulting the dog or who can be shown to
have repeatedly, in the past, provoked, tormented, abused, or assaulted the dog.
(C) Who was committing or attempting to commit a crime
(Ord. 455, passed 2-28-2006)
§ 90.068 TAG.
A dangerous dog registered under this section must have a standardized, easily identifiable
tag, identifying the dog as dangerous, affixed to the dog's collar at all times.
(Ord. 455, passed 2-28-2006) Penalty, see § 90.999
Any dog or cat, which bites a person, shall be quarantined for the time as may be directed by
the animal control authority. During the quarantine the animal shall be securely confined and
kept from contact with any other animal. At the discretion of the animal control authority, the
quarantine may be on the premises of the owner, however, if the animal control authority
requires other confinement, the owner shall surrender the animal for the quarantine period to the
animal shelter, or shall, at his or her own expense, place it in a veterinary hospital.
(Prior Code, § 10-46) (Ord. 455, passed 2-28-2006) Penalty, see § 90.999
The animal control authority having jurisdiction shall immediately seize any dangerous dog
(A) After 14 days, after the owner has been given notice that the dog is dangerous, the dog
is not validly registered with the animal control authority, and the owner does not secure the
proper liability insurance or surety coverage as required;
(B) The dog is not maintained in a proper enclosure;
(C) The dog is outside of the proper enclosure and not under physical restraint of a
responsible person as required; or
(D) If the owner of the dog is convicted of a crime for which the dog was originally seized,
the court may order that the dog be confiscated and destroyed in a proper and humane manner,
and that the owner pay the costs incurred in confiscating, confining, and destroying the dog.
(Ord. 455, passed 2-28-2006)
The animal control authority of this city are hereby authorized and empowered to kill any
animal found in violation of this subchapter whenever the animal cannot be safely taken up and
impounded. No impounding or killing of any animal shall exempt the owner or keeper of the
animal from the penalties provided in this subchapter.
(Prior Code, § 10-48) (Ord. 455, passed 2-28-2006)
A dog, cat, or dangerous dog seized under this subchapter may be reclaimed by the owner of
the dog or cat upon payment of impounding and boarding fees, and presenting proof to the
appropriate animal control authority that the requirements have been met. An animal not
reclaimed within 7 days may be disposed of as provided in § 90.085, and the owner is liable to
the animal control authority for costs incurred in confining and disposing of the animal.
(Ord. 455, passed 2-28-2006)
If a person has been convicted of a misdemeanor for violating a provision of this subchapter,
and the person is charged with a subsequent violation relating to the same animal, the animal
must be seized by the animal control authority having jurisdiction. If the owner is convicted of
the crime for which the animal was seized, the court shall order that the animal be destroyed in a
proper and humane manner and the owner pay the cost of confining and destroying the animal. If
the person is not convicted of the crime for which the animal was seized, the owner may reclaim
the animal upon payment to the animal control authority of a fee for the care and boarding of the
animal. If the animal is not reclaimed by the owner within 7 days after the owner had been
notified that the animal may be reclaimed, the animal may be disposed of as provided under §
90.085 and the owner is liable to the animal control authority for the costs incurred in confining,
impounding, and disposing of the animal.
(Ord. 455, passed 2-28-2006)
(A) Upon sworn complaint by the animal control authority to the county court any one of
the following facts exist:
(1) Any dog or cat at any time has destroyed property or habitually trespassed in a
damaging manner on property of persons other than the owner;
(2) Any dog or cat at any time has attacked or bitten a person outside the owner's or
custodian's premises;
(3) Any dog or cat is vicious or shows vicious habits or molests pedestrians or
interferes with the driving of automobiles on the public streets; or
(4) Any dog or cat is a public nuisance as heretofore defined.
(B) The judge shall issue a summons directed to the owner of the animal commanding him
or her to appear before the court to show cause why the animal should not be seized by any
police officer, or otherwise disposed of in the manner authorized in this subchapter. Upon the
hearing and finding the facts true as complained of, the court may either order the animal killed
or order the owner or custodian to remove it from the city, or may order the owner or custodian
to keep it confined to a designated place. If the owner or custodian violates the order, any police
officer may impound the animal described in the order. The costs of all proceedings described
herein shall be assessed against the owner or custodian of the animal, if the facts in the compliant
are found to be true; or to the complainant if the facts are found to be untrue.
(Prior Code, § 10-47) (Ord. 455, passed 2-28-2006) Penalty, see § 90.999
Notwithstanding § 90.085, a dog that inflicted substantial or great bodily harm on a human
being on public or private property without provocation may be destroyed in a proper and
humane manner by the animal control authority. The animal control authority may not destroy
the dog until the dog owner has had the opportunity for a hearing before an impartial decision
(Ord. 455, passed 2-28-2006) Penalty, see § 90.999
§ 90.999 PENALTY.
(A) Any person violating any provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(B) It is a misdemeanor to fail to renew the registration of a dangerous dog, to fail to
account for or sign a false affidavit with respect to a dangerous dog's death or removal from the
jurisdiction, or to fail to disclose ownership of a dangerous dog to a property owner from whom
the person rents property.
(Prior Code, § 10-67) (Ord. 455, passed 2-28-2006)
Beer Generally
91.001 Definitions
91.002 Restrictions on purchase and consumption
Beer Licensing
91.015 License required
91.016 Applications
91.017 Fees
91.018 Granting
91.019 Persons ineligible for license
91.020 Places ineligible for license
91.021 Conditions
91.022 Closing hours
91.023 Revocation
Liquor Regulations Generally
91.035 Adoption of state law by reference
91.036 City may be more restrictive than state law
91.037 Definitions
91.038 Nudity on the premises of licensed establishments prohibited
91.039 Consumption in public places
91.050 Number of licenses which may be issued
91.051 Term and expiration of licenses
91.052 Kinds of liquor licenses
91.053 License fees; pro rata
91.054 Council discretion to grant or deny a license
91.055 Application for license
91.056 Description of premises
91.057 Applications for renewal
91.058 Transfer of license
91.059 Investigation
91.060 Hearing and issuance
91.061 Restrictions on issuance
91.062 Conditions of license
91.063 Hours and days of sale
91.064 Minors on premises
91.065 Restrictions on purchase and consumption
91.066 Suspension and revocation
Municipal Liquor Stores
91.080 Application of this subchapter
91.081 Existing municipal stores continued
91.082 Location
91.083 Operation
91.084 Proof of financial responsibility
91.085 Issuance of other licenses
91.999 Penalties
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context
clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
BEER or 3.2% MALT LIQUOR. Any malt beverage with an alcoholic content of more
than ½ of 1% by volume and not more than 3.2% by weight.
BEER STORE. An establishment for the sale of beer, cigars, cigarettes, all forms of
tobacco, beverages, and soft drinks at retail.
MINOR. Any person under the age of 21.
(Prior Code, § 6-26) (Ord. 185, passed 6-14-1971)
(A) Age misrepresentation. No minor shall misrepresent his or her age for the purpose of
obtaining beer.
(B) Inducing purchase. No person shall induce a minor to purchase or procure beer.
(C) Procurement. No person other than the parent or legal guardian shall procure beer for
any minor.
(D) Possession. No minor shall have beer in his or her possession with the intent to
consume it at a place other than the household of his or her parent or guardian.
(E) Consumption. No minor shall consume beer unless in the company of his or her parent
or guardian.
(F) Consumption prohibited - where. No person shall consume, or have in his or her
possession on his or her person, any beer or open bottle or receptacle containing 3.2% malt
liquor which have been partially removed, in any automobile, theater, recreation hall or center,
dance hall, public street, sidewalk, or other public thoroughfare, not licensed in accordance with
the ordinances of the City of Park Rapids and the State of Minnesota, except that nothing
contained in this section shall be construed to prohibit the consumption of 3.2% malt liquor by
non-minors in city parks between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.
(G) Liquor consumption and display. No person shall consume or display any intoxicating
liquor on the premises of a licensee who is not also licensed to sell intoxicating liquors or who
does not hold a consumption and display permit.
(Prior Code, § 6-27) (Ord. 218, passed 11-10-1980)
(A) Generally. No person, except wholesalers and manufacturers to the extent authorized
by law, shall deal in or dispose of by gift, sale or otherwise, or keep or offer for sale, any beer
within the city without first having received a license as hereinafter provided. Licenses shall be
of 3 kinds: regular on-sale, temporary on-sale and off-sale.
(B) Regular on-sale. Regular on-sale licenses shall be granted only to beer stores, and
restaurants and hotels where food is prepared and served for consumption on the premises. On-
sale licenses shall permit the sale of beer for consumption on the premises only.
(C) Temporary on-sale. Temporary on-sale licenses shall be granted only to bona fide clubs
and charitable, religious, and non-profit organizations for the sale of beer for consumption on the
premises only.
(D) Off-sale. Off-sale licenses shall permit the sale of beer at retail, in the original package
for consumption off the premises only.
(Prior Code, § 6-41)
(A) Every application for a license to sell beer shall be made to the City Clerk on a form
supplied by the city and containing any information as the Clerk or the City Council may require.
(B) It shall be unlawful to make any false statement in an application.
(Prior Code, § 6-42) Penalty, see § 91.999
§ 91.017 FEES.
(A) Payment required. Each application for a license shall be accompanied by a receipt
from the City Treasurer for payment in full of the required fee for the license. All fees shall be
paid into the general fund of the city. Upon rejection of any application for a license, the
Treasurer shall refund the amount paid.
(B) Expiration; pro rata fees. Every license, except a temporary license, shall expire on the
last day of March in each year. Each license, except a temporary license, shall be issued for a
period of 1 year, except that if a portion of the license year has elapsed when the license is
granted, the license shall be issued for the remainder of the year for a pro rata fee. In computing
the fee, any unexpired fraction of a month shall be counted as 1 month. A temporary license
shall be issued for a specific period in which a special event to which the sale is incident is being
held and the period shall be stated on the license.
(C) Amounts. The amount of the fee for every license shall be established by the Council
and listed in the Fee Schedule, Chapter 36.
(D) Refunds. No part of the fee paid for any license issued under this subchapter shall be
refunded except in the following instances upon application to the Council within 30 days from
the happening of the event. There shall be refunded a pro rata portion of the fee for the
unexpired period of the license, computed on a monthly basis, when operation of the licensed
business ceases not less than 1 month before the expiration of the license because of:
(1) Destruction or damage of the licensed premises by fire or other catastrophe;
(2) The licensee's illness;
(3) The licensee's death;
(4) Sale of property to another qualified buyer; or
(5) A change in the legal status of the municipality making it unlawful for the
licensed business to continue.
(Prior Code, § 6-43) (Ord. 233, passed 1987)
§ 91.018 GRANTING.
(A) Investigation and hearing. The City Council shall investigate all facts set out in
the application. Opportunity shall be given to any person to be heard for or against the granting
of the license. After the investigation and hearing, the Council shall grant or refuse the
application in its discretion.
(B) Transfers. Each license shall be issued to the applicant only and shall not be
transferable to another holder. Each license shall be issued only for the premises described in the
application. No license may be transferred to another place without the approval of the Council.
(Prior Code, § 6-44) Penalty, see § 91.999
No license shall be granted to or held by any person who:
(A) Is under 21 years of age;
(B) Has, within 5 years prior to the application for the license, been convicted of a felony or
of violating any law of this state or local ordinance relating to the manufacture, sale or
distribution of intoxicating liquors or beer and cannot show competent evidence under M.S. §
364.03, as it may be amended from time to time, of sufficient rehabilitation and present fitness to
perform the duties of a beer licensee;
(C) Is a manufacturer of beer or is interested in the control of any place where beer is
(D) Is an alien;
(E) Is not of good moral character;
(F) Is or during the period of this license becomes the holder of a federal retail liquor
dealer's special tax stamp for the sale of intoxicating liquor at any place unless there has also
been issued to him or her a local license to sell intoxicating liquor at the place; or
(G) Is not the proprietor of the establishment for which the license is issued.
(Prior Code, § 6-45) Penalty, see § 91.999
(A) Conviction or revocation. No license shall be granted for sale on any premises where a
licensee has been convicted of the violation of this chapter, or of the state beer and liquor law, or
where any license hereunder has been revoked for cause until 1 year has elapsed after the
conviction or revocation.
(B) Residences. No license shall be issued where the premises intended for use is a
dwelling house or residence property, or where a portion of the premises are used as living
quarters, and are directly connected with that portion intended to be used in connection with the
license. Provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply in the case of any business block,
or store building, where a part thereof is used for living purposes, the same not being directly
connected with the business portion thereof, and having a separate and independent entrance.
(C) Adult uses. No license shall be granted for sale on any premises which is licensed
pursuant to the Adult Establishments Chapter as contained in Chapter 119, §§ 119.01 et seq. of
this code.
(Prior Code, § 6-46) (Ord. 353, passed 8-28-2001)
§ 91.021 CONDITIONS.
(A) Generally. Every license shall be granted subject to the conditions in the following
sections and all other provisions of this chapter and of any other applicable ordinance of the city
or state law.
(B) Sales to minors or intoxicated persons. No beer shall be sold or served to any
intoxicated person or to any person under 21 years of age.
(C) Consumption by minors. No minor shall be permitted to consume beer on the licensed
(D) Employment of minors. No person under the legal drinking age shall be employed on
the premises of a beer store.
(E) Gambling. No gambling or any gambling device shall be permitted on any licensed
(F) Interest of manufacturers or wholesalers. No manufacturer or wholesaler of beer shall
have any ownership of or interest in an establishment licensed to sell at retail contrary to the
provisions of M.S. § 340A.308, as it may be amended from time to time. No retail licensee shall
receive any benefits contrary to law from a manufacturer or wholesaler of beer and no
manufacturer or wholesaler shall confer any benefits contrary to law upon a retail licensee.
(G) Liquor dealer's stamp. No licensee shall sell beer while holding or exhibiting in
the licensed premises a federal retail liquor dealer's special tax stamp unless he or she is licensed
under the laws of Minnesota to sell intoxicating liquors.
(H) Sales of intoxicating liquor. No licensee who is not also licensed to sell
intoxicating liquor and who does not hold a consumption or display permit shall sell or permit
the consumption and display of intoxicating liquors for the purpose of mixing with intoxicating
liquor. The presence of intoxicating liquors on the premises of a licensee shall be prima facie
evidence of possession of intoxicating liquors for the purpose of sale; and the serving of any
liquid for the purpose of mixing with intoxicating liquors shall be prima facie evidence that
intoxicating liquor is being permitted to be consumed or displayed contrary to this subchapter.
(I) Searches and seizures. Any peace officer may enter, inspect and search the
premises of a licensee during business hours without a search and seizure warrant and may seize
all intoxicating liquors found on the licensed premises in violation of division (H) above.
(J) Licensee responsibility. Every licensee shall be responsible for the conduct of his
or her place of business and shall maintain conditions of sobriety and order.
(K) Posting. Licenses shall be kept conspicuously posted on the premises at all times.
(Prior Code, § 6-47) Penalty, see § 91.999
No on-sale sales of beer shall be made on any Sunday between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and
12:00 p.m. No on-sale sales shall be made between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. on any
other day.
(Prior Code, § 6-48) Penalty, see § 91.999
§ 91.023 REVOCATION.
(A) The violation of any provision or condition of this subchapter by a beer licensee
or his or her agent is ground for revocation or suspension of the license.
(B) The license of any person who holds a federal retail liquor dealer's special tax
stamp without a license to sell intoxicating liquors at that place shall be revoked without notice
and without hearing.
(C) In all other cases, a license granted under this subchapter may be revoked or suspended
by the Council in accordance with § 110.07 of this code.
(Prior Code, § 6-49)
The provisions of M.S. Ch. 340A, as they may be amended from time to time, with
reference to the definition of terms, conditions of operation, restrictions on consumption,
provisions relating to sales, hours of sale, and all other matters pertaining to the retail sale,
distribution, and consumption of intoxicating liquor and 3.2 percent malt liquor are hereby
adopted by reference and are made a part of this Chapter as if set out in full. It is the intention of
the City Council that all future amendments to M.S. Ch. 340A are hereby adopted by reference
or referenced as if they had been in existence at the time this Chapter is adopted.
The Council is authorized by the provisions of M.S. § 340A.509, as it may be amended from
time to time, to impose, and has imposed in this chapter, additional restrictions on the sale and
possession of alcoholic beverages within its limits beyond those contained in M.S. Ch. 340A, as
it may be amended from time to time.
In addition to the definitions contained in M.S. § 340A.101, as it may be amended from time
to time, the following terms are defined for purposes of this chapter:
LIQUOR. As used in this chapter, without modification by the words “intoxicating” or “3.2
percent malt,” includes both intoxicating liquor and 3.2 percent malt liquor.
RESTAURANT. An eating facility, other than a hotel, under the control of a single
proprietor or manager, where meals are regularly prepared on the premises, where full
waitress/waiter table service is provided, where a customer orders food from printed menus and
where the main food course is served and consumed while seated at a single location. To be a
“restaurant” as defined by this section, an establishment shall have a license from the state as
required by M.S. § 157.16, as it may be amended from time to time, and meet the definition of
either a “small establishment,” “medium establishment” or “large establishment” as defined in
M.S. § 157.16, Subd. 3d, as it may be amended from time to time. An establishment which
serves prepackaged food that receives heat treatment and is served in the package or frozen pizza
that is heated and served, shall not be considered to be a restaurant for purposes of this chapter
unless it meets the definitions of “small establishment”, “medium establishment” or “large
(A) The City Council finds that it is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and
general welfare of the people of the city that nudity is prohibited as provided in this section on
the premises of any establishment licensed under this chapter. This is to protect and assist the
owners, operators, and employees of the establishment, as well as patrons and the public in
general, from harm stemming from the physical immediacy and combination of alcohol, nudity,
and sex. The Council especially intends to prevent any subliminal endorsement of sexual
harassment or activities likely to lead to the possibility of various criminal conduct, including
prostitution, sexual assault, and disorderly conduct. The Council also finds that the prohibition of
nudity on the premises of any establishment licensed under this chapter, as set forth in this
section, reflects the prevailing community standards of the city.
(B) It is unlawful for any licensee to permit or allow any person or persons on the licensed
premises when the person does not have his or her buttocks, anus, breasts, and genitals covered
with a non-transparent material. It is unlawful for any person to be on the licensed premises
when the person does not have his or her buttocks, anus, breasts, and genitals covered with a
non-transparent material.
(C) A violation of this section is a misdemeanor punishable as provided by law, and is
justification for revocation or suspension of any liquor, wine, or 3.2 percent malt liquor license
or the imposition of a civil penalty under the provisions of § 91.99(B).
Penalty, see § 91.99
No person shall consume intoxicating liquor or 3.2 percent malt liquor on any public street,
sidewalk, parking lot or alley, or in any public place other than on the premises of an
establishment licensed under this chapter, in a municipal liquor dispensary if one exists in the
city, or where the consumption and display of liquor is lawfully permitted.
Penalty, see § 91.99
State law establishes the number of liquor licenses that a city may issue. However, the
number of licenses which may be granted under this chapter is limited to the number of license
which were issued as of the effective date of this chapter, even if a larger number of licenses are
authorized by law or election. The Council in its sound discretion may provide by ordinance that
a larger number of licenses may be issued up to the number of licenses authorized by M.S. Ch.
340A, as it may be amended from time to time. If a larger number of licenses in a particular
category has been authorized by a referendum held under the provisions of M.S. § 340A.413,
Subd. 3, as it may be amended from time to time, but not all of them have been issued, the larger
number of licenses is no longer in effect until the Council by ordinance determines that any or all
of the licenses may be issued. The Council is not required to issue the full number of licenses
that it has available.
Each license shall be issued for a maximum period of 1 year. All licenses, except temporary
licenses, shall expire on February 28 of each year unless another date is provided by ordinance.
All licenses shall expire on the same date. Temporary licenses expire according to their terms.
Consumption and display permits issued by the Commissioner of Public Safety, and the
accompanying city consent to the permit, shall expire on March 31 of each year.
The Council of a city that does not have a municipal liquor store is authorized to issue the
following licenses and permits, up to the number specified in § 91.050. The Council of a city
which has a municipal liquor store is authorized to issue only those licenses specified in §
(A) 3.2 percent malt liquor on-sale licenses, which may be issued only to golf courses,
restaurants, hotels, clubs, bowling centers, and establishments used exclusively for the sale of 3.2
percent malt liquor with the incidental sale of tobacco and soft drinks.
(B) 3.2 percent malt liquor off-sale license.
(C) Temporary 3.2 percent malt liquor licenses which may be issued only to a club,
charitable, religious, or nonprofit organization.
(D) Off-sale intoxicating liquor licenses, which may be issued only to exclusive liquor
stores or drug stores that have an off-sale license which was first issued on or before May 1,
1994. The fee for an off-sale intoxicating liquor license established by the Council under § 91.23
shall not exceed $100 or a greater amount which may be permitted by M.S. § 340A.408, Subd. 3,
as it may be amended from time to time.
(E) On-sale intoxicating liquor licenses, which may be issued to the following
establishments as defined by M.S. § 340A.101, as it may be amended from time to time, and this
chapter: hotels, restaurants, bowling centers, theaters, clubs or congressionally chartered veterans
organizations, and exclusive liquor stores. Club licenses may be issued only with the approval of
the Commissioner of Public Safety. The fee for club licenses established by the Council under §
91.053 shall not exceed the amounts provided for in M.S. § 340A.408, Subd. 2b, as it may be
amended from time to time. The Council may in its sound discretion authorize a retail on-sale
licensee to dispense intoxicating liquor off the licensed premises at a community festival held
within the city under the provisions of M.S. § 340A.404, Subd. 4b, as it may be amended from
time to time. The Council may in its sound discretion authorize a retail on-sale licensee to
dispense intoxicating liquor off the licensed premises at any convention, banquet, conference,
meeting, or social affair conducted on the premises of a sports, convention, or cultural facility
owned by the city, under the provisions of M.S. § 340A.404, Subd. 4a, as it may be amended
from time to time; however, the licensee is prohibited from dispensing intoxicating liquor to any
person attending or participating in an amateur athletic event being held on the premises.
(F) Sunday on-sale intoxicating liquor licenses, only after authorization to do so by voter
approval at a general or special election as provided by M.S. § 340A.504, Subd. 3, as it may be
amended from time to time. Sunday on-sale intoxicating liquor licenses may be issued only to a
restaurant as defined in § 91.03, club, bowling center, or hotel which has a seating capacity of at
least 30 persons, which holds an on-sale intoxicating liquor license, and which serves liquor only
in conjunction with the service of food. The maximum fee for this license, which shall be
established by the Council under the provisions of § 91.053, shall not exceed $200, or the
maximum amount provided by M.S. § 340A.504, Subd. 3c, as it may be amended from time to
(G) Combination on-sale/off-sale intoxicating liquor licenses if the city has a population
less than 10,000.
(H) Temporary on-sale intoxicating liquor licenses, with the approval of the Commissioner
of Public Safety, which may be issued only in connection with a social event sponsored by a
club, charitable, religious, or other nonprofit corporation that has existed for at least 3 years. No
license shall be for longer than 4 consecutive days, and the city shall issue no more than 12 days
worth of temporary licenses to any 1 organization in 1 calendar year.
(I) On-sale wine licenses, with the approval of the Commissioner of Public Safety to:
theaters, restaurants that have facilities for seating at least 25 guests at 1 time and meet the
criteria of M.S. § 340A.404, Subd. 5, as it may be amended from time to time, and which meet
the definition of restaurant in § 91.037; and to licensed bed and breakfast facilities which meet
the criteria in M.S. § 340A.401, Subd. 1, as it may be amended from time to time. The fee for an
on-sale wine license established by the Council under the provisions of § 91.053 shall not exceed
one-half of the license fee charged for an on-sale intoxicating liquor license. The holder of an on-
sale wine license who also holds an on-sale 3.2 percent malt liquor license is authorized to sell
malt liquor with a content over 3.2 percent (strong beer) without an additional license.
(J) One day consumption and display permits with the approval of the Commissioner of
Public Safety to a nonprofit organization in conjunction with a social activity in the city
sponsored by the organization.
(K) Approval of the issuance of a consumption and display permit by the Commissioner of
Public Safety. The maximum amount of the additional fee which may be imposed by the Council
on a person who has been issued a consumption and display permit under the provisions of §
91.053 shall not exceed $300, or the maximum amount permitted by M.S. § 340A.14, Subd. 6, as
it may be amended from time to time. Consumption and display permits shall expire on March
31 of each year.
(A) No license or other fee established by the city shall exceed any limit established by
M.S. Ch. 340A, as it may be amended from time to time, for a liquor license.
(B) The Council may establish from time to time in the Ordinance Establishing Fees and
Charges the fee for any of the liquor licenses it is authorized to issue. The license fee may not
exceed the cost of issuing the license and other costs directly related to the enforcement of the
liquor laws and this chapter. No liquor license fee shall be increased without providing mailed
notice of a hearing on the proposed increase to all affected licensees at least 30 days before the
(C) The fee for all licenses, except temporary licenses, granted after the commencement of
the license year shall be prorated on a quarterly basis.
(D) All license fees shall be paid in full at the time the application is filed with the city. If
the application is denied, the license fee shall be returned to the applicant.
(E) A refund of a pro rata share of an annual license fee may occur only if authorized by
M.S. § 340A.408, Subd. 5, as it may be amended from time to time.
The Council in its sound discretion may either grant or deny the application for any license
or for the transfer or renewal of any license. No applicant has a right to a license under this
(A) Form. Every application for a license issued under this chapter shall be on a form
provided by the city. Every application shall state the name of the applicant, the applicant's age,
representations as to the applicant's character, with references as the Council may require, the
type of license applied for, the business in connection with which the proposed license will
operate and its location, a description of the premises, whether the applicant is owner and
operator of the business, how long the applicant has been in that business at that place, and other
information as the Council may require from time to time. An application for an on-sale
intoxicating liquor license shall be in the form prescribed by the Commissioner of Public Safety
and shall also contain the information required in this section. The form shall be verified and
filed with the city. No person shall make a false statement in an application.
(B) Financial responsibility. Prior to the issuance of any license under this chapter,
the applicant shall demonstrate proof of financial responsibility as defined in M.S. § 340A.409,
as it may be amended from time to time, with regard to liability under M.S. § 340A.801, as it
may be amended from time to time. This proof will be filed with the city and the Commissioner
of Public Safety. Any liability insurance policy filed as proof of financial responsibility under
this section shall conform to M.S. § 340A.409, as it may be amended from time to time.
Operation of a business which is required to be licensed by this chapter without having on file
with the city at all times effective proof of financial responsibility is a cause for revocation of the
Penalty, see § 91.999
The application shall specifically describe the compact and contiguous premises within
which liquor may be dispensed and consumed. The description may not include any parking lot
or sidewalk.
At least 90 days before a license issued under this chapter is to be renewed, an
application for renewal shall be filed with the city. The decision whether or not to renew a
license rests within the sound discretion of the Council. No licensee has a right to have the
license renewed.
No license issued under this chapter may be transferred without the approval of the
Council. Any transfer of stock of a corporate licensee is deemed to be a transfer of the license,
and a transfer of stock without prior Council approval is a ground for revocation of the license.
An application to transfer a license shall be treated the same as an application for a new license,
and all of the provisions of this code applying to applications for a license shall apply.
Penalty, see § 91.999
(A) Preliminary background and financial investigation. On an initial application for a
license, on an application for transfer of a license and, in the sound discretion of the Council that
it is in the public interest to do so, on an application for renewal of a license, the city shall
conduct a preliminary background and financial investigation of the applicant or it may contract
with the Commissioner of Public Safety for the investigation. The applicant shall pay with the
application an investigation fee of $500 which shall be in addition to any license fee. If the cost
of the preliminary investigation is less than $500, the unused balance shall be returned to the
applicant. The results of the preliminary investigation shall be sent to the Commissioner of
Public Safety if the application is for an on-sale intoxicating liquor license or an on-sale wine
(B) Comprehensive background and financial investigation. If the results of a preliminary
investigation warrant, in the sound discretion of the Council, a comprehensive background and
financial investigation, the Council may either conduct the investigation itself or contract with
the Commissioner of Public Safety for the investigation. The investigation fee for this
comprehensive background and financial investigation to be paid by the applicant shall be $500,
less any amount paid for the initial investigation if the investigation is to be conducted within the
state, and $10,000, less any amount paid for the initial investigation, if the investigation is
required outside the state. The unused balance of the fee shall be returned to the applicant
whether or not the application is denied. The fee shall be paid in advance of any investigation
and the amount actually expended on the investigation shall not be refundable in the event the
application is denied. The results of the comprehensive investigation shall be sent to the
Commissioner of Public Safety if the application is for an on-sale intoxicating liquor license or
an on-sale wine license.
The Council shall investigate all facts set out in the application and not investigated in the
preliminary or comprehensive background and financial investigations. Opportunity shall be
given to any person to be heard for or against the granting of the license. After the investigation
and hearing, the Council shall in its sound discretion grant or deny the application. No license
shall become effective until the proof of financial security has been approved by the
Commissioner of Public Safety.
(A) Each license shall be issued only to the applicant for the premises described in the
(B) Not more than 1 license shall be directly or indirectly issued within the city to any 1
(C) No license shall be granted or renewed for operation on any premises on which taxes,
assessments, utility charges, service charges, or other financial claims of the city are delinquent
and unpaid.
(D) No license shall be issued for any place or any business ineligible for a license under
state law.
(E) No license shall be granted within 500 feet of any school or church. The distance is to
be measured from the closest side of the church to the closest side of the structure on the
premises within which liquor is to be sold.
Penalty, see § 91.999
The failure of a licensee to meet any one of the conditions of the license specified below
shall result in a suspension of the license until the condition is met.
(A) Within 90 days after employment, every person selling or serving liquor in an
establishment which has an “on-sale” license shall receive training regarding the selling or
serving of liquor to customers. The training shall be provided by an organization approved by the
State of Minnesota. Proof of training shall be provided by the licensee.
(B) Every licensee is responsible for the conduct of the place of business and the conditions
of sobriety and order in it. The act of any employee on the licensed premises is deemed the act of
the licensee as well, and the licensee shall be liable to all penalties provided by this chapter and
the law equally with the employee.
(C) Every licensee shall allow any peace officer, health officer, city employee, or any other
person designated by the Council to conduct compliance checks and to otherwise enter, inspect,
and search the premises of the licensee during business hours and after business hours during the
time when customers remain on the premises without a warrant.
(D) No on-sale establishment shall display liquor to the public during hours when the sale of
liquor is prohibited.
(E) Compliance with financial responsibility requirements of state law and of this chapter is
a continuing condition of any license.
Penalty, see § 91.999
(A) No “on-sale” sale of intoxicating liquor shall be made on licensed premises between the
hours of 1:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. on the days of Monday through Saturday.
(B) On-sale liquor license holders are permitted to sell liquor, in conjunction with the sale
of food, for on-premises consumption on Sundays between the hours of 12:00 p.m. on Sundays
and 1:00 a.m. on Mondays.
(Prior Code, § 6-92)
(Ord. 313, passed - -2000; Ord. 398, passed 10-28-2003)
(C) Any violation of any condition of this section may be grounds for revocation or
suspension of the license.
Penalty, see § 91.999
(A) No person under the age of 18 years shall be employed in any rooms constituting the
place in which intoxicating liquors or 3.2 percent malt liquor are sold at retail on sale, except that
persons under the age of 18 may be employed as musicians or to perform the duties of a bus
person or dishwashing services in places defined as a restaurant, hotel, motel or other multi-
purpose building serving food in rooms in which intoxicating liquors or 3.2 percent malt liquor
are sold at retail on sale.
(B) No person under the age of 21 years may enter a licensed establishment except to work,
consume meals on premises that qualify as a restaurant, or attend social functions that are held in
a portion of the premises where liquor is not sold.
Penalty, see § 91.999
No person shall mix or prepare liquor for consumption in any public place of business unless
it has a license to sell on-sale, or a permit from the Commissioner of Public Safety under the
provisions of M.S. § 340A.414, as it may be amended from time to time, which has been
approved by the Council, and no person shall consume liquor in any such place.
Penalty, see § 91.999
(A) The Council shall either suspend for a period not to exceed 60 days or revoke any liquor
license upon finding that the licensee has failed to comply with any applicable statute, regulation,
or provision of this chapter relating to liquor. Except in cases of lapse of proof of financial
responsibility, no suspension or revocation shall take effect until the licensee has been afforded
an opportunity for a hearing pursuant to the Administrative Procedures Act, M.S. §§ 14.57 to
14.70, as it may be amended from time to time. The Council may act as the hearing body under
that act, or it may contract with the Office of Hearing Examiners for a hearing officer.
(B) The following are the minimum periods of suspension or revocation which shall be
imposed by the Council for violations of the provisions of this chapter or M.S. Ch. 340A, as it
may be amended from time to time or any rules promulgated under that chapter as they may be
amended from time to time:
(1) For commission of a felony related to the licensed activity, sale of alcoholic
beverages while the license is under suspension, sale of intoxicating liquor where the only
license is for 3.2 percent malt liquor, or violation of § 91.04, the license shall be revoked.
(2) The license shall be suspended by the Council after a finding under division (A)
that the licensee has failed to comply with any applicable statute, rule, or provision of this
chapter for at least the minimum periods as follows:
(a) For the first violation within any 3-year period, at least 1 day suspension in
addition to any criminal or civil penalties which may be imposed.
(b) For a second violation within any 3-year period, at least 3 consecutive days
suspension in addition to any criminal or civil penalties which may be imposed.
(c) For the third violation within any 3-year period, at least 7 consecutive days
suspension in addition to any criminal or civil penalties which may be imposed.
(d) For a fourth violation within any 3-year period, the license shall be revoked.
(3) The Council shall select the day or days during which the license will be
(C) Lapse of required proof of financial responsibility shall effect an immediate suspension
of any license issued pursuant to this chapter or state law without further action of the Council.
Notice of cancellation or lapse of a current liquor liability policy shall also constitute notice to
the licensee of the impending suspension of the license. The holder of a license who has received
notice of lapse of required insurance or of suspension or revocation of a license may request a
hearing thereon and, if a request is made in writing to the Clerk, a hearing before the Council
shall be granted within 10 days. Any suspension under this division (B) shall continue until the
Council determines that the financial responsibility requirements of state law and this chapter
have again been met.
(D) The provisions of § 91.999 pertaining to administrative penalty may be imposed in
addition to or in lieu of any suspension or revocation under this chapter.
Penalty, see § 91.999
This subchapter, consisting of §§ 91.080 through 91.085, applies only to a city that has in
existence on the effective date of this chapter a municipal liquor store.
If the city has in existence on the effective date of this chapter a municipal liquor store for
the sale of intoxicating liquor, the store is continued. Except as provided in § 91.085, no
intoxicating liquor may be sold at retail elsewhere in the city.
Penalty, see § 91.999
§ 91.082 LOCATION.
The municipal liquor store shall be located at a suitable place in the city as the Council
determines by motion. However, no premises upon which taxes, assessments, or other public
charges are delinquent shall be leased for municipal liquor store purposes. The Council shall
have the right to establish additional off-sale and on-sale stores at other locations as it may, from
time to time, by motion, determine.
§ 91.083 OPERATION.
(A) Manager. The municipal liquor store shall be in the immediate charge of a Liquor Store
Manager selected by the Council and paid compensation as is fixed by the Council. The Manager
shall not be a person who would be prohibited by law or any provision of this chapter from being
eligible for an intoxicating liquor license. The Manager shall furnish a surety bond to the city,
conditioned upon the faithful discharge of the duties of the office, in a sum as specified by the
Council. The bond premium may be paid by the city or the Manager, in the discretion of the
Council. The Manager shall operate the municipal liquor store under the Council's direction and
shall perform those duties in connection with the store as may be established by the Council. The
Manager shall be responsible to the Council for the conduct of the store in full compliance with
this chapter and with the laws relating to the sale of intoxicating liquor and 3.2 percent malt
(B) Other employees. The Council may also appoint additional employees as may be
required and shall fix their compensation. All employees, including the Manager, shall hold their
positions at the pleasure of the Council. No person under the age of 18 shall be employed in the
store. The Council may require the employees to furnish surety bonds conditioned for the
faithful discharge of their duties in a sum as specified by the Council. The premium on the bond
may be paid by the city or the employees, as the Council determines.
(C) Municipal liquor store fund. All of the revenues received from the operation of a
municipal liquor store shall be deposited in a municipal liquor store fund from which all ordinary
operating expenses, including compensation of the Manager and employees, shall be paid.
Surpluses accumulating in the fund may be transferred to the general fund of the city or to any
other appropriate fund of the city by resolution of the Council, and may be expended for any
municipal purpose. The handling of municipal liquor store receipts and disbursements shall
comply with the procedure prescribed by law and charter for the receipts and disbursements of
city funds generally.
(D) Financial statement. The Council shall provide within 90 days following the end
of the calendar year for publication a balance sheet using generally accepted accounting
procedures and a statement of operations of the municipal liquor store for that year. The balance
sheet and statement shall be published in accordance with the provisions of M.S. § 471.6985, as
it may be amended from time to time.
(E) Hours of operation. The hours during which the sale of intoxicating liquor may
be sold shall be as provided in § 91.063. No person, other than the Manager, a vendor, or a store
employee, may remain in the municipal liquor store longer than one-half hour after the time
when the sale of intoxicating liquor must cease.
Penalty, see § 91.999
The city shall demonstrate proof of financial responsibility required by licensees of retail
intoxicating liquor establishments under the provisions of M.S. § 340A.409, as it may be
amended from time to time.
(A) On-sale licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquor. The Council may issue in its
sound discretion on-sale licenses to a club under M.S. § 340A.404, Subd. 1(4), as it may be
amended from time to time. If the voters have authorized their issuance at a special election
called for that purpose, the Council may issue on its sound discretion on-sale liquor licenses to
hotels and restaurants. The number of on-sale licenses irssued under this section is governed by
M.S. § 340A.413, as it may be amended from time to time, as limited by the provisions of this
chapter. The issuance of these licenses is governed by the provisions of this chapter.
(B) Off-sale licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquor. State law does not authorize
the issuance of off-sale licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquor by cities which operate a
municipal liquor dispensary.
(C) On- and off-sale 3.2 percent malt liquor licenses. The Council may issue 3.2 percent
malt liquor licenses in its sound discretion as provided in this chapter.
§ 91.999 PENALTIES.
(A) Any person violating the provisions of this chapter or M.S. Ch. 340A as it may be
amended from time to time or any rules promulgated under that chapter as they may be amended
from time to time is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished as provided
by law.
(B) The Council shall impose a civil penalty of up to $2,000 for each violation of M.S. Ch.
340A, as it may be amended from time to time, and of this chapter. Conviction of a violation in
a court of law is not required in order for the Council to impose the civil penalty. A hearing
under the Administrative Procedures Act, M.S. §§ 14.57 to 14.70, as it may be amended from
time to time, is not required before the penalty is imposed, but the Council shall hold a hearing
on the proposed violation and the proposed penalty and hear any person who wishes to speak.
Non-payment of the penalty is grounds for suspension or revocation of the license. The
following is the minimum schedule of presumptive civil penalties which must be imposed in
addition to any suspension unless the licenses is revoked:
(1) For the first violation within any 3-year period, $500.
(2) For the second violation within any 3-year period, $1,000.
(3) For the third and subsequent violations within any 3-year period, $2,000.
(C) The term “violation” as used in this section includes any and all violations of the
provisions of this chapter, or of M.S. Ch. 340A, as it may be amended from time to time or any
rules promulgated under that chapter as they may be amended from time to time. The number of
violations shall be determined on the basis of the history of violations for the preceding 3-year
period. Revocation shall occur within 60 days following a violation for which revocation is
(D) Beer licensing. Any person who violates any of the provisions of §§ 91.015 et seq.
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Prior Code, § 6-50)
92.01 Findings, purpose and definition
92.02 Definitions
92.03 Public nuisances affecting health
92.04 Public nuisances affecting public peace and safety
92.05 Public nuisances affecting environment
92.06 General policy
92.07 Inspection of dwelling and premises
92.08 Service of notice
92.09 Enforcement
92.10 Administrative liability
92.99 Penalty
(A) A nuisance is public if it annoys, injures, or endangers the safety, health, comfort, or
repose of any considerable number of people (M.S. 609.74, as it may be amended from time to
(B) It is public if it affects the surrounding community in general or some local
(Prior Code, § 19-25) (Ord. 359, passed 12-11-2001) Penalty, see § 92.99
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context
clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
DETERIORATED STRUCTURES. Any structure or part of any structure which is because
of fire, wind, or other natural disaster or physical deterioration no longer habitable nor useful.
HIGH GRASS. Any grass or weeds allowed to attain a height in excess of 6 inches except
vegetation on lakeshores, stream banks, wetlands, or other areas where the ground is encouraged
for environmental or erosion control purposes.
JUNK or RUBBISH. Any material or substance stored in the open or not enclosed in a building
which does not serve, nor is it intended to serve any useful purpose or the purpose for which it
was originally intended, including but not limited to, refuse, empty cans, bottles, debris, used
furniture, appliances, machinery parts, motor vehicle parts, vehicle tires, wood remnants, dead
trees, shrubs or other vegetation, decayed, weathered or broken construction material no longer
usable including metal or other cast off materials.
NOXIOUS AND VIRULENT WEEDS. Any poison ivy, ragweed or any other weeds,
grass, bush or plants which are a fire hazard or otherwise detrimental to the health or appearance
of a neighborhood.
UNSAFE BUILDINGS. Any building or structure which is structurally unsafe, does not
provide adequate egress, is dangerous to human life, or constitutes a hazard to safety, health or
public welfare by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, obsolescence, fire hazard,
disaster damage or abandonment.
(Prior Code, § 19-26) (Ord. 359, passed 12-11-2001)
The following are hereby declared to be nuisances affecting health:
(A) The pollution of any public well, cistern, stream, or lake, canal or body of water by
sewage, industrial waste or other substances;
(B) The effluence from any cesspool, septic tank, drain field or sewage disposal system
discharging upon the surface of the ground;
(C) Accumulations of manure, rubbish, tin cans, or other debris;
(D) All diseased animals running at large; carcasses of animals not buried within 24 hours
after death;
(E) Dense smoke, noxious fumes, gas and soot or cinders, in unreasonable quantities;
(F) All animals and poultry, except dogs and cats, housed, penned, stabled, enclosed,
tethered or allowed to run within 50 feet from a residence or other building permanently or
temporarily used for human habitation, or from any public road, alley, sidewalk or highway;
(G) Garbage containers which are not rodent free or fly-tight or which are so maintained as
to constitute a health hazard or to emit a foul and disagreeable odor; and
Nuisances 37
(H) All other acts, omissions of acts, occupations and uses of property which are
deemed by the Board of Health to be a menace to the health of the inhabitants of this city or any
considerable number thereof.
(Prior Code, § 19-27) (Ord. 359, passed 12-11-2001) Penalty, see § 92.99
The following are declared to be nuisances affecting public peace and safety.
(A) All unnecessary noises by singing, swearing, threatening, assaulting, striking or
fighting or quarreling, cursing or using obscene language or conversation, or any unusual noise.
(1) Radios, tape and disc players, and the like. The using, operating, or
permitting to be played any radio receiving set, tape or disc player, musical instrument ,
phonograph, or other machine or device for the producing or reproducing of sound in a manner,
considering the time and place and the purpose for which the sound is produced, as to disturb the
peace, quiet or repose of a person or persons of ordinary sensibilities.
(a) The play, use or operation of any radio, tape or disc player,
musical instrument, phonograph or other machine or device for the production or reproduction of
sound in a manner as to be plainly audible at a distance of 50 feet from the machine or device
shall be prima facie evidence of a violation of this section.
(b) When sound violating this section is produced or reproduced by a
machine or device that is located in or on a vehicle, the vehicle's owner is guilty of the violation,
provided, however, that if the vehicle's owner is not present at the time of the violation, the
person in charge or control of the vehicle at the time of the violation is guilty of the violation.
(c) This section shall not apply to sound produced by the following:
1. Amplifying equipment used in connection with activities
which are authorized, sponsored or permitted by the City of Park Rapids, so long as the activity
is conducted pursuant to the conditions of the license, permit or contract authorizing the activity;
2. Church bells, chimes, or carillons;
3. School bells;
4. Anti-theft devices; or
5. Machines or devices for the production of sound on or in
authorized emergency vehicles.
(2) Application. With the exception of the machines or devices listed in division (c)
above, this section shall apply to all radios, tapes and disc players, musical instruments,
phonographs, and machines and devices for the production or reproduction of sound, whether on
public or private property.
(B) The firing or discharge of any firearms. This section shall not preclude the Police
Department from establishing and using a firearms training range at a site or sites established by
Council action and located within the city. Persons using the range must be licensed law
enforcement officers, or be enrolled in a program leading to licensure. The Chief of Police or the
Police Department's Firearms Training Officer (or such other person as the Chief of Police may
from time to time designate, including representatives from other law enforcement agencies)
must be present when the range is being used.
(C) Any use of property abutting on a public street or sidewalk which causes large crowds
to gather, obstructing traffic and the free use of the sidewalk or streets.
(D) All buildings, walls and other structures which have deteriorated or become unsafe as
defined in this section; or have been damaged by fire, decay or otherwise to an extent exceeding
½ their original value and which are so situated as to endanger the safety of the public.
(E) Any dog who habitually barks, disturbing the peace of a number of people.
(F) Trees, hedges, signs, billboards, fences, or other obstructions which interfere with
maintenance of right-of-way or which hinder persons using any right-of-way from seeing traffic.
(G) The uncovered piling, storing or keeping of old machinery, wrecked or junked vehicles
or vehicle's bodies, cut or uncut lumber, pipes and other junk and debris, in zoned residential, or
in those areas not presently zoned, but which are predominately residential in nature.
(H) Any and all passenger vehicles including trucks in an inoperative state due to age,
damage, or malfunction shall not be parked outside in any district except in a Heavy Industry
District (I-2) for a period not to exceed 30 days unless they are a permitted use; eg. repair garage.
INOPERATIVE shall mean incapable of movement under its own power or in need of repair or
junking and shall include vehicles incapable of legal movement on public roads. All exterior
storage not included as a permitted use, or included as part of a conditional use permit, or
otherwise permitted by provisions of this chapter shall be considered as refuse.
(I) To leave any abandoned basement, well, shaft, wall, cesspool or septic tank, or other
excavation unless covered or filled or otherwise protected as to prevent any child or other
persons from accidentally falling into the same or being injured thereby.
(J) All buildings and all alterations to buildings made or erected within the fire limits as
established by ordinance in violation of the ordinance concerning manner and materials of
Nuisances 39
(K) To throw, drop, dump, suspend or cause to be thrown, any object or dangerous material
from any bridge or overpass spanning roadways or waterways within the city. No person shall
jump, swing, fall, or attach any device on any bridge to cause a person to swing from or repel
from any bridge within the city. No loitering on top of buildings.
(L) All snow and ice must be removed from public sidewalks, awnings or decks within 12
hours after the snow or other precipitation causing the condition has ceased to fall. The allowing
of rain water, ice or snow to fall from any building or structure upon any street or sidewalk or to
flow across or build up on any sidewalk, that may pose a threat to the general health, safety or
welfare of the public is prohibited.
(M) Obstructions and excavations affecting the ordinary public use of streets, alleys,
sidewalks or public grounds except under conditions as are permitted by this City Code.
(N) Accumulations in the open of discarded or disused machinery, household appliances,
automobile bodies, or other material in a manner conducive to the harboring of rats, mice, snakes
or vermin, or the rank growth of vegetation among the items so accumulated, or in a manner
creating fire, health, or safety hazards from those accumulations.
(O) The placing or throwing on any street, sidewalk, or other public property of any glass,
tacks, nails, bottles or other substance which may injure any person or animal or damage any
pneumatic tire when passing over a substance.
(P) All other conditions or things which are liable to cause injury to the person or property
of anyone.
(Prior Code, § 19-28) (Ord. 270, passed 3-11-1996; Am. Ord. 363, passed 5-14-2002; Am. Ord.
359, passed 12-11-2001; Am. Ord. 462, passed 6-13-2006) Penalty, see § 92.99
The following are declared a nuisance to the environment and a threat to the character of the
(A) In all zoning districts, the owner of all land shall be responsible for keeping land free of
noxious and virulent weeds; and
(B) Any high grass as defined in § 92.02.
(Prior Code, § 19-29) (Ord. 359, passed 12-11-2001) Penalty, see § 92.99
40 Park Rapids - General Regulations
It is hereby determined that the uses, structures, activities and causes of blight factors
described within this chapter, if allowed to exist, will tend to result in blighted and undesirable
neighborhoods so as to be harmful to the public welfare, health and safety.
(Prior Code, § 19-30) (Ord. 359, passed 12-11-2001) Penalty, see § 92.99
It shall be the duty of the Park Rapids Police Department to enforce the provisions of this
chapter. Officers and members of the Park Rapids Police Department are authorized to make, or
cause to be made, inspections to determine the conditions of exterior premises of property and
may, during the course of their inspection, take pictures on the premises.
(Prior Code, § 19-31) (Ord. 359, passed 12-11-2001)
When the inspecting officer of the Park Rapids Police Department determines there had
been a violation of this chapter or that there are reasonable grounds to believe there has been a
violation, he or she shall give written notice of the violation or alleged violation to the person or
persons who are responsible therefor. The notice shall describe the property involved
sufficiently to identify it, shall describe the violation which exists and the remedial action
required, shall allow a reasonable time for the performance of any act required, and shall be
served upon the person responsible therefor, and upon the record owner in the manner in which a
summons is served in Minnesota in a civil action.
(Prior Code, § 19-32) (Ord. 359, passed 12-11-2001)
If the notice described in § 92.08 is not complied with by the responsible person or
persons within the time prescribed, the defendant either may be prosecuted for the violation of
this chapter or the City Council may authorize the City Attorney to institute appropriate civil
action against the responsible person or persons for abatement of the public nuisance.
(Prior Code, § 19-33) (Ord. 359, passed 12-11-2001)
No officer, agent or employee of the City of Park Rapids shall render himself or herself
personally liable for any damage that may accrue to persons or property as a result of any act
required or permitted in the discharge of his or her duties under this chapter. No person who
institutes or assists in the prosecution of a criminal proceeding under this chapter shall be liable
in damages therefor unless he or she acted with actual malice and without reasonable grounds for
believing that the person accused or prosecuted was guilty of an unlawful act or omission.
(Prior Code, § 19-34) (Ord. 359, passed 12-11-2001)
§ 92.99 PENALTY.
In the discretion of the charging officer, the officer may state upon the tab charge or
complaint that the matter may be treated as a payable pursuant to any District Court judge's
schedule then in effect, thereby eliminating any threat of jail time for the alleged offender.
(Prior Code, § 19-35) (Ord. 359, passed 12-11-2001)
Tree Standards and Urban Forestry Committee
93.01 Definitions
93.02 Creation and establishment of the Urban Forestry Committee
93.03 Terms of office
93.04 Compensation
93.05 Duties and responsibilities
93.06 Tree species to be planted
93.07 Spacing
93.08 Distance from curb to sidewalk
93.09 Distance from street corners to fire hydrants
93.10 Boulevard trees
93.11 Boulevard trees damaged by contractor or property owner
93.12 Utilities
93.13 Public tree care
93.14 Pruning standards
93.15 Pruning and corner clearance
93.16 Tree topping
93.17 Dead or diseased tree removal on private property
93.18 Removal of tree stumps
93.19 Protection and preservation of trees
93.20 Interference with Urban Forestry Committee
93.21 Arborists license and bonding
93.22 Insurance
93.23 Review by City Council
Firewood and Stockpiling of Wood
93.35 Regulations adopted by reference
93.99 Penalty
44 Park Rapids - General Regulations
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context
clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
BOULEVARD. Area between curb or street edge and the private property line that is
publicly owned.
BOULEVARD TREE. A tree, shrub, bush, or other woody vegetation on land lying
between property lines on either side of all streets, avenues, and boulevards within the city.
CITY. The City of Park Rapids, Minnesota.
HAZARD TREE. Any tree or stump with an infectious disease or insect problem, dead or
dying trees, a tree or limb(s) that obstructs street lights, traffic signs, the free passage of
pedestrians or vehicles; a tree that poses a threat to public safety, and the like.
LARGE TREE. Any plant material that will grow to a height of over 40 feet.
MEDIUM TREE. Any plant material that will grow to a mature height of 20 to 40 feet.
PARK TREE. A tree, shrub, bush, or other woody vegetation in public parks having
individual names, and all areas owned by the city or to which the public has free access as a
PRIVATE TREE. Any and all trees growing on private property within the city limits.
PUBLIC PROPERTY. Any area or building publicly owned, including but not limited to
boulevards, parks, playgrounds, school sites, parkways, and streets.
PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. Portion of property reserved for public use and accepted for
that use by the city to provide circulation and travel to abutting properties, including, but not
limited to, streets, alleys, sidewalks, provisions for public utilities, cut and fill slopes, and open
public spaces.
PUBLIC TREE. All trees growing on any public right-of-way, park, or any public place
owned and or managed by the City of Park Rapids.
SMALL TREE. Any plant material that will grow to a height of 20 feet or less.
URBAN FOREST. All woody vegetation in city limits.
(Prior Code, § 22-26) (Ord.381, passed 4-22-2003)
There is hereby created and established an Urban Forestry Committee for the City of Park
Rapids of which shall consist of 5 members who shall be appointed by the Mayor with approval
of the City Council. The members shall come from different interest groups and/or members of
the community, tree professionals, the street department and city government. The Urban
Forestry Committee consists of 3 private citizens, the Park Rapids City Planner, and 1 person
from the Park Rapids City Council. Ex-officio members will include the City Forester, 1 DNR
Forester, a University of Minnesota County Extension Agent (UMCEA), 1 representative from
the Hubbard County Natural Resource Management Office, and a representative of the Natural
Resource Conservation Service Office (NRCS). The Committee shall choose its own officers to
be approved by the Mayor and make its own rules and regulations. It shall keep a record of
meeting minutes and make sure that they are distributed to each member in a timely manner.
(Prior Code, § 22-27) (Ord. 381, passed 4-22-2003; Am. Ord. 428, passed 4-12-2005)
The term of all members will be 3 years, except the term of 2 members appointed to the
first Committee, they will serve 2 years and the term of 1 member appointed to the first
Committee will be for 1 year. In the event that a vacancy shall occur during the term of any
member, the successor shall be appointed for the unexpired portion of the term. Committee
members may not serve more than 3 consecutive terms. A Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson
will be elected through the nomination process and serve 1 year. These positions will be elected
into office the last meeting of the year.
(Prior Code, § 22-28) (Ord. 381, passed 4-22-2003)
Members of the Committee shall serve without compensation.
(Prior Code, § 22-29) (Ord. 381, passed 4-22-2003)
(A) It shall be the responsibility of the Committee to study, investigate, counsel,
develop and administer a written plan for care, preservation, pruning, planting, replanting,
removal or disposition of trees and shrubs in parks, along streets and in other public areas. The
plan will constitute the official comprehensive tree plan. The Committee will provide the
Council with an annual update, preferably in April.
(B) The Committee shall promote and supervise the establishment of a tree inventory
for boulevard and park trees. The inventory shall be updated with the results of ground
inspection annually.
(C) The Committee, when requested by the City Council, shall consider, investigate, make
findings, report and recommend any special matter or question coming within the scope of its
(D) The Committee will:
(1) Recommend the adoption and alteration of all rules, regulations and ordinances
which it shall, from time to time, deem in the public interest and most likely enhance and
beautify the urban forest;
(2) Recommend policies for the review and approval of capital projects where trees or
other vegetation will be planted on or removed from city property;
(3) Encourage landscaping, installation and maintenance on private property by
providing information on the value of landscaping and on the proper planting and care of trees
and other vegetation;
(4) Promote appreciation of trees and the urban forest through annual Arbor Day
observations and other activities in conjunction with the school district and community
organizations; and
(5) Review those portions of the city budget allocated for the planting and care of trees
and other vegetation and advise the City Administrator on the appropriateness of funding levels.
(Prior Code, § 22-30) (Ord. 381, passed 4-22-2003)
(A) The Urban Forestry Committee develops and maintains a list of desirable trees for
planting along streets in 3 size classes based on mature height:
(1) Small - under 20 feet;
(2) Medium - 20 to 40 feet; or
(3) Large - over 40 feet.
(B) Efforts shall be made to ensure a sufficient diversity of tree species.
(C) List of trees not suitable for planting will also be created by the Committee.
(Prior Code, § 22-31) (Ord. 381, passed 4-22-2003) Penalty, see § 93.99
Environment 47
§ 93.07 SPACING.
(A) The spacing of trees will be in accordance with the 3 species size classes listed in
§ 93.06 of this chapter.
(B) Except in special plantings designed or approved by a landscape architect in
accordance with the Urban Forestry Committee, no tree may be planted closer than the
(1) Small trees - 15 feet;
(2) Medium trees - 25 feet; or
(3) Large trees - 35 feet.
(Prior Code, § 22-32) (Ord. 381, passed 4-22-2003) Penalty, see § 93.99
The distance trees may be planted from curbs or curb lines and sidewalks, will be in
accordance with the 3 species size classes listed in § 93.06 of this chapter. No trees may be
planted closer to any curb or sidewalk than 2 feet for small trees, 3 feet for medium or large
(Prior Code, § 22-33) (Ord. 381, passed 4-22-2003) Penalty, see § 93.99
No boulevard tree shall be planted within 35 feet of any street corner, measured from the
point of nearest intersecting curbs or curb lines. No street tree shall be planted within 10 feet of
any fire hydrant.
(Prior Code, § 22-34) (Ord. 381, passed 4-22-2003) Penalty, see § 93.99
(A) The planting of boulevard trees in residential developments of any size is required, with
the financing and planting of these trees being the responsibility of the landowner.
(B) A boulevard tree planting plan must be drawn up by the landowner and submitted to the
City Planner for approval at the time of the building permit application. This plan must follow
the specifications in the Park Rapids city ordinance and the City's Urban Forestry Committee
Technical Manual. The City will not grant the certificate of occupancy until the trees are
planted. At the discretion of the City Planner, an extension of no more than 9 months may be
granted due to circumstances beyond control of the landowner. Trees not planted within the time
frame noted above, will be planted by the city and the total cost assessed to the landowner.
(C) The tree stock life must be guaranteed for 2 years from time of planting. Planting and
mulching techniques must follow currently accepted recommendation. Watering of the trees is
the responsibility of the landowner after the planting of the tree.
(Prior Code, § 22-34A) (Ord. 428, passed 4-12-2005) Penalty, see § 93.99
(A) The replacement of public trees, removed or damaged for any reason by any person,
property owner, or contractor working within the city, is the full responsibility of that person,
property owner, or contractor.
(B) Replacement trees will be located on site if possible. If impossible to be located on site,
replacement trees shall be planted elsewhere in the city on public property, with the City Forester
determining the site.
(C) A planting plan must be drawn up and submitted to the City Planner for approval.
Replacement tree size, species, and location must be in accordance with the tree ordinance and
technical manual. Trees must be planted prior to or within 1 year after completion of the project.
The tree stock life must be guaranteed for 2 years from the time of planting; and techniques must
follow currently accepted recommendation. Trees not planted within the time frame noted above
will be planted by the city. The cost assessed to the person, property owner, or contractor,
whichever is applicable.
(D) Replacement tree watering will be the responsibility of the city and adjacent landowner.
(E) Any tree damage occurring during a construction process involving the trunk, roots, or
branches greater than 2 inches in diameter must be brought to the attention of the City Forester
for evaluation regarding possible tree care or removal. Recommended care of the trunk, roots,
and branches greater than 2 inches in diameter will either be performed by the City Forester, the
contractor in conjunction with the City Forester, or by a tree contractor licensed in the city. The
care or replacement will be at the expense of the contractor.
(Prior Code, § 22-34B) (Ord. 428, passed 4-12-2005) Penalty, see § 93.99
§ 93.12 UTILITIES.
(A) No boulevard tree other than those species accepted as small trees by the Urban
Forestry Committee may be planted under, or within 10 feet of any overhead utility wire.
(B) The Urban Forestry Committee may remove or order to be removed, any tree or part
thereof which is in an unsafe condition, or which by reason of its nature, is injurious to sewers,
electric power lines, gas lines, water lines or other public improvements.
(C) Tree limbs that grow near high voltage electrical conductors shall be maintained
clear of the conductors by the electric utility company in compliance with any applicable
franchise agreements. The utility company and the Urban Forestry Committee should be
familiar with each ordinance and policies regarding these matters.
(Prior Code, § 22-35) (Ord. 381, passed 4-22-2003) Penalty, see § 93.99
(A) This chapter provides the Urban Forestry Committee with full power and
authority over all matters regarding trees, plants and shrubs located within street rights-of-way,
parks and public places of the city.
(B) The Urban Forestry Committee may remove or order to be removed, any trees or
parts thereof which are in an unsafe condition, due to factors such as disease, insect infestation or
trauma. This section does not prohibit the planting of boulevard trees by adjacent property
owners providing that the selection and location of the trees is in accordance with §§ 93.08
through 93.13 of this chapter and with approval of the City Forester. The city shall have the right
to plant, prune, maintain and remove all trees, plants, and shrubs within the rights-of-way of all
city streets, alleys, avenues, lanes, squares and public grounds as may be necessary to insure
public safety or to preserve or enhance public symmetry and beauty of the public grounds.
(Prior Code, § 22-36) (Ord. 381, passed 4-22-2003)
All tree pruning on public property shall conform to the ANSI A300 Standards for tree
care operations:
(A) A thinning cut should be the preferred type of cut to make.
(B) A thinning cut shall consist of the removal of a lateral branch at its point
of origin, or the shortening of a branch stem by cutting to a lateral large enough to assume the
terminal role.
(C) Not more than 1/4 of the foliage on a mature tree should be removed
within a growing season.
(Prior Code, § 22-37A) (Ord. 381, passed 4-22-2003) Penalty, see § 93.99
Every owner of any tree overhanging any street or right-of-way within the city shall prune
the branches so that the branches shall not severely obstruct the light from any street lamp or
obstruct view of any street intersection. There shall be a clear space 13 feet above street surface
or 8 feet above the sidewalk surface. The owner shall remove all dead, diseased, dangerous
trees, broken or decayed limbs which constitute a menace to the safety of the public. The city
shall have the right to prune any tree or shrub on private property when it interferes with the
proper spread of light along the street from a street light, or interferes with visibility of any
traffic control device or sign or sign triangle at intersections, also along any public driveway
(Prior Code, § 22-37B) (Ord. 381, passed 4-22-2003) Penalty, see § 93.99
It shall be unlawful as a normal practice for any person, firm or city department to top any
boulevard tree, park tree, or other tree on public property. TOPPING is defined as the severe
cutting back of limbs to stubs larger than 3 inches in diameter within the tree's crown to a degree
as to remove the normal canopy and disfigure the tree. Crown reduction by qualified personnel,
such as the City Forester may be substituted, where appropriate. Trees severely damaged by
storms or other causes, or certain trees under utility wires or other obstructions where other
pruning practices are impractical may be exempted from this chapter at the determination of the
Urban Forestry Committee.
(Prior Code, § 22-38) (Ord. 381, passed 4-22-2003) Penalty, see § 93.99
The city shall have the right to cause the removal of any dead or diseased tree on all
property within the city limits, when trees constitute a hazard to life and property, harbor insects
or disease which constitute a potential threat to other trees within the city. The City Forester will
notify in writing the owners of these trees. Removal shall be done by the owners at their own
expense within 30 days after the date of notice. In the event of failure to comply with these
provisions, the city shall have the authority to remove these trees and assess the cost of removal
on the owner's property tax notice. In the event the tree is deemed public, refer to § 93.13. For
the removal of public trees, the cost will be shared by the city and landowner on a 50% basis.
(Prior Code, § 22-39) (Ord. 381, passed 4-22-2003; Am. Ord. 441, passed 7-12-2005) Penalty,
see § 93.99
All stumps of boulevard and park trees shall be removed, as deemed necessary by the City
Forester, below the surface of the ground so that the top of the stump shall not project above the
surface of the ground.
(Prior Code, § 22-40) (Ord. 381, passed 4-22-2003) Penalty, see § 93.99
(A) In order to maintain the overall forest, reasonable efforts shall be made to replace trees
that are removed and to protect quality trees that are endangered. Trees removed by decision of
the Urban Forestry Committee or by natural causes shall be replaced somewhere in the forest on
a 1 for 1 basis within 2 years. The location and species of any replacement tree shall be
determined by the Urban Forestry Committee.
(B) Trees of desirable species and good health shall be protected as much as possible from
damage during construction, sidewalk repair, utility work (above and below ground) and other
similar activities. The zone of protection shall include the ground beneath the canopy of the tree.
(C) The Urban Forestry Committee shall provide applicable information to developers and
private residents regarding the protection and preservation of trees before commencement of
construction. A tree plan should be developed as part of the preliminary plan stage with the
counsel of the Urban Forestry Committee.
(Prior Code, § 22-41) (Ord. 381, passed 4-22-2003) Penalty, see § 93.99
It shall be unlawful for any person to prevent, delay or interfere with the Urban Forestry
Committee or any of its agents, while engaging in and about the planting, cultivating, mulching,
pruning, spraying, or removing of any boulevard trees, park trees, or trees on private grounds as
authorized in this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 22-42) (Ord. 381, passed 4-22-2003) Penalty, see § 93.99
It shall be unlawful for any person or any firm to engage in the business or occupation of
pruning, treating, or removing boulevard or park trees within the city without first applying for
and procuring a license. The license fee shall be $25 annually in advance; provided, however,
that no license shall be required of any public service company including electric utilities and
their agents and contractors or city employee doing the work in the pursuit of their public service
endeavors. Before any license shall be issued, each applicant shall first file evidence of
possession of liability insurance in the minimum amounts of $300,000 for bodily injury and
$100,000 property damage indemnifying the city or any person injured or damaged resulting
from the pursuit of the endeavors as herein described.
(Prior Code, § 22-43) (Ord. 381, passed 4-22-2003) Penalty, see § 93.99
52 Park Rapids - General Regulations
§ 93.22 INSURANCE.
Any contractor hired by the city must file evidence of possession of liability insurance in the
minimum amounts of $300,000 for bodily injury or death and $100,000 property damage
indemnifying the City of Park Rapids or any person injured or damage resulting from the pursuit
of the endeavors as herein described.
(Prior Code, § 22-44) (Ord. 381, passed 4-22-2003) Penalty, see § 93.99
The City Council shall have the right to review the conduct, acts, and decisions of the Urban
Forestry Committee. The City Council may modify, affirm, or reserve any determination of the
Urban Forestry Committee. Any person aggrieved by any ruling or order of the Urban Forestry
Committee may appeal to the City Council, which shall hear the matter and make final decisions.
(Prior Code, § 22-45) (Ord. 381, passed 4-22-2003)
MCAR §§ 1505.0010 through 1505.0600, Department of Agriculture, Shade Tree Program
(1978) together with amendments thereof to date, are hereby adopted by reference and made a
part of this code as if set out here in full, except as hereinafter provided. A copy of the agency
rules herewith incorporated is on file in the City Administration office.
(Prior Code, § 22-47) (Ord. 381, passed 4-22-2003)
§ 93.99 PENALTY.
(A) Generally. Any person violating any provision of this chapter for which no specific
penalty is prescribed shall be subject to § 10.99.
(B) Tree standards and Urban Forestry Committee.
(1) The costs the city incurs as a result of the property owners failure to comply
pursuant to §§ 93.01 et seq. are hereby made a lien upon the lot or premises served, and all the
charges which are on October 31 of each year past due and delinquent, shall be certified to the
County Auditor as taxes or
Environment 53
assessments on the real estate. Nothing in this division shall be held or construed as in any way
stopping or interfering with the right of the city to levy as taxes or assessments against any
premises affecting any delinquent or past due costs.
(2) Any person, firm, contractor or corporation who violates any provision of §§ 93.01
et seq. shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and may be punished by a fine not to exceed $1,000 or
imprisonment for not more than 90 days, or both. In addition thereto, the cost of prosecution
may be imposed upon the defendant and the court may order restitution to the city for damage to
the tree or public property.
(Prior Code, § 22-46) (Ord. 381, passed 4-22-2003)
Street Excavations
94.001 Permit required
94.002 Application and regulations
94.003 Bond
94.004 General regulations for excavations
94.005 Refilling excavations
94.006 Pavement; city to replace
94.007 Excavations on state or federal highways
94.008 Map of subsurface installations
Street Lighting
94.020 System established
94.021 Billing; billing units
94.022 Assessment of unpaid bills
Obligation of Property Owners
94.035 Definitions
94.036 Personal liability
94.037 Assessment
94.038 Civil action
94.039 Snow, ice, dirt and rubbish
94.040 Public health and safety standards
94.041 Repair of sidewalks and alleys
Streets, Alleys and Boulevards
94.055 Streets and alleys
94.056 Boulevards
56 Park Rapids - General Regulations
Liability of City
94.070 Actions against city; notice
94.071 Receipt of notice
94.072 Record of notices
94.999 Penalty
No person, except an authorized city employee or a contractor performing work under a
contract with the city, shall make any excavation in a street, alley, sidewalk, or public ground
without first having secured a permit therefor from the City Clerk.
(Prior Code, § 46-26) Penalty, see § 94.999
The City Clerk shall prepare the necessary application forms and permits required under §
94.001. He or she shall also prepare the rules and regulations with respect to excavations as he
or she finds necessary to protect the public from injury, prevent damage to public or private
property, and minimize interference with the public use of streets, alleys, sidewalks, and public
grounds. Any person making an excavation covered by this subchapter shall agree prior to the
issuance of the permit to comply with the rules and regulations set forth in this part.
(Prior Code, § 46-27) Penalty, see § 94.999
§ 94.003 BOND.
(A) Any permittee, except a public utility corporation shall file with the City Clerk a
plumbing contractor’s bond in the sum of $25,000 conditioned that the permittee will:
(1) Perform work in connection with the excavation in accordance with applicable
ordinances and regulations;
(2) Indemnify the city and hold it harmless from all damage caused in the execution of
the work; and
Streets, Sidewalks, and Other Public Places 57
(3) Pay all costs and damages suffered by the city by reason of the failure of the
permittee to observe the terms of applicable ordinances and regulations or because of negligence
in the execution of the work.
(B) Any permittee except a public utility corporation shall furnish proof that the permittee
has in existence an insurance policy protecting him or her from liability to the public, including
the city, to an amount equal to the maximum claim the city might be required to pay under M.S.
Chapter 466, as it may be amended from time to time.
(Prior Code, § 46-28) Penalty, see § 94.999
Street openings shall be made in a manner that will cause the least inconvenience to the
public. The work shall be as directed by the Public Works Superintendent. Provision shall be
made for the passage of water along the gutters and at least ½ of the traveled portion of the street
shall be left open and in good condition for the safe passage of vehicles. Open excavations shall
be guarded with substantial barriers and marked with red flags and at night with red lights or
flashing devices. Pipes or mains exposed to freezing temperatures shall be protected so as to
prevent freezing. Any person responsible for exposing a city main or pipe so that it might be
damaged by freezing shall be liable to the city for all damages caused by the freezing and all
damages sustained by others by the freezing for which the city may be liable.
(Prior Code, § 46-29) Penalty, see § 94.999
(A) Every street excavation shall be refilled as soon as possible after the work is completed
to the satisfaction of the Public Works Superintendent. All dirt and debris shall be removed
(B) Any person who fails to comply with these requirements within 24 hours after notice
from the city shall be liable to the city for the full cost incurred by the city in remedying the
defect and restoring the street, sidewalk, alley, or public ground to its proper condition. The cost
shall be an obligation of the surety on the bond of the permittee.
(Prior Code, § 46-30) Penalty, see § 94.999
(A) On all streets where the excavation must be made through bituminous surfacing,
concrete or other paving, the surface will be repaired or replaced by the city at the expense of the
property served.
58 Park Rapids - General Regulations
(B) After the surfacing has been repaired or replaced, the cost of making the repair or
replacement will be billed to the applicant.
(Prior Code, § 46-31) Penalty, see § 94.999
When surfacing on a state or federal highway is to be disturbed, a permit must be obtained
from the Highway Department and their rules and regulations will govern.
(Prior Code, § 46-32) Penalty, see § 94.999
The Water/Sewer Department shall maintain a map showing the location of city utilities and
other installations made beneath the surface of any public street, grounds, or right-of-way. The
information on the map shall be sufficiently complete and accurate to permit anyone making an
excavation in a public place having any underground installation to avoid damage to any existing
underground installation and to properly locate the same. Any new underground facilities shall
be recorded on the map as soon as practicable upon the issuance of an excavation permit or the
completion of a contract for the installation of city underground installations by the City
Engineering Department.
(Prior Code, § 46-33)
The city street lighting system is established and continued. The system consists of street
lighting facilities, whether owned by the city or otherwise, for which the city purchases and
supplies electrical energy from a public utility.
(Prior Code, § 46-40)
(A) Unit defined. For purposes of this subchapter, a BILLING UNIT is any commercial
property with frontage abutting the target area affected by the downtown street lighting
excluding common public areas. A BILLING UNIT will be based upon the front footage of the
property along with 50% of the side footage in the case of corner lots.
Streets, Sidewalks, and Other Public Places 59
(B) Billing. The service charge will be set by the City Council on a per foot basis and
divided among the billing units according to the proportion of each unit's footage. The billing
clerk is to send bills to each billing unit on a bi-monthly basis and directed to the same person to
whom city sewer and water billings are sent for that unit. If a billing unit is not connected to the
city water or sewer system the bill is to be sent to the owner of the billing unit. Bills are to be
sent to all the units whether occupied or unoccupied.
(C) Advance payment. Each billing unit will have the option of making an advance
payment equivalent to their total utility billing over 10 years with a reduction for a cost of money
calculation. This amount will be determined by the City Treasurer.
(Prior Code, § 46-41)
On or before October 1 of each year, the Clerk must list the total unpaid charges for street
lighting service against each separate lot or parcel to which they are attributable. The Council
will then spread the charges against property benefitted as a special assessment under M.S. §
429.101, as it may be amended from time to time, and other pertinent statutes for certification to
the director of property taxation of Hubbard County and collection the following year along with
the current taxes.
(Prior Code, § 46-42) (Ord. 280, passed 1997)
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definition shall apply unless the context
clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
CURRENT SERVICE. One or more of the following: snow, ice, or rubbish removal from
sidewalks; weed elimination from street grass plots adjacent to sidewalks or from private
property; removal or elimination of public health or safety hazards from private property,
excluding any hazardous building included in M.S. §§ 463.15 to 463.261, as it may be amended
from time to time; installation or repair of water service lines; street sprinkling, street flushing,
light street oiling, or other dust treatment of streets; repair of sidewalks and alleys; trimming and
care of trees and removal of unsound and insect-infected trees from the public streets or private
property; and the operation of a street lighting system.
(Prior Code, § 46-51)
60 Park Rapids - General Regulations
The owner of property on which or adjacent to which a current service has been performed
shall be personally liable for the cost of the service. As soon as the service has been completed
and the cost determined, the City Clerk, or other designated official, shall prepare a bill and mail
it to the owner and thereupon the amount shall be immediately due and payable at the office of
the City Clerk.
(Prior Code, § 46-52) Penalty, see § 94.999
§ 94.037 ASSESSMENT.
(A) On or before September 1 of each year, the Clerk shall list the total unpaid charges for
each type of current service against each separate lot or parcel to which they are attributable
under this subchapter.
(B) The Council may then spread the charges against property benefitted as a special
assessment under M.S. § 429.101, as it may be amended from time to time, and other pertinent
statutes for certification to the County Auditor and collection along with current taxes the
following year or in annual installments, not exceeding 10, as the Council may determine in each
(Prior Code, § 46-53)
§ 94.038 CIVIL ACTION.
The Clerk may bring a civil suit in any court of competent jurisdiction to recover the charges
for the current service from the person benefitted by the current service.
(Prior Code, § 46-54)
(A) Duty of owners and occupants. The owner and the occupant of any property adjacent to
a public sidewalk shall use diligence to keep the walk safe for pedestrians. No owner or
occupant shall allow snow, ice, dirt, or rubbish to remain on the walk longer than 24 hours after
its deposit thereon.
(B) Removal by city. The Public works Superintendent shall cause to be removed from all
public sidewalks all snow, ice, dirt and rubbish as soon as possible beginning 24 hours after any
matter has been deposited thereon or after the snow has ceased to fall. He or she shall keep a
record showing the cost of the removal adjacent to each separate lot and parcel and shall deliver
the information to the City Clerk.
(Prior Code, § 46-55) Penalty, see § 94.999
Streets, Sidewalks, and Other Public Places 61
(A) When the city removes or eliminates public health or safety hazards from private
property under city ordinance, the administrative officer responsible for doing the work shall
keep a record of the cost of the removal or elimination against each parcel of property affected
and annually deliver the information to the City Clerk.
(B) This section does not apply to hazardous buildings under the hazardous building
law, M.S. §463.26, as it may be amended from time to time.
(Prior Code, § 46-56) Penalty, see § 94.999
(A) Duty of owner.
(1) The owner of any property within the city abutting a public sidewalk or
alley shall keep the sidewalk or alley in repair and safe for pedestrians.
(2) Repairs shall be made in accordance with the standard specifications
approved by the Council and on file in the office of the City Clerk.
(B) Inspections; notice.
(1) The Public Works Superintendent shall make inspections as are necessary
to determine that public sidewalks and alleys within the city are kept in repair and safe for
pedestrians or vehicles.
(2) If he or she finds that any sidewalk or alley abutting on private property is
unsafe and in need of repairs, he or she shall cause a notice to be served, by registered or
certified mail or by personal service, upon the record owner of the property and the occupant, if
the owner does not reside within the city or cannot be found therein ordering the owner to have
the sidewalk or alley repaired and made safe within 60 days and stating that if the owner fails to
do so, the Public Works Superintendent will do so on behalf of the city, that the expense thereof
must be paid by the owner, and that if unpaid it will be made a special assessment against the
property concerned.
(C) Repair by city.
(1) If the sidewalk or alley is not repaired within 60 days after receipt of the notice, the
Public Works Superintendent shall report the facts to the Council and the Council shall by
resolution order the Public Works Superintendent to repair the sidewalk or alley and make it safe
or order the work done by contract in accordance with law.
62 Park Rapids - General Regulations
(2) The Public Works Superintendent shall keep a record of the total cost of the repair
attributable to each lot or parcel of property and report the information to the City Clerk.
(Prior Code, § 46-57) Penalty, see § 94.999
(A) Obstructions. It shall be unlawful for any person to store, pile or place upon any alley
or street any merchandise, waste material or other obstruction of any kind, provided it is not
unlawful for any person to place merchandise, which he or she may be receiving or delivering
for the purpose of unpacking or shipping, on that part of the street or alley adjacent to the
building owned or occupied by him or her so long as it does not obstruct traffic and does not
remain on the street or alley longer than reasonably necessary.
(B) Snow and ice, roofs. No person shall throw snow or ice from a building roof into a
street or alley or otherwise cause snow or ice to be put upon any street or alley.
(Prior Code, § 46-71) Penalty, see § 94.999
§ 94.056 BOULEVARDS.
(A) Definition. A BOULEVARD is that area of ground between the curb or boundary of a
road used for vehicular traffic and the sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk, the boundary shall be
the designated sidewalk line. If there be no sidewalk and no designated sidewalk line, the
boundary shall be the property line.
(B) Signs or structures. No person shall erect or place, or permit to be erected or placed
upon a boulevard any sign or structure except official signs or structures erected or placed
thereon by public authority.
(Prior Code, § 46-72) (Ord. 242, passed 1989; Am. Ord. 438, passed 6-28-2005) Penalty, see §
Streets, Sidewalks, and Other Public Places 63
(A) Defects, obstructions. No civil action shall be maintained against the City of Park
Rapids for damages or injuries to person or property sustained by reason of any highway bridge
or culvert being defective, out of repair, unsafe, dangerous, or obstructed unless:
(1) Written notice of the defective, unsafe, dangerous, or obstructed condition was
received by the Clerk of the governing body or the County Highway Superintendent; and
(2) There was a failure or neglect within a reasonable time after giving of notice to
repair or remove the defect, danger, or obstruction complained of.
(B) Snow or ice. No action shall be maintained for damages or injuries to person or
property sustained solely in consequence of the existence of snow or ice upon any highway,
bridge, or culvert, unless:
(1) Written notice thereof, specifying the particular place was actually received by the
Clerk of the City of Park Rapids or Public Works Superintendent; and
(2) There was a failure or neglect to cause the snow or ice to be removed, or to make
the place otherwise reasonably safe within a reasonable time after the receipt of the notice.
(Prior Code, § 46-91) (Ord. 231, passed 1986) Penalty, see § 94.999
The Public Works Superintendent of Park Rapids shall transmit in writing to the Clerk of the
city within 10 days after the receipt thereof all written notices received by the Clerk pursuant to §
91.070 of this subchapter.
(Prior Code, § 46-92)
The Clerk of Park Rapids shall keep an indexed record, in a separate book, of all written
notices, which the Clerk shall receive pursuant to this subchapter of the existence of a defective,
unsafe, dangerous or obstructed condition in or upon, or of an accumulation of ice or snow upon
any county highway, bridge or culvert, which record shall state the date of receipt of the notice,
the nature and
64 Park Rapids - General Regulations
location of the condition stated to exist, and the name and address of the person from whom the
notice is received. The record of each notice shall be preserved for a period of 5 years after the
date it is received.
(Prior Code, § 46-93) (Ord. 231, passed 1986)
§ 94.999 PENALTY.
(A) Generally. Any person violating any provision of this chapter for which no specific
penalty is prescribed shall be subject to § 10.99.
(B) Obligation of property owners. Any person who violates any of the provisions of §§
94.035 et seq. shall be guilty of a petty misdemeanor.
(Prior Code, § 46-58)
(C) Streets, alleys and boulevards. Any person who violates the provisions of §§ 94.055 et
seq. shall be guilty of a petty misdemeanor.
(Prior Code, § 46-73)
General Provisions
95.01 Findings and purpose
95.02 Definitions
95.15 Administration
95.16 Utility Coordination Committee
95.17 Registration and right-of-way occupancy
95.18 Registration information
95.19 Reporting obligations
95.30 Permit requirement
95.31 Permit applications
95.32 Issuance of permit; conditions
95.33 Permit fees
95.34 Right-of-way patching and restoring
95.35 Joint application
95.36 Supplementary applications
95.37 Other obligations
95.38 Denial of permit
95.39 Installation requirements
95.40 Inspection
95.41 Work done without a permit
95.42 Supplementary notification
95.43 Revocation of permits
95.44 Mapping date
95.45 Location of facilities
95.46 Relocation of facilities
95.47 Pre-excavation facility and facilities location
95.48 Damage to other facilities
66 Park Rapids - General Regulations
95.49 Right-of-way vacation
95.50 Indemnification and liability
95.51 Abandoned and usable facilities
95.52 Appeal
95.53 Reservation of regulatory and police powers
95.54 Severability
The City Council of the City of Park Rapids has determined that it is in the best interest of
the city that the City Code be amended to provide a chapter regulating the public rights-of-way
located within the city and to provide for the issuance and regulation of right-of-way permits.
(Prior Code, § 48-1) (Ord. 299, passed 5-11-1999)
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context
clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
APPLICANT. Any person requesting permission to excavate or obstruct a right-of-way.
CITY. The City of Park Rapids, Minnesota. For purposes of § 95.50, CITY means its
elected officials, officers, employees and agents.
CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE BOND. Any of the following forms of security
provided at permittees option:
(1) Individual project bond;
(2) Cash deposit;
(3) Security of a form listed or approved under M.S. § 15.73, subdivision 3, as may be
amended from time to time;
(4) Letter of credit, in a form acceptable to the Local Governing Unit (LGU); and
(5) Self-insurance, in a form acceptable to the LGU.
Right-of-Way Management 67
DEGRADATION. A decrease in the useful life of the right-of-way caused by excavation
in or disturbance in the right-of-way, resulting in the need to reconstruct the right-of-way earlier
than would be required if the excavation did not occur.
DEGRADATION COST. The cost to achieve a level of restoration as determined by the
city at the time the permit is issued, not to exceed the maximum restoration shown in plates 1 to
13, set forth in proposed PUC rules parts 7819.9900 to 7819.9950.
DEGRADATION FEE. The estimated fee established at the time of permitting by the
city to recover costs associated with the decrease in the useful life of the right-of-way caused by
the excavation, and which equals the degradation costs.
DELAY PENALTY. The penalty imposed as a result of unreasonable delays in right-of-
way construction.
DEPARTMENT. The Department of Public Utilities of the city.
DEPARTMENT INSPECTOR. Any person authorized by the supervisor to carry out
inspections related to the provisions of this chapter.
DIRECTOR. The Public Works Superintendent of the city, or his or her designee.
EMERGENCY. A condition that:
(1) Poses a clear and immediate danger to life or health, or of a significant
loss of property; or
(2) Requires immediate repair or replacement of facilities in order to restore
service to a customer.
EQUIPMENT. Any tangible asset used to install, repair, or maintain facilities in any
EXCAVATE. To dig into or in any way remove or physically disturb or penetrate any
part of a right-of-way.
EXCAVATION PERMIT. The permit which, pursuant to this chapter, must be obtained
before a person may excavate in a right-of-way. An excavation permit allows the holder to
excavate that part of the right-of-way described in the permit.
EXCAVATION PERMIT FEE. Money paid to the city by an applicant to cover the costs
as provided in § 95.33.
FACILITY or FACILITIES. Any tangible asset in the right-of-way required to provide
utility service.
LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE. A local person or persons, or designee of that person or
persons, authorized by a registrant to accept service and to make decisions for that registrant
regarding all matters within the scope of this chapter.
MANAGEMENT COSTS. The actual costs the city incurs in managing its rights-of-way,
including the costs, if incurred, as those associated with registering applicants; issuing,
processing, and verifying right-of-way permit applications; inspecting job sites and restoration
projects; maintaining, supporting, protecting, or moving user facilities during right-of-way work;
determining the adequacy of right-of-way restoration; restoring work inadequately performed
after proving notice and the opportunity to correct the work; and revoking right-of-way permit.
MANAGEMENT COSTS do not include payment by a telecommunications right-of-way user
for the use of the right-of-way, the files and cost of litigation relating to the interpretation of M.S.
§§ 237.04, 237.16, 237.74, 237.163 and Chapter 238, as it may be amended from time to time, or
any ordinance enacted under those sections, or the city fees and costs related to appeals taken
pursuant to § 95.52 of this chapter.
OBSTRUCT. To place any tangible object in a right-of-way so as to hinder free and open
passage over that or any part of the right-of-way.
OBSTRUCTION PERMIT. The permit which, pursuant to this chapter, must be obtained
before a person may obstruct a right-of-way, allowing the holder to hinder free and open passage
over the specified portion of that right-of-way by placing equipment described therein on the
right-of-way for the duration specified therein.
OBSTRUCTION PERMIT FEE. Money paid to the city by a permittee to cover the costs
as provided in § 95.33.
(1) A method of pavement replacement that is temporary in nature.
(2) A PATCH consists of:
(a) The compaction of the subbase and aggregate base; and
(b) The replacement, in kind, of the existing pavement for a minimum of 2 feet
beyond the edges of the excavation in all directions.
(3) A PATCH is considered fill restoration only when the pavement is included in the
city's 5 year project plan.
PERMITTEE. Any person to whom a permit to excavate or obstruct a right-of-way has
been granted by the city under this chapter.
Right-of-Way Management 69
PERSON. Any natural or corporate person, business association or other business entity
including, but not limited to, a partnership, a sole proprietorship, a political subdivision, a public
or private agency of any kind, a utility, a successor or assign of any of the foregoing, or any other
legal entity.
REGISTRANT. Any person who:
(1) Has or seeks to have its equipment or facilities located in any right-of-
way; or
(2) In any way occupies or uses, or seeks to occupy or use the right-of-way or
place its facilities in the right-of-way.
RESTORE or RESTORATION. The process by which a right-of-way is returned to the
same condition and life expectancy that existed before excavation.
RESTORATION COST. The amount of money paid to the city by a permittee to achieve
the level of restoration according to plates 1 to 13 of PUC rules.
RIGHT-OF-WAY. The area on, below, or above a public roadway, highway, street,
cartway, bicycle lane and public sidewalk in which the city has an interest, including other
dedicated rights-of-way for travel purposes and utility easements of the city. A RIGHT-OF-
WAY does not include the airwaves above a RIGHT-OF-WAY with regard to cellular or other
nonwire telecommunications or broadcast service.
RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT. Either the excavation permit or the obstruction permit, or
both, depending on the context, required by this chapter.
SERVICE or UTILITY SERVICE. Includes but is not limited to:
(1) Those services provided by a public utility as defined in M.S. § 216B.02,
subdivisions 4 and 6, as it may be amended from time to time;
(2) Telecommunications, pipeline, community antenna television, fire and
alarm communications, water, electricity, light, heat, cooling energy, or power services;
(3) The services provided by a corporation organized for the purposes set
forth in M.S. § 300.03, as it may be amended from time to time;
(4) The services provided by a district heating or cooling system;
(5) Cable communications systems as defined in M.S. Chapter 238, as it may be
amended from time to time; and
(6) Telecommunication right-of-way user as defined in this chapter.
70 Park Rapids - General Regulations
SUPPLEMENTARY APPLICATION. An application made to excavate or obstruct more
of the right-of-way than allowed in, or to extend, a permit that had already been issued.
TELECOMMUNICATION RIGHTS-OF-WAY USER. A person owning or controlling a
facility in the right-of-way, or seeking to own or control a facility in the right-of-way, that is
used or is intended to be used for transporting telecommunication or other voice or data
information. For purposes of this chapter, a cable communication system defined and regulated
under M.S. Chapter 238, as it may be amended from time to time, and telecommunication
activities related to providing natural gas or electric energy services whether provided by a
public utility as defined in M.S. § 216B.02, as it may be amended from time to time, a
municipality, a municipal gas or power agency organized under M.S. Chapters 453 and 453A, as
it may be amended from time to time, or a cooperative electric association organized under M.S.
Chapter 308A, as it may be amended from time to time, are not TELECOMMUNICATIONS
RIGHT-OF-WAY USERS for purposes of this chapter.
UNUSABLE FACILITIES. Facilities in the right-of-way which have remained unused for
1 year and for which the registrant is unable to provide proof that it has either a plan to begin
using it within the next 12 months or a potential purchaser or user of the facilities.
(Prior Code, § 48-2) (Ord. 299, passed 5-11-1999)
The Director is the principal city official responsible for the administration of the rights-of-
way, right-of-way permits, and the ordinances related thereto. The Director may delegate any or
all of the duties hereunder.
(Prior Code, § 48-3) (Ord. 299, passed 5-11-1999)
The city may create an advisory Utility Coordination Committee. Participation on the
Committee is voluntary. It will be composed of any registrants that wish to assist the city in
obtaining information and by making recommendations regarding use of the right-of-way, and to
improve the process of performing construction work therein. The Director may determine the
size of the Committee and shall appoint members from a list of registrants that have expressed a
desire to assist the city.
(Prior Code, § 48-4) (Ord. 299, passed 5-11-1999)
Right-of-Way Management 71
(A) Registration. Each person who occupies, uses, or seeks to occupy or use, the right-of-
way or place any equipment or facilities in the right-of-way, including persons with installation
and maintenance responsibilities by lease, sublease or assignment, must register with the
Director. Registration will consist of providing application information and paying a registration
(B) Registration prior to work. No person may construct, install, repair, remove, relocate,
or perform any other work on, or use any facilities or any part thereof in any right-of-way
without first being registered with the Director.
(C) Exceptions. Nothing herein shall be construed to repeal or amend the provisions of a
city ordinance permitting persons to plant or maintain boulevard plantings or gardens in the area
of the right-of-way between their property and the street curb. Persons planting or maintaining
boulevard plantings or gardens shall not be deemed to use or occupy the right-of-way, and shall
not be required to obtain any permits or satisfy any other requirements for planting or
maintaining the boulevard plantings or gardens under this chapter. However, nothing herein
relieves a person from complying with the provisions of the M.S. Chapter 216D, as it may be
amended from time to time, One Call Law.
(Prior Code, § 48-5) (Ord. 299, passed 5-11-1999)
(A) Information required. The information provided to the Director at the time of
registration shall include, but not be limited to:
(1) Each registrant's name, gopher one-call registration certificate number, address and
e-mail address if applicable, and telephone and facsimile numbers;
(2) The name, address and e-mail address, if applicable, and telephone and facsimile
numbers of a local representative. The local representative or designee shall be available at all
times. Current information regarding how to contact the local representative in an emergency
shall be provided at the time of registration;
(3) A certificate of insurance or self-insurance:
(a) Verifying that an insurance policy has been issued to the registrant by an
insurance company licensed to do business in the State of Minnesota, or a form of self insurance
acceptable to the Director;
72 Park Rapids - General Regulations
(b) Verifying that the registrant is insured against claims for personal injury,
including death, as well as claims for property damage arising out of the:
1. Use and occupancy of the right-of-way by the registrant, its officers,
agents, employees and permittees; and
2. Placement and use of facilities in the right-of-way by the registrant, its
officers, agents, employees and permittees, including, but not limited to, protection against
liability arising from completed operations, damage of underground facilities, and collapse of
(c) Naming the city as an additional insured as to whom the coverages required
herein are in force and applicable and for whom defense will be provided as to all coverages;
(d) Requiring that the Director be notified 30 days in advance of cancellation of
the policy or material modification of a coverage term; and
(e) Indicating comprehensive liability coverage, automobile liability coverage,
Workers Compensation and umbrella coverage established by the Director in amounts sufficient
to protect the city and the public and to carry out the purposes and policies of this chapter;
(4) The city may require a copy of the actual insurance policies;
(5) If the person is a corporation, a copy of the certificate required to be filed under
M.S. § 300.06, as it may be amended from time to time, as recorded and certified to by the
Secretary of State; and
(6) A copy of the person's order granting a certificate of authority from the Minnesota
Public Utilities Commission or other applicable state or federal agency, where the person is
lawfully required to have the certificate from the Commission or other state or federal agency.
(B) Notice of changes. The registrant shall keep all of the information listed above current
at all times by providing to the Director information as to changes within 15 days following the
date on which the registrant has knowledge of any change.
(Prior Code, § 48-6) (Ord. 299, passed 5-11-1999)
Right-of-Way Management 73
(A) Operations.
(1) Each registrant shall, at the time of registration and by December 1 of each year,
file a construction and major maintenance plan for underground facilities with the Director. The
plan shall be submitted using a format designated by the Director and shall contain the
information determined by the Director to be necessary to facilitate the coordination and
reduction in the frequency of excavations and obstructions of rights-of-way.
(2) The plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following information:
(a) The locations and the estimated beginning and ending dates of all projects to
be commenced during the next calendar year (in this section, a "next-year project"); and
(b) To the extent known, the tentative locations and estimated beginning and
ending dates for all projects contemplated for the 5 years following the next calendar year (in this
section, a "5-year project").
(3) The term PROJECT in this section shall include both next-year projects and 5-year
(4) By January 1 of each year the Director will have available for inspection in the
Director's office a composite list of all projects of which the Director has been informed in the
annual plans. All registrants are responsible for keeping themselves informed of the current
status of this list.
(5) Thereafter, by February 1, each registrant may change any project in its list of next-
year projects, and must notify the Director and all other registrants of all changes in the list.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, a registrant may at any time join in a next-year project of another
registrant listed by the other registrant.
(B) Additional next-year projects. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Director will not
deny an application for a right-of-way permit for failure to include a project in a plan submitted
to the city if the registrant has used commercially reasonable efforts to anticipate and plan for the
(Prior Code, § 48-7) (Ord. 299, passed 5-11-1999)
74 Park Rapids - General Regulations
(A) Permit required. Except as otherwise provided in this code, no person may
obstruct or excavate any right-of-way without first having obtained the appropriate right-of-way
permit from the Director to do so.
(1) Excavation permit. An excavation permit is required by a registrant to
excavate that part of the right-of-way described in the permit and to hinder free and open passage
over the specified portion of the right-of-way by placing facilities described therein, to the extent
and for the duration specified therein.
(2) Obstruction permit. An obstruction permit is required by a registrant to
hinder free and open passage over the specified portion of right-of-way by placing equipment
described therein on the right-of-way, to the extent and for the duration specified therein. An
obstruction permit is not required if a person already possesses a valid excavation permit for the
same project.
(B) Permit extensions. No person may excavate or obstruct the right-of-way beyond
the date or dates specified in the permit unless the person:
(1) Makes a supplementary application for another right-of-way permit before
the expiration of the initial permit; and
(2) A new permit or permit extension is granted.
(C) Delay penalty. Notwithstanding division (B) of this section, the city shall
establish and impose a delay penalty for unreasonable delays in right-of-way excavation,
obstruction, patching, or restoration. The delay penalty shall be established from time to time by
City Council resolution.
(D) Permit display. Permits issued under this chapter shall be conspicuously
displayed or otherwise available at all times at the indicated work site and shall be available for
inspection by the Director.
(Prior Code, § 48-8) (Ord. 299, passed 5-11-1999)
Application for a permit is made to the Director. Right-of-way permit applications shall
contain, and will be considered complete only upon compliance with the requirements of the
following provisions:
(A) Registration with the Director pursuant to this chapter;
Right-of-Way Management 75
(B) Submission of a completed permit application form, including all required attachments,
and scaled drawings showing the location and area of the proposed project and the location of all
known existing and proposed facilities;
(C) Payment of money due the city for:
(1) Permit fees, estimated restoration costs, and other management costs;
(2) Prior obstructions or excavations;
(3) Any undisputed loss, damage, or expense suffered by the city because of applicant's
prior excavations or obstructions of the rights-of-way or any emergency actions taken by the
city; or
(4) Franchise or user fees, if applicable;
(D) When an excavation permit is requested for purposes of installing additional facilities,
and the posting of a construction performance bond for the additional facilities is insufficient, the
posting of an additional or larger construction performance bond for the additional facilities may
be required.
(Prior Code, § 48-9) (Ord. 299, passed 5-11-1999)
(A) Permit issuance. If the applicant has satisfied the requirements of this chapter, the
Director shall issue a permit.
(B) Conditions. The Director may impose reasonable conditions upon the issuance of the
permit and the performance of the applicant thereunder to protect the health, safety and welfare
or when necessary to protect the right-of-way and its current use.
(Prior Code, § 48-10) (Ord. 299, passed 5-11-1999)
§ 95.33 PERMIT FEES.
(A) Excavation permit fee. The excavation permit fee shall be established by the Director in
an amount sufficient to recover the following costs:
(1) The city management costs; and
(2) Degradation costs, if applicable.
(B) Obstruction permit fee. The obstruction permit fee shall be established by the Director
and shall be in an amount sufficient to recover the city management costs.
(C) Payment of permit fees. No excavation permit or obstruction permit shall be
issued without payment of excavation or obstruction permit fees. The city may allow applicant
to pay these fees within 30 days of billing.
(D) Non refundable. Permit fees that were paid for a permit that the Director has
revoked for a breach as stated in § 95.43 are not refundable.
(Prior Code, § 48-11) (Ord. 299, passed 5-11-1999)
(A) Timing. The work to be done under the excavation permit; and the patching and
restoration of the right-of-way as required herein, must be completed within the dates specified
in the permit, increased by as many days as work could not be done because of extraordinary
circumstances beyond the control of the permittee or when work was prohibited as unseasonal or
unreasonable under § 95.37.
(B) Patch and restoration. Permittee shall patch its own work. The city may choose
either to have the permittee restore the right-of-way or to restore the right-of-way itself.
(1) City restoration. If the city restores the right-of-way, permittee shall pay
the costs thereof within 30 days of billing. If, during the 36 months following the restoration, the
pavement settles due to permittee's improper backfilling, the permittee shall pay to the city,
within 30 days of billing, all costs associated with having to correct the defective work.
(2) Permittee restoration. If the permittee restores the right-of-way itself, it
shall at the time of application for an excavation permit post a construction performance bond in
an amount determined by the Director to be sufficient to cover the cost of restoration. If, within
36 months after completion of the restoration of the right-of-way, the Director determines that
the right-of-way has been properly restored, the surety on the construction performance bond
shall be released.
(C) Standards. The permittee shall perform patching and restoration according to the
standards and with the materials specified by the Director. The Director shall have the authority
to prescribe the manner and extent of the restoration, and may do so in written procedures of
general application or on a case-by-case basis. The Director in exercising this authority shall
comply with PUC standards for right-of-way restoration and shall further be guided by the
following considerations:
(1) The number, size, depth and duration of the excavations, disruptions, or
damage to the right-of-way;
(2) The traffic volume carried by the right-of-way; the character of the
neighborhood surrounding the right-of-way;
(3) The pre-excavation condition of the right-of-way; the remaining life-
expectancy of the right-of-way affected by the excavation;
(4) Whether the relative cost of the method of restoration to the permittee is in
reasonable balance with the prevention of an accelerated depreciation of the right-of-way that
would otherwise result from the excavation, disturbance or damage to the right-of-way; and
(5) The likelihood that the particular method of restoration would be effective in
slowing the depreciation of the right-of-way that would otherwise take place.
(D) Guarantees. By choosing to restore the right-of-way itself, the permittee guarantees its
work and shall maintain it for 36 months following its completion. During this 36 month period
it shall, upon notification from the Director, correct all restoration work to the extent necessary,
using the method required by the Director. The work shall be completed within 5 calendar days
of the receipt of the notice from the Director, not including days during which work cannot be
done because of circumstances constituting force majeure or days when work is prohibited as
unseasonal or unreasonable under § 95.37.
(E) Failure to restore. If the permittee fails to restore the right-of-way in the manner and to
the condition required by the Director, or fails to satisfactorily and timely complete all
restoration required by the Director, the Director at its option may do the work. In that event the
permittee shall pay to the city, within 30 days of billing, the cost of restoring the right-of-way. If
permittee fails to pay as required, the city may exercise its rights under the construction
performance bond.
(F) Degradation cost in lieu of restoration.
(1) In lieu of right-of-way restoration, a right-of way user may elect to pay a
degradation fee.
(2) However, the right-of-way user shall remain responsible for patching and the
degradation fee shall not include the cost to accomplish these responsibilities.
(Prior Code, § 48-12) (Ord. 299, passed 5-11-1999)
(A) Joint application. Registrants may jointly apply for permits to excavate or obstruct the
right-of-way at the same place and time.
(B) With city projects. Registrants who join in a scheduled obstruction or excavation
performed by the Director, whether or not it is a joint application by 2 or more registrants or a
single application are not required to pay the obstruction and degradation portions of the permit
(C) Shared fees. Registrants who apply for permits for the same obstruction or excavation,
which the Director does not perform, may share in the payment of the obstruction or excavation
permit fee. Registrants must agree among themselves as to the portion each will pay and indicate
the same on their applications.
(Prior Code, § 48-13) (Ord. 299, passed 5-11-1999)
(A) Limitation on area.
(1) A right-of-way permit is valid only for the area of the right-of-way specified in the
(2) No permittee may do any work outside the area specified in the permit, except as
provided herein.
(3) Any permittee which determines that an area greater than that specified in the
permit must be obstructed or excavated must before working in that greater area:
(a) Make application for a permit extension and pay any additional fees required
thereby; and
(b) Be granted a new permit or permit extension.
(B) Limitation on dates. A right-of-way permit is valid only for the dates specified in the
permit. No permittee may begin its work before the permit start date or, except as provided
herein, continue working after the end date. If a permittee does not finish the work by the permit
end date, it must apply for a new permit for the additional time it needs, and receive the new
permit or an extension of the old permit before working after the end date of the previous permit.
This supplementary application must be done before the permit end date.
(Prior Code, § 48-14) (Ord. 299, passed 5-11-1999)
(A) Compliance with other laws. Obtaining a right-of-way permit does not relieve
permittee of its duty to obtain all other necessary permits, licenses, and authority and to pay all
fees required by the city or other applicable rule, law or regulation. A permittee shall comply
with all requirements of local, state and federal laws, including M.S. §§ 216D.01-.09 (One Call
Excavation Notice System), as it may be amended from time to time. A permittee shall perform
all work in conformance with all applicable codes and established rules and regulations, and is
responsible for all work done in the right-of-way pursuant to its permit, regardless of who does
the work.
(B) Prohibited work. Except in an emergency, and with the approval of the Director, no
right-of-way obstruction or excavation may be done when seasonally prohibited or when
conditions are unreasonable for this work.
C) Interference with right-of-way. A permittee shall not so obstruct a right-of-way that the
natural free and clear passage of water through the gutters or other waterways shall be interfered
with. Private vehicles of those doing work in the right-of-way may not be parked within or next
to a permit area, unless parked in conformance with city parking regulations. The loading or
unloading of trucks must be done solely within the defined permit area unless specifically
authorized by the permit.
(Prior Code, § 48-15) (Ord. 299, passed 5-11-1999)
The Director may deny a permit for failure to meet the requirements and conditions of
this chapter or if the Director determines that the denial is necessary to protect the health, safety,
and welfare or when necessary to protect the right-of-way and its current use.
(Prior Code, § 48-16) (Ord. 299, passed 5-11-1999)
The excavation, backfilling, patching and restoration, and all other work performed in the
right-of-way shall be done in conformance with engineering standards adopted by the PUC or
other applicable local requirements, in so far as they are not inconsistent with the PUC rules.
(Prior Code, § 48-17) (Ord. 299, passed 5-11-1999)
(A) Notice of completion. When the work under any permit hereunder is completed,
the permittee shall furnish a completion certificate in accordance PUC Rules.
(B) Site inspection. Permittee shall make the work-site available to the Director and
to all others as authorized by law for inspection at all reasonable times during the execution of
and upon completion of the work.
(C) Authority of Director.
(1) At the time of inspection the Director may order the immediate cessation
of any work which poses a serious threat to the life, health, safety, or well-being of the public.
(2) (a) The Director may issue an order to the permittee for any work
which does not conform to the terms of the permit or other applicable standards, conditions, or
(b) The order shall state that failure to correct the violation will be cause for
revocation of the permit.
(c) Within 10 days after issuance of the order, the permittee shall present proof to
the Director that the violation has been corrected. If the proof has not been presented within the
required time, the Director may revoke the permit pursuant to § 95.43.
(Prior Code, § 48-18) (Ord. 299, passed 5-11-1999)
(A) Emergency situations.
(1) (a) Each registrant shall immediately notify the Director of any event regarding,
its facilities which it considers to be an emergency.
(b) The registrant may proceed to take whatever actions are necessary to respond
to the emergency.
(c) Within 2 business days after the occurrence of the emergency the registrant
shall apply for the necessary permits, pay the fees associated therewith and fulfill the rest of the
requirements necessary to bring itself into compliance with this chapter for the actions it took in
response to the emergency.
(2) (a) If the Director becomes aware of an emergency regarding a registrants
facilities, the Director will attempt to contact the local representative of each registrant affected,
or potentially affected, by the emergency.
(b) In any event, the Director may take whatever action it deems necessary to
respond to the emergency, the cost of which shall be borne by the registrant whose facilities
occasioned the emergency.
(B) Non-emergency situations. Except in an emergency, any person who, without first
having obtained the necessary permit, obstructs or excavates a right-of-way must subsequently
obtain a permit, and as a penalty pay double the normal fee for the permit, pay double all the
other fees required by the legislative code, deposit with the Director the fees necessary to correct
any damage to the right-of-way and comply with all of the requirements of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 48-19) (Ord. 299, passed 5-11-1999)
If the obstruction or excavation of the right-of-way begins later or ends sooner than the date
given on the permit, permittee shall notify the Director of the accurate information as soon as
this information is known.
(Prior Code, § 48-20) (Ord. 299, passed 5-11-1999)
Right-of-Way Management 81
(A) Substantial breach. The city reserves its right, as provided herein, to revoke any
right-of-way permit, without a fee refund, if there is a substantial breach of the terms and
conditions of any statute, ordinance, rule or regulation, or any material condition of the permit.
A substantial breach by permittee shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
(1) The violation of any material provision of the right-of-way permit;
(2) An evasion or attempt to evade any material provision of the right-of-way
permit, or the perpetration or attempt to perpetrate any fraud or deceit upon the city or its
(3) Any material misrepresentation of fact in the application for a right-of-
way permit;
(4) The failure to complete the work in a timely manner; unless a permit
extension is obtained or unless the failure to complete work is due to reasons beyond the
permittee's control; or
(5) The failure to correct, in a timely manner, work that does not conform to a
condition indicated on an order issued pursuant to § 95.40.
(B) Written notice of breach. If the Director determines that the permittee has
committed a substantial breach of a term or condition of any statute, ordinance, rule, regulation
or any condition of the permit the Director shall make a written demand upon the permittee to
remedy the violation. The demand shall state that continued violations may be cause for
revocation of the permit. A substantial breach, as stated above, will allow the Director, at his or
her discretion, or place additional or revised conditions on the permit to mitigate and remedy the
(C) Response to notice of breach. Within 24 hours of receiving notification of the
breach, permittee shall provide the Director with a plan, acceptable to the Director, that will cure
the breach. Permittee's failure to so contact the Director, or the permittee's failure to submit an
acceptable plan, or permittee's failure to reasonably implement the approved plan, shall be cause
for immediate revocation of the permit.
(D) Reimbursement of city costs. If a permit is revoked, the permittee shall also
reimburse the city the city's reasonable costs, including restoration costs and the costs of
collection and reasonable attorney’s fees incurred in connection with the revocation.
(Prior Code, § 48-21) (Ord. 299, passed 5-11-1999)
(A) Information required. Each registrant shall provide mapping information required
by the Director in accordance with PUC Rules.
(B) Trade secret information. At the request of any registrant, any information requested
by the Director, which qualifies as a trade secret under M.S.§ 13.37(b), as it may be amended
from time to time, shall be treated as trade secret information as detailed therein.
(Prior Code, § 48-22) (Ord. 299, passed 5-11-1999)
(A) Undergrounding. Unless otherwise permitted by an existing franchise or M.S. 216B.34,
as it may be amended from time to time, or unless existing above-ground facilities are repaired
or replaced, new construction and the installation of new facilities and replacement of old
facilities shall be done underground or contained within buildings or other structures in
conformity with applicable codes.
(B) Corridors.
(1) The Director may assign specific corridors within the right-of-way, or any
particular segment thereof as may be necessary, for each type of facilities that is or, pursuant to
current technology, the Director expects will someday be located within the right-of-way. All
excavation, obstruction, or other permits issued by the Director involving the installation or
replacement of facilities shall designate the proper corridor for the facilities at issue.
(2) Any registrant who has facilities in the right-of-way in a position at variance with
the corridors established by the Director shall, no later than at the time of the next reconstruction
or excavation of the area where the facilities are located, move the facilities to the assigned
position within the right-of-way, unless this requirement is waived by the Director for good
cause shown, upon consideration of factors such as the remaining economic life of the facilities,
public safety, customer service needs, and hardship to the registrant.
(C) Nuisance. One year after the passage of this chapter, any facilities found in a right-of-
way that have not been registered shall be deemed to be a nuisance. The city may exercise any
remedies or rights it has at law or in equity, including, but not limited to, abating the nuisance or
taking possession of the facilities and restoring the right-of-way to a useable condition.
(C) Limitation of space. To protect health, safety, and welfare or when necessary to protect
the right-of-way and its current use, the Director shall have the power to prohibit or limit the
placement of new or additional facilities within the right-of-way. In making decisions, the
Director shall strive to the extent possible to accommodate all existing and potential users of the
right-of-way, but shall be guided primarily by considerations of the public interest, the public's
needs for the particular utility service, the condition of the right-of-way, the time of year with
respect to essential utilities, the protection of existing facilities in the right-of-way, and future
city plans for public improvements and development projects which have been determined to be
in the public interest.
(Prior Code, § 48-23) (Ord. 299, passed 5-11-1999)
(A) A registrant must promptly and at its own expense, with due regard for seasonal
working conditions, permanently remove and relocate its facilities in the right-of-way whenever
the Director for good cause requests the removal and relocation, and shall restore the right-of-
way to the same condition it was in prior to the removal or relocation.
(B) The Director may make the request to prevent interference by the company's equipment
or facilities with:
(1) A present or future city use of the right-of-way;
(2) A public improvement undertaken by the city;
(3) An economic development project in which the city has an interest or investment;
(4) When the public health, safety and welfare require it; or
(5) When necessary to prevent interference with the safety and convenience of
ordinary travel over the right-of-way.
(C) Notwithstanding the foregoing, a person shall not be required to remove or relocate its
facilities from any right-of-way which has been vacated in favor of a non-governmental entity
unless and until the reasonable costs thereof are first paid to the person therefor.
(Prior Code, § 48-24) (Ord. 299, passed 5-11-1999)
(A) In addition to complying with the requirements of M.S. §§ 216D.01-.09 (One Call
Excavation Notice System), as it may be amended from time to time, before the start date of any
right-of-way excavation, each registrant who has facilities or equipment in the area to be
excavated shall mark the horizontal and approximate vertical placement of all facilities.
(B) Any registrant whose facilities are less than 20 inches below a concrete or asphalt
surface shall notify and work closely with the excavation contractor to establish the exact
location of its facilities and the best procedure for excavation.
(Prior Code, § 48-25) (Ord. 299, passed 5-11-1999)
84 Park Rapids - General Regulations
When the Director does work in the right-of-way and finds it necessary to maintain,
support, or move a registrant's facilities to protect it, the Director shall notify the local
representative as early as is reasonably possible. The costs associated therewith will be billed to
that registrant and must be paid within 30 days from the date of billing. Each registrant shall be
responsible for the cost of repairing any facilities in the right-of-way which it or its facilities
damages. Each registrant shall be responsible for the cost of repairing any damage to the
facilities of another registrant caused during the city's response to an emergency occasioned by
that registrant's facilities.
(Prior Code, § 48-26) (Ord. 299, passed 5-11-1999)
(A) Reservation of right. If the city vacates a right-of-way which contains the
facilities of a registrant, and if the vacation does not require the relocation of registrant's or
permittee's facilities the city shall reserve, to and for itself and all registrants having facilities in
the vacated right-of-way, the right to install, maintain and operate any facilities in the vacated
right-of-way and to enter upon the right-of-way at any time for the purpose of reconstructing,
inspecting, maintaining or repairing the same.
(B) Relocation of facilities. If the vacation requires the relocation of registrant's or
permittee's facilities and:
(1) If the vacation proceedings are initiated by the registrant or permittee, the
registrant or permittee must pay the relocation costs;
(2) If the vacation proceedings are initiated by the city, the registrant or
permittee must pay the relocation costs unless otherwise agreed to by the city and the registrant
or permittee; or
(3) If the vacation proceedings are initiated by a person or persons other than
the registrant or permittee, the other person or persons must pay the relocation costs.
(Prior Code, § 48-27) (Ord. 299, passed 5-11-1999)
By registering with the Director, or by accepting a permit under this chapter, a registrant
or permittee agrees as follows:
(A) Limitation of liability. By reason of the acceptance of a registration or the grant of a
right-of-way permit, the city does not assume any liability for:
(1) Injuries to persons, damage to property, or loss of service claims by parties other
than the registrant or the city; or
(2) For claims or penalties of any sort resulting from the installation, presence,
maintenance, or operation of facilities by registrants or activities of registrants.
(B) Indemnification.
(1) As a condition for the use of a permit issued by the city authorizing a permittee to
obstruct or excavate on or within a right-of-way for the installation, maintenance, or repair of
permittee's facilities in a right-of-way, the permittee shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless
the city from all liability or claims of liability for bodily injury or death to persons or property
damage in which the claims:
(a) Allege negligent or otherwise wrongful acts or omissions of the permittee or its
employees, agents or independent contractors in installing, maintaining, or repairing the
permittee's facilities; or
(b) Are based on the city's negligence or otherwise wrongful act or omission in
issuing the permit or in failing to properly or adequately inspect or enforce compliance with the
terms, conditions, or purposes of the permit or permits granted to permittee.
(2) Registrant or permittee shall indemnify, keep, and hold the city free and harmless
from any and all liability on account of injury to persons or damage to property occasioned by
the issuance of permits or by the construction, maintenance, repair, inspection, or operation of
registrant's or permittee's facilities located in the right-of-way.
(3) Except to the extent authorized in this division (B) above regarding the issuance of
permits or inspection or enforcement thereof, or unless otherwise provided in an applicable
franchise agreement, the city shall not be indemnified for losses or claims occasioned by the
negligent or otherwise wrongful act or omission by the city.
(C) Defense.
(1) If a suit is brought against the city under circumstances where the registrant or
permittee is required to indemnify, the registrant or permittee, at its sole cost and expense, shall
defend the city in the suit if written notice of the suit is promptly given to the registrant or
permittee within a period in which the registrant or permittee is not prejudiced by the lack or
delay of notice.
(2) If the registrant or permittee is required to indemnify and defend, it shall thereafter
have control of the litigation, but the registrant or permittee may not settle the litigation without
the consent of the city. Consent will not be unreasonably withheld.
(3) This part is not, as to third parties, a waiver of any defense, immunity, or damage
limitation otherwise available to the city.
(4) In defending an action on behalf of the city, the registrant or permittee is entitled to
assert in an action every defense, immunity, or damage limitation that the city could assert in its
own behalf.
(Prior Code, § 48-28) (Ord. 299, passed 5-11-1999)
(A) Discontinued operations. A registrant who has determined to discontinue its
operations in the city must either:
(1) Provide information satisfactory to the Director that the registrant's
obligations for its facilities in the right-of-way under this chapter have been lawfully assumed by
another registrant; or
(2) Submit to the Director a proposal and instruments for transferring
ownership of its facilities to the city. If a registrant proceeds under this clause, the city may, at
its option:
(a) Purchase the facilities;
(b) Require the registrant, at its own expense, to remove it; or
(c) Require the registrant to post a bond in an amount sufficient to
reimburse the city for reasonably anticipated costs to be incurred in removing the facilities.
(B) Abandoned facilities.
(1) Facilities of a registrant who fails to comply with division (A) above of
this section and which, for 2 years, remains unused shall be deemed to be abandoned.
(2) Abandoned facilities is deemed to be a nuisance.
(3) The city may exercise any remedies or rights it has at law or in equity,
including, but not limited to:
(a) Abating the nuisance;
(b) Taking possession of the facilities and restoring it to a useable
condition; or
(c) Requiring removal of the facilities by the registrant, or the registrant's
successor in interest.
(C) Removal. Any registrant who has unusable and abandoned facilities in any right-of-way
shall remove it from that right-of-way during the next scheduled excavation, unless this
requirement is waived by the Director.
(Prior Code, § 48-29) (Ord. 299, passed 5-11-1999)
§ 95.52 APPEAL.
(A) (1) A right-of-way user may have the denial, revocation, or fee imposition reviewed,
upon written request, by the City Council, provided that he or she:
(a) Has been denied registration;
(b) Has been denied a permit;
(c) Has had permit revoked; or
(d) Believes that the fees imposed are invalid.
(2) The City Council shall act on a timely written request at its next regularly
scheduled meeting. A decision by the City Council affirming the denial, revocation, or fee
imposition will be in writing and supported by written findings establishing the reasonableness
of the decision.
(B) Upon affirmation by the City Council of the denial, revocation, or fee imposition. the
right-of-way user shall have the right to have the matter resolved by binding arbitration. Binding
arbitration must be before an arbitrator agreed to by both the City Council and right-of-way user.
If the parties cannot agree on an arbitrator, the matter must be resolved by a 3 person arbitration
panel made up of 1 arbitrator selected by the city, 1 arbitrator selected by the right-of-way user
and 1 selected by the other 2 arbitrators. The costs and fees of single arbitrator shall be borne
equally by the city and right-of-way user. In the event there is a third arbitrator, each party shall
bear the expense of its own arbitrator and shall jointly and equally bear with the other party the
expense of the third arbitrator and of the arbitration.
(Prior Code, § 48-30) (Ord. 299, passed 5-11-1999)
A permittee's or registrant's rights are subject to the regulatory and police powers of the city
to adopt and enforce general ordinances necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of the
(Prior Code, § 48-31) (Ord. 299, passed 5-11-1999)
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this chapter is for any
reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court or administrative agency of competent
jurisdiction, the portion shall be deemed separate, distinct, and independent provision and the
holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. If a regulatory body or a
court of competent jurisdiction should determine by a final, non-appealable order that any
permit, right or registration issued under this chapter or any portions of this chapter illegal or
unenforceable, then any permit, right or registration granted or deemed to exist hereunder shall
considered as a revocable permit with a mutual right in either party to terminate without cause
upon giving 60 days written notice to the other. The requirements and conditions of a revocable
permit shall be the same requirements and conditions as set forth in the permit, right or
registration, on, respectively, except for conditions relating to the term of the permit and the right
of termination. Nothing in this chapter precludes the city from requiring a franchise agreement
with the applicant, as allowed by law, in addition to requirements set forth herein.
(Prior Code, § 48-32) (Ord. 299, passed 5-11-1999)
General Provisions
96.001 Permits
96.002 Provisions of application
96.003 Processing of application for permits
96.004 Procedures for review; waivers
96.005 Fees
96.006 Duration of permit
96.007 Transfers
96.008 Inspection
96.009 Duties of permittee
96.010 Revocation
96.011 Postings and circulations prohibited
96.025 Purpose
96.026 Definitions
96.027 Special event dance permit required; exceptions
96.028 Permit application; verification and consideration
96.029 Permit fees
96.030 Permit restrictions
Outdoor Concerts/Music Events
96.045 Purpose
96.046 Definitions
96.047 Permit required
96.048 Permit application
96.049 Permit fees
96.050 Exemptions from permit fee and application
90 Park Rapids - General Regulations
96.065 Definitions
96.066 Permit required
96.067 Exceptions
96.068 Application
96.069 Review by Police Chief
96.070 Standards for issuance
96.071 Notice of rejection
96.072 Alternative permit
96.073 Notice to other officials
96.074 Public conduct during parades
Park Regulations
96.090 Purpose
96.091 Definitions
96.092 General conduct
96.093 Protection of natural resources and wildlife
96.094 Camping
96.095 Swimming
96.096 Boating
96.097 Horseback riding
96.098 Bicycling
96.099 Meetings, speeches, demonstrations and parades
96.100 Vehicles
96.101 Motorized recreation vehicle
96.102 Park operation
96.999 Penalty
§ 96.001 PERMITS.
(A) General rule. Except as otherwise provided in this code, all permits granted by the city
shall be governed by the provisions of this chapter.
Public Property/Facilities Regulations 91
(B) Acts prohibited. No person shall conduct any activity or use any property for which a
permit is required by law or this code without a currently valid permit for the activity or use.
(C) Application. Every application for a permit shall be made to the City Clerk on a form
provided by him or her. It shall be accompanied by payment to the Clerk of the prescribed fee.
If, after investigation, the City Clerk is satisfied that all requirements of law and this code have
been met, he or she shall present the application to the Council for action or, if the permit does
not require Council approval, he or she shall issue the permit. All permits required under this
chapter must be submitted no less than 14 days prior to the event. Failure to submit a permit
application within this timeframe shall result in a double fee. If the event involves more than 1
location, a separate application will be required for each location.
(D) Bond. Where a bond is required for any permit, the bond shall be a corporate surety
bond executed on a form approved by the city and shall be filed with the Clerk before the permit
is issued. Except where otherwise provided, a bond shall be conditioned that the permittee shall
comply with the applicable ordinance and laws pertaining to the permitted activity and that the
permittee will indemnify the city and save it harmless from all loss or damage by reason of
inadequate work performed by him or her or by reason of accident caused by the negligence of
the permittee, his or her agents or employees.
(E) Insurance. Applicant shall provide the city with a certificate from an insurer evidencing
liability insurance coverage prior to applicant's use of city property as part of the application
process. The certificate shall also provide that the insurer shall give the city reasonable advance
notice of insurer's intent to cancel the insurance coverage provided.
(1) Commercial or organizational applicants shall procure and maintain at all times
during its use of city facilities property, liability insurance coverage in the amount of $300,000
and shall name the City of Park Rapids as an additional insured thereunder. A certificate of
liability insurance shall be required for all organizations and contractors involved in the public
(2) Applicants for personal/private use, such as a wedding or family reunion, shall
provide a certificate of insurance from the applicant's homeowner's policy. The policy should
include host liquor liability coverage. The requirement for naming the city as an additional
insured shall be waived for these personal uses.
(F) Permit required. A permit is required to reserve public property/facilities to conduct
any public or private activities on/in public property/facilities that meet any of the following
(1) An event involving more than 100 individuals;
(2) To conduct a parade on city streets;
92 Park Rapids - General Regulations
(3) To circulate, distribute, display or post any leaflets, handbills, notices, pamphlets,
books, placards, circulars, documents or papers/writing containing commercial advertising
matter of any kind in any indoor facility, event center, city administration building, public parks
or streets, or other special facility within the city;
(4) Conduct any exhibit, music or dramatic performance, craft fair, circus, concert,
play, sales event, commercial sporting event, radio or television broadcast (other than a news
(5) Exhibit or display any motion picture, television program, light, laser light or
fireworks display, or similar event;
(6) Use of any electrical or electronic devise or equipment requiring outdoor auxiliary
power or the creation or emission of any amplified sound for the purpose of a street dance or
public gathering;
(7) Station or erect any building, tent, canopy, stand, bandstand, stage, tower, scaffold,
sound stage, platform, rostrum or other structure; and
(8) Exhibit on public property any tame, non-domestic supervised and controlled or
restrained animal for limited non-commercial or promotional purposes.
(G) Permit limitations. No activity involving more than 500 individuals shall be held
within 2,500 feet or within 2 hours of any other activity involving more than 500 individuals.
(H) Security deposit.
(1) For any activity described in this chapter, no application for permit shall be granted
unless the applicant has paid, within the time prescribed by the City Clerk, the security deposit in
an amount in accordance with the schedule of fees set by the City Council and found in Chapter
36 of the City Code.
(2) The amount of the security deposit will include, but is not limited to the following:
(a) The estimated cost of policing; and
(b) The estimated costs of cleaning up and restoring the area upon the conclusion
of the use or activity.
(3) The security deposit shall be deposited by the City Clerk.
Public Property/Facilities Regulations 93
(4) Promptly after the conclusion of a permitted activity, the city shall inspect the
premises and equipment used by the permittee.
(a) If it is determined that there has been no damage to the city property or
equipment, beyond reasonable wear and tear, the security deposit shall be refunded, minus city
incurred costs for policing or cleaning up the area, within 30 days of the conclusion of the
permitted event.
(b) If it is determined by the inspection, that the permitted event proximately
caused damage to city property in excess of normal wear and tear and which requires repairs in
excess of routine maintenance or determined that fines shall be assessed against the permittee
pursuant to this chapter, § 96.005 (D), the city shall retain the security deposit or any portion
thereof, necessary to pay for the cost of repair or any fines assessed against the permittee. The
City Clerk or his or her designee shall give written notice of the assessment of damages or fines
and retention of the security deposit to the permittee by personal delivery or by deposit in the
United States mail, with proper postage prepaid to the name and address set forth in the
application for permit. Any assessment of damages or fines in excess of the security deposit
shall be paid to the city within 10 days after notice of the assessment of damages or fine is sent.
Retention of all or a portion of a security deposit above any actual city costs shall be subject to
the appeal procedures contained in § 96.005. An assessment of damages or fines in excess of the
security deposit shall be subject to the appeal procedures contained in § 96.005.
(Prior Code, § 47-1)
Applicant shall provide the city with information and adequate proof that the following
provisions have been addressed:
(A) Name, address and applicable phone numbers of the event coordinator. Provide name
and phone number of a person who can respond to concerns before and during the event.
(B) Event overview including intent or purpose of the event, number of persons expected to
attend, type and number of organizations involved, attendance fees, public or private event, event
sponsor(s), and types of activities taking place.
(C) Site map and plan. A separate site map must be attached illustrating buildings,
driveways, streets, alleys, parking locations, location of temporary structures, temporary
restrooms or any cordoned off areas.
(D) Location and number of any off-site parking, if necessary. Written permission from
property owners is required. If off-site parking is not within walking distance, include
transportation arrangements.
94 Park Rapids - General Regulations
(E) Copies of additional permits that are required for the event, these permits may include
but are not limited to transient merchant license(s), gambling permit, temporary on-sale 3.2%
malt liquor or intoxicating liquor license or fireworks permit.
(F) Documentation from the Chief of Police that there will be adequate security for the
event, either privately provided or provided by the Park Rapids Police Department. The decision
on the type, number of security officers shall be decided by the Chief of Police for the City of
Park Rapids.
(G) In the case where a public street is to be closed for an event, the event coordinator shall
also provide documentation that all affected property owners abutting the street that is proposed
to be closed have been notified and have been given an opportunity to comment on the
(Prior Code, § 47-2)
(A) Order. Application for permits shall be processed in order of receipt, and the use of a
particular area shall be allocated in order of receipt of fully executed applications accompanied
by the application fee.
(B) Conditional approval. Applications for permits for activities or events which require
insurance, approval or permits from other governmental entities, or compliance with other terms
or conditions, will be reviewed and, if the application otherwise conforms to all other
requirements, a conditional approval will be issued. If, within the time frame prescribed by the
City Council, any required fee or security deposit is not paid, or an insurance certificate
evidencing the requisite insurance is not filed with the City Clerk, or the approval or permit of
other governmental entities has not been received, or the other terms and conditions have not
been met, the conditional approval will automatically expire, the application for permit will be
deemed denied and written notices of denial will be sent to the applicant. No permit shall be
issued unless all applicable fees and security deposits are paid within the times prescribed by the
City Council. Failure to pay fees or security deposit within that time frame shall cause the
application to be deemed denied and further notice sent to the applicant.
(C) Written denials.
(1) Notice of denial of an application for permit shall clearly set forth the grounds upon
which the permit was denied and, where feasible, shall contain a proposal by the city for
measures by which the applicant may cure any defects in the application for permit or otherwise
procure a permit.
Public Property/Facilities Regulations 95
(2) To the extent permitted by law, the City Clerk may deny an application for
permit if the applicant or the person on whose behalf the application for permit was made has on
prior occasions made material misrepresentations regarding the nature or scope of an event or
activity previously permitted or has violated the terms of prior permits issued to or on behalf of
the applicant. The City Clerk may also deny an application for permit on any of the following
(a) The application for permit (including any required attachments and
submissions) is not fully completed and executed;
(b) The applicant has not tendered the required application fee,
indemnification agreement, insurance certificate, or security deposit as required by this chapter;
(c) The application for permit contains a material falsehood or
(d) The applicant is legally incompetent to contract or to sue and be
(e) The applicant or the person on whose behalf the application for
permit was made has on prior occasions damaged city property and has not paid in full for the
damage, or has other outstanding and unpaid debts to the city;
(f) A duly executed prior application for permit for the same time and
place has been received, and a permit has or will be granted to a prior applicant authorizing uses
or activities which do not reasonably permit multiple occupancy of the particular area;
(g) The use or activity intended by the applicant would conflict with
previously planned programs organized and conducted by the city and previously scheduled for
the same time and place;
(h) The proposed use or activity is prohibited or inconsistent with the
classifications and uses of the area designated pursuant to this chapter and the inventory
maintained by the City Clerk;
(i) The use or activity intended by the applicant would present an
unreasonable danger to the health or safety of the applicant, or other users of the area, employees
or of the public;
(j) The applicant has not complied or cannot comply with applicable
licensure requirements, ordinances or regulation of the city concerning the sale or offering for
sale of any goods or services; or
(k) The use or activity intended by the applicant is prohibited by law,
by this code and ordinances of the city, or by regulations of the City Council.
(D) Issuance of a permit. If the application is complete (including any required attachments
and submission) and properly executed, the City Clerk may issue a permit under this chapter for
any permitted use. If the proposed activity or event requires that a public street be closed, the
application shall be forwarded to the City Council for their approval or denial.
(Prior Code, § 47-3)
(A) Review by City Administrator.
(1) Any applicant who is denied a permit, or a permittee who has had all or a portion of
their security deposit retained because they were assessed damages or a fine pursuant to this
chapter may, within 7 days of the service of notice of the determination, file a written appeal
from the determination with the City Administrator;
(2) The City Administrator shall have 7 days from the date on which the appeal was
received in which to serve upon the applicant a notice that he or she has affirmed, modified or
reversed the denial of a permit or the retention of the security deposit;
(3) The notice shall be deemed served upon that applicant or permittee when it is
personally delivered, or when it is sent by United States mail, with proper postage prepaid, to the
name and address set forth on the application for permit.
(B) Review by City Council. If, after receipt of the decision by the City Administrator, any
applicant who is denied a permit or a permittee who has had all or a portion of their security
deposit retained because they were assessed damages or a fine pursuant to this chapter may
appeal the City Administrator's decision to the City Council within 7 days.
(C) Form of appeals. Any appeals filed pursuant to this section shall state succinctly the
grounds upon which it is asserted the determination should be modified or reversed and shall be
accompanied by copies of the application for permit, the written notice of the determination of
the city and any other papers material to the determination.
(D) Fines.
(1) Civil penalties. The violation by a permittee of the terms of his or her permit or the
laws and regulations of the City of Park Rapids shall subject the permittee to a civil fine of up to
$500 per day. Each day that a violation continues shall be deemed a separate violation. The
fines may be assessed against any security deposit held by the city on behalf of the permittee,
pursuant to this chapter, § 96.001 (H). Any assessment of fines in excess of any security deposit
shall be subject to the procedures contained in § 96.001 (H)(2).
Public Property/Facilities Regulations 97
(2) Petty misdemeanor penalties. Violations may also be charged as petty
misdemeanors, each day that a violation continues will be deemed a separate violation. Law
enforcement officers, in their discretion, may issue citation for the violation and may take into
custody those violators who refuse to cease activities after being issued a citation by law
enforcement officers.
(Prior Code, § 47-4)
§ 96.005 FEES.
(A) Fee established. Permit fees are in the amounts established in the governing sections of
this chapter or as otherwise provided in this code. The permit fees as set forth in the various
sections of this code are the official and controlling provisions.
(B) Prorated fees. Permit fees shall not be prorated unless otherwise specified by this code
or by law.
(C) Refunds. Permit fees shall not be refunded in whole or in part unless otherwise
specified by this code or by law.
(Prior Code, § 47-5)
A permit issued under this chapter shall be valid for the time period specified on the permit
(Prior Code, § 47-6)
§ 96.007 TRANSFERS.
No permit issued under this code may be transferred to any other person. Where a permit
relates to specific premises, the permit shall not be changed to another location without approval
of the Council or other permitting authority.
(Prior Code, § 47-7)
§ 96.008 INSPECTION.
(A) Authorized personnel. Any city official or employee having a duty to perform with
reference to a permit under this code and any police officer may inspect and examine any permit,
his or her business, or premises to enforce compliance with applicable provisions of this code.
Subject to the provisions of division (B) below, he or she may, at any reasonable time, enter any
permitted premises or premises for which a permit is required in order to enforce compliance
with this code.
(B) Search warrants. If the permittee objects to the inspection of his or her premises, the
city official or employee with the duty of enforcing the provisions of this code shall procure a
valid search warrant before conducting the inspection.
(Prior Code, § 47-8)
(A) Compliance required. Every permittee shall have the duties set forth in this chapter.
(B) Inspection. He or she shall permit at reasonable times inspections of his or her business
and examination of his or her books and records by authorized officers or employees.
(C) Compliance with law. He or she shall comply with laws, ordinances and regulations
applicable to the permitted business, activity, or property.
(D) Display of permit.
(1) He or she shall display the permit in a conspicuous place on the premises, vehicle,
or device to which the permit relates.
(2) If the permit is not so related, the permit shall be carried on the permittee's person
whenever he or she is carrying on the permitted activity.
(E) Unlawful disposition. The permittee shall not lend or give to any other person his or her
permit or permit insignia.
(Prior Code, § 47-9)
§ 96.010 REVOCATION.
The Council may revoke any permit for violation of any provision of law, ordinance, or
regulation applicable to the permitted activity or property. Except where mandatory revocation
is provided by law without notice and hearing, the holder of the permit shall be granted a hearing
upon at least 10 days notice before revocation is ordered. The notice shall state the time and
place of the hearing and the nature of the charges against the permittee.
(Prior Code, § 47-10)
No person shall attach any ribbons, pictures, tokens, leaflets, handbills, notices, pamphlets,
circulars, or any other written materials, on any publically owned street light or electrical pole
within the city limits.
(Ord. 549, passed 5-13-2014)
2015 S-12
Public Property/Facilities Regulations 99
§ 96.025 PURPOSE.
The City Council finds that public dances can potentially pose crowd control and noise
problems to city law enforcement officials and to the public at large. In order to protect the
health, safety and welfare of citizens, the City Council adopts this subchapter regulating public
dances in the City of Park Rapids.
(Prior Code, § 47-30)
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context
clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ISSUING AUTHORITY. The City of Park Rapids
PERSON. One or more natural persons; a partnership, including a limited partnership; a
corporation, including foreign, domestic or nonprofit corporation; a trust; a political subdivision
of the state; or any other business organization.
PUBLIC DANCE. Any dance wherein the general public may participate, whether or not
an admission fee, membership fee or price for dancing is charged and occurs on public property
or within a public facility. All private dances, wherein the general public is excluded, shall not
be deemed included in this definition.
(Prior Code, § 47-31)
Any person who conducts a public dance in the city shall procure a special event dance
permit from the issuing authority pursuant to this subchapter. A separate permit shall be required
for each dance conducted and the fee for the permit shall be as set forth in Chapter 36 of this
(Prior Code, § 47-32) Penalty, see § 96.999
The application for a special event dance permit shall conform to the provisions found in §§
96.001, 96.002, and 96.003 of this code.
(Prior Code, § 47-33)
§ 96.029 PERMIT FEES.
Permit fees shall be as set forth in Chapter 36 of this code and shall be submitted with the
(Prior Code, § 47-34) Penalty, see § 96.999
(A) Posting of permit. A permit issued under this subchapter must be posted in a
conspicuous place on the premises in which the public dance is taking place.
(B) Maintenance of order. A permittee under this subchapter shall be responsible for the
conduct of the public dance and shall maintain conditions of sobriety and order.
(C) Permitted premises. A permit issued under this subchapter is effective only for the
compact and contiguous space specified in the approved permit application.
(D) Illegal activities. A permittee under this subchapter shall not allow any person to
engage in prostitution to sell or use illegal drugs in the permitted premises.
(E) Hours of dance. No public dance shall be held or conducted between the hours of 12:00
a.m. and 6:00 a.m. of any day.
(F) Private security. Security shall be arranged in accordance with § 96.002 (F) of this
chapter. The issuing authority and City Police Department may require the permittee to have, at
the permittee's expense, officers of the law present at the special event dance. The estimated cost
for the security shall be included in the security deposit as required by § 96.001 (H).
(G) Traffic and noise suspension. A holder of a special event dance permit shall comply
with all traffic and noise requirements placed on the dance by city officials pursuant to their
authority under state law and this City Code.
(H) Minimum insurance. All holders of a special dance permit shall submit proof to the
issuing authority that general liability insurance in the following minimum amounts has been
obtained for the special event dance:
Minimum Amount
Personal injury
$200,000 (claim)
$600,000 (aggregate)
Property damage
(Prior Code, § 47-35) Penalty, see § 96.999
§ 96.045 PURPOSE.
The City Council finds that outdoor concerts can potentially create traffic problems, noise
concerns, and crowd control issues. In order to further the health and safety of the community,
the City Council enacts this permitting subchapter regulating these events.
(Prior Code, § 47-40)
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context
clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
OUTDOOR CONCERT OR MUSIC EVENT. A specific event held in the open and not
within an enclosed structure including but not limited to events held outdoors or in temporary
structures such as tents, sound stages, pavilions and amphitheaters during which sound waves are
produced, whether by voice or instruments, amplified or acoustic, and the sound waves produce
musical tones ranging from 20 Hertz to 20,000 Hertz.
PERSON. One or more natural persons; a partnership, including a limited partnership; a
corporation, including foreign, domestic or nonprofit corporation; a trust or any other business
SCHOOL. An institution or place for instruction or education where 25 or more persons
receive a full course of educational instruction with an organized body of teachers associated for
pursuit and dissemination of knowledge.
(Prior Code, § 47-41)
No person shall conduct an outdoor concert or music event without first obtaining a permit
pursuant to this subchapter.
(Prior Code, § 47-42) Penalty, see § 96.999
(A) The application for an outdoor concert/music event permit shall conform to the
provisions found in §§ 96.001, 96.002, and 96.003 of this code.
(B) In addition to the information requested in those sections, the applicant will also note
the type of music (i.e., symphonic, folk), the method of amplification (i.e., acoustic, electric) and
the steps taken to minimize the noise and nuisance.
(Prior Code, § 47-43) Penalty, see § 96.999
§ 96.049 PERMIT FEES.
Permit fees shall be as set forth in Chapter 36 of this code and shall be submitted with the
(Prior Code, § 47-44) Penalty, see § 96.999
(A) City Council findings on exemptions. The City Council makes the following findings
regarding the need to exempt certain persons from paying a permit fee and submitting a permit
application for outdoor concerts and music events:
(1) Schools may conduct and sponsor several outdoor concerts and music events on a
regular basis, including marching band events, sporting events with musical components, art
festivals, and student fund-raisers. A permit application and fee for each event would adversely
impact the events, which benefit the community as a whole, and, in most cases, would represent
a transfer of public monies between governmental units without any corresponding benefit to the
(2) Religious organizations conduct worship services on a regular basis and may hold
worship services outdoors with musical components. A permit application and fee for each
worship service would adversely impact the events and would place a burden on the
organization's freedom of religion guarantees under the federal and state constitutions.
(3) The City of Park Rapids may sponsor outdoor events with music components.
Payment of permit fee for each city sponsored event would adversely impact the events and
would represent an internal transfer of public monies for no justifiable reason.
(B) Exemptions from permit fees. In light of the City Council findings, the following
persons are exempt from the fee for an outdoor concert/music event permit:
(1) Schools as herein defined;
(2) Religious organization conducting outdoor worship services; and
(3) City of Park Rapids sponsored events.
(C) Exemptions from permit application; notification. Those persons exempt from a permit
fee in division (B) above of this section shall not be required to complete a permit application,
but are subject to the noise standards of this code and shall provide written notification to the
Park Rapids Police Department prior to each outdoor concert/music event sponsored or
conducted by the exempt organization. The notice shall include the name and phone number of
the person sponsoring or conducting the event; the date and time of the event; the type of music
and method of amplification, and the steps taken to minimize the noise and nuisance.
(D) Cost of investigation of noise complaints. Those persons exempt from a permit fee in
division (B) above of this section may be required to pay the cost of any noise complaints
received and investigated by the city regarding outdoor concert/music events sponsored or
conducted by the exempt organizations.
(Prior Code, § 47-45)
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context
clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
CITY. The City of Park Rapids
PARADE. Any parade, march, ceremony, show, exhibition, pageant, or procession of any
kind, or any similar display, in or upon any street, park or other public place in the city.
PARADE PERMIT. A permit as required by this subchapter.
PERSON. One or more natural persons; a partnership, including a limited partnership; a
corporation, including foreign, domestic or nonprofit corporation; a trust or any other business
(Prior Code, § 47-50)
No person shall engage in, participate in, aid, form or start any parade, unless a parade
permit shall have been obtained from the City Clerk.
(Prior Code, § 47-51) Penalty, see § 96.999
§ 96.067 EXCEPTIONS.
This subchapter shall not apply to:
(A) Funeral processions;
(B) Students going to and from school classes or participating in educational
activities, providing the conduct is under the immediate direction and supervision of the proper
school authorities; or
(C) A government agency acting within the scope of its functions.
(Prior Code, § 47-52)
(A) A person seeking issuance of a parade permit shall file an application in conformance
with §§ 96.001, 96.002, and 96.003 of this code.
(B) In addition to the information required in §§ 96.001, 96.002, and 96.003, the application
for a parade permit shall include the additional following information:
(1) The route to be traveled, the starting point and the termination point;
(2) The approximate number of persons who, and animals and vehicles which, will
constitute the parade, the type of animals, and description of the vehicles;
(3) The hours when the parade will start and terminate;
(4) A statement as to whether the parade will occupy all or only a portion of the width
of the streets proposed to be traversed;
(5) The location by streets of any assembly areas for the parade;
(6) The time at which units of the parade will begin to assemble at any
assembly area or areas;
(7) The interval of space to be maintained between units of the parade; and
(8) Any additional information which the Chief of Police shall find reasonably
necessary to a fair determination as to whether a permit should be issued.
(Prior Code, § 47-53) Penalty, see § 96.999
Once an application for a parade permit has been received, the City Clerk shall forward
the application to the Chief of Police for his or her review. Any comments or recommendation
made by the Chief of Police shall be forwarded to the City Council at the time the application is
considered for approval or denial. The City Council shall take the Chief of Police's comments
and recommendations into account when approving or denying a permit application.
(Prior Code, § 47-54)
The City Council shall issue a permit when, from a consideration of the application and
any other information as is available to them, they find as follows:
(A) The conduct of the parade will not substantially interrupt the safe and orderly
movement of other traffic within the city contiguous to the parade route or interfere with the
movement of fire fighting equipment;
(B) The conduct of the parade will not require the diversion of so great a number of
police officers as to prevent normal police protection to the city;
(C) The concentration of persons, animals and vehicles at assembly points of the
parade will not unduly interfere with proper fire and police protection and emergency medical
services to areas contiguous to the assembly areas;
(D) The conduct of the parade is not reasonably likely to neither cause injury to persons or
property nor provoke disorderly conduct;
(E) The parade is scheduled to move from its point of origin to its point of termination
expeditiously and without unreasonable delays en route;
(F) The parade is not be held for sole purpose of advertising any products, and it is not
designed to be held purely for private profit; and
(G) The participants of a parade shall not be allowed to throw candy, promotional items,
and the like from a vehicle or float. This shall not preclude participants from walking along the
parade route handing these items to viewers of the parade.
(Prior Code, § 47-55) Penalty, see § 96.999
The City Council shall act upon any parade application at its next regularly scheduled
meeting. If the application for a parade permit is denied, the City Clerk shall notify the applicant
in writing within 7 days of the Council's decision.
(Prior Code, § 47-56)
(A) The City Council, in denying an application for a private permit, shall be empowered to
authorize the conduct of the parade on a date, at a time, over a route different from that named by
the applicant.
(B) Any applicant desiring to accept an alternate permit shall, within 3 days after notice of
the action of the City Council, file a written acceptance with the City Clerk.
(Prior Code, § 47-57)
Immediately upon the issuance of parade permit, the City Clerk shall send a copy thereof to
the Chief of the Police Department, Chief of the Fire Department, the Public Works
Superintendent, the Minnesota Highway Department Office at Bemidji, Minnesota, when
applicable and emergency medical services.
(Prior Code, § 47-58)
(A) Interference. No person shall unreasonably hamper, obstruct impede or interfere with
any parade, parade assembly, or person, animal or vehicle participating in the parade.
(B) Driving through parades. No driver of a vehicle shall drive between the vehicles or
persons comprising a parade when the parade is to motion.
(C) Parking on parade route.
(1) The Chief of Police shall have the authority, when reasonably necessary, to prohibit
or restrict the parking of vehicles along the route of the parade in areas contiguous thereto.
(2) The City Engineer after notification from the Chief of Police shall post signs to that
effect and it shall be unlawful for any person to park or leave a vehicle unattended in violation
(Prior Code, § 47-59) Penalty, see § 96.999
§ 96.090 PURPOSE.
The purpose of this subchapter which is enacted pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, shall be to
secure the quiet, orderly and suitable use of public parks, trail systems, and public access to lakes
established by the city, and to further the safety, health, comfort and welfare of all persons in the
use thereof.
(Prior Code, § 47-70)
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context
clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
DOMESTIC ANIMAL. A dog, cat or horse.
DRUGS. Any substance defined as a controlled substance in M.S. Chapter 152, as it may be
amended from time to time, or other statutes of federal law or regulation.
INTOXICATING LIQUOR. Any liquor which is intoxicating pursuant to Minnesota law
and includes ethyl alcohol, distilled, fermented, spirituous, vinous and malt beverages.
MOTORIZED RECREATIONAL VEHICLE. Any self propelled, off-the-road, or all
terrain conveyance, including but not limited to, a snowmobile, mini-bike, amphibious vehicle,
motorcycle, go-cart, trail bike, dune buggy, or 4-wheel drive vehicle.
PARK. Any land or water area and all facilities thereon, established as a park of the city
pursuant to Minnesota Statutes.
PARK DIRECTOR. The person appointed by the City Council to serve as the chief
administrative officer of the city park system.
PARK RAPIDS PARKS. The park organization or system in the City of Park Rapids.
PARK VISITOR. Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, governmental
unit, company or organization of any kind within a park.
VEHICLE. Any motorized, propelled, animal drawn, or human powered conveyance.
WEAPON. Any devise from which shots or projectile of any type can be discharged by
means of explosive gas, compressed air or otherwise propelled, including but not limited to
firearms, bow and arrows, slings, and spring guns.
WILDLIFE. All living creatures, not human, wild by nature, endowed by sensation and
power or voluntary motion, including quadrupeds, mammals, birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles,
crustaceans, and mollusks.
(Prior Code, § 47-71)
It shall be unlawful for any person to:
(A) Act in a threatening or abusive manner or to do any act which constitutes a breach
of the public peace in a park;
(B) Have in possession or bring into a park intoxicating malt liquor or beer in kegs or
(C) Consume any alcoholic beverage, whether intoxicating, in a park after 10:00 p.m. and
before the park is open the following day;
(D) Disturb, harass, or interfere with any park visitor's property;
(E) Deposit, scatter, drop or abandon in a park any bottles, cans, broken glass, sewage,
waste or other material, except in receptacles provided for those purposes;
(F) Dig trenches or make other excavation in a park;
(G) Throw, discharge or place on or upon any lake, stream, creek, pond or other body of
water in or adjacent to a park, or tributary, stream, storm sewer, or drain flowing into the waters
any substance, liquid, or gas;
(H) Gamble or participate in any game of chance in a park;
(I) Use any land or body of water within a park for a starting or landing field for aircraft,
balloons or parachutes without a permit;
(J) Start a fire in the park, except for a small fire for culinary purposes in a
designated area, or fail to fully extinguish that fire;
(K) Drop, throw or otherwise leave unattended in a park, lighted matches, burning
cigars, cigarettes, tobacco, paper or other combustible material;
(L) Sell, solicit or carry on any business or commercial enterprise or serve in a park
except with a written permit; or
(M) Use loudspeakers or other amplifying systems in a park, except with a written
(Prior Code, § 47-72) Penalty, see § 96.999
It shall be unlawful for any person to:
(A) Injure, destroy, or remove any tree, flower, shrub, plant, rock, soil or mineral in a
(B) Kill, trap, hunt, feed, pursue or in any manner disturb or cause to be disturbed any
species of wildlife within a park except that fishing may be permitted in designated areas;
(C) Shoot any weapon into a park from beyond park boundaries;
(D) Bring a dog, cat, horse or other domestic animal into a park unless under the
control of the owners or attendant and the custodian shall have the responsibility of cleaning up
any feces of any animal and shall dispose of it in a sanitary manner;
(E) Bring or permit any dog, cat, horse or other domestic animal to enter a beach area,
nature center, park building, skating rink, or skateboard park;
(F) Permit a dog, cat, horse or other domestic animal to disturb, harass or interfere with any
park visitor or visitor's property;
(G) Possess any weapon within a park; or
(H) Release within any park any plant, chemical or other agent potentially harmful to the
vegetation or wildlife of the park.
(Prior Code, § 47-73) Penalty, see § 96.999
§ 96.094 CAMPING.
It shall be unlawful for any person to camp in a park, unless in a designated camping area.
(Prior Code, § 47-74) Penalty, see § 96.999
§ 96.095 SWIMMING.
It shall be unlawful for any person to:
(A) Wade or swim within a park except at beaches designated for that purpose, and then
only between sunrise and sunset, or the hours as may be designated by the Park Director. Any
park visitor shall swim or wade at their own risk;
(B) Take bottles or glass of any kind, except eyeglasses, into a designated beach area;
(C) Use air mattresses, inner tubes or other inflatable devices except in designated beach
areas; or
(D) To jump off of the old railroad bridge, located as part of the Heartland Trail, into Fish
Hook River.
(Prior Code, § 47-75) Penalty, see § 96.999
§ 96.096 BOATING.
It shall be unlawful for any person to:
(A) Launch or land any boat, yacht, canoe, raft or other water craft upon any water, lagoon,
lake, pond or slough within a park except at locations and times designated for that purpose;
(B) Leave unattended any boat or water craft except in areas designated for that purpose;
(C) Operate any water craft in a designated swimming area or other prohibited area; or
(D) Operate any water craft in a park in violation of M.S. Chapter 86B, as it may be
amended from time to time.
(Prior Code, § 47-76) Penalty, see § 96.999
It shall be unlawful for any person to ride a horse or bring an un-trailered horse into a park,
unless accessing a designated trail.
(Prior Code, § 47-77) Penalty, see § 96.999
§ 96.098 BICYCLING.
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a bicycle within a park, except on park
designated bikeways and roadways, and keep as close to the right hand side thereof as conditions
shall permit.
(Prior Code, § 47-78) Penalty, see § 96.999
It shall be unlawful for any person to conduct public meetings, assemblies, entertainment,
parades or demonstrations within a park without first obtaining a written permit, and then only in
an area designated by permit.
(Prior Code, § 47-79) Penalty, see § 96.999
§ 96.100 VEHICLES.
It shall be unlawful for any person to:
(A) Operate any vehicle within a park except upon designated roadways and parking areas;
(B) Operate a vehicle in a park at a speed in excess of posted speed limits;
(C) Park or leave a vehicle standing within a park except at a designated parking area;
(D) Operate a vehicle which emits excessive or unusual noise, noxious fumes, dense smoke
or other polluting matter;
(E) Operate a vehicle in a reckless or careless manner in the park; or
(F) Wash, polish, grease, change oil or repair any vehicle in a park, except that emergency
repairs may be made.
(Prior Code, § 47-80) Penalty, see § 96.999
It shall be unlawful for any person to:
(A) Operate a motorized recreation vehicle within a park, except on designated
roadways and parking areas; or
(B) Operate a snowmobile within a park other than on designated trails within the
park for snowmobile traffic.
(Prior Code, § 47-81) Penalty, see § 96.999
(A) A person may be granted a permit for temporary exclusive use of reserved space
within a park. The permit shall be for a maximum of 8 hours.
(B) No person shall remain within a park between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00
a.m. Exceptions may be granted by the city on a case-by-case basis.
(C) Any permit granted pursuant to this chapter and subchapter may be revoked upon
the violation by the permittee of any provision of this chapter, subchapter, or any other
ordinance, rule or regulation of parks adopted by the city.
(D) It shall be unlawful for any person to use any facility or area for which a fee or
charge has been established by the city without payment of the fee or charge.
(E) The city shall not be liable for any loss, damage, or injury sustained by a park
(F) Any park or portion thereof may be declared closed to the public by the City
Council or Park Director at any time and for any interval of time or to certain uses, as the City
Council or Park Director shall find reasonably necessary.
(G) Nothing in this subchapter shall prevent employees or agents of the City of Park Rapids
from performing their assigned duties.
(H) No person shall impersonate any employee of the City of Park Rapids, nor interfere
with, harass, or hinder any employee in the discharge of his or her duties.
(Prior Code, § 47-82) Penalty, see § 96.999
§ 96.999 PENALTY.
(A) Dances. A violation of any provision of §§ 96.025 et seq. shall be a misdemeanor
under Minnesota law.
(Prior Code, § 47-36)
(B) Outdoor concerts/music events. A violation of any provision of §§ 96.045 et seq. shall
be a misdemeanor under Minnesota law.
(Prior Code, § 47-46)
(C) Parades. A violation of any provision of §§ 96.065 et seq. shall be a misdemeanor
under Minnesota law.
(Prior Code, § 47-60)
(D) Park regulations.
(1) Misdemeanor. A person guilty of violating any provision of §§ 96.090 et seq. shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(2) Ejection. Designated Park Rapids employees may, in conjunction with their duties
imposed by law, diligently enforce the provisions of this subchapter and eject from parks,
persons acting in violation of this subchapter.
(3) Permit revocation. The City Administrator shall have the authority to revoke for
good cause any permit or reservation issued by the city.
(Prior Code, § 47-83)
General Provisions
97.01 Disposition of abandoned property
Abandoned Vehicles
97.15 Findings and purpose
97.16 Definitions
97.17 Violation to abandon motor vehicle
97.18 Authority to impound vehicles
97.19 Sale; waiting periods
97.20 Notice of taking and sale
97.21 Right to reclaim
97.22 Operator's deficiency claim; consent to sale
97.23 Disposition by impound lot
97.24 Disposal authority
97.25 Contracts; reimbursement by MPCA
(A) Procedure. Except for abandoned and junked vehicles, all property lawfully coming
into possession of the city shall be disposed of as provided in this section which is adopted
pursuant to M.S. § 471.195, as it may be amended from time to time. Abandoned and junked
vehicles shall be disposed of according to the procedures of §§ 97.15 et seq.
(B) Storage. The department of the city acquiring possession of the property shall arrange
for its storage. If city facilities are unavailable or inadequate, the department may arrange for
storage at a privately-owned facility.
116 Park Rapids - General Regulations
(C) Claim by owner. The owner may claim the property by exhibiting satisfactory proof of
ownership and paying the city any storage or maintenance costs incurred by it. A receipt for the
property shall be obtained upon release to the owner.
(D) Sale. If the property remains unclaimed in the possession of the city for 60 days, the
property shall be sold to the highest bidder at a public auction conducted by the City Clerk or his
or her designee after 2 weeks' published notice setting forth the time and place of the sale and the
property to be sold.
(E) Disposition of proceeds. The proceeds of the sale shall be placed in the general fund of
the city. If the former owner makes application and furnishes satisfactory proof of ownership
within 6 months of the sale, the former owner shall be paid the proceeds of the sale of the
property less the costs of storage and the proportionate part of the cost of published notice and
other costs of the sale.
M.S. Ch. 168B, and Minn. Rules Ch. 7035, as they may be amended from time to time, are
hereby adopted by reference. Sections 97.15 through 97.25 of this code are adopted under the
authority of M.S. § 168B.09, Subd. 2, as it may be amended from time to time. If any of these
provisions are less stringent that the provisions of M.S. § 168B or Minn. Rules Ch. 7035, as it
may be amended from time to time, the statute or rule shall take precedence.
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context
clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
(1) A motor vehicle, as defined in M.S. § 169.01 as it may be amended from time to
time, that:
(a) Has remained illegally:
1. For a period of more than 48 hours on any property owned or controlled
by a unit of government, or more than 4 hours on that property when it is properly posted; or
2. On private property for a period of time, as determined under § 97.18(B),
without the consent of the person in control of the property; and
(b) Lacks vital component parts or is in an inoperable condition that it has no
substantial potential for further use consistent with its usual functions, unless it is kept in an
enclosed garage or storage building.
(2) A classic car or pioneer car, as defined in M.S. § 168.10 as it may be amended
from time to time, is not considered an abandoned vehicle.
(3) Vehicles on the premises of junk yards and automobile graveyards that are
defined, maintained, and licensed in accordance with M.S. § 161.242 as it may be amended from
time to time, or that are licensed and maintained in accordance with local laws and zoning
regulations, are not considered abandoned vehicles.
(4) A vehicle being held for storage by agreement or being held under police
authority or pursuant to a writ or court order is not considered abandoned, nor may it be
processed as abandoned while the police hold, writ or court order is in effect.
DEPARTMENT. The Minnesota Department of Public Safety.
IMPOUND. To take and hold a vehicle in legal custody. There are 2 types of impounds:
public and nonpublic.
IMPOUND LOT OPERATOR or OPERATOR. A person who engages in impounding
or storing, usually temporarily, unauthorized or abandoned vehicles. OPERATOR includes an
operator of a public or nonpublic impound lot, regardless of whether tow truck service is
JUNK VEHICLE. A vehicle that:
(1) Is 3 years old or older;
(2) Is extensively damaged, with the damage including things as broken or
missing wheels, motor, drive train or transmission;
(3) Is apparently inoperable;
(4) Does not have a valid, current registration plate; and
(5) Has an approximate fair market value equal only to the approximate value of the
scrap in it.
MOTOR VEHICLE or VEHICLE. Has the meaning given "motor vehicle" in M.S. §
169.01, as it may be amended from time to time.
MOTOR VEHICLE WASTE. Solid waste and liquid wastes derived in the operation of or
in the recycling of a motor vehicle, including such things as tires and used motor oil, but
excluding scrap metal.
MPCA or AGENCY. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
NONPUBLIC IMPOUND LOT. An impound lot that is not a public impound lot.
PUBLIC IMPOUND LOT. An impound lot owned by or contracting with a unit of
government under § 97.24.
UNAUTHORIZED VEHICLE. A vehicle that is subject to removal and impoundment
pursuant to § 97.18(B), or M.S. § 169.041 as it may be amended from time to time, but is not a
junk vehicle or an abandoned vehicle.
UNIT OF GOVERNMENT. Includes a state department or agency, a special purpose
district, and a county, statutory or home rule charter city, or town.
VITAL COMPONENT PARTS. Those parts of a motor vehicle that are essential to the
mechanical functioning of the vehicle, including such things as the motor, drive train and wheels.
Any person who abandons a motor vehicle on any public or private property, without the
consent of the person in control of the property, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) Abandoned or junk vehicles. The City Clerk or his or her designee or any peace officer
employed or whose services are contracted for by the city may take into custody and impound
any abandoned or junk vehicle if the vehicle is on public property. If the abandoned or junk
vehicle is located on private property, the vehicle shall not be removed or impounded until the
provisions of § 97.18(C) are complied with.
Abandoned Property 119
(B) Unauthorized vehicles. The City Clerk, or his or her designee or any peace
officer employed or whose services are contracted for by the city may take into custody and
impound any unauthorized vehicle under M.S. § 169.041 as it may be amended from time to
time. A vehicle may also be impounded after it has been left unattended in 1 of the following
public or private locations for the indicated period of time:
(1) In a public location not governed by M.S. § 169.041 as it may be amended
from time to time:
(a) On a highway and properly tagged by a peace officer, 4 hours;
(b) Located so as to constitute an accident or traffic hazard to the
traveling public, as determined by a peace officer, immediately; or
(c) That is a parking facility or other public property owned or
controlled by a unit of government, properly posted, 4 hours; or
(2) On private property, only with the express permission of the owner of the
property, a resident or other person in control of the premises:
(a) That is single-family or duplex residential property, immediately;
(b) That is private, nonresidential property, properly posted,
(c) That is private, nonresidential property, not posted, 24 hours; or
(d) That is any residential property, properly posted, immediately.
(3) If under division (B)(2) of this section, permission is not granted, then the
city shall not remove and impound any vehicle until the procedure established in division (B)(2)
of this section have been followed.
(C) If the vehicle is on private property, the City Clerk or his or her designee or any
peace officer employed or whose services are contracted for by the city may take into custody
and impound any abandoned or junk vehicle on private property only with the permission of the
owner of the property, a resident, or other person in control of the premises. If permission is
denied, the city may declare the existence of the abandoned or junk vehicle to be a nuisance and
proceed to abate the nuisance. Once the abatement procedure has been completed, the city may
apply for an order from a court of competent jurisdiction authorizing the removal and
impoundment of the vehicle and, after the order has been granted, the city may then remove and
impound the vehicle.
Park Rapids - General Regulations
(A) Sale after 15 days. An impounded vehicle is eligible for disposal or sale under § 97.23,
15 days after notice to the owner, if the vehicle is determined to be:
(1) A junk vehicle, except that it may have a valid, current registration plate and still be
eligible for disposal or sale under this subdivision; or
(2) An abandoned vehicle.
(B) Sale after 45 days. An impounded vehicle is eligible for disposal or sale under § 97.23,
45 days after notice to the owner, if the vehicle is determined to be an unauthorized vehicle.
(A) Contents; notice given within 5 days. When an impounded vehicle is taken into
custody, the city or impound lot operator taking it into custody shall give notice of the taking
within 5 days. The notice shall:
(1) Set forth the date and place of the taking; the year, make, model and serial number
of the impounded motor vehicle if the information can be reasonably obtained; and the place
where the vehicle is being held;
(2) Inform the owner and any lienholders of their right to reclaim the vehicle under §
97.21; and
(3) State that failure of the owner or lienholders to exercise their right to reclaim the
vehicle and contents within the appropriate time allowed under § 97.19 shall be deemed a waiver
by them of all right, title and interest in the vehicle and contents and a consent to the transfer of
title to and disposal or sale of the vehicle and contents pursuant to § 97.23.
(B) Notice by mail or publication. The notice shall be sent by mail to the registered owner,
if any, of an impounded vehicle and to all readily identifiable lienholders of record. The
Department makes this information available to impound lot operators for notification purposes.
If it is impossible to determine with reasonable certainty the identity and address of the
registered owner and all lienholders, the notice shall be published once in a newspaper of general
circulation in the area where the motor vehicle was towed from or abandoned. Published notices
may be grouped together for convenience and economy.
(C) Unauthorized vehicles; notice. If an unauthorized vehicle remains unclaimed after 30
days from the date the notice was sent under division (B) of this section, a second notice shall be
sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the registered owner, if any, of the
unauthorized vehicle and to all readily identifiable lienholders of record.
(A) Payment of charges. The owner or any lienholder of an impounded vehicle shall have a
right to reclaim the vehicle from the city or impound lot operator taking it into custody upon
payment of all towing and storage charges resulting from taking the vehicle into custody within
15 or 45 days, as applicable under § 97.19, after the date of the notice required by § 97.20.
(B) Lienholders. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to impair any lien of a
garagekeeper under the laws of this state, or the right of a lienholder to foreclose. For the
purposes of this section, GARAGEKEEPER is an operator of a parking place or establishment,
an operator of a motor vehicle storage facility, or an operator of an establishment for the
servicing, repair or maintenance of motor vehicles.
(A) Deficiency claim. The nonpublic impound lot operator has a deficiency claim against
the registered owner of the vehicle for the reasonable costs of services provided in the towing,
storage and inspection of the vehicle minus the proceeds of the sale or auction. The claim for
storage costs may not exceed the costs of:
(1) 25 days storage for a vehicle described in § 97.19(A); and
(2) 55 days storage for a vehicle described in § 97.19(B).
(B) Implied consent to sale. A registered owner who fails to claim the impounded vehicle
within the applicable time period allowed under § 97.19 is deemed to waive any right to reclaim
the vehicle and consents to the disposal or sale of the vehicle and its contents and transfer of title.
(A) Auction or sale.
(1) If an abandoned or unauthorized vehicle and contents taken into custody by the city
or any impound lot is not reclaimed under § 97.21, it may be disposed of or sold at auction or
sale when eligible pursuant to §§ 97.20 and 97.21.
(2) The purchaser shall be given a receipt in a form prescribed by the Registrar of
Motor Vehicles which shall be sufficient title to dispose of the vehicle. The receipt shall also
entitle the purchaser to register the vehicle and receive a certificate of title, free and clear of all
liens and claims of ownership. Before a vehicle is issued a new certificate of title, it must
receive a motor vehicle safety check.
122 Park Rapids - General Regulations
(B) Unsold vehicles. Abandoned or junk vehicles not sold by the city or public impound
lots pursuant to division (A) of this section shall be disposed of in accordance with § 97.24.
(C) Sale proceeds; public entities. From the proceeds of a sale under this section by the city
or public impound lot of an abandoned or unauthorized motor vehicle, the city shall reimburse
itself for the cost of towing, preserving and storing the vehicle, and all administrative, notice and
publication costs incurred in handling the vehicle pursuant to this chapter. Any remainder from
the proceeds of a sale shall be held for the owner of the vehicle or entitled lienholder for 90 days
and then shall be deposited in the treasury of the city.
(D) Sale proceeds; nonpublic impound lots. The operator of a nonpublic impound lot may
retain any proceeds derived from a sale conducted under the authority of division (A) of this
section. The operator may retain all proceeds from sale of any personal belongings and contents
in the vehicle that were not claimed by the owner or the owner's agent before the sale, except
that any suspected contraband or other items that likely would be subject to forfeiture in a
criminal trial must be turned over to the appropriate law enforcement agency.
The city may contract with others or may utilize its own equipment and personnel for the
inventory of impounded motor vehicles and abandoned scrap metal and may utilize its own
equipment and personnel for the collection, storage and transportation of these vehicles and
abandoned scrap metal. The city may utilize its own equipment and personnel only for the
collection and storage of not more than 5 abandoned or unauthorized vehicles without
advertising for or receiving bids in any 120-day period.
(A) MPCA review and approval. If the city proposes to enter into a contract with a person
licensed by the MPCA pursuant to this section or a contract pursuant to § 97.24, the MPCA may
review the proposed contract before it is entered into by the city, to determine whether it
conforms to the MPCA's plan for solid waste management and is in compliance with MPCA
rules. A contract that does so conform may be approved by the MPCA and entered into by the
city. Where a contract has been approved, the MPCA may reimburse the city for the costs
incurred under the contract that have not been reimbursed under § 97.23. Except as otherwise
provided in § 97.24, the MPCA shall not approve any contract that has been entered into without
prior notice to and without a request for bids from all persons duly licensed by the MPCA to be a
party to a disposal contract pursuant to M.S. § 116.07, as it may be amended from time to time;
nor that does not provide for a full performance bond; or does not provide for total collection and
transportation of abandoned motor vehicles, except that the MPCA may approve a contract
covering solely collection or transportation of abandoned motor vehicles where the MPCA
Abandoned Property 123
determines total collection and transportation to be impracticable and where all other
requirements herein have been met and the unit of government, after proper notice and request
for bids, has not received any bid for total collection and transportation of abandoned motor
(B) The city may perform work. If the city utilizes its own equipment and personnel
pursuant to its authority under § 97.24, and the use of the equipment and personnel conforms to
the MPCA's plan for solid waste management and is in compliance with MPCA rules, the city
may be reimbursed by the MPCA for reasonable costs incurred which are not reimbursed under §
(C) The city required to contract work. The MPCA may demand that the city contract for
the disposal of abandoned motor vehicles and other scrap metal pursuant to the MPCA's plan for
solid waste disposal. If the city fails to contract within 180 days of the demand, the MPCA,
through the Department of Administration and on behalf of the city, may contract with any
person duly licensed by the MPCA for the disposal.
110.01 Permits
110.02 Fees
110.03 Duration of permit
110.04 Transfers
110.05 Inspection
110.06 Duties of permittee
110.07 Suspension or revocation
§ 110.01 PERMITS.
(A) General rule. Except as otherwise provided in this code, all permits granted by the city
shall be governed by the provisions of this chapter.
(B) Acts prohibited. No person shall conduct any activity or use any property for which a
permit is required by law or this code without a currently valid permit for the activity or use.
(C) Application. Every application for a permit shall be made to the City Clerk on a form
provided by him or her. It shall be accompanied by payment to the Clerk of the prescribed fee.
If, after investigation, the City Clerk is satisfied that all requirements of law and this code have
been met, he or she shall present the application to the Council for action or, if the permit does
not require Council approval, he or she shall issue the permit.
(D) Bond. Where a bond is required for any permit, the bond shall be a corporate surety
bond executed on a form approved by the city and shall be filed with the Clerk before the permit
is issued. Except where otherwise provided, a bond shall be conditioned that the permittee shall
comply with the applicable ordinance and laws pertaining to the permitted activity and that the
permittee will indemnify the city and save it harmless from all loss or damage by reason of
inadequate work performed by him or her or by reason of accident caused by the negligence of
the permittee, his or her agents or employees.
(E) Insurance. When a permittee is required to have in force a policy of insurance, the
policy shall be approved as to substance and form by the city. The policy shall provide that it is
non-cancellable without 15 days' notice to the city, and the coverage shall be for the term of the
permit. Satisfactory evidence of coverage by insurance shall be filed with the Clerk before the
permit is issued. Each permit shall terminate upon termination of the required insurance
(Prior Code, § 18-1)
§ 110.02 FEES.
(A) Fee established. Permit fees are in the amounts established in the governing sections of
this chapter or as otherwise provided in this code. The permit fees as set forth in the various
sections of this code are the official and controlling provisions.
(B) Prorated fees. Permit fees shall not be prorated unless otherwise specified by this code
or by law.
(C) Refunds. Permit fees shall not be refunded in whole or in part unless otherwise
specified by this code or by law.
(Prior Code, § 18-2)
Unless otherwise specified, a permit shall be valid for a calendar year or the part of the year
for which it is issued and shall expire on December 31.
(Prior Code, § 18-3)
§ 110.04 TRANSFERS.
No permit issued under this code may be transferred to any other person. Where a permit
relates to specific premises, the permit shall not be changed to another location without approval
of the Council or other permitting authority.
(Prior Code, § 18-4)
§ 110.05 INSPECTION.
(A) Authorized personnel.
(1) Any city official or employee having a duty to perform with reference to a permit
under this code and any police officer may inspect and examine any permit, his or her business,
or premises to enforce compliance with applicable provisions of this code.
(2) Subject to the provisions of division (B) below, he or she may, at any reasonable
time, enter any permitted premises or premises for which a permit is required in order to enforce
compliance with this code.
(B) Search warrants. If the permittee objects to the inspection of his or her premises, the
city official or employee with the duty of enforcing the provisions of this code shall procure a
valid search warrant before conducting the inspection.
(Prior Code, § 18-5)
(A) Compliance required. Every permittee shall have the duties set forth in this section.
(B) Inspection. He or she shall permit at reasonable times inspections of his or her business
and examination of his or her books and records by authorized officers or employees.
(C) Compliance with law. He or she shall comply with laws, ordinances, and regulations
applicable to the permitted business, activity, or property.
(D) Display of permit. He or she shall display the permit in a conspicuous place on the
premises, vehicle, or device to which the permit relates. If the permit is not so related, the permit
shall be carried on the permittee's person whenever he or she is carrying on the permitted
(E) Unlawful disposition. The permittee shall not lend or give to any other person his or her
permit or permit insignia.
(Prior Code, § 18-6)
The Council may suspend for a period not exceeding 60 days or revoke any permit for
violation of any provision of law, ordinance, or regulation applicable to the permitted activity or
property. Except where mandatory revocation is provided by law without notice and hearing and
except where suspension may be made without a hearing, the holder of the permit shall be
granted a hearing upon at least 10 days notice before revocation or suspension is ordered. The
notice shall state the time and place of the hearing and the nature of the charges against the
(Prior Code, § 18-7)
111.01 Purpose
111.02 Definitions
111.03 Permit required
111.04 Permit application
111.05 Permit fee
111.06 Permit application, execution, verification and consideration
111.07 Persons and locations ineligible for a permit
111.08 Health and welfare regulations
111.09 Sanctions for permit violations
111.10 Permit regulations
111.99 Penalty
§ 111.01 PURPOSE.
The City Council finds that commercial animal establishments can present health, safety,
and sanitation problems if not properly and locally regulated. The City Council therefore enacts
the following permitting requirements to govern commercial animal establishments.
(Prior Code, § 18-40)
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context
clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ANIMAL. Every non-human species of organism, except plant and bacterium, both
domestic and wild.
AQUARIUM. A building or institution in which aquatic animals are kept for commercial
exhibition or display.
CLEAN. The absence of dirt, grease, rubbish, garbage, animal and bodily excretions, and
other offensive, unsightly, or extraneous matter.
COMMERCIAL ANIMAL ESTABLISHMENT. Any aquarium, pet shop, riding school or
stable, zoological park, or performing animal exhibition.
GOOD REPAIR. Free of corrosion, breaks, cracks, chips, pitting, excessive wear and tear,
leaks, obstructions, and similar defects so as to constitute a good and sound condition.
PERFORMING ANIMAL EXHIBITION. Any commercial spectacle, display, act, or
event, in which performing animals are used.
PERSON. One or more natural persons; a partnership, including a limited partnership, a
corporation, including a foreign, domestic, or nonprofit corporation; a trust; a political
subdivision of the state; or any other organization.
PET SHOP. Any person, whether operated separately or in connection with another
business enterprise, that buys, exhibits, or sells any species of animal.
RIDING SCHOOL OR STABLE. Any place that has available for hire, boarding, and/or
riding instruction, any horse, pony, donkey, mule, llama, or burro; or any place that regularly
buys, sells, or trains the above animals including a trotting track or rodeo.
ZOOLOGICAL PARK. Any permanent facility operated by a person, or government
agency, other than a pet shop or kennel, displaying or exhibiting 1 or more species or animals.
(Prior Code, § 18-41)
No person shall operate a commercial animal establishment without first obtaining a permit
in compliance with this chapter of the City Code.
(Prior Code, § 18-42) Penalty, see § 111.99
The application for a permit under this chapter shall be made on a form supplied by the City
Clerk and shall request the following information:
(A) The full legal name, current address, home and business phone of the applicant;
(B) Whether the applicant is a natural person, corporation, partnership or other form of
(C) Whether all real estate and personal property taxes that are due and payable for the
premise to be permitted have been paid, and if not paid, the years and amounts that are unpaid;
(D) The location where the commercial animal establishment will be operated; and
(E) Any other information as the city deems necessary
(Prior Code, § 18-43) Penalty, see § 111.99
§ 111.05 PERMIT FEE.
The annual fee for a commercial animal establishment permit shall be as set forth in Chapter
36 of this code.
(Prior Code, § 18-44)
(A) Execution. All application for a permit under this chapter shall be signed and sworn to.
If the application is that of a natural person, it shall be signed and sworn to by that person; if that
of a corporation, by an officer thereof; if that of a partnership, by one of the general partners; and
it that of an unincorporated association, by the manager or managing officer thereof.
(B) Verification. All applications shall be referred to the City Clerk for verification and
investigation of the facts set forth in the application. The City of Park Rapids is empowered to
conduct any and all investigations to verify the information on the application, including
ordering a computerized criminal history and/or a driver's license history inquiry on the
(C) Consideration. Within a reasonable period after the completion of the license
verification process by the City of Park Rapids, the City Clerk shall accept or deny the license
application in accordance with this chapter. If the application is denied, the City Clerk shall
notify the applicant of the determination in writing. The notice shall be mailed regular mail to
the applicant at the address provided in the application and it shall inform the applicant of the
applicant's right, within 20 days after receipt by the applicant, to request an appeal of the City
Clerk's determination to the City Council. If an appeal to the City Council is timely received by
the City Clerk, the hearing before the City Council shall take place within a reasonable period of
(Prior Code, § 18-45) Penalty, see § 111.99
(A) Persons ineligible. No permit under this chapter shall be issued to an applicant if the
(1) Is not 18 years of age or older on the date the permit application is submitted to the
City Clerk;
(2) Has been convicted of any crime directly related to the occupation permitted,
including but not limited to cruelty to animals, as prescribed by M.S. § 364.03, subdivision 2, as
it may be amended from time to time, and has not shown competent evidence of sufficient
rehabilitation and present fitness to perform the duties of the permitted occupation as prescribed
by M.S. § 364.03, subdivision 3, as it may be amended from time to time;
(3) Is not a citizen of the United States, a resident alien, or does not have the legal
authority to be employed in the United States;
(4) Is not of good moral character or repute;
(5) Has knowingly falsified or misrepresented information on the permit application;
(6) Owes taxes and assessments to the state, county, school district, or city that are due
and delinquent; or
(7) Is not the real party in interest of the business being permitted.
(B) Location ineligible. The following locations shall be ineligible for a permit under this
(1) Taxes due on property. No permit shall be granted or renewed on any property on
which taxes, assessments, or other financial claims of the state, county, school district, or city are
due, delinquent, or unpaid. In the event a suit has been commenced under M.S. §§ 278.01-
278.14, as it may be amended from time to time, questioning the amount or validity of taxes, the
City Council may on application waive strict compliance with this provision; no waiver may be
granted, however, for taxes or any portion thereof which remain unpaid for a period exceeding 1
year after becoming due.
(2) Improper zoning. No license shall be granted if the property is not properly zoned
for a pet shop under Title XV of this code unless the pet shop is a legal, non-conforming use.
(Prior Code, § 18-46) Penalty, see § 111.99
(A) Diseased animals. No person shall bring into his or her place of business, commercial
animal establishment, or into the city, or have in his or her possession for sale or otherwise, any
animals afflicted with an infectious disease.
(B) Floor requirements. The floors of a commercial animal establishment shall be non-
absorptive, monolithic construction and must be kept in a clean and sanitary condition and in
good repair. For large animals where it would be detrimental to the animal's health to stand for
prolonged periods on hard non-absorbent floors, alternate approved flooring may be allowed.
(C) Walls and ceilings. Walls and ceilings of a commercial animal establishment shall be
kept clean, sanitary, and in good repair.
(D) Confinement. All cages, pens, benches, boxes, tanks, or receptacles in which animals
are confined shall be easily cleanable, durable and constructed of non-corrosive material and
maintained in good repair. These cages and pens shall also be properly sufficient and humane in
size for the confinement of animals.
(E) Ventilation. All rooms in a commercial animal establishment shall be mechanically
ventilated and provide the minimum cfm per foot in accordance with the Uniform Mechanical
Code. A negative pressure must be maintained to prevent odors and organisms from entering the
adjacent businesses or departments. Provisions shall be made for pre-heated replacement air.
(F) Delivery requirements. All delivery trucks transporting animals to and from the
commercial animal establishment shall be kept clean and sanitary.
(G) Feeding of animals. All utensils used in the preparation of food and the feeding of
animals shall be kept clean, sanitary and in good repair; and the use of the utensils for the
purpose which are badly worn, rusted, or corroded, or in a condition that they cannot be clean
and sanitary is prohibited.
(H) Humane treatment of animals. All animals in the commercial animal establishment
shall be handled and treated in a humane manner by the owner, operator and employees of the
commercial animal establishment. All state laws governing cruelty to animals and humane
treatment of animals shall be adhered to and all operations must enhance or maintain the health
and welfare of all animals in the establishment.
(I) Location of animals. Where the licensee keeps animals for sale or display, all animals
shall be kept entirely within an enclosed building and no animals shall be kept or maintained
outdoors. Exterior walking or exercise areas shall be maintained free of wastes and other litter,
and all wastes should be removed and disposed of in an approved manner immediately.
(J) Infectious diseases. All animals subject to distemper and infectious hepatitis acquired
by the commercial animal establishment owner or operator must have been inoculated prior to
delivery at the commercial animal establishment by a veterinarian licensed to practice in the
State of Minnesota. Monkeys must have a yearly tuberculin test.
(K) Size requirements. The commercial animal establishment must include a room of
sufficient size to contain an approved sink with hot and cold running water under pressure, for
the purpose of storing janitorial supplies, and equipment used to maintain the premises in a clean
and sanitary manner.
(L) Disposal of wastes. All animal wastes must be disposed of in a timely and approved
sanitary manner. In no event shall there be an accumulation of waste beyond 24 hours. In public
areas during exhibition, all wastes must be disposed of immediately or, at minimum, the waste to
be stored in an approved container with tight fitting lids and disposed of in an approved sanitary
manner at the end of the day.
(Prior Code, § 18-47) Penalty, see § 111.99
(A) Suspension or revocation. The City Council may suspend or revoke a permit issued
pursuant to this chapter for a violation of:
(1) Fraud, misrepresentation, or false statement contained in a permit application or a
renewal application;
(2) Fraud, misrepresentation, or false statement made in the course of carrying on the
permitted occupation or business;
(3) Any violation of this chapter or state law;
(4) A permittee's criminal conviction that is directly related to the occupation or
business permitted, including but not limited to cruelty to animals, as defined by M.S. § 364.03,
subdivision 2, as it may be amended from time to time, provided that the permittee cannot show
competent evidence of sufficient rehabilitation and present fitness to perform the duties of the
permitted occupation of business as defined by M.S. § 364.03, subdivision 3, as it may be
amended from time to time; and
(5) Conducting the permitted business or occupation in an unlawful manner or in a
manner as to constitute a breach of the peace or to constitute a menace to the health, safety, or
general welfare of the community.
(B) Notice and hearing. A revocation or suspension by the City Council shall be preceded
by written notice to the permittee and a hearing. The notice shall give at least 8 days' notice of
the time and place of the hearing and shall state the nature of the charges against the permittee.
The notice shall be mailed by regular and certified mail to the permittee at the most recent
address listed on the permit application.
(Prior Code, § 18-48) Penalty, see § 111.99
(A) Posting of permit. The permit issued pursuant to this chapter shall be conspicuously
displayed at the commercial animal establishment.
(B) Insurance. No permit shall be issued or continued in operation unless there is in full
force and effect a liability insurance policy in the amount of at least $500,000 per occurrence for
bodily injury.
(C) Permitted premises. A permit issued pursuant to this chapter is effective only for the
compact and contiguous space specified in the approved permit application. Any temporary
animal exhibition or sales events are subject to temporary conditional use permit requirements of
this code.
(D) Transfer of permit prohibited.
(1) A permit issued pursuant to this chapter is for the person and the persons named on
the approved permit application.
(2) No transfer of a permit shall be permitted from place to place or from person to
person without complying with the requirements of an original permit application.
(Prior Code, § 18-49) Penalty, see § 111.99
§ 111.99 PENALTY.
A violation of this chapter shall be a misdemeanor under Minnesota law.
(Prior Code, § 18-50)
112.01 Purpose
112.02 Definition
112.03 Limitations
112.99 Penalty
§ 112.01 PURPOSE.
Limitation of the number and duration of garage sales within the city is intended to maintain
the residential nature of the neighborhoods, prevent an increase in traffic in residential areas at
times and frequencies which may adversely impact other residents, and provide the city with a
method to regulate business activities undertaken in areas not zoned for retail sales.
(Prior Code, § 18-57) (Ord. 238, passed 1989)
§ 112.02 DEFINITION.
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definition shall apply unless the context
clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
GARAGE SALE. An offering of goods to the public on a temporary basis by a person or
organization at a sale site which is not principally used for the purpose of retail sales and where
no other permit has been issued by the city authorizing these sales. As used in this chapter, the
term GARAGE SALE encompasses yard sales, estate sales, moving sales, block sales, rummage
sales, and related sales where second-hand or other goods are sold or displayed to members of
the public on a temporary basis. GARAGE SALE as used in this chapter does not include an
estate sale or auction held at decedent's residence or at the residence of a party holding the sale,
provided the number of sales in any calendar year does not exceed the limitations imposed by
this chapter, and further provided that the sale is conducted by a permitted auctioneer.
(Prior Code, § 18-58) (Ord. 238, passed 1989)
(A) Number of sales per year. No person shall hold more than 2 garage sale occasions in
the course of any calendar year without having first applied for a permit to conduct a sale at the
office of the City Clerk. Permits for third or subsequent sales shall not be granted without a
showing of hardship or necessity or without proof that the applicant has a Minnesota sales tax
number when conducted in an area zoned for retail sales.
(B) Other limitations. All garage sales held within the city limits of the City of Park Rapids
shall abide by the following provisions:
(1) No garage sale shall last for more than 3 days in succession;
(2) Garage sales shall not be commenced earlier than 8:00 a.m. and shall not transact
business beyond 6:00 p.m; and
(3) Signs advertising garage sales must comply with existing city ordinances and must
be retrieved by 6:00 p.m. on the day following the last day of the sale.
(Prior Code, § 18-59) Penalty, see § 112.99
§ 112.99 PENALTY.
Any person or organization violating the provisions of this chapter is guilty of a
(Prior Code, § 18-60)
113.01 Purpose
113.02 Definitions
113.03 Exceptions
113.04 Permit required
113.05 Bonds
113.06 Permit application
113.07 Restrictions
113.08 Suspension and revocation
113.09 Records required
113.10 Receipts required
113.11 Reports to police
113.12 Identification requirements
113.13 Holding and redemption periods
113.14 Hours and days of operation
113.15 Unlawful acts
113.99 Penalty
§ 113.01 PURPOSE.
The City Council finds that adequate protection of the public health, safety and welfare
required that the business of pawnbrokers and dealers in second-hand goods, gold, silver, coins,
or junk be regulated and controlled.
(Prior Code, § 18-76)
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context
clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
PAWNBROKER. A person who loans money on deposit or pledge of personal property, or
other valuable thing, or who deals in the purchasing of personal property or other valuable thing
on condition of selling the same back again at a stipulated price, or who loans money secured by
chattel mortgage on personal property, taking possession of the property or any part thereof so
SECOND-HAND GOODS DEALER. A person engaging in the business of buying second-
hand goods of any kind, including but not limited to coins, gold, silver, jewelry, metals, wrecked
or dismantled motor vehicles or motor vehicles intended to be wrecked or dismantled, but
excepting goods and merchandise taken as part or full payment for new goods and merchandise.
(Prior Code, § 18-77)
§ 113.03 EXCEPTIONS.
The following business purchases shall not be covered by this chapter:
(A) Purchases from a garage sale of personal property conducted from a residence;
(B) The purchase of used clothing where no single item has a value of greater than $50;
(C) Consignment sales from an established place of business;
(D) Auction sales;
(E) Used cars sales involving vehicles with title registered through the Department of Motor
(F) The purchase of used books where no single book has a value of greater than $50;
(G) Any purchase of property from merchants, manufacturers or wholesale dealers having
an established place of business, or of goods purchased at open sale from any bank or from
stock, or of goods purchased at salvaged. This property and goods must be accompanied by a
bill of sale or other evidence of open or legitimate purchase, which must be shown to any police
officer when demanded;
(H) Recycling centers (e.g. aluminum recycling center);
(I) Any purchaser of property at a flea market or swap meet sponsored by a local non-
second-hand goods dealer or pawnbroker or by a community, and conducted on property with
the consent of the owner of the property; where the purchaser is not otherwise required to be
permitted by this chapter; or
(J) Any purchase or sale of scrap metal. SCRAP METAL means any metallic item, other
than precious metal, which is no longer suitable for its intended use and which cannot be
repaired, and which is intended to be refabricated.
(Prior Code, § 18-78)
It is unlawful for any person to engage in the business of pawnbroker without a
pawnbroker's permit under this chapter; nor in the business of dealer in second-hand goods or
junk without a second-hand goods dealer's permit or a pawnbroker's permit shall be as set by the
City Council by resolution.
(Prior Code, § 18-101) Penalty, see § 113.99
§ 113.05 BONDS.
(A) Bonds required. Before a permit shall be issued, bonds in the following amounts and
upon the following conditions shall be filed with the City Clerk:
$2,000 bond
Second-hand goods dealer or junk dealer with established
place of business
$1,000 bond
(B) Conditions of bond. All bonds shall be conditioned that the principal named therein
will observe all laws in relation to pawnbrokers, dealers in second-hand goods and junk dealers,
and conduct his or her business in conformity thereto, and that he or she will account for and
deliver to any person legally entitled thereto, any goods, wares or merchandise, article or thing,
which may have come into his or her hands through his or her business as the pawnbroker, dealer
in second-hand goods or junk dealer, or in lieu thereof will pay in money to the person or
persons the reasonable value thereof.
(Prior Code, § 18-102) Penalty, see § 113.99
Any applicant for a permit as a dealer in second-hand goods shall specify in his or her
application the type of goods, wares or merchandise which he or she desires to deal in and the
permit, if issued, shall limit the dealer to the type of goods, wares, or merchandise specified in
the application.
(Prior Code, § 18-103) Penalty, see § 113.99
(A) Business at only 1 place. Any permit issued under this chapter shall authorize the
permittee to carry on the business only at the place designated in the permit, excepting the
estimating of the value of goods for purchase and the picking up of goods.
(B) Criminal record. No permit shall be issued to any person previously convicted of a
misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor or felony, provided that any applicant convicted of a
misdemeanor may apply to the Council for waiver of this provision. The Council may, at its
discretion, grant a waiver upon demonstration by the applicant that the conviction does not bear a
substantial relationship to the character or ability of the applicant to conduct the business of
pawn broking consistent with the provisions of the chapter.
(Prior Code, § 18-104) Penalty, see § 113.99
(A) Any permit issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter may be suspended for up to
60 days or revoked for good cause by the Council at a regular or special meeting of the Council.
Written notice shall be served upon the permittee 21 days prior to the date of the hearing.
(B) For the purposes of this chapter, GOOD CAUSE shall include but not be limited to:
(A) Conviction of permittee or any of his or her employees of any crime relating to the
operation of a pawn broking business;
(2) Violation by the permittee or his or her employees of any of the provisions of this
chapter or any other article of the City Code or statute relating to the operation of a pawn broking
business or second-hand goods business;
(3) Failure to cooperate fully with any lawful police investigation;
(4) Falsely stating any material fact on the permit application; or
(5) Submitting a false or incomplete record to the police.
(Prior Code, § 18-105)
Every person who shall be engaged in the business of pawnbroker or dealer in second-hand
goods or junk shall maintain a record system whereby at the time of each loan or purchase, an
accurate account or description, in the English language, of the goods, articles or other things
pawned, pledged or purchased, the amount of money loaned or paid therefor, the time of the
receipt of the same and description of the person pawning, pledging or selling the same. These
records shall be kept separate from any other records maintained by the business. Separate pages
in the record system shall be pre-numbered and any gap in numbering shall be noted and
explained on the next numbered sheet. The description of any item of personal property shall
include serial numbers or any other identification numbers where ever possible. The description
of a person shall include compliance with any of the alternative identification requirements of §
113.12 of this division. The provisions of this section shall not apply to dealers in precious
metals permitted under Minnesota State Statute, insofar as they purchase precious metal bullion,
ingots, or coins.
(Prior Code, § 18-121) Penalty, see § 113.99
Every pawnbroker, dealer in second-hand goods, and junk dealer purchasing or receiving on
deposit for a loan any article or personal property shall give to the person selling or depositing
the article or personal property a receipt with a description of the item. Every pawnbroker,
dealer in second-hand goods, and junk dealer purchasing or receiving on deposit for a loan any
article of personal property shall daily make available to the police a copy of the record
maintained under § 113.09 of this chapter. The provisions of this section shall not apply to
dealers in precious metals permitted under Minnesota State Statute, insofar as they purchase
precious metal bullion, ingots, or coins.
(Prior Code, § 18-122) Penalty, see § 113.99
Every pawnbroker, dealer in second-hand goods, or junk dealer shall give to the Police
Department, before 12:00 p.m. of the first and fifteenth of the month, a legible and correct copy,
of the record required by § 113.09 of this chapter of all personal property or other valuable things
received or deposited or purchased during the preceding day, together with the time when
received or purchased and description of the person or person from whom left in pledge or from
whom the same were purchased. This copy shall be kept by the Police Department for its
records. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to dealers in precious metals permitted
under Minnesota State Statute, insofar as they purchase precious metal bullion, ingots, or coins.
(Prior Code, § 18-123) Penalty, see § 113.99
(A) Each person pawning, pledging, or selling items in an establishment permitted pursuant
to this chapter shall identify himself or herself as provided herein to the permittee or permittee's
agent accepting the pawn, pledge, or sale. Neither the permittee nor any of his or her agents
shall transact any business with any person who fails to identify himself or herself as provided
(B) Identification shall be made as follows:
(1) By a showing of a Minnesota driver's permit or non-qualification certificate which
was duly issued to the person presenting it by the State of Minnesota. The permittee or agent
shall stamp or record the information contained on the face of the driver's permit or non-
qualification certificate on the record required by § 113.09 of this chapter;
(2) In the event the person has no Minnesota driver's permit or non-qualification
certificate, then by showing of some other form of identification issued him or her by a
governmental body or a recognized organization which shows either his or her picture or a
physical description of him or her or both. The permittee or agent shall record the type of
identification, and the name and physical description on the identification in the record required
by § 113.09 of this division; or
(3) By a statement by the permittee that the person is personally known to the
permittee and a recording of his or her full name.
(C) The permittee or permittee's agent transacting the pawn, pledge, or sale shall have the
affirmative duty to compare all pictures, physical descriptions and signatures on the
identification presented with the physical features and signatures of the person presenting the
identification and shall not transact any business with any person who appears to be presenting
false identification. The provisions of this section shall not apply to dealers in precious metals
permitted under Minnesota State Statute, insofar as they purchase precious metal bullion, ingots,
or coins.
(Prior Code, § 18-124)
(A) Redemption period. Any person pledging an article shall have 45 days to redeem the
same before the pledge becomes forfeitable.
(B) Required holding period. No personal property received on deposit by any pawnbroker
shall be redeemed from the place of business of the pawnbroker for the space of 48 hours not
counting Saturday, Sunday or holidays next after the delivery to the Police Department of the
copy and statement relating thereto as required by § 113.10 of this chapter and no personal
property purchased by any pawnbroker, dealer of second-hand goods, or junk dealer shall be sold
or disposed of in any way within 48 hours not counting Saturday, Sunday, or holidays after 12:00
p.m. of the day for the giving notice as provided in § 113.11 of this chapter to the Police
Department of a copy and statement relating thereto as required in this section. These
requirements shall not apply to precious metals, coins, bullion, or ingots.
(C) Police order to hold property. Whenever the Chief of Police, or any member of the
police force shall have probable cause to suspect that property listed pursuant to this chapter
shall be stolen property, or constitute evidence of a crime, or that possession of the property is
criminal, or that the property shall constitute evidence that an individual has committed a crime,
he or she shall notify the dealer or dealers not to sell any property so received on deposit or
purchased by them, or permit the same to be redeemed, for a period of at least 48 hours in
addition to the time period provided for in division (A) of this section, not counting Saturday,
Sunday, and holidays.
(Prior Code, § 18-125) Penalty, see § 113.99
No property shall be received as a pledge or purchase by any dealer; nor shall any property
except personal wearing apparel be sold before 7:00 a.m. nor after 9:00 p.m. on Sunday. Further,
no pawnbroker or dealer in second-hand goods shall be open for business of any kind on the
following days: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day,
and Christmas Day.
(Prior Code, § 18-126) Penalty, see § 113.99
(A) Dealing with minors, and the like. It is unlawful for any pawnbroker, dealer in second-
hand goods or junk dealer to purchase or receive on deposit any personal property, goods, wares,
merchandise, article or thing, from a person under 18 years of age without the written consent of
his or her parent or guardian, persons of unsound mind, or intoxicated persons.
(B) Misconduct of pawnbrokers. It is unlawful for any permitted pawnbroker to:
(1) Have goods in his or her possession and refuse to permit a law enforcement officer
examine them during usual business hours;
(2) Sell pledged goods before the time to redeem has expired; or
(3) Make a loan on a pledge to a person under lawful age, without the written consent
of his or her parent or guardian.
(C) Misconduct of junk or second-hand dealers. It is unlawful for any dealer of junk or
second-hand goods to:
(1) Have goods in his or her possession and refuse to permit a law enforcement officer
to examine them during usual business hours; or
(2) Purchase property from a person under lawful age, without the written consent of
his or her parent or guardian.
(D) Minor, prohibitions. No person under the age of 18 years shall sell, pawn, or pledge
any personal property or other valuable thing to or with any person permitted to do business
under this chapter. It is unlawful for any person under the age of 18 years to represent to any
person permitted under the provisions of this chapter, at the time of his or her selling, pawning,
attempting to pawn, or pledging of any personal property, that he or she is 18 years of age or
(Prior Code, § 18-127) Penalty, see § 113.99
§ 113.99 PENALTY.
Any violation of the various provisions of this chapter is a misdemeanor.
(Prior Code, § 18-79)
114.01 Definitions and interpretation
114.02 Exceptions to definitions
114.03 Permitting
114.04 Fees
114.05 Procedure
114.06 Duration
114.07 Permit exemptions
114.08 Ineligibility for permit
114.09 Suspension and revocation
114.10 Notice of revocation or suspension
114.11 Public hearing
114.12 Emergency
114.13 Appeals
114.14 Transferability
114.15 Registration
114.16 Prohibited activities
114.17 Exclusion by placard
114.18 Effective date
114.99 Penalty
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context
clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. Except as may otherwise be provided or clearly
implied by context, all terms shall be given their commonly accepted definitions. The singular
shall include the plural and the plural shall include the singular. The masculine shall include the
feminine and the neuter, and vice-versa. The term SHALL means mandatory and the term MAY
is permissive. The following terms shall have the definitions given to them.
PEDDLER. A person, whether a resident of the City of Park Rapids or not, who goes from
house-to-house, door-to-door, business-to-business, street-to-street, or any other type of place-to-
place, for the purpose of offering for sale, displaying or exposing for sale, selling or attempting
to sell, and
delivering immediately upon sale, the goods, wares, products, merchandise, or other personal
property, that the person is carrying or otherwise transporting. The term PEDDLER shall mean
the same as the term HAWKER.
PERSON. Any natural individual, group, organization, corporation, partnership, or
association. As applied to groups, organizations, corporations, partnerships, and associations,
the term shall include each member, officer, partner, associate, agent, or employee.
REGULAR BUSINESS DAY. Any day during which the city hall is normally open for the
purpose of conducting public business. Holidays defined by state law shall not be counted as
regular business days.
SOLICITOR. A person, whether a resident of the City of Park Rapids or not, who goes
from house-to-house, door-to-door, business-to-business, street-to-street, or any other type of
place-to-place, for the purpose of obtaining or attempting to obtain orders for goods, wares,
products, merchandise, other personal property, or services, of which he or she may be carrying
or transporting samples, or that may be described in a catalog or by other means, and for which
delivery or performance shall occur at a later time. The absence of samples or catalogs shall not
remove a person from the scope of this provision if the actual purpose of the person's activity is
to obtain or attempt to obtain orders as discussed above. The term SOLICITOR shall mean the
same as the term canvasser.
TRANSIENT MERCHANT. A person, whether a resident of the City of Park Rapids or
not, who temporarily sets up business out of any building structure, vacant lot, parking lot, a
vehicle, trailer, tent, or other portable shelter, or empty store front for the purpose of exposing or
displaying for sale, selling or attempting to sell, and delivering goods, wares, products,
merchandise, or other personal property, and who does not remain or intend to remain in any 1
location permanently.
(Prior Code, § 18-146)
(A) For the purpose of the requirements of this chapter the terms peddler, solicitor, and
transient merchant shall not apply to:
(1) Any person selling or attempting to sell at wholesale any goods, wares, products,
merchandise, or other personal property, to a retailer of the item(s) being sold by the wholesaler;
(2) The terms also shall not apply to any person who makes initial contacts with other
people for the purpose of establishing or trying to establish a regular customer delivery route for
the delivery of perishable food and dairy products such as baked goods and milk, nor shall they
apply to any person making deliveries of perishable food and dairy products to the customers on
his or her established regular delivery route;
(3) Persons conducting the type of sales commonly known as garage sales, rummage
sales, or estate sales, as well as those persons participating in any organized multi-person bazaar,
flea market or farmer's market;
(4) Anyone conducting an auction as a properly permitted auctioneer, or any officer of
the court conducting a court ordered sale or persons selling goods or wares related to the main
business at the location; and
(5) Any person participating in a sponsored event in town, so long as the person has
registered with the event sponsor as an approved vendor.
(B) Exemption from the definitions for the scope of this chapter shall not excuse any
persons from complying with any other applicable statutory provision or local ordinance.
(Prior Code, § 18-147)
§ 114.03 PERMITTING.
(A) County permit required. No person shall conduct business as a peddler, solicitor, or
transient merchant within the city limits without first having obtained the appropriate permit
from the county as required by M.S. Chapter 329, as it may be amended from time to time.
(B) City permit required. Except as otherwise provided for by this chapter, no person shall
conduct business as either a peddler or a transient merchant without first having obtained a
permit from the city.
(C) Application. Application for a city permit to conduct business as a peddler or transient
merchant shall be made at least 14 regular business days before the applicant desires to begin
conducting business. Failure to meet the required 14 day timeframe will result in a double fee.
Applications for a permit shall be made on a form approved by the City Council and available
from the office of the City Clerk. All applications shall be signed by the applicant. All
applications shall include the following information:
(1) Applicant's full legal name;
(2) All other names under which the applicant conducts business or to which applicant
officially answers;
(3) A physical description of the applicant (hair color, eye color, height, weight,
distinguishing marks and features, and the like);
(4) Full address of applicant's permanent residence;
(5) Telephone number of applicant's permanent residence;
(6) Full legal name of any and all business operation(s) owned, managed, or operated
by applicant, or for which the applicant is an employee or agent;
(7) Full address of applicant's regular place of business (if any);
(8) And all business related telephone number(s) of the applicant;
(9) The type of business for which the applicant is applying for a license;
(10) Whether the applicant is applying for an annual or daily license;
(11) The dates during which the applicant intends to conduct business, and if the
applicant is applying for a daily license, the number of days he or she will be conducting
business in the city;
(12) Any and all address(es) and telephone number(s) where the applicant can be
reached while conducting business within the city, including the location where a transient
merchant intends to set up business;
(13) A statement as to whether or not the applicant has been convicted within the last 5
years of any felony, gross misdemeanor, or misdemeanor for violation of any state or federal
statute or any local ordinance, other than traffic offenses;
(14) A list of the most recent locations where the applicant has conducted business as a
peddler or transient merchant;
(15) Proof of any required county permit;
(16) Written permission of the property owner or the property owner's agent for any
property to be used by a transient merchant;
(17) A general description of the items to be sold or services to be provided; and
(18) All additional information deemed necessary by the city.
(Prior Code, § 18-148) Penalty, see § 114.99
§ 114.04 FEES.
All applications for a permit under this chapter shall be accompanied by the fee established
in the city's Fee Schedule, Chapter 36, as adopted from time to time by a resolution passed by the
(Prior Code, § 18-149) Penalty, see § 114.99
§ 114.05 PROCEDURE.
Upon receipt of the completed application and payment of the permit fee, the City Clerk and
the City Administrator, or the City Administrator's designee, shall within 2 regular business days
of receipt, issue the permit or inform the applicant of the reasons for denial of the application.
An application shall be determined to be complete only if all required information is provided. If
the Clerk determines that the application is incomplete, the Clerk shall inform the applicant of
the required necessary information which is missing. The City Clerk shall inform the City
Council, at its next regular meeting date of applications received and permits issued or denied.
In the event of denial of the permit, the applicant will be notified in writing of the denial and the
reasons therefor and further be notified of his or her right to appeal the denial by requesting a
hearing within 10 days of receiving notice of rejection. Upon receipt of a request for a hearing,
the City Clerk will schedule the hearing within 10 days. The hearing will be conducted by 3
people including the Mayor or 1 of the Council whom the Mayor may designate, the Director of
the Park Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce and 1 other person appointed by the Director of the
Chamber of Commerce. The final decision of the hearing body will be issued within 5 days,
shall be in writing, and shall state its findings. The decision of the 3 member body is viewed as
the city's "final decision" and shall be appealable by petitioning the Minnesota Court of Appeals
for a writ of certiorari.
(Prior Code, § 18-150)
§ 114.06 DURATION.
An annual permit granted under this chapter shall be valid for 1 calendar year from the date
of issue. A seasonal permit granted under this chapter shall be valid for no more than 4 months
from the date of issue. All other permits granted under this chapter shall be valid only during the
time period indicated on the permit.
(Prior Code, § 18-151)
(A) No permit shall be required for any person who sells or attempts to sell, or to take or
attempt to take orders for, any product grown, produced, cultivated, or raised on any farm by the
(B) No permit shall be required of any person going from house-to-house, door-to-door,
business-to-business, street-to-street, or type of place-to-place when the activity is for the
purpose of exercising that person's state or federal constitutional rights (i.e., freedom of speech,
press, religion and the like) except that this exemption may be lost if the person's exercise of
constitutional rights is merely incidental to a commercial activity.
(C) (1) No permits shall be required for any person who sells or attempts to sell, or take or
attempt to take orders for any product or service supplied to the person by a tax-exempt non-
profit organization, the person being a member of the organization, and the proceeds generated
by the sales becoming the property of the non-profit organization.
(2) Professional fund raisers working on behalf of an otherwise exempt person or
group shall not be exempt from the permitting requirements of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 18-152)
The following shall be grounds for denying a permit under this chapter:
(A) The failure of the applicant to obtain and show proof of having obtained any required
county permit;
(B) The failure of the applicant to truthfully provide any of the information requested by the
city as a part of the application, or the failure to sign the application, or the failure, to pay the
required fee at the time of application;
(C) The conviction of the applicant within the past 5 years from the date of application, for
any violation of any federal or state statute or regulation, or of any local ordinance, which
adversely reflects on the person's ability to conduct the business for which the permit is being
sought in an honest and legal manner or that will not adversely affect the health, safety, and
welfare of the residents of the city. These violations shall include, but not be limited to,
burglary, theft, larceny, swindling, fraud, unlawful business practices, and any form of actual or
threatened physical harm against another person;
(D) The revocation within the past 5 years of any permit issued to the applicant for the
purpose of conducting business as a peddler, solicitor, or transient merchant; and
(E) The applicant is determined to have a bad business reputation. Evidence of a bad
business reputation shall include, but not be limited to, the existence of more than 2
complaints(s) against the applicant with the Better Business Bureau, the Attorney General's
Office, or other similar business or consumer rights office or agency, within the preceding 12
months, or 4 complaints filed against the applicant within the preceding 5 years.
(Prior Code, § 18-153) Penalty, see § 114.99
(A) Any permit issued under this chapter may be suspended or revoked at the discretion of
the City Clerk for violation of any of the following:
(1) Fraud, misrepresentation, or incorrect statements on the application form;
(2) Fraud, misrepresentation, or false statements made during the course of the
permitted activity;
(3) Conviction of any offense for which granting of a permit could have been denied
under § 114.08 of this chapter; and
(4) Violation of any provision of this chapter.
(B) The suspension or revocation of any permit issued for the purpose of authorizing
multiple persons to conduct business as a peddler or transient merchants on behalf of the
permittee, shall serve as a suspension or revocation of each authorized person's authority to
conduct business as a peddler or transient merchant on behalf of the permittee whose permit is
suspended or revoked.
(Prior Code, § 18-154) Penalty, see § 114.99
Prior to revoking or suspending any permit issued under this chapter, the city shall provide
the permit holder with written notice of the alleged violation(s) and inform the permittee of his or
her right to a hearing on the alleged violation. Notice shall be delivered in person or by mail to
the permanent residential address listed on the permit application, or if no residential address is
listed, to the business address provided on the permit application.
(Prior Code, § 18-155)
(A) Upon receiving the notice provided in § 114.10, the permittee shall have the right to
request a public hearing. If no request for a hearing is received by the City Clerk within 10
regular business days following the service of the notice, the city may proceed with the
suspension or revocation.
(B) For the purpose of mailed notices, service shall be considered complete as of the date
the notice is placed in the mail. If a public hearing is requested within the stated timeframe, a
hearing shall be scheduled within 20 days from the date of request.
(C) Within 3 regular business days of the hearing, the City Council shall notify the
permittee of its decision.
(Prior Code, § 18-156)
§ 114.12 EMERGENCY.
If in the discretion of the City Council, imminent harm to the health or safety of the public
may occur because of the actions of a peddler or transient merchant permitted under this chapter,
the Council may immediately suspend the person's permit and provide notice of the right to hold
a subsequent public hearing as prescribed in § 114.11 of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 18-157)
§ 114.13 APPEALS.
Any person whose permit is suspended or revoked under this chapter shall have the right to
appeal that decision in court.
(Prior Code, § 18-158)
No permit issued under this chapter shall be transferred to any person other than the person
to whom the permit was issued.
(Prior Code, § 18-159) Penalty, see § 114.99
All solicitors, and any person exempt from the permitting requirements of this chapter under
§ 114.07, shall be required to register with the city. Registration shall be made on the same form
required for a permit application, but no fee shall be required. Immediately upon completion of
the registration form, the City Clerk shall issue to the registrant a certificate of registration as
proof of the registration. Certificates of registration shall be non-transferable.
(Prior Code, § 18-160) Penalty, see § 114.99
No peddler, solicitor, or transient merchant shall conduct business in any of the following
(A) Calling attention to his or her business or items to be sold by means of blowing any
horn or whistle, ringing any bell, crying out, or by any other noise, so as to be unreasonably
audible within an enclosed structure;
(B) Obstructing the free flow of either vehicular or pedestrian traffic on any street, alley,
sidewalk, or other public right-of-way;
(C) Conducting business in a way as to create a threat to the health, safety, and welfare of
any individual or the general public;
(D) Conducting business before 7:00 a.m. in the morning, or after 9:00 p.m.;
(E) Failing to provide proof of permit or registration, and identification, when requested, or
using the permit or registration of another person;
(F) Making any false or misleading statements about the product or service being sold,
including untrue statements of endorsement. No peddler, solicitor, or transient merchant shall
claim to have the endorsement of the city solely based on the city having issued a permit or
certificate of registration to the person; or
(G) Remaining on the property of another when requested to leave, or to otherwise conduct
business in a manner a reasonable person would find obscene, threatening, intimidating, or
(Prior Code, § 18-161) Penalty, see § 114.99
No peddler, solicitor, or transient merchant, unless invited to do so by the property owner or
tenant, shall enter the property of another for the purpose of conducting business as a peddler,
solicitor, or transient merchant when the property is marked with a sign or placard at least 3-3/4
inches long and 3-3/4 inches wide with print of at least 48 point in size stating "No Peddler,
Solicitors, or Transient Merchants," or "Peddlers, Solicitors, and Transient Merchants
Prohibited," or other comparable statement. No person other than the property owner or tenant
shall remove, deface, or otherwise tamper with any sign or placard under this section.
(Prior Code, § 18-162) Penalty, see § 114.99
This chapter shall take effect upon publication in the city's official newspaper.
(Prior Code, § 18-166)
§ 114.99 PENALTY.
Any person who violates any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
Each day a violation exists shall constitute a separate violation for the purposes of this chapter.
The city reserves the right to use its administrative penalties ordinance in lieu of criminal
(Prior Code, § 18-163)
115.01 Permit
115.02 State license
115.03 Exemption from state master plumbers license requirement
115.04 Applications
115.05 Bond
115.06 Insurance
115.07 Worker’s Compensation
115.08 Permits, fees and exceptions
§ 115.01 PERMIT.
No person, firm or corporation shall engage in the business of plumbing in this city without
first having obtained a regular annual plumber's permit, furnished the necessary bond, and given
proof as to adequate insurance coverage.
(Prior Code, § 18-201) Penalty, see § 10.99
Plumbers licensed by the State Commissioner of Health shall be permitted to engage in the
business of plumbing in this city. No person, firm or corporation shall engage in or work at the
business of a master plumber or journeyman plumber unless licensed to do so by the State
Commissioner of Health. A master plumber may also work as a journeyman plumber. The
plumbers must, however, obtain the annual city plumbers permit and furnish the necessary bond
and insurance coverage. Anyone not so licensed by the state may do plumbing work which
complies with the provisions of the minimum standard prescribed by the State Commissioner of
Health, on premises, owned and actually occupied by the worker as a residence.
(Prior Code, § 18-202) (Am. Ord. 450, passed 1-10-2006)
(A) Individuals exempt from the requirements of § 115.02 are listed below.
Qualified reduced pressure zone valve installers
Qualified back flow preventor valve installers
Qualified water conditioner installers
(B) Any additional work performed in the plumbing realm requires compliance with §
(Prior Code, § 18-203) (Am. Ord. 450, passed 1-10-2006)
Application for a plumber’s permit shall be made to the City Clerk, accompanied by a fee as
determined by the City Council. The City Council reserves the right to revoke any plumber’s
permit in case of violation of any rules and regulations set forth or which may be made to govern
the management of the city water or sewer systems or for incompetence or neglect. The permit
shall be renewed each and every year before January 1.
(Prior Code, § 18-204) (Am. Ord. 450, passed 1-10-2006)
§ 115.05 BOND.
The applicant shall furnish the city with proof of a good and sufficient code compliance
bond issued by a company authorized to do business in Minnesota, to protect, indemnify and
save harmless the city from any and all loss, claim, suit or damage, direct or consequential, that
the city may sustain by reason of the violation of any rules or regulations. The amount of the
bond shall meet the requirements of the State of Minnesota.
(Prior Code, § 18-205) (Am. Ord. 450, passed 1-10-2006)
§ 115.06 INSURANCE.
The plumbers shall furnish evidence to the city that, with respect to the operations he or she
performs, he or she carries regular contractor's liability insurance providing for a limit of not less
than $500,000 for all damages arising out of bodily injuries to or death of 1 person and subject to
that limit for each person, a total limit of $1,000,000 for all damages arising out of bodily
injuries to or death of 2 or more persons in any 1 accident, and regular contractor's property
damage insurance providing for a limit of not less than $50,000 for all damages arising out of
injury to or destruction of property in any 1 accident and subject that limit per accident, a total
of $50,000 for all damages arising out of injury
to or destruction of property during the policy period. If any part of the work is sublet, similar
insurance shall be provided by or in behalf of the subcontractors to cover their operations.
Policies must include overage for underground hazards.
(Prior Code, § 18-206)
The attention of the plumber is directed to the provisions of the state statutes relating to
Worker's Compensation insurance, which laws shall be applicable.
(Prior Code, § 18-207)
(A) No plumbing systems, equipment or fixtures shall be installed contrary to this chapter
within or on any building, structure or premises, publicly or privately owned, nor shall any
alteration or addition thereto or to existing fixtures, equipment or systems be made without first
securing a permit therefor from the City Clerk. No permit will be required to execute any of the
classes of plumbing work specified in the following:
(1) Public service corporations shall not be required to obtain permits or inspection for
work upon or in connection with their own properties; or
(2) Manufacturers shall not be required to obtain permits or inspection for work
incorporated within equipment as a part of product manufacturing. Application for the permit,
describing the work to be done, shall be made in writing to the Plumbing Inspector by the
person, firm, or corporation installing the work. The application shall be accompanied by plans,
specifications and schedules as may be necessary to determine whether the installations as
described will be in conformity with the requirements of this chapter. If it shall be found that the
installation as described will conform with all legal requirements and if the applicant has
complied with all provisions of this chapter, a permit for the installation shall be issued.
(B) Plumbing inspection permit fees shall be established by the Council and listed in the
Fee Schedule located in Chapter 36 of this code. Notification for inspection must be made in
compliance with the Minnesota Plumbing Code, Section M.H.D. 134(b).
(Prior Code, § 18-208)
116.01 Purpose
116.02 Definitions
116.03 Permit required
116.04 Permit application
116.05 Duration of permit
116.06 Renewal
116.07 Eligibility for permit
116.08 Permit fee
116.09 Bond requirement
116.10 Restriction regarding permit transfer
116.11 Sanctions for permit violations
116.99 Penalty
§ 116.01 PURPOSE.
The purpose of this chapter of the City Code is to permit and regulate mechanical
contractors operating within the City of Park Rapids in order to protect the health, safety, and
welfare of the general public.
(Prior Code, § 18-220)
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definition shall apply unless the context
clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR. Any person who is in the business of providing or
contracting for the service, erection, construction, alteration, change, or repair of any heating,
ventilating, air conditioning system or any person who is in the business of erecting,
constructing, altering, extending, repairing, or changing any natural gas piping or natural gas
burning device.
(Prior Code, § 18-221)
No mechanical contractor shall operate or perform services within the City of Park Rapids
without first procuring a permit and a bond pursuant to this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 18-222) Penalty, see § 116.99
Application for a permit under this chapter shall be made in writing to the City Clerk and
shall be on a form provided by the City of Park Rapids.
(Prior Code, § 18-223) Penalty, see § 116.99
A mechanical contractor permit issued under this chapter shall terminate on December 31 of
each year.
(Prior Code, § 18-224)
§ 116.06 RENEWAL.
An application for the renewal of an existing mechanical contractor permit shall be made
prior to the expiration date on the permit and shall be made in a form as the City of Park Rapids
may require.
(Prior Code, § 18-225)
No person shall be granted a mechanical contractor's permit without demonstrating to the
City Clerk that the applicant has secured necessary bonds as outlined in § 116.09.
(Prior Code, § 18-226) Penalty, see § 116.99
§ 116.08 PERMIT FEE.
The fee for a mechanical contractors permit under this chapter shall be set by the City
Council and detailed in Chapter 36.
(Prior Code, § 18-227)
Prior to the issuance of any mechanical contractor permit the City of Park Rapids shall
require that the applicant deposit a bond approved as to the form in the amount of $25,000 in
favor of the city, conditioned upon the satisfactory observation of all the requirements of this
code pertaining to mechanical contractors. The bond may be of continuous form with
accumulative liability, and shall be cancellable only after 10 days' written notice to the city. The
permit shall remain in force only during the term of a valid bond.
(Prior Code, § 18-228)
The permit granted under this chapter is for the person named on the approved permit
application. No transfer of a permit shall be permitted from place-to-place or from person-to-
person without complying with the requirements of an original application.
(Prior Code, § 18-229) Penalty, see § 116.99
(A) Suspension or revocation. The City Council may suspend or revoke a permit issued
pursuant to this chapter for a violation of:
(1) Fraud, misrepresentation, or false statement contained in a permit application or a
renewal application;
(2) Fraud, misrepresentation, or false statement made in the course of carrying on the
permitted occupation or business;
(3) Any violation of this chapter or state law;
(4) A permittee's criminal conviction that is directly related to the occupation or
business permitted as defined by M.S. § 364.03, subdivision 2, as it may be amended from time
to time, provided that the permittee cannot show competent evidence of sufficient rehabilitation
and present fitness to perform the duties of the permitted occupation or business as defined by
M.S. § 364.03, subdivision 3, as it may be amended from time to time; or
(5) Conducting the permitted business or occupation in an unlawful manner or in a
manner as to constitute a breach of the peace or to constitute a menace to the health, safety, or
general welfare of the community.
(B) Notice and hearing. A revocation or suspension by the City Council shall be preceded
by written notice to the permittee and a hearing. The notice shall give at least 8 days' notice of
the time and place of the hearing and shall state the nature of the charges against the permittee.
The notice shall be mailed by certified mail to the permittee at the most recent address on the
permit application.
(Prior Code, § 18-230)
§ 116.99 PENALTY.
A violation of this chapter shall be a misdemeanor under Minnesota law.
(Prior Code, § 18-231)
117.01 Permit required; application; fee
117.02 Regulation
117.03 Revocation
117.99 Penalty
Any person, partnership or corporation desiring to establish and/or maintain a junk yard,
general wrecking yard or automobile wrecking yard or business in the City of Park Rapids, shall
make written application to the Council for a permit setting forth his or her name and address,
and the legal description of the premises upon which it is granted. The fee for every permit shall
be established by the Council and listed in Chapter 36 of this code. All permits shall expire on
December 31 following their issuance. The permits can be renewed from year to year upon
application to the Council on payment of the fee established in the Fee Schedule, Chapter 36.
(Prior Code, § 18-256)
§ 117.02 REGULATION.
Any person operating a junk yard or automobile wrecking business shall keep the premises
in a neat and orderly condition. All premises shall be enclosed by a tight board fence of even
height and at least 7 feet high which shall be kept in neatly painted condition. No junk or auto
parts shall be allowed to remain outside the fence.
(Prior Code, § 18-257) Penalty, see § 117.99
§ 117.03 REVOCATION.
The Council shall have the right to revoke a permit at any time for cause, but only after a
hearing, notice of which shall be served upon the owner of the business at least 10 days before
the hearing.
(Prior Code, § 18-258)
§ 117.99 PENALTY.
Any person violating any of the terms and conditions of this chapter shall be guilty of a
(Prior Code, § 18-241)
118.01 Permit
118.02 Permitted plumbers
118.03 Applications
118.04 Bond
118.05 Insurance
118.06 Worker’s Compensation
118.07 Permits; fees; exceptions
118.08 Inspections
118.09 Board of Review
118.99 Penalty
§ 118.01 PERMIT.
No person, firm or corporation shall engage in the business of the installation or repair of
sewer or water lines in the city without first having obtained a regular annual backhoe operator's
permit, furnished the necessary bond, and given proof as to adequate insurance coverage.
(Prior Code, § 18-281) Penalty, see § 118.99
Plumbers permitted by the City of Park Rapids or by the State Board of Health pursuant to
Chapter 115, Plumbers, of the Park Rapids City Code shall not be required to obtain a separate
permit for the operation of a backhoe in the installation or repair of sewer or water lines.
(Prior Code, § 18-282)
Application for a backhoe operator's permit shall be made to the City Clerk, accompanied by
permit fee. The fee for every permit shall be established by the Council and listed in the Fee
Schedule, Chapter 36 of this code. The City Council reserves the right to revoke any backhoe
operator's permit in case of violation of any of the rules and regulations set forth or which may
be made to govern the management of the city water or sewer system or for incompetence or
neglect. The permit shall be renewed each and every year before January 1.
(Prior Code, § 18-283)
§ 118.04 BOND.
If the application for a backhoe operator's permit is approved by the City Council, the
applicant shall furnish the city with an unlicensed plumbing contractor's bond issued by a
company authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota in the sum of $25,000 to protect,
indemnify and save harmless the city from any and all loss, claim, suit or damage, direct or
consequential, that the city may sustain by reason of the violation of any rules or regulations. The
amount of the bond may be increased by Council resolution to meet the requirements of the State
of Minnesota.
(Prior Code, § 18-284) Penalty, see § 118.99
§ 118.05 INSURANCE.
The backhoe operator shall furnish evidence to the city that, with respect to the operations
he or she performs, he or she carries regular contractor's liability insurance providing for a limit
of not less than $500,000 for damages arising out of bodily injuries to or death of 1 person and
subject to that limit for each person, a total limit of $1,000,000 for all damages arising out of
bodily injuries to or death of 2 or more persons in any 1 accident, and regular contractor's
property damage insurance providing for a limit of not less than $50,000 for all damages arising
out of injury to or destruction of property in any 1 accident and subject to that limit per accident,
a total of $50,000 for all damages arising out of injury to or destruction of property during the
policy period. If any part of the work is sublet, similar insurance shall be provided by or in
behalf of the subcontractors to cover their operations. Policies must include coverage for
underground hazards.
(Prior Code, § 18-285) (Ord. 457, passed 4-25-2006) Penalty, see § 118.99
The attention of the backhoe operator is directed to the provisions of the state statutes
relating to Worker's Compensation insurance, which laws shall be applicable.
(Prior Code, § 18-286)
(A) No sewer or water lines which are attached to or form a part of the city's system shall be
repaired or installed contrary to this chapter within or on any building or premises whether
publicly or privately owned, nor shall any alteration or addition thereto be made without first
securing a permit from the City Clerk. No permit will be required by public service corporations
for work upon or in connection with their own properties.
(B) Every backhoe operator permitted by a permit under this chapter shall be held
responsible for all acts of his agents or employees, and any backhoe operator so permitted who
refuses or neglects to comply with the provisions of this code may have his or her permit
suspended or canceled by the City Council, in which case he or she will be debarred from
obtaining a permit to do any work requiring the services of a permitted backhoe operator, during
the time as the Council may deem proper.
(C) No person permitted to do backhoe operations in this city shall allow his or her name to
be used by any other person, either for the purpose of obtaining permits or doing any work under
the permit.
(Prior Code, § 18-287) Penalty, see § 118.99
Any inspections required pursuant to this chapter shall be done by the City Building
Inspector in conformity with those provisions of the City Code dealing with the permitting of
plumbers pursuant to Chapter 115, Plumbers.
(Prior Code, § 18-288)
(A) The Council in and for the City of Park Rapids, Minnesota, shall act as a Board of
Review under this chapter.
(B) Any person, firm or corporation may register an appeal with the Council for a review of
any decision of the City Building Inspector, provided that the appeal is made in writing within 5
days after the person, firm or corporation shall have been notified of the decision by the City
Building Inspector. Upon receipt of the appeal the Council shall proceed to determine whether
the action of the City Building Inspector complies with this chapter and at its next regularly
scheduled meeting shall make a decision in accordance with its findings.
(Prior Code, § 18-289)
§ 118.99 PENALTY.
Any person violating any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Prior Code, § 18-271)
119.01 Purpose and intent
119.02 Definitions
119.03 Application of this chapter
119.04 Location
119.05 Hours of operation
119.06 Operation
119.07 Permit
119.08 Fees
119.09 Inspection
119.10 Expiration and renewal
119.11 Suspension
119.12 Revocation
119.13 Transfer of permit
(A) Findings. It is the purpose of this chapter to regulate adult oriented businesses to
promote the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Park Rapids
and to establish reasonable and uniform regulations to:
(1) Prevent additional criminal activity within the City of Park Rapids;
(2) Prevent deterioration of neighborhoods and its consequent adverse effect on real
estate values or properties within the neighborhood;
(3) To locate adult oriented businesses away from residential areas, schools, churches,
and parks and playgrounds; and
(4) Prevent concentration of adult oriented businesses within certain areas of the city.
(B) (1) The provisions of this chapter have neither the purpose nor effect of imposing a
limitation or restriction on the content of any communicative materials, including adult oriented
(2) Similarly, it is not the intent nor effect of this chapter to restrict or deny access by
adults to adult oriented materials protected by the First Amendment, or to deny access by
distributors and exhibitors of adult oriented entertainment to their intended market.
(Prior Code, § 18-300)
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context
clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ADULT BOOK AND/OR MEDIA STORE. An establishment which excludes minors and
which has a substantial portion of its stock in trade or stock on display book, magazines, films
describing or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
ADULT CABARET. An establishment which provides dancing or other live entertainment,
if the establishment excludes minors by virtue of age from all or part of the establishment and if
the dancing or other live entertainment is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on the
performance, depiction or description of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
ADULT ESTABLISHMENT. Any business which offers its patrons services,
entertainment, or the sale of merchandise characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting,
exposing, describing, discussing, or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical
areas. Specifically included in the term, but without limitation, are adult book and media stores,
adult cabarets, adult hotels or motels, adult mini-motion picture theaters, adult modeling studios,
adult motion picture arcades, adult motion picture theaters, adult novelty businesses, and other
adult establishments.
ADULT HOTEL OR MOTEL. A hotel or motel from which minors are specifically
excluded from patronage and wherein material is presented which is distinguished or
characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing, or relating to specified sexual
activities or specified anatomical areas.
(1) A theater in an enclosed building, from which minors are excluded from all or part
of the establishment, with a capacity for less than 100 persons used for presenting motion
pictures, including but not limited to film, videotape and DVD, having as a dominant theme
material distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing, or
relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
(2) Any business which present motion pictures, from which minors are excluded from
all or part of the establishment, including films, videotapes and DVD, having as a dominant
theme material distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing or
relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas, for viewing on the premises,
including but not limited to private booths, viewing by means of coin operated or other
mechanical devices, and the viewing or excerpt of motion pictures offered for sale or rent.
ADULT MODELING STUDIO. An establishment, which excludes minors from all or part
of the establishment, whose major business is the provision, to customers, or figure models who
are so provided with the intent of providing sexual stimulation or sexual gratification to the
customer and who engage in specified sexual activities or display specified anatomical areas
while being observed, painted, painted upon, sketched, drawn, sculpted, photographed or
otherwise depicted by the customers.
ADULT MOTION PICTURE ARCADE. Any place which excludes minors from all or part
of the establishment wherein coin or token operated or electronically, electrically, or
mechanically controlled or operated still or motion picture machines, projectors, video machines
or other image producing devices are maintained to show images to 5 or fewer persons per
machine at any 1 time, and where the images so displayed are distinguished or characterized by
an emphasis on depicting or describing specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
ADULT MOTION PICTURE THEATER. A theater in an enclosed building, from which
minors are excluded from all or part of the establishment, with a capacity of 100 or more persons
used regularly and routinely for presenting live entertainment or motion pictures, including but
not limited to film and videotapes, having as a dominant theme material distinguished or
characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing, or relating to specified sexual
activities or specified anatomical areas for observation by patrons herein.
ADULT NOVELTY BUSINESS. A business, from which minors are excluded from all or
part of the establishment, which sells, offers to sell, or displays devices which simulate human
genitals or devices which are designed for sexual stimulation.
ADULT USE. Any of the activities and businesses described below constitute adult
oriented businesses which are subject to the regulation of this chapter.
SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS. Any of the following conditions:
(1) Less than completely and opaquely covered;
(a) Human genitals, pubic region, or pubic hair;
(b) Buttock; and
(c) Female breast below a point immediately above the top of the areola; or
(2) Human male genitals in a discernible turgid state, even if opaquely covered.
SPECIFIED SEXUAL ACTIVITIES. Any of the following conditions:
(1) An act of sexual intercourse, normal or perverted, actual or simulated, including
genital-genital, anal-genital, or oral-genital intercourse, whether between human beings or
between a human being and an animal;
(2) Sadomasochistic abuse, meaning flagellation or torture by or upon a person who is
nude or clad in undergarments or in a revealing costume or the condition of being fettered,
bound, or otherwise physically restricted on the part of 1 so clothed;
(3) Masturbation or lewd exhibitions of the genitals including any explicit, close-up
representation of a human genital organ clothed or unclothed; or
(4) Physical contact or simulated physical contact with the clothed or unclothed pubic
areas or buttocks of a human male or female, or the breasts of a female, whether alone or
between members of the same or opposite sex or between humans and animals in an act of
apparent sexual stimulation or gratification.
(Prior Code, § 18-301)
(A) Except as in this chapter specifically provided, no structure shall be erected, converted,
enlarged, reconstructed, or altered, and no structure or land shall be used, for any purpose not in
any manner which is not in conformity with this chapter.
(B) No adult oriented business shall engage in any activity or conduct or permit any other
person to engage in any activity or conduct in or about the establishment which is prohibited by
any ordinance of the City of Park Rapids, the laws of the State of Minnesota or the United States
of America. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as authorizing or permitting conduct
which is prohibited or regulated by other statutes or ordinances, including but not limited to
statutes or ordinances prohibiting the exhibition, sale, or distribution of obscene material
generally, or the exhibition, sale or distribution of specified materials to minors.
(Prior Code, § 18-302) Penalty, see § 10.99
§ 119.04 LOCATION.
Adult oriented businesses may be located only in those zones as set forth in § 151.066 of the
Park Rapids City Code.
(Prior Code, § 18-303) Penalty, see § 10.99
No adult oriented business site shall be open to the public from the hours of 11:00 p.m. to
9:00 a.m.
(Prior Code, § 18-304) Penalty, see § 10.99
§ 119.06 OPERATION.
(A) Off-site viewing. An establishment operating as an adult oriented business shall prevent
off-site viewing of its merchandise, which if viewed by a minor, would be in violation of M.S.
Chapter 617, as it may be amended from time to time, or other applicable federal or state statutes
or local ordinances.
(B) Entrances. All entrances to the business, with the exception of emergency fire exits
which are not useable by patrons to enter the business, shall be visible from a public right-of-
(C) Layout. The layout of the display areas shall be designed so that the management of the
establishment and any law enforcement personnel inside the store can observe all patrons while
they have access to any merchandise offered for sale or viewing including but not limited to
books, magazines, photographs, video tapes, or any other material.
(D) Illumination. Illumination of the premises exterior shall be adequate to observe the
location and activities of all persons on the exterior premises.
(E) Signs. Signs for adult oriented businesses shall comply with those sign regulations
addressed in § 151.189 of the Park Rapids City Code, and in addition signs for adult oriented
businesses shall not contain representational depiction of an adult nature or graphic descriptions
of the adult theme of the operation.
(Prior Code, § 18-305) Penalty, see § 10.99
§ 119.07 PERMIT.
(A) Permits required. All establishments, including any business operating at the time this
chapter becomes effective, operating or intending to operate adult oriented business, shall apply
for and obtain a permit from the City of Park Rapids. A person is in violation of the City Code if
he or she operates an adult oriented business without a valid permit, issued by the city.
(B) Application. An application for a permit must be made on a form provided by the city.
(1) The application must be accompanied by a sketch or diagram showing the
configuration of the premises, including a statement of total floor space occupied by the
business. The sketch or diagram need not be professionally prepared but must be drawn to a
designated scale or drawn with marked dimensions of the interior of the premises to an accuracy
of plus or minus 6 inches.
(2) The application must be qualified according to the provisions of this section and the
premises must be inspected and found to be in compliance with the appropriate state, county, and
local law and codes by the health official, Fire Marshal, and Building Official.
(3) Application for permit shall contain the address and legal description of the
property to be used, the names, addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth, of the owner, lessee, if
any, the operator or manager, and all employees; the name, address, and phone number of 2
persons, who shall be residents of the State of Minnesota, and who may be called upon to attest
to the applicant's, manager's or operator's character, whether the applicant, manager, or operator
has ever been convicted of a crime or offense other than a traffic offense, if so, complete and
accurate information the disposition thereof, the names and addresses of all creditors of the
applicant, owner, lessee, or manager insofar as the regarding credit which has been extended for
the purposes of constructing, equipping, maintaining, operating or furnishing or acquiring the
premises, personal effects, equipment, or anything incident to the establishment, maintenance
and operation of the business.
(4) If the application is made on behalf of a corporation, joint business venture,
partnership, or any legally constituted business association, it shall submit along with its
application, accurate and complete business records showing the names, addresses, and dates of
birth of all individuals having an interest in the business, including partners, officers, owners,
and creditors furnishing credit for the establishment, acquisition, maintenance, and furnishings of
the business and, in the case of a corporation, the names, addresses, and dates of birth of all
officers, general managers, members of the Board of Directors as well as any creditors who have
extended credit for the acquisition, maintenance, operation, or furnishing of the establishment
including the purchase or acquisition of any items of personal property for use in the operation.
(5) All applicants shall furnish to the city, along with their applications, complete and
accurate documentation establishing the interest of the applicant and any other person having an
interest in the premises upon which the building is proposed to be located or the furnishings
thereof, personal property thereof, or the operation or maintenance thereof. Documentation shall
be in the form of a lease, deed, contract for deed, mortgage deed, mortgage credit arrangement,
loan agreements, security agreements, and any other documents establishing the interest of the
applicant or any other person in the operation, acquisition or maintenance of the enterprise.
(6) The permit fee required by this chapter must accompany the application.
(7) An applicant is ineligible for a permit if applicant has been convicted of a crime
involving any of the following offenses:
(a) Any obscenity crime as defined by M.S. 617.23 through 617.299 inclusive, as
it may be amended from time to time, or as defined by any ordinance or statute in conformity
(b) Any obscenity crime as define by M.S. 617.23 through 617.299 inclusive, as it
may be amended from time to time, or as defined by any ordinance or statute in conformity
therewith; for which:
1. Less than 2 years have elapsed since the date of conviction or the date of
release from confinement imposed for the conviction, whichever is the later date, if the
conviction is of a misdemeanor offense.
2. Less than 5 years have elapsed since the date of the last conviction or the
date of release from confinement for the conviction, whichever is the later date, if the conviction
is a gross misdemeanor or felony offense, or
3. Less than 5 years have elapsed since the date of the last conviction or the
date of release from confinement for the first conviction, whichever is the later date, if the
conviction is of 2 or more misdemeanor offenses or combination of misdemeanor offenses
occurring within any 24 month period.
(c) The fact that a conviction is being appealed shall have no effect on
disqualification of the applicant or applicant's spouse
(C) Requalification. Any applicant who has been convicted of an offense listed in division
(B)(7) above may qualify for an adult oriented business permit only when the time period
required by division (B)(7)(b) above, has elapsed.
(D) Posting. The permit, if granted, shall state on its face the name of the person or persons
to whom it is granted, the expiration date, and the address of the adult oriented business. The
permit shall be posted in a conspicuous place at or near the entrance of the adult oriented
business so that it may be easily read at any time.
(E) Council action. The City Council shall act to approve or disapprove the permit
application within 60 days from the date the application was submitted, provided that the
application contains all of the information required by this chapter. If the application is
deficient, the Council shall act on the application within 120 days from the date that the
deficiency has been corrected.
(F) Appeals. Within 90 days after an adverse decision by the Council, the applicant may
appeal to the District Court by serving a notice upon the Mayor or Clerk of the municipality.
(Prior Code, § 18-306) Penalty, see § 10.99
§ 119.08 FEES.
Fees shall be set by city pursuant to Chapter 36. The initial fee is $500 per year. Permit
fees are non-refundable.
(Prior Code, § 18-307) Penalty, see § 10.99
§ 119.09 INSPECTION.
(A) Access. An applicant or permittee shall permit health officials, representatives of the
Police Department, Fire Department, and Building Inspection Division, to inspect the premises
of an adult oriented business for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the law, at any time it
is occupied or open for business.
(B) Refusal to permit inspections. A person who operates an adult oriented business or his
or her agent or employee commits an offense if he or she refuses to permit a lawful inspection of
the premises by health officials, representatives of the Police Department, Fire Department, and
Building Inspection Division at any time it is occupied or open for business. Refusal to permit
inspections may result in the suspension of the permit as provided in § 119.11.
(C) Exceptions. The provisions of this section do not apply to areas of an adult motel which
are currently being rented by a customer for use as a permanent or temporary habitation.
(Prior Code, § 18-308) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) Expiration. Each permit shall expire at the end of the calendar year and may be
renewed only by making application as provided in § 119.07 (B). Applications for renewal must
be made at least 60 days before the expiration date, and when made less than 60 days before the
expiration date, the expiration of the permit will not be affected.
(B) Denial of renewal. When the city denies renewal of a permit, the applicant shall not be
issued a permit for 1 year from the date of denial. If, subsequent to denial, the city finds that the
basis for denial of the renewal permit has been corrected or abated, the applicant may be granted
a permit if at least 90 days have elapsed since the date denial became final.
(Prior Code, § 18-309)
§ 119.11 SUSPENSION.
(A) Causes of suspension. The city may suspend a permit for a period not to exceed 30
days if it determines that a permittee or an employee of a permittee has:
(1) Violated or is not in compliance with any provision of this chapter;
(2) Engaged in the use of alcoholic beverages while on the adult oriented business
premises other than at an adult hotel or motel;
(3) Refused to allow an inspection of the adult oriented business premises as
authorized by this chapter;
(4) Knowingly permitted gambling by any person on the adult oriented business
premises; or
(5) Demonstrated inability to operate or manage an adult oriented business in a
peaceful and law-abiding manner, thus necessitating action by law enforcement officers.
(B) Notice. A suspension by the city shall be preceeded by written notice to the permittee
and a public hearing. The notice shall give at least 10 days' notice of the time and place of the
hearing and shall state the nature of the charges against the permittee. The notice may be served
upon the permittee personally, or by leaving the same at the permitted business premises with the
person in charge thereof.
(Prior Code, § 18-310) Penalty, see § 10.99
§ 119.12 REVOCATION.
(A) Suspended permits. The city may revoke a permit if a cause of suspension in § 119.11
occurs and the permit has been suspended within the preceding 12 months.
(B) Causes of revocation. The city shall revoke a permit if it determines that:
(l) A permittee gave false or misleading information in the material submitted to the
city during the application process;
(2) A permittee or an employee has knowingly allowed possession, use, or sale of
controlled substances on the premises;
(3) A permittee or an employee has knowingly allowed prostitution on the premises;
(4) A permittee or an employee knowingly operated the adult oriented business during
a period of time when the permittee's permit was suspended;
(5) A permittee has been convicted of an offense listed in § 119.07 (B)(7) for which
the time period required in § 119.07 (B)(7)(b) has not elapsed;
(6) On 2 or more occasions within a 12-month period, a person or persons committed
an offense occurring in or on the permitted premises of a crime listed in § 119.07 (B)(7), for
which a conviction has been obtained, and the person or persons were employees of the adult
oriented business at the time the offenses were committed; or
(7) A permittee or an employee has knowingly allowed any act of sexual intercourse,
sodomy, oral copulation, or masturbation to occur in or on the permitted premises.
(C) Appeals. The fact that a conviction is being appealed shall have no effect on the
revocation of the permit.
(D) Exceptions. Division (B)(7) above does not apply to adult motels as a ground for
revoking the permit unless the permittee or employee knowingly allowed the act of sexual
intercourse, sodomy, oral copulation, masturbation, or sexual contact to occur in a public place
or within public view.
(E) Granting a permit after revocation. When the city revokes a permit, the revocation
shall continue for 1 year and the permittee shall not be issued an adult oriented business permit
for 1 year from the date revocation became effective. If, subsequent to revocation, the city finds
that the basis for the revocation has been corrected or abated, the applicant may be granted a
permit if at least 90 days have elapsed since the date the revocation became effective. If the
permit was revoked under division (B)(5) above, an applicant may not be granted another permit
until the appropriate number of years required under § 119.07 (B)(7)(b) has elapsed.
(F) Notice. A revocation by the city shall be preceded by written notice to the permittee
and a public hearing. The notice shall give at least 10 day's notice of the time and place of the
hearing and shall state the nature of the charges against the permittee. The notice may be served
upon the permittee personally, or by leaving the same at the permitted premises with the person
in charge thereof.
(Prior Code, § 18-311) Penalty, see § 10.99
A permittee shall not transfer this permit to another, nor shall a permittee operate an adult
oriented business under the authority of a permit at any place other than the address designated in
the application.
(Prior Code, § 18-312) Penalty, see § 10.99
120.01 Tree contractor permit
120.02 Application
120.03 Permit fee
120.04 Duration of permit
120.05 Insurance
120.06 Worker’s Compensation
120.07 Sanctions for permit violations
120.99 Penalty
It shall be unlawful for any person or firm to engage in the business or occupation of
pruning, treating, or removing boulevard or park trees within the City of Park Rapids without
first applying for and procuring a permit. The permit fee shall be paid in advance. No permit
shall be required of any public service company including electric utilities and their agents and
contractors or city employees doing the work in the pursuit of their public service endeavors.
(Prior Code, § 18-321) Penalty, see § 120.99
Application for a tree contractor permit shall be made to the City Clerk, accompanied by the
permit fee.
(Prior Code, § 18-322) Penalty, see § 120.99
§ 120.03 PERMIT FEE.
The fee for the permit shall be established by the City Council and listed in the Fee
Schedule, Chapter 36 of the Park Rapids City Code.
(Prior Code, § 18-323)
All permits issued under this chapter shall expire on December 31 of the year issued.
(Prior Code, § 18-324)
§ 120.05 INSURANCE.
Before any permit shall be issued, each applicant shall first file evidence of possession of
liability insurance in the minimum amounts of$500,000 for bodily injury or death of 1 person
and $1,000,000 aggregate and$50,000 property damage, indemnifying the city or any person
injured or damaged resulting form the pursuit of the endeavors as herein described.
(Prior Code, § 18-325) Penalty, see § 120.99
All laws concerning Worker's Compensation insurance, according to Minnesota Statutes,
shall be applicable.
(Prior Code, § 18-326)
(A) Suspension or revocation. The City Council may suspend or revoke a permit issued
pursuant to this chapter for a violation of:
(1) Fraud, misrepresentation, or false statement contained in a permit application or a
renewal application;
(2) Fraud, misrepresentation, or false statement made in the course of carrying on the
permitted occupation or business;
(3) Any violation of this chapter or state law;
(4) A permittee's criminal conviction that is directly related to the occupation or
business permitted as defined by M.S. § 364.03, subdivision 2, as it may be amended from time
to time, provided that the permittee cannot show competent evidence of sufficient rehabilitation
and present fitness to perform the duties of the permitted occupation or business as defined by
M.S. § 364.03, subdivision 3, as it may be amended from time to time; or
(5) Conducting the permitted business or occupation in an unlawful manner or in a
manner as to constitute a breach of the peace or to constitute a menace to the health, safety, or
general welfare of the community.
(B) Notice and hearing. A revocation or suspension by the City Council shall be preceded
by written notice to the permittee and a hearing. The notice shall give at least 8 days' notice of
the time and place of the hearing and shall state the nature of the charges against the permittee.
The notice shall be mailed by certified mail to the permittee at the most recent address on the
permit application.
(Prior Code, § 18-327) Penalty, see § 120.99
§ 120.99 PENALTY.
Any person, firm or corporation who violates any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of
a misdemeanor.
(Prior Code, § 18-328)
121.01 Definitions
121.02 License required
121.03 Application; requirements
121.04 License fee
121.05 Duration of license
121.06 Examination of taxicabs
121.07 Granting license
121.08 Limit on number of licenses to be issued
121.09 Taxicab drivers
121.10 Insurance
121.99 Penalty
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context
clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
OPERATOR. Any person owning or having control or use of 1 or more taxicabs used for
hire upon the street or engaged in the business of operating a taxicab within the city.
TAXICAB. Any motor vehicle engaged in the carrying of persons for hire, whether over a
fixed route or not, and whether the same be operated from a street stand or subject to calls from a
garage, or otherwise operated for hire, but the term shall not include vehicles subject to control
and regulation by the Railroad and Warehouse Commission, or vehicles regularly used by
undertakers in carrying on their business, or vehicles operated by units of government, or
vehicles owned and used by ambulance services, hospitals, or clinics for the transportation of
patients, whether or not fees are charged for the service.
TAXICAB DRIVER. Any person who drives a taxicab, whether the person be the owner of
the taxicab or be employed by a taxicab owner or operator.
(Prior Code, § 58-26) (Ord. 107, passed 1946; Am. Ord. 331, passed 2000)
No operator shall operate a taxicab within the city limits without first having obtained a
taxicab license.
(Prior Code, § 58-27) (Ord. 107, passed 1946) Penalty, see § 121.99
Each applicant for a taxicab license shall apply to the City Clerk for the license upon a form
to be provided by the city, and must comply with the following provisions to the satisfaction of
the City Council:
(A) Must be a citizen of the United States;
(B) Must be of the age of 21 years or over if a natural person, and in the case of any co-
partnership, firm or corporation, must be authorized to operate taxicabs and carry on business in
accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota; and
(C) Must fill out upon the blank form provided by the city a statement covering each
vehicle to be so licensed; giving the full name and address of the owner; the class and passenger-
carrying capacity of each vehicle for which a license is desired; the length of time the vehicle has
been in use; the make of the car; the engine number; the serial number and the state license
number; whether the same is mortgaged, the name of the mortgages and the amount of the
mortgagees; also the holder of legal title to the motor vehicle if other than the applicant; or
whether the vehicle is leased, licensed, or under any form of contract permitted to be used and
operated by some other person other than the 1 holding legal title thereto, and what person, firm
or corporation, collects the revenues from the operation of the taxicab and pays the expense of
operating the same.
(Prior Code, § 58-28) (Ord. 107, passed 1946) Penalty, see § 121.99
§ 121.04 LICENSE FEE.
Each operator applying for a taxicab license shall, before being issued a license, pay to the
city a license fee. The fee for every license shall be established by the Council and listed in the
Fee Schedule, Chapter 36, of this code. If the license is denied for any reason, the aforesaid fee
or fees shall forthwith be returned to the applicant.
(Prior Code, § 58-29) (Ord. 256, passed 12-13-1993) Penalty, see § 121.99
All licenses hereunder shall expire on December 31 in each year.
(Prior Code, § 58-30) (Ord. 107, passed 1946) Penalty, see § 121.99
The Council shall cause the city police officers, or other employees on behalf of the city,
thoroughly and carefully to examine each taxicab before a license is granted to operate the same.
No taxicab shall be licensed which does not comply with the following:
(A) It must be in thoroughly safe condition for the transportation of passengers; and
(B) It must be clean and of good appearance, and well painted;
(Prior Code, § 58-31) (Ord. 107, passed 1946) Penalty, see § 121.99
If the Council is satisfied that the public convenience and good order will be served thereby,
it may grant a license to any applicant. Each license granted shall be given a number and shall
give the number and an adequate description of the taxicabs licensed thereunder.
(Prior Code, § 58-32) (Ord. 107, passed 1946)
Licenses for not more than 8 taxicabs shall be in effect at any 1 time regardless of the
number of operators of the taxicabs.
(Prior Code, § 58-33) (Ord. 107, passed 1946)
No person, either the operator or employee of any operator, shall drive a taxicab in this city
without first having been specially licensed as a chauffeur under Minnesota Statutes. Every
driver shall display the chauffeurs license badge conspicuously upon his or her coat or cap as
therein provided.
(Prior Code, § 58-34) Penalty, see § 121.99
§ 121.10 INSURANCE.
(A) Before a license shall be delivered to any operator, he or she shall deposit with the
Clerk a copy or copies of a policy or policies of an insurance company or companies duly
licensed to transact the business in this state, insuring the operator of any taxicab to be licensed
against loss from the liability imposed by law for injury or damages to persons or property
resulting from the ownership, maintenance or use of any taxicab to be owned or operated under
the license.
(B) The policy or policies shall be approved by the City Attorney as to form and
compliance with this chapter.
(C) The limits of any liability insurance policy shall not be less than $500,000 for bodily
injuries to or death of 1 person and $1,000,000 on account of any 1 accident resulting in injuries
to or death of more than 1 person, and a total of $50,000 liability for damage to property of
others, arising out of any 1 accident.
(Prior Code, § 58-35) (Ord. 107, passed 1946) Penalty, see § 121.99
§ 121.99 PENALTY.
Whoever violates any of the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Prior Code, § 58-36) (Ord. 123, passed 7-12-1954)
130.01 Definitions
130.02 Noisy parties
130.03 Loitering
130.04 Handbills
130.05 Curfew
130.06 Public event at fairgrounds
130.07 Responsibility of parents
130.99 Penalty
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context
clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
PREMISES. Any land, lot, parcel, sidewalk, boulevard, street, highway, alley,
thoroughfare, park, playground, restaurant, café, church, school, car or parking lot or parking
space, drive-in, any building used for business purposes, commercial or industrial purposes, or
any other place, washroom or toilet, apartment hallway, or other location whether public or
private in the City of Park Rapids.
(Prior Code, § 42-7)
(A) It is unlawful for any person or persons to congregate on any private lands because of,
or participate in, any party or gathering of people from which noise emanates of a sufficient
volume or of a nature as to disturb the peace, quiet, or repose of other persons. Any owner or
person in lawful possession or control of private lands who has knowledge of the disturbance and
fails to immediately abate the disturbance shall be guilty of a violation of this section.
(B) It is unlawful for any person or persons to congregate on any private lands of another
because of, or participate in, any party or gathering of people in the absence of the owner of the
private lands being present, without first having obtained written permission from the landowner.
The written permission shall at all times be in the possession of 1 or more persons at the site of
the congregation. The document containing the written permission must bear the signature of the
landowner and date of the permitted use. Failure to display written permission upon request
shall be considered prima facie evidence of an absence of permission from the owner.
(C) A violation of division (A) or (B) above of this section shall give a police officer the
authority to order all persons present, other than the persons identifying themselves as the owner
or persons in lawful possession or control of the land, to immediately disperse. Any person who
shall refuse to leave after being ordered to do so by a police officer shall be guilty of a violation
of this section.
(D) It is unlawful for the owner or other person in charge of rental living units to knowingly
or repeatedly permit thereon conduct prohibited by division (A), (B) or (C) above of this section.
(E) A violation of this section shall be a misdemeanor.
(Prior Code, § 42-1) (Ord. 245, passed 1991) Penalty, see § 130.99
§ 130.03 LOITERING.
(A) A person commits a violation if he or she loiters or prowls in a place, at a time, or in a
manner not usual for law-abiding individuals under circumstances that warrant alarm for the
safety of persons or property in the vicinity. Among the circumstances which may be considered
in determining whether alarm is warranted is the fact that the person takes flight upon
appearance of a police officer, refuses to identify himself or herself, or manifestly endeavors to
conceal himself or herself or any object. Unless flight by the person or other circumstances
makes it impractical, a police officer shall, prior to any arrest for an offense under this section,
afford the person an opportunity to dispel any alarm which would otherwise be warranted, by
requesting the person to identify himself or herself and to explain his or her presence or conduct.
No person shall be convicted of an offense under this section if the police officer did not comply
with the preceding sentence, or if it appears at trial that the explanation given by the person was
true and, if it had been believed by the police officer at the time, would have dispelled the alarm.
Any police officer may arrest any person suspected of being a loiterer or prowler without a
warrant if it reasonably appears that the delay in arresting the suspect caused by obtaining a
warrant would result in the suspect’s escape.
(B) It shall be unlawful for any person, after first being warned by a police officer, or where
a “no loitering” sign or signs have been posted, to loiter, stand, sit, or lie in or upon any public or
quasi-public sidewalk, street, curb, cross-walk, walkway area, mall or that portion of private
property utilized for public use, so as to hinder or obstruct unreasonably the free passage of
pedestrians or vehicles thereon. It shall be unlawful for any person to block, obstruct, or prevent
free access to the entrance to any building open to the public.
(C) It shall be unlawful for any person to loiter in or near any thoroughfare or place
open to the public for the purpose of inducing, enticing, soliciting, or procuring another to
commit an act of prostitution. Among the circumstances which may be considered in
determining whether such action is consistent with the intent to induce, entice, solicit, or procure
another to commit an act of prostitution are that the person is a known prostitute or panderer and
repeatedly beckons, in the attempt to stop or engage male or female passersby in conversation, or
repeatedly stops or attempts to stop motor vehicles by engaging their operators by hailing,
waving of arms, or other bodily gestures. The violator’s conduct must be such as to demonstrate
a specific intent to induce, entice, solicit, or procure another to commit an act of prostitution. No
arrest shall be made for a violation of this division unless the arresting officer first affords the
person an opportunity to explain his or her conduct, and no one shall be convicted of violating
this division if it appears at trial that the explanation given was true and disclosed a lawful
(D) For the purpose of this section, PUBLIC PLACE has the following definition
unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning: an area generally visible to
public view, including streets, sidewalks, bridges, alleys, plazas, parks, driveways, parking lots,
automobiles (whether moving or not), and buildings open to the general public, including those
which serve food or drink or provide entertainment, and the doorways and entrances to buildings
or dwellings and the grounds enclosing them.
Penalty, see § 130.99
§ 130.04 HANDBILLS.
Whoever unlawfully places upon the windshield, door, handle, or on any other external
part or portion of any motor vehicle any loose paper, handbills, litter or material of like nature, is
guilty of a petty misdemeanor.
(Prior Code, § 42-3) (Ord. 103, passed 1944) Penalty, see § 130.99
§ 130.05 CURFEW.
(A) Purpose. The curfew for minors established by this section is maintained for 4
primary reasons:
(1) To protect the public from illegal acts of minors committed during the
curfew hours;
(2) To protect minors from improper influences that prevail during the curfew
hours, including involvement with gangs;
(3) To protect minors from criminal activity that occurs during the curfew
hours; and
(4) To help parents control their minor children.
(B) Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless
the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
EMERGENCY ERRAND. A task that if not completed promptly threatens the health,
safety, or comfort of the minor or a member of the minor’s household. The term shall include,
but shall not be limited to, seeking urgent medical treatment, seeking urgent assistance from law
enforcement or Fire Department personnel, and seeking shelter from the elements or urgent
assistance from a utility company due to a natural or human-made calamity.
OFFICIAL CITY TIME. The time of day as determined by reference to the master
clock of the city.
places that include, but are not limited to, movie theaters, pinball arcades, shopping malls,
nightclubs catering to minors, restaurants, and pool halls.
PRIMARY CARE or PRIMARY CUSTODY. The person who is responsible for
providing food, clothing, shelter, and other basic necessities to the minor. The person providing
PRIMARY CARE OR CUSTODY to the minor shall not be another minor.
SCHOOL ACTIVITY. An event which has been placed on a school calendar by public
or parochial school authorities as a school sanctioned event.
(C) Hours.
(1) Minors under the age of 16 years. No minor under the age of 16 years shall be in
or upon the public streets, alleys, parks, playgrounds or other public grounds, public places,
public buildings; nor in or upon places of amusement, entertainment or refreshment; nor in or
upon any vacant lot, between the hours of 10:30 p.m. and 5:00 a.m., official city time.
(2) Minors ages 16 years to 17 years. No minor of the ages of 16 or 17 years shall be
in or upon the public streets, alleys, parks, playgrounds or other public grounds, public places,
public buildings; nor in or upon places of amusement, entertainment or refreshment; nor in or
upon any vacant lot, between the hours of 12:01 a.m. and 5:00 a.m., official city time.
(D) Effect on control by adult responsible for minor. Nothing in this section shall be
construed to give a minor the right to stay out until the curfew hours designated in this section if
otherwise directed by a parent, guardian, or other adult person having the primary care and
custody of the minor; nor shall this section be construed to diminish or impair the control of the
adult person having the primary care or custody of the minor.
(E) Exceptions. The provisions of this section shall not apply in the following situations:
(1) To a minor accompanied by his or her parent or guardian, or other adult person
having the primary care and custody of the minor;
(2) To a minor who is upon an emergency errand at the direction of his or her parent,
guardian, or other adult person having the primary care and custody of the minor;
(3) To a minor who is in any of the places described in this section if in connection
with or as required by an employer engaged in a lawful business, trade, profession, or
occupation; or to a minor traveling directly to or from the location of the business trade,
profession, or occupation and the minor’s residence. Minors who fall within the scope of this
exception shall carry written proof of employment and proof of the hours the employer requires
the minor’s presence at work;
(4) To a minor who is participating in or traveling directly to or from an event which
has been officially designated as a school activity by public or parochial school authorities; or
who is participating in or traveling directly to or from an official activity supervised by adults
and sponsored by the city, a civic organization, school, religious institution, or similar entity that
takes responsibility for the minor and with the permission of the minor’s parent, guardian, or
other adult person having the primary care and custody of the minor;
(5) To a minor who is passing through the city in the course of interstate travel during
the hours of curfew;
(6) To a minor who is attending or traveling directly to or from an activity involving
the exercise of First Amendment rights of free speech, freedom of assembly, or freedom of
(7) To minors on the sidewalk abutting his or her residence or abutting the residence of
a next-door neighbor if the neighbor does not complain to the city’s designated law enforcement
provider about the minor’s presence; or
(8) To a minor who is married or has been married, or is otherwise legally
(F) Duties of person legally responsible for minor. No parent, guardian, or other adult
having the primary care or custody of any minor shall permit any violation of the requirements of
this section by the minor.
(G) Duties of other persons. No person operating or in charge of any place of amusement,
entertainment, or refreshment shall permit any minor to enter or remain in his or her place of
business during the hours prohibited by this section unless the minor is accompanied by his or
her parent, guardian or other adult person having primary care or custody of the minor, or unless
one of the exceptions to this section apply.
(H) Penalties.
(1) Minors. Any minor found to be in violation of this section may be
adjudicated delinquent and shall be subject to the dispositional alternatives set forth in M.S. §
260B.198, as it may be amended from time to time.
(2) Adults. Any adult person found to be in violation of this section shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor and may be sentenced up to the maximum penalty authorized by state
law for a misdemeanor.
(I) Defense. It shall be a defense to prosecution under this section that the owner,
operator, or employee of an establishment promptly notified the city’s designated law
enforcement provider that a minor was present on the premises of the establishment during
curfew hours and refused to leave.
(A) Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply
unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
EVENT. Any auction, dance, sales event, sporting event, race or other event
including but not limited to events which use a loudspeaker or other sound amplification device,
public or private, tending to create a level of noise which represents an unreasonable disturbance
to neighborhoods in the vicinity of the fairgrounds.
EXEMPT EVENTS. Includes the Park Rapids Rodeo, the Hubbard County Fair,
Logging Days and any other events as may be exempted by resolution of the City Council.
FAIRGROUNDS. The part of the City of Park Rapids legally described as: east
45 rods of the northeast quarter, Section 26, Township 140, Range 35.
(B) Violations.
(1) Any event held at the Hubbard County Fairgrounds shall close no later
than 1:00 a.m. Failure to abide by the terms of this section is a misdemeanor.
(2) Any participant at the event is subject to the criminal charge.
(Prior Code, § 42-5) (Ord. 241, passed 1990) Penalty, see § 130.99
It shall be unlawful for the parent, guardian, or other adult person having the care and
custody of a minor under the age of 16 years to knowingly permit the minor to loiter or lurk on
any premises as described in this chapter in the City of Park Rapids. This restriction shall not
apply to a minor who is accompanied by his or her parent, guardian or other adult person having
care and custody of the minor or where the minor is upon a legitimate business activity or errand
directly by his or her parent, guardian or custodian.
(Prior Code, § 42-8) Penalty, see § 130.99
§ 130.99 PENALTY.
(A) Generally. Any person violating any provision of this chapter for which no specific
penalty is prescribed shall be subject to § 10.99.
(B) Lurking and loitering. Any person violating any provisions of § 130.03 is guilty of a
(Prior Code, § 42-10)
131.01 Purpose and findings
131.02 Authority
131.03 Definitions
131.04 Prohibited acts
131.05 Exceptions
131.06 Enforcement
131.07 Severability
131.99 Penalty
The Park Rapids City Council intends to discourage underage possession and consumption
of alcohol, even if done within the confines of a private residence, and intends to hold persons
criminally responsible who host events or gatherings where persons under 21 years of age
possess or consume alcohol regardless of whether the person hosting the event or gathering
supplied the alcohol. The Park Rapids City Council finds that:
(A) Events and gatherings held on private or public property where alcohol is possessed or
consumed by persons under the age of twenty-one are harmful to those persons and constitute a
potential threat to public health requiring prevention or abatement;
(B) Prohibiting underage consumption acts to protect underage persons, as well as the
general public, from injuries related to alcohol consumption, such as alcohol overdose or
alcohol-related traffic collisions;
(C) Alcohol is an addictive drug which, if used irresponsibly, could have drastic effects on
those who use it as well as those who are affected by the actions of an irresponsible user.
(D) Often, events or gatherings involving underage possession and consumption occur
outside the presence of parents. However, there are times when the parent(s) is/are present and,
condone the activity, and in some circumstances provide the alcohol;
2011 S-8
12 Park Rapids - General Offenses
(E) Even though giving or furnishing alcohol to an underage person is a crime, it is
difficult to prove, and an ordinance is necessary to help further combat underage consumption;
(F) A deterrent effect will be created by holding a person criminally responsible for
hosting an event or gathering where underage possession or consumption occurs.
(Ord. 529, passed 11-9-2010)
§ 131.02 AUTHORITY.
This chapter is enacted pursuant to M.S. § 145A.05, Subd. 1.
(Ord. 529, passed 11-9-2010)
For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context
clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ALCOHOL. Ethyl alcohol, hydrated oxide of ethyl, or spirits of wine, whiskey, rum,
brandy, gin, or any other distilled spirits including dilutions and mixtures thereof from whatever
source or by whatever process produced.
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE. Alcohol, spirits, liquor, wine, beer, and every liquid or
solid containing alcohol, spirits, liquor, wine, or beer, and which contains 0.5% or more of
alcohol by volume and which is fit for beverage purposes either alone or when diluted, mixed, or
combined with other substances.
EVENT OR GATHERING. Any group of three or more persons who have assembled or
gathered together for a social occasion or other activity.
HOST. To aid, conduct, allow, entertain, organize, supervise, control, or permit a
gathering or event.
PARENT. Any person having legal custody of a juvenile:
(1) As natural, adoptive parent, or step-parent;
(2) As a legal guardian; or
(3) As a person to whom legal custody has been given by order of the court.
Social Host 13
PERSON. Any individual, partnership, copartnership, corporation, or any association of
one or more individuals.
RESIDENCE or PREMISES. Any home, yard, farm, field, land, apartment,
condominium, hotel or hotel room, or other dwelling unit, or a hall or meeting room, park or any
other place of assembly, public or private, whether occupied on a temporary or permanent basis,
whether occupied as a dwelling or specifically for a party or other social function, and whether
owned, leased, rented, or used with or without permission or compensation.
UNDERAGE PERSON. Any individual under 21 years of age.
(Ord. 529, passed 11-9-2010)
(A) It is unlawful for any person(s) to host or knowingly allow an event or gathering
to take place at any residence, premises, or any other private or public property in the City of
Park Rapids under the following circumstances:
(1) Where alcohol or alcoholic beverages are present; and
(2) The person knows or reasonably should know that an underage person will
or does:
(a) Consume any alcohol or alcoholic beverage; or
(b) Possess any alcohol or alcoholic beverage with the intent to
consume it; and
(3) The person fails to take reasonable steps to prevent possession or
consumption by the underage person(s).
(B) A person is criminally responsible for violating division (A) of this section if the
person intentionally aids, advises, hires, counsels, or conspires with or otherwise procures
another to commit the prohibited act.
(C) A person who hosts an event or gathering does not have to be present at the event
or gathering to be criminally responsible.
(Ord. 529, passed 11-9-2010) Penalty, see § 131.99
§ 131.05 EXCEPTIONS.
(A) This chapter does not apply to conduct solely between an underage person and his or
her parents while present in the parent’s household.
(B) This chapter does not apply to legally protected religious observances.
(C) This chapter does not apply to retail intoxicating liquor or 3.2% malt liquor licensees,
municipal liquor stores, or bottle club permit holders who are regulated by M.S. § 340A.503,
Subd. 1(a)(1).
(D) This chapter does not apply to situations where underage persons are lawfully in
possession of alcohol or alcoholic beverages during the course and scope of employment.
(Ord. 529, passed 11-9-2010)
This chapter can be enforced by any police officer or sheriff’s deputy in the city.
(Ord. 529, passed 11-9-2010)
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word, or other portion of this chapter
is, for any reason, held to be unconstitutional or invalid, in whole, or in part, by any court of
competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed severable, and such unconstitutionality or
invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this law, which remaining
portions shall continue in full force and effect.
(Ord. 529, passed 11-9-2010)
§ 131.99 PENALTY.
Violation of § 131.04 is a misdemeanor.
(Ord. 529, passed 11-9-2010)
Building Code
150.01 Application, administration, and enforcement
150.02 Permits and fees
150.03 Building Code
Uniform Address Plan
150.15 Purpose
150.16 Building numbers
150.17 Location; size; shape
150.18 Multiple dwelling numbering
150.19 Maintenance of building numbers
150.20 Time for compliance
150.99 Penalty
(A) The application, administration, and enforcement of the code shall be in accordance
with Minnesota Rule Chapter 1300, as it may be amended from time to time. The code shall be
enforced within the extraterritorial limits permitted by M.S. § 16B.62, subdivision 1, as it may be
amended from time to time, when so established by this chapter.
(B) The code enforcement agency of this municipality is called the Park Rapids Building
(C) This code shall be enforced by the Minnesota Certified Building Official designated by
the municipality to administer the code (M.S. § 16B.65 subdivision 1, as it may be amended
from time to time).
(Prior Code, § 14-16)
4 Park Rapids - Land Usage
(A) Fees. The issuance of permits and the collection of fees shall be as authorized in M.S. §
16B.62, subdivision 1, as it may be amended from time to time.
(B) Fee schedule. Permit fees shall be assessed for work governed by this code in
accordance with the fee schedule adopted by the municipality in the city code.
(C) Surcharge. In addition, a surcharge fee shall be collected on all permits issued for work
governed by this code in accordance with M.S. § 16B.70, as it may be amended from time to
(D) Late application fee. The fee for a building permit shall be doubled for applicant who
commences construction without a permit.
(Prior Code, § 14-17) Penalty, see § 150.99
(A) The Minnesota State Building Code, established pursuant to M.S. § 16B.59 to 16B.75,
as it may be amended from time to time, is hereby adopted as the building code for this
municipality. The code is hereby incorporated in this chapter as if fully set out herein.
(B) The Minnesota State Building Code includes the following chapters of the Minnesota
Rules, as it may be amended from time to time:
(1) 1300, Administration of the Minnesota State Building Code;
(2) 1301, Building Official Certification;
(3) 1302, State Building Code Construction Approvals;
(4) 1303, Minnesota Provisions;
(5) 1305, Adoption of the 2000 International Building Code;
(6) 1306, Special Fire Protection Systems;
(7) 1307, Elevators and Related Devices;
(8) 1309, Adoption of the 2000 International Residential Code;
(9) 1311, Adoption of the 2000 Guidelines for the Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings;
(10) 1315, Adoption of the 2002 National Electrical Code;
(11) 1325, Solar Energy Systems;
(12) 1330, Fallout Shelters;
(13) 1335, Floodproofing Regulations;
(14) 1341, Minnesota Accessibility Code;
(15) 1346, Adoption of the Minnesota State Mechanical Code;
(16) 1350, Manufactured Homes;
(17) 1360, Prefabricated Structures;
(18) 1361, Industrialized/Modular Buildings;
(19) 1370, Storm Shelters (Manufactured Home Parks);
(20) 4715, Minnesota Plumbing Code; and
(21) 7670, 7672, 7674, 7676, and 7678, Minnesota Energy Code.
(Prior Code, § 14-16)
§ 150.15 PURPOSE.
The City Council finds that for the purpose of providing proper protection of public and
private property in the City of Park Rapids, it is essential to require visible approved addressing
or identification for each separate public, residential, commercial, or industrial building.
(Prior Code, § 14-31)
(A) Each primary structure within the city limits shall be assigned an address.
(B) The list of addresses of all primary structures within the city shall be held at the office
of the City Clerk.
(Prior Code, § 14-32) Penalty, see § 150.99
(A) All owners or occupants of residential, commercial, and industrial structures within the
city shall display their assigned address numbers on the outside of their primary structures, near
the front door, for emergency purposes. The address number must be located on a primary
structure surface facing the public road, clearly visible from the road, address numbers shall be
no smaller than 4 inches, shall be coated with reflective materials, and colors should be in strong
contrast with background. No self-adhesive number appliques shall be used.
(B) In those cases where the principal building’s address is obscured from view from the
street of address by accessory buildings, trees, shrubbery or other visual obstruction, the numbers
shall be displayed on the mailbox in numerals not less than 2 inches high, of a light reflective
material and of a contrasting color to the background. In those cases where the principal
building is obscured from the view from the street address and the residence does not have a
mailbox, the numbers shall be displayed from a permanent mounting on the property, clearly
visible from the street, displayed prominently in numerals not less than 4 inches high of light
reflective material of contrasting color to the background. The post should be within 50 feet of
the road and 10 feet of the driveway. The bottom of the address sign shall be placed at a height
that is no less than 4 feet above the level of the surface of the road.
(Prior Code, § 14-33) Penalty, see § 150.99
(A) It shall be the duty of the owner or manager of every multiple dwelling building
containing 5 or more rental units, and the owner or occupant of every individually owned
dwelling unit in any multiple unit building to properly identify each dwelling unit by attaching
identification numbers on or adjacent to each entrance to the individual units.
(B) The owner or manager of any multiple dwelling building with common entrances
containing 5 units or more, whether the units are rental or individually owned, shall provide
signs, including directional arrows, easily identifying the location of each dwelling unit in the
(C) The signs shall be placed in an obvious location inside each entrance to the building as
approved by the Fire Chief.
(Prior Code, § 14-34) Penalty, see § 150.99
The occupant of the primary structure shall be responsible for keeping its address numbers
in good repair and clear of snow, dirt, debris, or other obstructions.
(Prior Code, § 14-35) Penalty, see § 150.99
(A) Implementation. All owners of primary structures in the city shall comply with this
chapter within 45 days.
(B) Enforcement. All city licenses, applications, and permits may be withheld from the
owners or occupants of primary structures if the address is not placed or maintained in
conformance with the chapter.
(Prior Code, § 14-36) Penalty, see § 150.99
§ 150.99 PENALTY.
(A) Building Code. A violation of §§ 150.01 et seq. is a misdemeanor. See M.S.§ 16B.69,
as it may be amended from time to time, and Minnesota Rules, Chapter 1300, as it may be
amended from time to time.
(Prior Code, § 14-18)
(B) Uniform address plan. Failure to comply with any section of §§ 150.15 et seq. shall
constitute a petty misdemeanor.
(Prior Code, § 14-37)
General Provisions
151.001 Statutory authorization
151.002 Intent and purpose
151.003 Definitions
151.004 Jurisdiction
151.005 Compliance
151.006 Enforcement
151.007 Interpretation
151.008 Severability
151.009 Abrogation and greater restrictions
151.010 Effective date
Shoreland Classification System
151.025 General provisions
151.026 Natural environment lakes
151.027 Recreational development lakes
151.028 Tributaries
Establishment of Zoning Districts
151.040 Establishment of zoning districts
151.041 Zoning map
151.042 Interpretation of zoning map
Zoning District Requirements
151.055 Averaging setbacks
151.056 Distance between buildings
151.057 (C-1) Conservation District
151.058 (AG-1) Agricultural District
151.059 (P) Public and Quasi-Public Zone District
151.060 (R-1) Single-Family Residential District
151.061 (R-1A) Single-Family Residential in Annexation Area District
151.062 (R-2) Single, 2-Family and Townhouse District
2007 S-3 Repl.
10 Park Rapids - Land Usage
151.063 (R-3) Medium Density Residential District
151.064 (R-B) Residential-Business Transitional District
151.065 (B-1) Highway Business District
151.066 (B-2) General Business District
151.067 (I-1) Light Industry District
151.068 (I-2) Heavy Industry District
151.069 (S-O) Shoreland Overlay District
General Shoreland Requirements
151.080 Vegetative alterations
151.081 Topographic alterations/grading and filling
151.082 Placement and design of roads, driveways, recreational trails and parking areas
151.083 Stormwater management standards
151.084 Special provisions for commercial, industrial, public and semi-public uses
151.085 Special provisions for agricultural uses
151.086 Special provisions for forest management
151.087 Special provisions for extractive uses
Non-conformities and Substandard Lots of Record
151.100 Statement of intent
151.101 Non-conforming uses
151.102 Non-conforming structures
151.103 Substandard lots of record
151.104 Non-conforming sewage treatment systems
Accessory Uses and Structures
151.115 Accessory uses and structures
Sanitation Standards
151.130 Sewage treatment standards
151.131 Sewage treatment permit requirements
151.132 Revision to an approved plan
151.133 Sewage treatment system inspection
151.134 Water supply standards
Performance Standards
151.145 Determination of conformity
151.146 Home occupations
151.147 Standards for single-family dwellings
151.148 Temporary dwellings
151.149 Exterior storage
151.150 Moved in structures
151.151 Screening and/or fencing
151.152 Maintenance
151.153 Traffic control
151.154 Storm water management
151.155 Driveways
151.156 Parking standards, traffic control, and storm water management
151.157 Site view clearance
151.158 Mobile home park standards
151.159 Special provisions for industrial uses
151.160 Professional/personal service offices
151.161 General development plan and site plan
151.162 Exceptions to yard requirements
151.163 Special provisions applicable to specific permitted and conditional uses
151.164 Landscaping
Sign Regulations
151.175 Findings, purpose and effect
151.176 Definitions
151.177 Permit required
151.178 Exempted signs - no permit
151.179 Prohibited signs
151.180 General provisions
151.181 Dynamic displays and changeable copy signs
151.182 Illumination and brightness standards
151.183 Substitution clause
151.184 Temporary signs
151.185 Signs permitted in Agricultural (AG-1) District, Public and Quasi-Public (P)
151.186 Signs permitted in Residential (R-1, R-1A, R-2, and R-3) Districts
151.187 Signs permitted in Residential-Business Transitional (R-B) District
151.188 Signs permitted in Highway Business (B-1) District
151.189 Signs permitted in General Business (B-2) District
151.190 Signs permitted in Light Industry (I-1) and Heavy Industry (I-2) Districts
151.191 Street banners
151.192 Non-conforming sign; compliance
151.193 Administration and enforcement
151.194 Severability
12 Park Rapids - Land Usage
Subdivisions and Planned Unit Developments
151.205 Purpose and interpretation
151.206 Limits of regulations and scope
151.207 Definitions
151.208 General provisions
151.209 Procedures
151.210 Necessary data for preliminary plat
151.211 Qualification governing approval of preliminary plan
151.212 Necessary data for final plat
151.213 Minimum subdivision design standards
151.214 Park dedication, open spaces and public uses
151.215 Required improvements on the site
151.216 Development agreement for improvements
151.217 Optional city construction permitted
151.218 Modification, exceptions, and variances
151.219 Building permits
151.220 Copies of plat
151.221 Conveyance by metes and bounds
151.222 Planned unit development review
151.223 PUD site suitability evaluation
151.224 Residential and commercial PUD density evaluation
151.225 PUD maintenance and design criteria
151.226 Conversions to PUD’s
151.240 Zoning Administrator
151.241 Permits
151.242 Planning Commission
151.243 Conditional use permits
151.244 Board of adjustment
151.245 Variances and appeals
151.246 Amendments
151.247 Public notice and hearing requirements
151.248 Access to private property
151.249 Fees
151.999 Penalty
Zoning 13
This Zoning Chapter is adopted pursuant to the authority conferred by the State of
Minnesota in the planning and orderly annexation area legislation contained in M.S. § 414.0325
Subd. 5, as it may be amended from time to time, M.S. Chapter 103F, as it may be amended
from time to time, Minnesota Regulations, Parts 6120.2500-6120.3900, as it may be amended
from time to time, and the municipal planning and zoning enabling legislation in M.S. Chapter
462, as it may be amended from time to time, and the subdivision legislation contained in M.S.
Chapters 462 and 505, as it may be amended from time to time.
(Prior Code, preamble) (Am. Ord. 491, passed 5-22-2007)
This chapter, adopted pursuant to the provisions of the M.S. § 462.357, as it may be
amended from time to time, is intended to serve the following purposes:
(A) To protect and promote the public health, safety, convenience, comfort, and general
welfare of the city and orderly annexation area in Henrietta Township;
(B) To guide the further growth and development of the city and orderly annexation area in
Henrietta Township in accordance with the comprehensive plan adopted by the Planning
(C) To protect and conserve the value of land throughout the city and orderly annexation
area in Henrietta Township and the value of buildings appropriate to the various districts
established by this chapter;
(D) To provide adequate light, air and privacy, to secure safety from fire, flood and other
danger, and to prevent overcrowding and undue congestion of land and population;
(E) To bring about the gradual conformity of the uses of land and buildings throughout the
city and orderly annexation area in Henrietta Township through the comprehensive zoning plan
set forth in this chapter, and to minimize the conflicts among the uses of land and buildings;
(F) To promote the most beneficial relation between the uses of land and buildings and the
circulation of traffic throughout the city and orderly annexation area in Henrietta Township;
(G) To provide a guide for public policy and action in the efficient provision of public
facilities and services and for private enterprises in building development, investment and other
economic activity relating to uses of land and buildings throughout the city and orderly
annexation area in Henrietta Township; and
(H) For the purpose of preserving and enhancing the quality of surface waters, preserving
the economic and natural environmental values of shoreland, and providing for the wise
utilization of waters and related land resources.
(Prior Code, preamble) (Am. Ord. 491, passed 5-22-2007)
§ 151.003 DEFINITIONS.
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context
clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ABANDON. The cessation of a specific use of a property or portion of a property for a
period of 12 or more months.
ACCESSORY STRUCTURE OR FACILITY. Any building, structure or facility incidental
to another structure or facility on the same lot which, because of its nature, can reasonably be
located at or greater than normal structure setback. Examples of these structures and facilities
include, but are not limited to: swimming pools; tennis courts; saunas; solar collectors; wind
generators; satellite dishes; detached garages; storage buildings; and recreational trailers and
ACCESSORY USE. Any use which is incidental to the principal use of a lot.
ACTIVE SOLAR SYSTEM. A solar energy system that transforms solar energy into
another form of energy or transfers heat from a collector to another medium using mechanical,
electrical, or chemical means.
ADMINISTRATOR. The Administrator of the Park Rapids Zoning Office or its authorized
agent or representative.
ADULT USES or ADULT ORIENTED BUSINESS. Any of the activities and businesses
described in § 119.02 of the Park Rapids City Code.
ADULT USE/ACCESSORY. The offering of goods or services which are classified as adult
uses on a limited scale and which are incidental to the primary activity and goods or services
offered by the establishment.
ADULT USE/PRINCIPAL. The offering of goods or services which are classified as adult
uses as a primary or sole activity of a business or an establishment.
AGRICULTURE. The use of land for agricultural purposes including: farming; dairy;
pasturage; horticulture; floriculture; viticulture; animal and poultry husbandry; and the necessary
accessory uses for packing, crating and storing the produce, provided that the operation of any
accessory uses shall be secondary to that of the principal agricultural activities.
AGRICULTURAL STRUCTURE. Any structure existing or erected and used principally
for agricultural purposes, with the exception of dwelling units.
AIRPORT. Any area of land designed and set aside for the landing and take-off of aircraft,
including all necessary facilities for the housing and maintenance of aircraft.
ALLEYS. Any dedicated public way providing a secondary means of access to land or
structures thereon.
ALTERATION. Any change, addition, or modification in construction or use, other than
cosmetic or decorative, or any change in the structural members of buildings such as bearing
walls, columns, beams, or girders.
AWNINGS. A shelter projecting from and supported by the exterior wall of a building
constructed of non-rigid materials on a supporting framework. Compare marquee.
BALCONIES. See deck.
BED AND BREAKFAST. A building occupied as a more or less temporary
accommodation for individuals who are lodged, with or without meals, in rooms occupied singly
or for remuneration, with or without dining facilities, and including not more than 4 sleeping
rooms intended to provide accommodations.
(1) A topographic feature such as a hill, cliff, or embankment having the following
(a) Part or all of the feature is located within a shoreland area;
(b) The slope rises at least 25 feet above the ordinary high water level of the
(c) The grade of the slope from the toe of the bluff to a point 25 feet or more
above the ordinary high water level averages 30% or greater; and
(d) The slope drains toward the waterbody.
(2) An area with an average slope of less than 18% over a distance of 50 feet or more
shall not be considered part of the bluff.
Zoning 15
BLUFF IMPACT ZONE. A bluff and land located within 20 feet from the top of a bluff.
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT. The Park Rapids Board of Adjustment as appointed by the
Park Rapids City Council.
BOARDING AND ROOMING HOUSE. A business establishment which provides
sleeping and living quarters (but not individual cooking facilities) in an immovable structure on a
weekly or monthly commercial basis. A rooming house shall not include congregate dining
BOATHOUSE. A structure used solely for the storage of boats or boating equipment.
(1) Any structure, either temporary or permanent, having a roof or other covering, and
designed or used for the shelter or enclosure of any person, animal or property of any kind
including tents, awnings or vehicle situated on private property and used for purposes of a
(2) It is not the intention of the chapter to include any of the following structures:
(a) Temporary storage sheds or tents or awnings intended for resale or used for
display or promotional purposes and having no permanent footings, slab, or other foundation;
(b) Dog houses of less than 25 square feet and designed for 1 animal and having
no permanent footings, run or slab, or other foundations;
(c) Tents or other awnings used only for recreational purposes; or
(d) Storage sheds, wood sheds, or awnings having an overall floor or surface area
of less than 25 square feet and having no permanent footings or slab or other foundation.
BUILDING LINE. The perimeter of that portion of a building or structure nearest a
property line, but excluding open steps, terraces, cornices, eaves, and other ornamental features
projecting from the walls of the building or structure, provided they do not project more than 5
feet into the required front or rear yard and not more than 3 feet or 50% of the required side yard,
whichever is less.
CANOPIES. A rigid multi-sided structure covered with fabric, metal, or other material and
supported by a building at 1 or more points or extremities and by columns or posts embedded in
the ground at other points or extremities. May be illuminated by means of internal or external
sources. Compare marquee.
16 Park Rapids - Land Usage
CARPORT. An accessory roof-like structure, either attached to or detached from an
allowable primary building, enclosed on not more than 2 sides, designed to provide cover for off-
street vehicle parking.
CAR WASH. A lot on which motor vehicles are washed or waxed either by the patrons, or
by others, using machinery specially designed for that purpose.
CHURCH. A building wherein persons regularly assemble for religious worship, which is
used only for that purpose and those accessory activities as are customarily associated therewith.
CITY COUNCIL. The Park Rapids City Council.
CLEAR CUTTING. The removal of an entire stand of trees.
CLINIC. A place where medical, dental, optometry, chiropractic, psychiatric, or nursing
care is furnished to person on an out-patient basis by 1 or more licensed professionals.
COMMERCIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT. Allowed in shoreland only. Uses
that provide transient, short-term lodging spaces, rooms or parcels with primarily service-
oriented operations located in shoreland areas. Hotel/motel accommodations, resorts,
recreational vehicles and camping parks, and other primarily service-oriented activities are
COMMERCIAL USE. The principal use of land or buildings for the sale, lease, rental, or
trade of products, goods, or services.
COMMISSIONER. The Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources.
CONDITIONAL USE. A use that would not be appropriate generally or without restriction
throughout the zone district, but which, if controlled as to number, area, location, or relation to
neighborhood, would not be injurious to the public health, safety, welfare, morals, order,
comfort, convenience, appearance, prosperity, or general welfare. These uses may be permitted
in listed zone districts upon application to the Planning Commission.
COOPERATIVE HOUSING. One or more residential units in a building or buildings
owned or leased by a corporation, association, organizations, or other legal entity, the
shareholders or members of which are entitled, solely by reason of their ownership of stock or
membership certificates in the entity to occupy the residential units.
Zoning 17
DAY CARE FACILITY. A facility licensed by the State Department of Human Services,
public or private, which for gain or otherwise regularly provides 1 or more persons, as defined by
the State Human Services Licensing Act, with care, training, supervision, habilitation,
rehabilitation or developmental guidance on a regular basis, for periods of less than 24 hours per
day, in a place other than the person’s own home. DAY CARE FACILITIES include, but are
not limited to: family day care homes; group family day care homes; day care centers; day
nurseries; nursery schools; developmental achievement centers for children; day training and
rehabilitation services for adults; day treatment programs; adult day care centers; and day
DECK. A horizontal unenclosed platform with or without attached railings, seats, trellises
or other features, attached or functionally related to a principal use or site and at any point
extending more than 6 inches above ground. All decks are considered a part of the principal
structures and shall, therefore, meet all structure setback provisions.
DUPLEX, TRIPLEX, AND QUAD. Dwelling structures on a single lot having 2, 3, and 4
units respectively, being attached by common walls and each unit having separate sleeping,
cooking, eating, living, and sanitation facilities.
DWELLING SITE. A designated location for residential use by 1 or more persons using
temporary or movable shelter, including camping and recreational vehicle sites.
DWELLING UNIT. Any structure, or portion of a structure, or other shelter, designed as
short or long term living quarters for 1 or more persons, including rental or timeshare
accommodations such as motel, hotel, and resort rooms and cabins.
EASEMENT. A grant by a property owner for specified use of land by a corporation, the
public or specified persons.
worksheet format, that helps local governments determine if a proposed action is a major action
with a potential for significant environmental effects, but also to consider alternatives and to
institute methods for reducing environmental effects.
limited to, a structure or facility used for the location, maintenance and/or service of
communication lines, natural gas, petroleum pipelines, television cable, or electrical transmission
EXTERIOR STORAGE. The storage of goods, materials, equipment, manufactured
products and similar items not fully enclosed by a building.
EXTRACTIVE USE. The use of land for surface or subsurface removal of sand, gravel,
rock, industrial minerals, other non-metallic minerals and peat not regulated under M.S. §§ 93.44
through 93.51, as it may be amended from time to time.
FAMILY. An individual or group of 2 or more persons related by blood, marriage or
adoption, together with not more than 3 additional persons not related by blood, marriage or
adoption, living together as a single housekeeping unit.
FENCE. An artificial structure, solid or otherwise, which is a barrier and used as a
boundary or means of protection, confinement, or concealment.
FLOOR AREA. Total gross area of all floors as measured to the outside surfaces of exterior
walls, excluding crawl spaces, garages, carports, breezeways, and attics without floors, and open
porches, balconies and terraces.
FLOOR SPACE. The floor area of all floors as measured from the inside surfaces of the
walls enclosing the portion of a building occupied by a single-occupant or shared by a distinct
group of occupants, excluding common halls, stairwells, sanitary facilities, storage, and other
areas to which patrons do not have regular access.
FOREST LAND CONVERSION. The clear cutting of forested lands to prepare for a new
land use other than re-establishment of a subsequent forest stand.
GARAGE. A fully enclosed building designed or used for the storage of motor vehicles not
including buildings in which fuel is sold or in which repair or other services are performed.
GARDEN CENTER. A place of business or accessory use where retail and wholesale
products and produce are sold to the retail customers. These centers which may include a
nursery and/or greenhouse, import the majority of items sold. These items may include planting
materials, fertilizers, and planting related tools and equipment.
GAS STATION. A place where motor vehicle fuel is sold at retail.
GRADE. The average elevation of the finished ground at the exterior walls of the main
GROUP FAMILY HOME. Any community residential facility, foster home, family care
facility, or other similar home for developmentally disabled persons.
GUEST COTTAGE. A structure used as a dwelling unit that may contain sleeping spaces
and kitchen and bathroom facilities in addition to those provided in the primary dwelling unit on
a lot, in shoreland districts.
HEIGHT OF BUILDING. The vertical distance from the established average finished
grade at the building line to the highest point of a structure, excluding chimneys, antennae, or
other similar projections.
HOME OCCUPATION. A use conducted entirely with an enclosed dwelling or accessory
structure which is clearly secondary and incidental to residential occupancy, and which does not
change the character thereof. Specifically excluded are any activities which result in an
alteration of a building, window display, construction features, equipment, machinery or outdoor
storage, any of which is visible outside of the lot on which the use is located.
HOTEL/MOTEL. Any building or portion thereof where lodging is offered to transient
guests for compensation and in which there are more than 3 sleeping rooms, with no cooking
facilities in an individual room or apartment.
IMPERMEABLE SURFACE. (Impervious) A constructed hard surface that either prevents
or retards the entry of water into the soil and causes water to run off the surface in greater
quantities and at an increased rate of flow than prior to development. Area of a parcel of land
that is incapable of being penetrated by rainfall or moisture. Examples include, but are not
limited to, rooftops, sidewalks, patios, storage areas, roads, streets, driveways, and parking lots
constructed of concrete, asphalt, or compacted aggregate.
INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM. A sewage treatment system, other than
a public or community system, which receives sewage from an individual establishment. Unless
otherwise indicated, the word SYSTEM, as it appears in this chapter, means an INDIVIDUAL
INDUSTRIAL USE. The use of land or buildings for the production, manufacture,
warehousing, storage or transfer of goods, products, commodities, or other wholesale items.
INTENSIVE VEGETATIVE CLEARING. The substantial removal of trees or shrubs in a
contiguous patch, strips, row, or block.
JUNKYARD. A place maintained for keeping, storing, or piling in commercial quantities,
whether temporary, irregularly or continuously; items to be bought or sold at retail or wholesale
which from its second-hand or worn condition render it practically useless and commonly
classed as junk.
KENNEL. Any lot or premises on which 5 or more domestic animals of any type or
combination aged 6 months or older are kept, either owned or boarded, either permanently or
LAUNDROMAT. A place where patrons wash, dry or dry clean clothing or other fabrics in
machines operated by the patron.
LOT. A parcel of land designated by plat, metes and bounds, registered land survey,
auditors plat or other accepted means and separated from other parcels or portions by the
description for the purpose of sale, lease or separation.
LOT AREA. The area of land within the boundaries of a lot, excluding that portion of a lot
which is below the ordinary high water level.
LOT COVERAGE PERCENTAGE. The percentage of lot area included within the outside
lines of exterior walls of all buildings located on the lot including: porches; decks; breezeways;
balconies; and bay windows. In shoreland areas, all impermeable surfaces are included in
computing ground coverage percentages.
LOT LINE. A line dividing 1 lot from another lot or from a street or alley.
LOT LINE, FRONT. For a riparian lot, the FRONT LOT LINE is that line indicating the
ordinary high water level. For a non-riparian lot, a FRONT LOT LINE is a line dividing a lot
from any public street.
(1) That boundary of a lot which is opposite the front lot line.
(2) If the REAR LOT LINE is less than 10 feet in length, or if the lot forms a point at
the rear, the rear lot line shall be a line 10 feet in length within the lot, connecting the side lot
lines and parallel to the front lot line.
LOT LINE, SIDE. Any boundary of a lot which is not a front lot line or a rear lot line.
LOT OF RECORD. Any lot which is 1 unit of a recorded plat designated by auditors plat,
subdivision plat, or other accepted means and separated from other parcels of portions of the
description for the purpose of sale, lease or separation thereof that has been recorded in the office
of the County Recorder prior to the effective date of this chapter.
LOT WIDTH. The horizontal distance between the side lot lines of a lot measured at right
angles to the depth.
(1) Any premises on which 2 or more manufactured homes, or any premises used or
held out for the purpose of supplying to the public a parking space for 2 or more of the
manufactured homes.
(2) Sales lots on which automobiles or unoccupied manufactured homes, new or used
are parked for purposes of inspection or sale are not included in this definition.
(3) The minimum MANUFACTURED (MOBILE) HOME PARK shall be no less
than 10 acres.
(1) A structure transportable in 1 or more sections, which in the traveling mode, is 8
body feet or more in width or 40 body feet or more in length, or when erected on-site is 320 or
more square feet, and which is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a
dwelling for 1 family, with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required
utilities, and includes the plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and electrical systems contained
therein, except that the term includes any structure which meets all the requirements with respect
to which the manufacturer voluntarily filed a certification required by the Secretary of the United
States Department of Housing and Urban Development.
(2) No MANUFACTURED HOME shall be moved into the City of Park Rapids that
does not meet the Manufactured Home Building Code as defined in M.S. Chapter 327.31,
subdivision 3, as it may be amended from time to time. MANUFACTURED HOMES shall be
treated as single-family housing units if they meet the requirements set forth in § 151.147.
MANUFACTURING, LIGHT. A use engaged in the manufacture, predominantly from
previously prepared materials, of finished products or parts, including processing, fabrication,
assembly, treatment, packaging, which activities are conducted wholly within an enclosed
MARQUEES. A permanent roof-like structure or canopy of rigid materials supported by
and extending from the façade of a building. Compare awning.
MINING. The use of land for surface or subsurface removal of metallic minerals and peat
as regulated under M.S. §§ 93.44 through 93.51, as it may be amended from time to time.
MULTIPLE-FAMILY DWELLING. A detached building designed and used exclusively as
a dwelling by 3 or more families occupying separate units.
NON-CONFORMITY. Any legal use, structure or parcel of land already in existence,
recorded, or authorized before the adoption of official controls or amendments thereto that would
not have been permitted to become established under the terms of the official controls as now
written, if the official controls had been in effect prior to the date it was established, recorded, or
NURSING HOME. A structure used for residential occupancy and providing limited
medical or nursing care for occupants on the premises, but not including a hospital, clinic, or
mental health center.
OFF-SITE ADVERTISING SIGN. A sign that is located on a lot, tract, or parcel of land
that is a lot, tract or parcel other than the 1 on which the goods or services being advertised are
ON-SITE ADVERTISING SIGN. A sign, free standing, attached, or painted, located on
the property where the goods or services being advertised are available.
OPEN SALES LOT. Land devoted to the display of a variety of goods for sale, rent, lease,
or trade where the goods are not enclosed within a building and not accessory to the primary
ORDINARY HIGH WATER LEVEL. The boundary of public waters and wetlands
indicated by an elevation delineating the highest water level which has been maintained for a
sufficient period of time to leave evidence upon the landscape, commonly that point where the
natural vegetation changes from predominantly aquatic to predominantly terrestrial. For
watercourses, the ORDINARY HIGH WATER LEVEL is the elevation of the top of the bank of
the channel. For reservoirs and flowages, the ORDINARY HIGH WATER LEVEL is the
operating elevation of the normal summer pool.
OUTLOT. A remnant from a subdivision that is not a developable piece of property unless
replatted in accordance with city ordinances.
PASSIVE SOLAR SYSTEM. A solar energy system that captures solar light or heat
without transforming it to another form of energy or transferring the energy via a heat exchanger.
PATIO. An at-grade ground covering consisting of interlocking brick, tile, cement, asphalt,
wood, or similar material. Also as area intended for outdoor lounging and dining.
PERFORMANCE BOND. A bond which may be required by the City Council, Planning
Commission, or Board of Adjustment to insure the completion of any activity falling under the
jurisdiction of this chapter.
PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD). Allowed in shoreland only. A type of
development characterized by a united site design for a number of dwelling units or dwelling
sites on a parcel, whether for sale, rent, or lease, and also usually involving clustering of these
units or sites to provide areas of common open space, density increases, and a mix of structure
types and land uses. These developments may be organized and operated as condominiums,
time-share condominiums, cooperatives, full fee ownership’s, commercial enterprises or any
combination of these, or cluster subdivisions of dwelling units, residential condominiums,
townhouses, apartment buildings, campgrounds, recreational vehicle parks, resorts, hotels,
motels and conversions of structures and land uses to these uses.
PLANNING AGENCY. The Planning Commission and the Planning Department as they
function together.
Zoning 23
PRINCIPAL USE. The main use of land or buildings as distinguished from subordinate or
accessory uses. A PRINCIPAL USE may be either permitted or conditional.
PUBLIC USES. Uses owned or operated by municipal, school districts, county, state or
other governmental units.
PUBLIC WATERS. Any waters as defined in M.S. 103G.005, subdivisions 15-17b, as it
may be amended from time to time, or any waters so designated by the city in §§ 151.025 et seq.
of this chapter.
RECREATIONAL VEHICLE. Any vehicle or vehicular portable structure built on a
chassis designed to be used as a temporary dwelling for travel, recreation, or other vacation use.
RECREATIONAL VEHICLE CAMPGROUND. Any area, whether privately or publicly
owned, used on a daily, nightly, weekly, or longer basis for the accommodation of 5 or more
tents or recreational vehicles, either free of charge or for compensation.
RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEM. A solar energy wind or energy system.
RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS do not include passive systems that serve a dual function,
such as a greenhouse or window.
RESIDENTIAL OCCUPANCY. Those activities customarily conducted in living quarters
in an urban setting, and excludes activities such as the keeping of livestock or fowl, activities
resulting in noise which constitutes a nuisance in a residential area and activities which involve
the storage, visible from off the lot, of motor vehicle parts, machinery or parts, junk or scrap
materials and excludes the keeping on any lot of more than 4 household pets per family, but this
shall not be construed to prevent the keeping of the litter of a household pet until able to be
separated from their mother.
residency is non-transient and the major or primary focus of the development is not service-
oriented. For example, single-family residences, duplexes, triplexes, residential apartments,
mobile home parks, condominiums, time-share condominiums, townhouses, cooperatives and
conversions of structures and land uses to these. To qualify as a RESIDENTIAL PLANNED
UNIT DEVELOPMENT, a development must contain at least 5 dwelling units or sites.
RESORT. A private recreational development which includes multiple units intended for
habitation on a temporary basis for relaxation or recreational purposes.
RESTAURANT. Premises at which food or beverages are cooked or prepared and offered
for sale, and where consumption is permitted on the premises, whether or not entertainment is
offered, including establishments commonly known as: bars; grills; cafes; taverns; nightclubs;
drive-ins, and fast-food establishments permitting on-site consumption.
SCHOOL. A facility that provides a curriculum of elementary or secondary academic
instruction, including kindergartens, elementary schools, junior high schools, and high schools.
SEMI-PUBLIC USE. The use of land by a private nonprofit organization to provide a
public service that is ordinarily open to some persons outside the regular constituency of the
SENSITIVE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. The preservation and management of areas
unsuitable for development in their natural state due to constraints such as shallow soils over
groundwater or bedrock, highly erosive or expansive soils, steep slopes, susceptibility to
flooding, or occurrence of flora or fauna in need of special protection.
SEPTIC TANK. Any water tight, covered receptacle designed and constructed to receive
the discharge of sewage from a building’s sewer, to separate solids from liquids, digest organic
matters, and store liquids for a period of detention, and allow the liquids to discharge to a soil
treatment system.
SETBACK. The minimum horizontal distance between a structure, sewage treatment
system, or other facility and an ordinary high water level, sewage treatment system, top of a
bluff, road, highway, property line, or other facility.
SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM. A system whereby septic tank effluent is treated and
disposed of below the ground surface by filtration and percolation through the soil. This
includes those systems commonly known as: seepage bed; disposal field; and mounds.
SEWER SYSTEM. Pipelines, conduits, pumping stations, force main and all other
construction, devices, appliances, or appurtenances used for conducting sewage or industrial or
other wastes to a point of ultimate disposal.
SHORE IMPACT ZONE. Land located between the ordinary high water level of a public
water and a line parallel to it at a setback of 50% of the structure setback.
SHORELAND. Land located within the following distances from public waters: 1,000 feet
from the ordinary high water level of a lake, pond or flowage; and 300 feet from a river or
stream, or the landward extent of a floodplain designated by ordinance on a river or stream,
whichever is greater. The limits of SHORELANDS may be reduced whenever the waters
involved are bounded by topographic divides which extend landward from the waters for lesser
distances and where approved by the Commissioner.
SIGNIFICANT HISTORIC SITE. Any archeological site, standing structure, or other
property that meets the criteria for eligibility to the National Register of Historic Places or is
listed in the State Register of Historic Sites, or is determined to be an unplatted cemetery that
falls under the provisions of M.S. § 307.08, as it may be amended from time to time. A
HISTORIC SITE meets these criteria if it is presently listed on either register or if it is
determined to meet the qualifications for listing after review by the Minnesota state archeologist
or the Director of the Minnesota Historical Society. All unplatted cemeteries are automatically
SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING. A structure, designated or used for residential occupancy
by 1 family.
STEEP SLOPES. Land where agricultural activity or development is either not
recommended or described as poorly suited due to slope steepness and the soil characteristics of
the site, as mapped and described in available county soil surveys or other technical reports,
unless appropriate design and construction techniques and farming practices are used in
accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Where specific information is not available,
STEEP SLOPES are lands having slopes over 12%, as measured over horizontal distances of 50
feet or more, that are not bluffs.
STREET. A public way which affords the principal means of access to abutting property.
STRUCTURE. Any building or appurtenance, including decks, but not including aerial or
underground utility lines, such as sewer, electric, telephone, telegraph, gas lines, towers, poles,
or other supporting facilities.
SUBDIVIDER. Any person who undertakes the subdivision of land as defined herein. The
SUBDIVIDER may be the owner or the authorized agent of the owner of the land to be
SUBDIVISION. Land that is divided for the purpose of sale, rent or lease, including
Planned Unit Developments.
SURFACE WATER-ORIENTED COMMERCIAL USE. The use of land for commercial
purposes, where access to and use of a surface water feature is an integral part of the normal
conductance of business. Marinas, resorts, and restaurants with transient docking facilities are
examples of this use.
TEMPORARY STRUCTURE. Any structure which has been erected or moved onto a lot in
order to be utilized for any purpose for a period not to exceed 6 months. Any structure which is
not a TEMPORARY STRUCTURE is considered a permanent structure and must comply with
all provisions of this chapter.
TOE OF THE BLUFF. The lower point of a 50 foot segment with an average slope in
excess of 18%.
TOP OF THE BLUFF. The higher point of a 50 foot segment with an average slope in
excess of 18%.
26 Park Rapids - Land Usage
TOWNHOUSE. A residential building containing two or more dwelling units with at least
one common wall, each unit so oriented as to have all exits open to the outside. The common
wall(s) is/are used to divide the dwelling units and shall not contain any doors, walkways, or
other openings.
TWINHOME. A building comprised of no more than two single-family dwelling units,
designed exclusively for, or occupied exclusively by, no more than two families living
independently of each other, with each unit located on a separate, single parcel of record, divided
by a common wall. The common wall is used to divide the dwelling units and shall not contain
any doors, walkways, or other openings.
VARIANCE. A modification or variation of the requirements of this chapter, authorized by
the Board of Adjustment, in accordance with § 151.245.
WATER RETENTION DEVICE OR AREA. Any constructed control devise, ponding area
or stormwater pond, or a natural depression or wetland installed or planned for under a state
approved surface water management plan which provides for the temporary storage of
stormwater runoff, with the purpose of replicating, pre-development hydrologic conditions and
retaining sediment and/or nutrients.
WATER SUPPLY PURPOSE. Any use of water for domestic, commercial, industrial, or
agricultural purposes.
WETLAND. A surface water feature classified as a wetland in the United States Fish and
Wildlife Service Circular No. 39 (1971 Edition).
WIND ENERGY FACILITY. An energy facility that consists of one or more wind turbines
or other such devices and their related or supporting facilities that produce electric power from
wind for onsite use.
YARD. The area between any lot line and the setback required therefrom.
YARD, FRONT. A yard extending along the full width of a front lot line between side lot
lines and from the front lot line to the front building line in depth. See also lot line, front.
YARD, REAR. A yard extending across the full width of the lot and lying between the rear
lot line and the nearest line of the building. REAR YARD depth shall be measured at right
angles to the rear line of the lot.
Zoning 26A
YARD, SHORELAND. A yard which is typically a rear yard extending across a lot and
being the required minimum horizontal distance between a structure and the ordinary high water
level of a public water as established by the city storm drainage plan and Department of Natural
YARD, SIDE. A yard lying between the side line of the lot and the nearest line of the
building and extending from the front yard to the rear yard, or in the absence of either of front or
rear yards, to the front or rear lot lines. Side yard width shall be measured at right angles to side
lines of the lot.
YARD, TRANSITIONAL. The yard area where a commercial or industrial district abuts a
residential district.
ZERO LOT LINE. The location of a building on a lot in a manner that 1 or more of the
building’s sides rests directly on a lot line.
ZONING ADMINISTRATOR. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Park Rapids, or its
authorized agent or representative.
ZONING LOT. One or more lots which are used for a single principal use or planned unit
(Prior Code, § 66-1) (Ord., passed 1994; Am. Ord. 352, passed 8-28-2001; Am. Ord.417, passed
11-29-2004; Am. Ord. 421, passed 1-25-2005; Am. Ord. 451, passed 1-24-2006; Am. Ord. 491,
passed 5-22-2007; Am. Ord. 493, passed 7-24-2007; Am. Ord. 522, passed 2-23-2010; Am. Ord.
535, passed 1-24-2012)
The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all land within the City of Park Rapids and the
orderly annexation area in Henrietta Township, including the shorelands of the public water
bodies as classified in §§ 151.025 et seq. of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 66-2) (Ord. passed 1994; Am. Ord. 491, passed 5-22-2007)
§ 151.005 COMPLIANCE.
(A) The use of any land, the use of shoreland, the size and shape of lots, the use, size, type,
and location of structures on lots, the installation and maintenance of water supply and waste
treatment systems, the grading and filling of any shoreland area, the cutting of shoreland
vegetation, the erection or placement of signs, and the subdivision of land shall be in full
compliance with the terms of this chapter and other applicable regulations.
(B) The construction of buildings and sewage treatment systems, the erection or placement
of signs, and grading and filling in shoreland areas shall require a permit unless specifically
excluded by the requirements of this chapter.
§ 151.006 ENFORCEMENT.
(A) The Park Rapids City Council shall bear ultimate responsibility for the administration
and enforcement of this chapter.
(B) Any violation of the provisions of this chapter or failure to comply with any of its
requirements, including failure to comply with special conditions attached to granted conditional
uses or variances, shall constitute a misdemeanor and shall be punishable as defined by law.
(C) Violations of this chapter can occur regardless of whether or not a permit is required for
a regulated activity pursuant to §§ 151.240 et seq.
(Prior Code, § 66-4) (Ord. passed 1994) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this chapter shall be held to be
minimum requirements and shall be liberally construed in favor of the City of Park Rapids and
shall not be deemed a limitation or repeal of any other powers granted by state statutes.
(B) Interpretation shall be made by the Zoning Administrator, subject to appeal to the Board
of Adjustment.
(Prior Code, § 66-5) (Ord. passed 1994)
This chapter and the various parts, sentences, paragraphs, sections and clauses thereof are
hereby declared to be severable. If any part, sentence, paragraph, section or clause is judged to
be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid for any reason by a court of competent jurisdiction, the
finding shall not affect the remaining portions of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 66-6) (Ord. passed 1994)
It is not intended by this chapter to repeal, abrogate, or impair any existing easements,
covenants, or deed restrictions. However, where this chapter imposes greater restrictions, the
provisions of this chapter shall prevail.
(Prior Code, § 66-7) (Ord. passed 1994)
This chapter, as amended, shall take effect and be in force on and after 6-12-2001.
(Prior Code, § 66-8) (Ord. passed 1994)
(A) The public waters of the City of Park Rapids and the orderly annexation area in
Henrietta Township have been classified below consistent with the criteria found in Minnesota
Regulations, Part 6120.3300, as it may be amended from time to time, and the protected waters
inventory map for the City of Park Rapids, Minnesota.
(B) (1) The shoreland areas for the water bodies listed in §§ 151.026 through 151.028 shall
be as defined in § 151.003 of this chapter and as shown on the official zoning map for the City of
Park Rapids.
(2) The public waters of the City of Park Rapids and the orderly annexation area in
Henrietta Township have been classified as follows.
(Prior Code, Article II) (Am. Ord. 491, passed 5-22-2007)
Lake Identification Number
Lake Name
Mud Lake
Sill Lake
(Prior Code, § 66-31) (Ord. passed 1994; Am. Ord. 491, passed 5-22-2007)
Lake Identification Number
Lake Name
28-242 Fish Hook Lake (partial
per annexation areas)
(Prior Code, § 66-32) (Ord. passed 11-26-2002)
§ 151.028 TRIBUTARIES.
Fish Hook River Section 14, (at northern city limits)
T140N, R35W
Section 36, T140N, R35W (at
southern boundary of city
(Prior Code, § 66-33) (Ord. passed 1994)
(A) The development of the City of Park Rapids and the orderly annexation area in
Henrietta Township, including the shoreland of its public waters, shall be controlled by means of
zoning districts. The following zoning districts are created in order to promote the orderly
development of land within the City of Park Rapids and the orderly annexation area in Henrietta
(B) The City of Park Rapids and the orderly annexation area in Henrietta Township is
hereby divided into the following districts which shall be known by the following respective
symbols or names:
Conservation District
Agricultural District
Public and Quasi-Public Zone District
Single-Family Residential District
Single-Family Residential in Annexation Area District
Single, 2-Family and Townhouse District
Medium Density Residential District
Residential-Business Transitional District
Highway Business District
General Business District
Light Industry District
Heavy Industry District
Shoreland Overlay District
IP Industrial Park (See Industrial Park Covenants for
(Prior Code, § 66-41) (Ord. passed 1994; Am. Ord. 491, passed 5-22-2007)
§ 151.041 ZONING MAP.
The official City of Park Rapids zoning map is located at city hall, Park Rapids, Minnesota.
This map is hereby adopted by reference.
(Prior Code, § 66-42) (Ord. passed 1994)
(A) Where there is uncertainty, contradiction or conflict as to the location of any zoning
district boundary line, whether due to scale, illegibility or lack of detail of the zoning map, the
Administrator shall make the interpretation and determination. Any person aggrieved by the
interpretation may appeal the interpretation to the Board of Adjustment who shall make the final
determination, subject to appeal to the District Court.
(B) The Zoning Administrator and the Board of Adjustment, in interpreting the official
zoning map, and in deciding appeals of these determinations, shall apply the following standards:
(1) Zoning district boundary lines are intended to follow lot lines, or to be parallel or
perpendicular thereto, or along the centerline of streets, alleys, rights-of-way, or along the
ordinary high water level of public waters, unless the boundary lines are clearly designated
otherwise on the zoning map;
(2) Where zoning district boundary lines are so indicated that they approximately
follow lot lines, the lot lines shall be construed to be the boundary lines; and
(3) Where a zoning district boundary line divides a lot, the location of any zoning
district boundary line, unless indicated by dimensions shown on the zoning map, shall be
determined by use of the map scale on the official zoning map.
(Prior Code, § 66-43) (Ord. passed 1994)
(A) (1) Outside of shoreland areas, in the (R-1) Single-Family Residential, (R-2) Single, 2-
Family and Townhouse Residential, (R-3) Medium Density Residential, and (R-B) Residential-
Business Transitional Districts, where adjacent structures within the same block have front yard
setbacks different from those required, the front yard minimum setback shall be the average of
the adjacent structures.
(2) If there is only 1 adjacent structure, the front yard minimum setback shall be the
average of the required setback and the setback of the adjacent structure.
(3) The front setback required by this section shall not be less than 20 feet.
(4) All setback distances shall be measured from the appropriate lot line.
(B) In shoreland areas, the structure setback from the ordinary high water level may be
modified to equal the average of the principal structure setback on lots immediately adjacent to
the parcel in question provided that no structure setback shall be established at less than 50 feet
from the ordinary high water level and no structure shall be allowed within a shore or bluff
impact zone.
(Prior Code, § 66-50) (Ord. passed 1994; Am. Ord. 491, passed 5-22-2007) Penalty, see §
(A) No more than 1 principal building may be located on 1 lot in a residential district.
(B) In other districts, each principal building shall be a minimum of 12 feet from any other
principal building on the lot.
(Prior Code, § 66-51) (Ord. passed 1994) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) Statement of intent. This Conservation District is intended to maintain the open space
area in the center of Park Rapids and to prevent property losses resulting from inappropriate
development of the river floodplain.
(B) Permitted uses.
(1) Pasture and cropland consistent with § 151.085;
(2) Forestry consistent with § 151.086;
(3) Public parks, open space, playgrounds, campgrounds; and
(4) Accessory uses and structures to the above permitted uses. See § 151.115.
(C) Conditional uses. The following uses may be permitted with the approval of a
conditional use permit by the City Council following the procedures outlined in § 151.240 of this
(1) Single-family residences;
(2) State licensed residential facility or a housing with services establishment
registered under M.S. Chapter 144D serving 6 or fewer persons;
(3) Licensed daycare facility serving 12 or fewer persons;
(4) Group family daycare facility licensed under Minn. Rules, Parts 9502.0315 to
9502.0445, as it may be amended from time to time, to serve 14 or fewer children;
(5) Commercial recreational uses utilizing and dependent upon the natural amenities of
the zoning district and immediate, surrounding area; and
(6) Accessory uses and structures to the above uses. See § 151.115.
Yard requirements for C-1 District
Other Uses
Lot area minimum square feet
1 acre
5 acres
Lot width minimum feet
200 feet
500 feet
Maximum lot coverage
Front yard minimum
50 feet
50 feet
Side yard minimum
30 feet
30 feet
Rear yard minimum/alley
30 feet, 0 feet
30 feet, 0 feet
Maximum height
25 feet
25 feet
(7) Renewable energy systems (roof mounted active solar system or wind energy
facilities) provided they will not cast shadows and obstruct solar access or cause wind deflection
to a contiguous property. These apparatuses must also meet all other required zoning and
Universal Building Code regulations including setback and height requirements, be in
compliance with all state and federal regulations, and meet the requirements of the Park Rapids
Municipal Airport Zoning Ordinance.
(Prior Code, § 66-52) (Am. Ord. 491, passed 5-22-2007; Am. Ord. 522, passed 2-23-2010; Am.
Ord. 537, passed 4-24-2012) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) Statement of intent. This district is intended to preserve areas for low intensity use such
as forestry, pasture and cropland, low density residential development and outdoor recreation,
and to serve as a holding zone for future higher intensity uses when infrastructure is made
(B) Permitted uses.
(1) Pasture and cropland consistent with § 151.085;
(2) Forestry consistent with § 151.086;
(3) Nurseries;
(4) Single-family housing and duplexes;
(5) State licensed residential facility or a housing with services establishment
registered under M.S. Chapter 144D serving 6 or fewer persons;
(6) Licensed daycare facility serving 12 or fewer persons;
(7) Group family daycare facility licensed under Minn. Rules, Parts 9502.0315 to
9502.0445, as it may be amended from time to time, to serve 14 or fewer children; and
(8) Accessory structures and uses. See § 151.115.
(C) Conditional uses. The following uses may be permitted with the approval of a
conditional use permit by the City Council following the procedures outlined in §§ 151.240 et
seq. of this chapter:
(1) Offices of veterinary and animal clinics, kennels, and public animal shelters;
(2) Essential service utility structure and facilities;
(3) Home occupations consistent with § 151.146;
(4) Parks, campgrounds, golf courses, golf driving ranges, race tracks, historical sites,
museums, and related commercial facilities;
(5) Cemeteries, including animal cemeteries; and
(6) Treatment plants: water and sewage.
Yard Requirements for AG-1 District
Other Uses
Other Uses
Lot area minimum
10 acres
10 acres
2 acres
5 acres
Lot width minimum feet
600 feet
600 feet
150 feet
500 feet
Maximum lot coverage
Front yard minimum
50 feet
50 feet
50 feet
50 feet
Side yard minimum
30 feet
30 feet
30 feet
30 feet
Rear yard minimum/alley
30 feet/0 feet
30 feet/0 feet
30 feet/0 feet
30 feet/0 feet
Maximum height
30 feet
30 feet
30 feet
30 feet
(7) Renewable energy systems (roof mounted active solar system or wind energy
facilities) provided they will not cast shadows and obstruct solar access or cause wind deflection
to a contiguous property. These apparatuses must also meet all other required zoning and
Universal Building Code regulations including setback and height requirements, be in
compliance with all state and federal regulations, and meet the requirements of the Park Rapids
Municipal Airport Zoning Ordinance.
(Prior Code, § 66-53) (Am. Ord. 491, passed 5-22-2007; Am. Ord. 522, passed 2-23-2010; Am.
Ord. 537, passed 4-24-2012) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) Statement of intent. To provide areas for actual or planned facilities intended to serve
the public; to permit orderly and economic development of public service utilities.
(B) Permitted uses. Cemeteries.
(C) Conditional uses. Uses authorized upon issuance of a conditional use permit include,
but are not limited to, the following:
(1) Airport: Public and/or private;
(2) Campground: Public or private;
(3) Public penal and correctional institutions;
(4) Public sanitary landfills, transfer stations, and recycling centers;
(5) Essential service utility structures and facilities; and
(6) Accessory uses to the above principal uses. See § 151.115.
Yard Requirements for P District
Other Uses
Lot area minimum square feet
5 acres
Lot width minimum feet
300 feet
Maximum lot coverage
Front yard minimum
100 feet
Side yard minimum
30 feet
Yard Requirements for P District
Rear yard minimum/alley
30 feet/0 feet
Maximum height
35 feet
(7) Renewable energy systems (roof mounted active solar system or wind energy
facilities) provided they will not cast shadows and obstruct solar access or cause wind deflection
to a contiguous property. These apparatuses must also meet all other required zoning and
Universal Building Code regulations including setback and height requirements, be in
compliance with all state and federal regulations, and meet the requirements of the Park Rapids
Municipal Airport Zoning Ordinance.
(Prior Code, § 66-54) (Am. Ord. 491, passed 5-22-2007; Am. Ord. 522, passed 2-23-2010)
Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) Statement of intent. The purpose of the R-1 Single-Family Residential District is to
provide low-density single-family detached residential dwelling units and directly related
complementary uses.
(B) Permitted uses.
(1) Single-family detached dwellings;
(2) State licensed residential facility or a housing with services establishment
registered under M.S. Chapter 144D serving 6 or fewer persons;
(3) Licensed daycare facilities serving 12 or fewer persons;
(4) Group family daycare facility licensed under Minn. Rules, Parts 9502.0315 to
9502.0445, as it may be amended from time to time, to serve 14 or fewer children;
(5) Public parks and playgrounds; and
(6) Accessory uses to permitted principal uses. See § 151.115.
(C) Conditional uses. The following are conditional uses in the R-1 District: (A
conditional use permit is required based upon the procedures, factors, findings and conditions set
forth in and regulated by § 151.243 of this chapter.)
(1) Bed and breakfast facilities;
(2) Public or semi-public recreational buildings and educational institutions limited to
elementary, middle and senior high schools; and religious institutions such as churches, chapels,
temples and synagogues;
(3) Governmental and public utility buildings and structures necessary for the health,
safety, and general welfare of the community;
(4) Boarding or renting rooms to not more than 1 person;
(5) Communication transmission and reception systems including but not limited to
free-standing satellite dishes, towers and/or antennae, provided that any ground cased device is
located in the rear yard; if located on corner lots, no closer than 5 feet from all adjoining lot
lines, and its location is reviewed by local utility companies. The City Council may require
appropriate conditions as necessary to maintain the character of the surrounding area;
(6) Home occupations consistent with § 151.146.
(7) Hospitals and clinics: exclusive of public or private institutions for confinement of
civil and criminal commitments;
(8) Fire stations;
(9) Essential service utility structures and facilities;
(10) Public golf courses;
(11) Residential Planned Unit Developments in the Shoreland Overlay District; and
(12) Accessory uses to the above principal uses.
Yard Requirements for R-1 District - Sewered Parcels
Accessory Buildings
Other Buildings
Lot area minimum square feet
Lot width minimum feet
100 feet
100 feet
Maximum lot coverage
Front yard minimum
35 feet
35 feet
35 feet
Side yard minimum
10 feet
10 feet
10 feet
Street side yard minimum
17.5 feet
17.5 feet
17.5 feet
Rear yard min./alley
30/20 feet
10/20 feet
30/20 feet
Maximum height
30 feet
17 feet
30 feet
Park Rapids - Land Usage
Yard Requirements for R-1 District - Unsewered Parcels
Accessory Buildings
Other Buildings
Lot area minimum square feet
10 acres
5 acres
Lot width minimum feet
600 feet
600 feet
Maximum lot coverage
Front yard minimum
35 feet
35 feet
35 feet
Side yard minimum
10 feet
10 feet
10 feet
Street side yard minimum
17.5 feet
17.5 feet
17.5 feet
Rear yard min./alley
30/20 feet
30/20 feet
Maximum height
30 feet
17 feet
30 feet
(13) Renewable energy systems (roof mounted active solar system or wind energy
facilities) provided they will not cast shadows and obstruct solar access or cause wind deflection
to a contiguous property. These apparatuses must also meet all other required zoning and
Universal Building Code regulations including setback and height requirements, be in
compliance with all state and federal regulations, and meet the requirements of the Park Rapids
Municipal Airport Zoning Ordinance.
(Prior Code, § 66-55) (Am. Ord. 376, passed 1-14-2003; Am. Ord. 491, passed 5-22-2007; Am.
Ord. 522, passed 2-23-2010; Am. Ord. 537, passed 4-24-2012) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) Statement of intent. The purpose of the R-1A Single-Family Residential in Annexation
Area District is to provide low density single-family detached residential dwelling units and
directly related complementary uses primarily in previously platted area within the Henrietta
Township Orderly Annexation Area.
(B) Permitted uses.
(1) Single-family detached dwellings;
(2) State licensed residential facility or a housing with services establishment
registered under M.S. Chapter 144D serving 6 or fewer persons;
(3) Licensed daycare facilities serving 12 or fewer persons;
(4) Group family daycare facility licensed under Minn. Rules, Parts 9502.0315 to
9502.0445, as it may be amended from time to time, to serve 14 or fewer children;
(5) Public parks and playgrounds; and
(6) Accessory uses to permitted principal uses. See § 151.115.
(C) Conditional uses. The following are conditional uses in the R-1A District: (A
conditional use permit is required based upon the procedures, factors, findings and conditions set
forth in and regulated by § 151.243 of this chapter.)
(1) Bed and breakfast facilities;
(2) Public or semi-public recreational buildings and educational institutions limited to
elementary, middle and senior high schools; and religious institutions such as churches, chapels,
temples and synagogues;
(3) Governmental and public utility buildings and structures necessary for the health,
safety, and general welfare of the community;
(4) Boarding or renting rooms to not more than 1 person;
(5) Communication transmission and reception systems including but not limited to
free-standing satellite dishes, towers and/or antennae, provided that any ground cased device is
located in the rear yard; if located on corner lots, no closer than 5 feet from all adjoining lot
lines, and its location is reviewed by local utility companies. The City Council may require
appropriate conditions as necessary to maintain the character of the surrounding area;
(6) Home occupations consistent with § 151.146;
(7) Hospitals and clinics: exclusive of public or private institutions for confinement of
civil and criminal commitments;
(8) Fire stations;
(9) Essential service utility structures and facilities;
(10) Public golf courses;
(11) Residential planned unit developments in the Shoreland Overlay District; and
(12) Accessory uses to the above principal uses.
Yard Requirements for R-1A District - Sewered Parcels
Accessory Buildings
Other Buildings
Lot area minimum square feet
Lot width minimum feet
100 feet
100 feet
Maximum lot coverage
Front yard minimum
35 feet
35 feet
35 feet
Side yard minimum
10 feet
10 feet
10 feet
Street side yard minimum
17.5 feet
17.5 feet
17.5 feet
Rear yard min./alley
30/20 feet
30/20 feet
Maximum height
30 feet
17 feet
30 feet
Yard Requirements for R-1A District - Unsewered Parcels
Accessory buildings
Other buildings
Lot area minimum square feet
2.5 acres
52. acres
Lot width minimum feet
200 feet
200 feet
Maximum lot coverage
Front yard minimum
35 feet
35 feet
35 feet
Side yard minimum
10 feet
10 feet
10 feet
Street side yard minimum
17.5 feet
17.5 feet
17.5 feet
Rear yard min./alley
30/20 feet
30/20 feet
Maximum height
30 feet
17 feet
30 feet
(13) Renewable energy systems (roof mounted active solar system or wind energy
facilities) provided they will not cast shadows and obstruct solar access or cause wind deflection
to a contiguous property. These apparatuses must also meet all other required zoning and
Universal Building Code regulations including setback and height requirements, be in
compliance with all state and federal regulations, and meet the requirements of the Park Rapids
Municipal Airport Zoning Ordinance.
(Ord. 491, passed 5-22-2007; Am. Ord. 522, passed 2-23-2010; Am. Ord. 537, passed 4-24-
(A) Statement of intent. This district is intended to provide low to moderate density single
and 2-family dwellings, twinhomes and townhouses and directly related complimentary uses.
(B) Permitted uses.
(1) Single-family detached dwellings;
(2) Twinhomes, with municipal services only;
(3) Two-family dwelling units (duplex);
(4) State licensed residential facility or a housing with services establishment
registered under M.S. Chapter 144D serving 6 or fewer persons;
(5) Licensed daycare serving 12 or fewer persons;
(6) Group family daycare facilities licensed under Minn. Rules, Parts 9502.0315 to
9502.0445, as it may be amended from time to time, to serve 14 or fewer children;
(7) Public parks and playgrounds; and
(8) Accessory uses to permitted principal uses. See § 151.115.
(C) Conditional uses. The following are conditional uses in the R-2 District, requiring a
conditional use permit based upon the procedures, findings, factors and conditions set forth in
and regulated by § 151.243:
(1) Bed and breakfast facilities;
(2) Public or semi-public recreational buildings and educational institutions limited to
elementary, middle and senior high schools; and religious institutions such as churches, chapels,
temples and synagogues;
(3) Governmental and public utility buildings and structures necessary for the health,
safety, and general welfare of the community;
(4) Town homes containing 4 units or less;
(5) Mobile and manufactured home parks in accordance with § 151.158;
(6) State licensed residential facility serving 7 to 16 persons;
(7) Licensed daycare facility serving 13 to 16 persons;
(8) Nursing homes, hospitals and clinics: exclusive of public or private institutions for
confinement of civil and criminal commitments;
(9) Fire stations;
(10) Essential service utility structures and facilities;
(11) Public golf courses;
(12) Boarding or renting rooms to not more than 1 person;
(13) Communication transmission and reception systems including but not limited to
free-standing satellite dishes, towers and/or antennas, provided that any ground cased device is
located in the rear yard; if located on corner lots no closer than 5 feet from all adjoining lot
lines, and its location is reviewed by local utility companies. The City Council may require
appropriate conditions as necessary to maintain the character of the surrounding area;
(14) Home occupations consistent with § 151.146;
(15) Residential Planned Unit Developments in the Shoreland Overlay District;
(16) Other residential, institutional, or government service uses determined by the
Planning Agency to be of the same general character as the permitted and conditional uses above
and found not to be detrimental to existing uses and the general public health, safety and welfare;
(17) Accessory uses to the above principal uses (see § 151.115).
Yard Requirements for R-2 District - Sewered Parcels
1-Family Accessory
Twinhome Duplex Townhouses Other
Lot area minimum square feet 9,000 5,500 10,500 11,000 first 2
units; 3,500
for each
add’l. unit
Lot width minimum feet 80 feet 50 feet 100 feet 50 feet
(end lots)
25 feet
(interior lots)
100 feet
Yard Requirements for R-2 District - Sewered Parcels
1-Family Accessory
Twinhome Duplex Townhouses Other
Maximum lot coverage
Front yard minimum
30 feet
30 feet
30 feet
30 feet
30 feet
30 feet
Side yard minimum
5 feet
5 feet
5 feet
5 feet
5 feet
5 feet
Street side yard minimum
15 feet
15 feet
15 feet
15 feet
15 feet
15 feet
Rear yard minimum/alley 30 feet/20
5 feet/20
30 feet/20
30 feet/20
30 feet/20
30 feet/20
Maximum height
30 feet
17 feet
30 feet
30 feet
35 feet
30 feet
Yard Requirements for R-2 District - Unsewered Parcels
Accessory Building
Other Buildings
Lot area minimum square feet
10 acres
10 acres
10 acres
Lot width minimum feet
600 feet
600 feet
600 feet
Maximum lot coverage
Front yard minimum
30 feet
30 feet
30 feet
30 feet
Side yard minimum
5 feet
5 feet
5 feet
10 feet
Street side yard minimum
15 feet
15 feet
15 feet
15 feet
Rear yard minimum/alley
30 feet/20 feet
5 feet/20 feet
30 feet/20 feet
30 feet/20 feet
Maximum height
30 feet
17 feet
30 feet
30 feet
(18) Renewable energy systems (roof mounted active solar system or wind energy
facilities) provided they will not cast shadows and obstruct solar access or cause wind deflection
to a contiguous
property. These apparatuses must also meet all other required zoning and Universal Building
regulations including setback and height requirements, be in compliance with all state and
federal regulations, and meet the requirements of the Park Rapids Municipal Airport Zoning
(19) Recreational camping area which:
(a) Meet all Minnesota Department of Health general requirements for a
recreational camping area;
(b) Is a minimum of 10 acres;
(c) Does not exceed 25% impervious lot coverage.
(Prior Code, § 66-56) (Am. Ord. 376, passed 1-14-2003; Am. Ord. 425, passed 1-25-2005; Am.
Ord. 469, passed 10-24-2006; Am. Ord. 491, passed 5-22-2007; Am. Ord. 522, passed 2-23-
2010; Am. Ord. 537, passed 4-24-2012; Am. Ord. 540, passed 10-9-2012) Penalty, see §
(A) Statement of intent. The purpose of the R-3 Medium Density Residential District is to
provide for medium density housing in multiple family structures and directly related
complementary uses.
(B) Permitted uses.
(1) Single-family detached dwellings;
(2) Two-family dwelling units (duplex);
(3) Twinhomes, with municipal services only;
(4) State licensed residential facility or a housing with services establishment
registered under M.S. Chapter 144D serving 6 or fewer persons;
(5) Licensed daycare serving 12 or fewer persons;
(6) Group family daycare facilities licensed under Minn. Rules, Parts 9502.0315 to
9502.0445, as it may be amended from time to time, to serve 14 or fewer children;
(7) Multi-family dwellings containing 12 or less units;
(8) Townhouses containing 8 units or less;
(9) Boarding houses limited to not more than 10 persons;
(10) Public parks and playgrounds; and
(11) Accessory uses to permitted principal uses; ( See § 151.115).
(C) Conditional uses. The following are conditional uses in the R-3 District, requiring a
conditional use permit based upon the procedures, findings, factors and conditions set forth in
and regulated by § 151.243.
(1) Bed and breakfast facilities;
(2) Public or semi-public recreational buildings and educational institutions limited to
elementary, middle and senior high schools; and religious institutions such as churches, chapels,
temples and synagogues;
(3) Governmental and public utility buildings and structures necessary for the health,
safety, and general welfare of the community;
(4) Townhouses containing more than 8 units;
(5) Mobile and manufactured home parks in accordance with § 151.158, manufactured
home park standards.
(6) State licensed residential facility serving 7 to 16 persons;
(7) Nursing homes, hospitals and clinics: exclusive of public or private institutions for
confinement of civil and criminal commitments;
(8) Fire stations;
(9) Essential service utility structures and facilities;
(10) Public golf courses;
(11) Communication transmission and reception systems including but not limited to
free-standing satellite dishes, towers and/or antennae, provided that any ground cased device is
located in the rear yard; if located on corner lots no closer than 5 feet from all adjoining lot lines,
and its location is reviewed by local utility companies. The City Council may require
appropriate conditions as necessary to maintain the character of the surrounding area;
(12) Home occupations consistent with § 151.146;
(13) Residential Planned Unit Developments in the Shoreland Overlay District;
(14) Small resort containing 12 or less units;
(15) Licensed daycare facility serving over 12 persons;
(16) Group family daycare licensed under Minn. Rules, Parts 9502.0315 to 9502.0445,
as it may be amended from time to time, to serve over 14 children;
(17) Professional services located in existing homes consistent with § 151.160;
(18) Multiple-family greater than 12 units;
(19) Other residential, institutional, or government service uses determined by the
planning agency to be of the same general character as the permitted and conditional uses above
and found not to be detrimental to existing uses and the general public health, safety, and
welfare; and
(20) Accessory uses to the above principal uses. See § 151.115.
Yard Requirements for R-3 District - Sewered Parcels
1-Family Accessory
Twinhome Duplex Townhouses Other
Lot area minimum
square feet
8,500 5,500 10,500 11,000 first 2
units; 3,500
for each
add’l. unit
10,500 10,500
plus 1,500
per unit
Lot width minimum
75 feet 50 feet 100 feet 50 feet (end
lots) 25 feet
(interior lots)
100 feet 100 feet
Maximum lot
30% 35% 35% 40% 35% 40%
Front yard minimum
30 feet
30 feet
30 feet
30 feet
30 feet
30 feet
30 feet
Side yard minimum
5 feet
5 feet
5 feet
5 feet
5 feet
5 feet
10 feet
Street side yard
15 feet 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet
Rear yard
30 feet/20
30 feet/20
30 feet/20
30 feet/20
30 feet/20
30 feet/20
Maximum height
30 feet
17 feet
30 feet
30 feet
35 feet
45 feet
35 feet
Zoning 47
Yard Requirements for R-3 District - Unsewered Parcels
1-Family Accessory
Duplex Townhouses Other
Lot area minimum square feet
10 acres
10 acres
10 acres
10 acres
10 acres
Lot width minimum feet
600 feet
600 feet
600 feet
600 feet
600 feet
Maximum lot coverage
Front yard minimum
30 feet
30 feet
30 feet
30 feet
30 feet
30 feet
Side yard minimum
5 feet
5 feet
5 feet
5 feet
5 feet
10 feet
Street side yard minimum
15 feet
15 feet
15 feet
15 feet
15 feet
15 feet
Rear yard minimum/alley 30 feet/20
30 feet/20
30 feet/20
30 feet/20
30 feet/20
30 feet/20
Maximum height
30 feet
17 feet
30 feet
35 feet
45 feet
35 feet
(21) Renewable energy systems (roof mounted active solar system or wind energy
facilities) provided they will not cast shadows and obstruct solar access or cause wind deflection
to a contiguous property. These apparatuses must also meet all other required zoning and
Universal Building Code regulations including setback and height requirements, be in
compliance with all state and federal regulations, and meet the requirements of the Park Rapids
Municipal Airport Zoning Ordinance.
(Prior Code, § 66-57) (Am. Ord. 376, passed 1-14-2003; Am. Ord. 418, passed 11-29-2004;
Am. Ord. 421, passed 1-25-2005; Am. Ord. 469, passed 10-24-2006; Am. Ord. 491, passed 5-22-
2007; Am. Ord. 522, passed 2-23-2010; Am. Ord. 537, passed 4-24-2012) Penalty, see §
(A) Intent. The purpose of the R-B District is to provide for the transition in land use from
residential to low intensity business allowing for the intermixing for these uses.
(B) Permitted uses.
(1) Single-family detached dwellings;
(2) Two-family dwelling units (duplex);
(3) Twinhomes, with municipal services only;
(4) State licensed residential facility or a housing with services establishment
registered under M.S. Chapter 144D serving 6 or fewer persons;
(5) Licensed daycare serving 12 or fewer persons;
(6) Group family daycare facilities licensed under Minn. Rules, Parts 9502.0315 to
9502.0445, as it may be amended from time to time, to serve 14 or fewer children;
(7) Public parks and playgrounds;
(8) Multi-family dwellings containing 12 or less units;
(9) Townhouses containing 8 units or less;
(10) Boarding houses limited to not more than 10 persons;
(11) Public libraries and museums;
(12) Public office buildings (such as city hall, courthouse, state of Minnesota, and the
(13) Professional service offices; and
(14) Accessory uses to the above permitted uses; (See § 151.115).
(C) Conditional uses. The following are conditional uses in the R-B District, requiring a
conditional use permit based upon the procedures, findings, factors and conditions set forth in
and regulated by § 151.243:
(1) Bed and breakfast facilities;
(2) Public or semi-public recreational buildings and educational institutions limited to
elementary, middle and senior high schools; and religious institutions such as churches, chapels,
temples and synagogues;
(3) Governmental and public utility buildings and structures necessary for the health,
safety and general welfare of the community;
(4) Town homes containing more than 8 units;
(5) Small resort containing 12 or less units;
(6) Licensed daycare facility serving over 12 persons;
(7) Group family daycare licensed under Minn. Rules, Parts 9502.0315 to 9502.0445,
as it may be amended from time to time, to serve over 14 children;
(8) Mobile and manufactured home parks in accordance with § 151.158, manufactured
home park standards;
(9) State licensed residential facility serving 7 to 16 persons;
(10) Communication transmission and reception systems including but not limited to
free-standing satellite dishes, towers and/or antennae, provided that any ground cased device is
located in the rear yard; if located on corner lots no closer than 5 feet from all adjoining lot lines,
and its location is reviewed by local utility companies. The City Council may require
appropriate conditions as necessary to maintain the character of the surrounding area;
(11) Home occupations consistent with § 151.146;
(12) Residential Planned Unit Developments in the Shoreland Overlay District;
(13) Hospitals, nursing homes, medical offices and clinics, (exclusive of public or
private institutions for confinement of civil and criminal commitments);
(14) Fire stations;
(15) Essential service utility structures and facilities;
(16) Public golf courses;
(17) Public mental health clinic;
(18) Seasonal retail establishments located in existing homes as regulated by § 151.160;
(19) Parking facilities for adjacent commercial or multiple dwelling establishments;
(20) Buildings combining residential and non-residential uses;
(21) Other residential, institutional, or government service uses determined by the
planning agency to be of the same general character as the permitted and conditional uses above
and found not to be detrimental to existing uses and the general public health, safety, and
welfare; and
(22) Accessory uses to the above principal uses. See § 151.115.
Yard Requirements for R-B District - Sewered Parcels
Twinhome Duplex Townhouses Other
Lot area minimum
square feet
10,500 5,500 10,500 11,000 first 2
units; 3,500
for each
add’l. unit
10,500 10,500 plus
Lot width minimum
100 feet 50 feet 100 feet 50 feet (end
lots) 25 feet
(interior lots)
100 feet 100 feet
Maximum lot
30% 35% 35% 40% 40% 40%
Front yard minimum
30 feet
30 feet
30 feet
30 feet
30 feet
30 feet
30 feet
Side yard minimum
5 feet
5 feet
5 feet
5 feet
5 feet
5 feet
5 feet
Street side yard
20 feet 20 feet 20 feet 15 feet 15 feet 20 feet 15 feet
Rear yard
5 feet/20
30 feet/20
30 feet/20
30 feet/20
30 feet/20
Maximum height
30 feet
17 feet
30 feet
30 feet
35 feet
45 feet
45 feet
(23) Renewable energy systems (roof mounted active solar system or wind energy
facilities) provided they will not cast shadows and obstruct solar access or cause wind deflection
to a contiguous property. These apparatuses must also meet all other required zoning and
Universal Building Code regulations including setback and height requirements, be in
compliance with all state and federal regulations, and meet the requirements of the Park Rapids
Municipal Airport Zoning Ordinance.
(Prior Code, § 66-60) (Am. Ord. 421, passed 1-25-2005; Am. Ord. 469, passed 10-24-2006;
Am. Ord. 491, passed 5-22-2007; Am. Ord. 522, passed 2-23-2010; Am. Ord. 537, passed 4-24-
2012) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) Statement of intent. This district is established to accommodate commercial activities
convenient to motorists and to accommodate those businesses which require large areas for off-
street parking or commercial storage, and which generate substantial traffic originating from
outside the community.
(B) Permitted uses. The following uses are allowed with a duly authorized permit from the
Zoning Administrator:
(1) Professional services including banks, medical clinics, public mental health
buildings, postal stations, and offices under 20,000 square feet;
(2) Personal services including dry cleaning and laundry establishments, laundromats,
barber and beauty shops, funeral homes, and shoe repair shops;
(3) Equipment services including radio and television shops, electrical appliance
(4) Food services including grocery stores, fruit and vegetable markets, meat markets,
supermarkets, restaurants, delicatessens, candy shops and bakeries whose products are sold at
retail on the premises;
(5) Retail businesses (under 20,000 square feet) including drug stores, hardware stores,
stationery and book stores, floral shops, apparel shops, showrooms for articles to be sold at retail;
(6) Hotels and motels;
(7) Churches, temples, chapels, synagogues, cathedrals and shrines;
(8) Trade or business schools;
(9) Printing shops and newspaper office and sales;
(10) Public buildings and utilities, including public works buildings;
(11) Public libraries and museums;
(12) Public office buildings (such as city hall, courthouse, State of Minnesota, and the
(13) Hospitals and clinics: exclusive of public or private institutions for confinement of
civil or criminal commitments;
(14) Fire stations;
(15) Treatment plants: sewage or water;
(16) Group daycares:
(17) Gas stations without service, including convenience stores. See conditional uses §
151.243; and
(18) Accessory uses and structures to the above permitted uses.
(C) Conditional uses. The following uses may be permitted with the approval of a
conditional use permit by the City Council following the procedures outlined in §§ 151.240 et
seq. of this chapter.
(1) Any professional service or retail establishment not specifically allowed as a
permitted use in this district;
(2) Single and multi-family housing provided that the dwelling units are located above
or behind commercial or office establishments, subject to the following conditions that any
apartment shall be provided with private access, other than through a business;
(3) Entertainment businesses, such as bowling alleys, bars and theaters;
(4) Storage facilities and warehouses;
(5) Large retail business and offices over 20,000 square feet;
(6) On and off-sale liquor establishments;
(7) Recreational facilities such as bowling alleys, community centers, private fitness
clubs, and the like;
(8) Hospitals, nursing homes, care facilities;
(9) Private clubs (i.e. VFW, Eagles, and the like);
(10) Veterinary and animal clinics, kennels, and public animal shelters;
(11) Manufactured housing sales and rental;
(12) Lumberyards, landscape equipment and sales;
(13) Contractors such as electrical, plumbing and building service and sales;
(14) Auto, boat, farm machinery and recreational vehicles repair, service and sales;
(15) Shopping centers (mini-malls, and the like);
(16) Public fairgrounds;
(17) Public golf courses;
(18) Other essential service utility structures and facilities;
(19) Light assembly/manufacturing incidental to the primary use and compatible with
existing, permitted uses in this district; and
(20) Other uses determined by the planning agency to be of the same general character
as the permitted and conditional uses above and found not to be detrimental to existing uses and
the general public health, safety, and welfare.
(21) Accessory uses and structures to the above conditionally permitted uses.
Yard Requirements for B-1 District
All Uses - Unsewered
All Uses - Sewered
Lot area minimum
1 acre
No minimum
Lot width minimum feet
200 feet
100 feet
Maximum lot coverage
Front yard minimum
15 feet
15 feet
Side yard minimum
15 feet
8 feet
Rear yard minimum/alley
10 feet/10 feet
10 feet/10 feet
See § 151.156 for off-street parking requirements
(22) Renewable energy systems (roof mounted active solar system or wind energy
facilities) provided they will not cast shadows and obstruct solar access or cause wind deflection
to a contiguous property. These apparatuses must also meet all other required zoning and
Universal Building Code regulations including setback and height requirements, be in
compliance with all state and federal regulations, and meet the requirements of the Park Rapids
Municipal Airport Zoning Ordinance.
(Prior Code, § 66-61) (Am. Ord. 383, passed 5-13-2003; Am. Ord. 421, passed 1-25-2005; Am.
Ord. 437, passed 6-28-2005; Am. Ord. 491, passed 5-22-2007; Am. Ord. 522, passed 2-23-2010)
Penalty, see § 151.999
54 Park Rapids - Land Usage
(A) Statement of intent. This district is intended to preserve a central business district
convenient and attractive for a wide range of retail uses and businesses, government and
professional offices, in a setting conducive to and safe for a high level of pedestrian traffic.
(B) Permitted uses. The following uses are allowed with a duly authorized permit from the
Zoning Administrator:
(1) Professional services including banks, medical clinics, postal stations, and offices;
(2) Personal services including dry cleaning and laundry establishments, laundromats,
barber and beauty shops, funeral homes, and shoe repair shops;
(3) Equipment services including radio and television shops, electrical appliances
(4) Food services including grocery stores, fruit and vegetable markets, meat markets,
supermarkets, restaurants, delicatessens, candy shops and bakeries whose products are sold at
retail on the premises;
(5) Retail businesses including drug stores, hardware stores, stationery and book stores,
floral shops, apparel shops, showrooms for articles to be sold at retail;
(6) Public libraries and museums;
(7) Public office buildings (such as city hall, courthouse, State of Minnesota, and the
(8) Utilities: public and private utilities in compliance with all local, state and federal
regulations; and
(9) Accessory uses and structures.
(C) Conditional uses. The following uses may be permitted with the approval of a
conditional use permit by the City Council following the procedures outlined in §§ 151.240 et
seq. of this chapter.
(1) Any professional service or retail establishment not specifically allowed as a
permitted use in this district, e.g., plumbing and heating shops;
(2) Churches;
(3) Public mental health clinic;
(4) Other essential service utility structures and facilities;
(5) Single and multi-family housing provided that the dwelling units are located above
or behind commercial or office establishments, subject to the following conditions that any
apartment shall be provided with private access, other than through a business; and
(6) Entertainment businesses, such as bowling alleys, bars, theater, and health clubs.
(7) Renewable energy systems (roof mounted active solar system or wind energy
facilities) provided they will not cast shadows and obstruct solar access or cause wind deflection
to a contiguous property. These apparatuses must also meet all other required zoning and
Universal Building Code regulations including setback and height requirements, be in
compliance with all state and federal regulations, and meet the requirements of the Park Rapids
Municipal Airport Zoning Ordinance.
(D) Accessory structures and uses.
(1) These specific requirements, in accordance with the Minnesota State Building
Codes and the State of Minnesota’s Fire Codes, will be mandatory in the consideration given to
individual building permits for the construction of awnings, marquees, canopies, roof extension,
decks and balconies in the General Business District (B-2 Zone) as per the City of Park Rapids
Building Inspector and the Planning Administrator.
(2) Requirements for awnings, marquees, canopies, roof extensions over the public
right-of-way shall be considered a part of the principal structure and shall, therefore, meet all
structure requirements, unless otherwise noted:
(a) Support poles must be a minimum of 8 feet from the front line and a minimum
of 2.5 feet from the curb line.
(b) Height shall be a minimum of 8 feet from the sidewalk (grade) to lowest point,
including support beams, and must be maintained with the exception of non-rigid awnings,
which may extend to 7 feet from grade.
(c) Lighting must be a minimum of 1 foot candle to be maintained on the sidewalk
area under the structure. Lighting must remain on after dark and all night long.
(d) Liability becomes the assumption of the property owner, who will assume all
liability for the maintenance of the structures and must maintain them in a manner that will not
jeopardize the health, safety and welfare of the public. This includes the removal of snow and
ice build up that may occur during winter months. Refer to § 92.04 of the city code.
54B Park Rapids - Land Usage
(2) Requirements for decks and balconies shall be considered a part of the principal
structure and shall, therefore, meet all structure requirements, unless otherwise noted.
(a) Support poles must meet standards of awnings, marquees, canopies, and roof
(b) A deck must not extend beyond the support poles.
(c) Decks and balconies shall be for decorative purposes only. They are to be non-
occupiable except for performing maintenance on the structure.
Yard Requirements for B-2 District
All Uses
Lot area minimum
2,500 square feet
Lot width minimum feet
25 feet
Maximum lot coverage
Front yard minimum
0 feet
Side yard minimum
0 feet
Rear yard minimum/alley
30 feet/10 feet*
*In the B-2 District, awnings, marquees, canopies, balconies, decks, and roof
extensions shall be allowed to extend beyond the 0 feet front setback, over the
sidewalk (public right-of-way) upon meeting the requirements of this section
(Prior Code, § 66-62) (Am. Ord. 360, passed 2-12-2002; Am. Ord. 491, passed 5-22-2007; Am.
Ord. 522, passed 2-23-2010) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) Statement of intent. The provisions of the I-1 District are intended to provide areas for
commercial establishments that are relatively independent from adjacent commercial uses for
2007 S-2
Zoning 55
business use, extensive outdoor storage or warehousing, require close access to major
thoroughfares, generate truck traffic, or have similar characteristics which make them
incompatible uses in the B Districts and more appropriate as neighbors of industrial uses; and, to
establish and preserve, in a location and manner which benefits the city, industrial and related
uses which are relatively free from objectionable influences and therefore are of a nature that
they will not adversely affect surrounding areas.
(B) Permitted uses. The following uses are allowed with a duly authorized land use permit
from the Zoning Administrator:
(1) Light manufacturing and similar-type industrial operations that are consistent with
the purposes of this district. See § 151.159;
(2) Wholesale building material storage yards, and lumberyards;
(3) Contractors and construction service shops, equipment rental, or storage yards;
(4) Wholesale establishments including warehousing and storage buildings;
(5) Commercial laundries and dry-cleaning plants;
(6) Veterinary clinics with overnight boarding facilities;
(7) Research and testing laboratories, storage buildings, and distributing stations other
than those storing combustible or explosive fuels, used automobile parts, or other waste or junk;
(8) Bulk fuel distributorships, but only if located in the I-1District adjacent to South
Highway 71;
(9) Auto, boat, farm machinery and recreational vehicle repair, service and sales;
(10) Training facilities for high technology and manufacturing;
(11) Vocational schools;
(12) Conference centers;
(13) Other essential service utility structures and facilities; and
(14) Accessory uses to the above permitted uses.
(C) Conditional uses. The following uses may be permitted with the approval of a
conditional use permit by the City Council following the procedures outlined in §§ 151.240 of
this chapter.
(1) Day care facilities as an accessory use to a primary permitted use; and
(2) Adult uses are subject to the following restrictions:
(a) Adult use/principal activities must be located at least 700 radial feet as
measured in a straight line from the building upon which the adult use/principal is located to the
property line if the following:
1. Residential zoned property;
2. Agricultural lands located in the neighboring township or in the city that is
designated in the comprehensive plan for residential use;
3. A licensed daycare center including those used as an accessory use;
4. A public or private educational facility classified as elementary, middle,
junior high, or senior high;
5. A public library;
6. A public park;
7. A church; and
8. Amusement places such as roller rinks, dance halls, or bowling alleys.
(b) Adult use/principal activities is a separate use and no 2 adult use/principal
activities shall be located in the same building or upon the same property and each use shall be
subject to the above.
(c) Adult use/principal activities are prohibited in establishments where liquor is
(d) Adult use/principal activities are prohibited at any place or event where minors
are permitted.
(3) Other uses determined by the planning agency to be of the same general character
as the permitted and conditional uses above and found not to be detrimental to existing uses and
the general public health, safety, and welfare.
Zoning 57
Yard Requirements for I-1 District
All Uses
Lot area minimum
20,000 square feet
Lot width minimum feet
100 feet
Maximum lot coverage
Front yard minimum
35 feet
Side yard minimum
15 feet
Rear yard minimum/alley
30 feet/10 feet
(4) Renewable energy systems (roof mounted active solar system or wind energy
facilities) provided they will not cast shadows and obstruct solar access or cause wind deflection
to a contiguous property. These apparatuses must also meet all other required zoning and
Universal Building Code regulations including setback and height requirements, be in
compliance with all state and federal regulations, and meet the requirements of the Park Rapids
Municipal Airport Zoning Ordinance.
(Prior Code, § 66-63) (Am. Ord. 352, passed 8-28-2001; Am. Ord. 383, passed 5-13-2003; Am.
Ord. 421, passed 1-25-2005; Am. Ord. 437, passed 6-28-2005; Am. Ord. 491, passed 5-22-2007;
Am. Ord. 522, passed 2-23-2010) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) Statement of intent. This district is intended to preserve areas for industrial uses, such
as manufacturing, which by their nature are most appropriately located as neighbors of other
industrial uses.
(B) Permitted uses. The following uses are allowed with a duly authorized permit from the
Zoning Administrator:
(1) Any uses listed in an I-1 District;
(2) Heavy equipment contractors that require outside storage of equipment and
construction materials;
(3) Manufacturing and similar type of industrial operations consistent with the
purposes of this district that has no adverse environmental impacts, e.g. noise, odor, and the like;
(4) Grain elevators, feed mixing plants, and other agricultural manufacturing plants;
(5) Accessory uses clearly incidental to the principle use.
(C) Conditional uses. The following uses may be permitted with the approval of a
conditional use permit by the City Council following the procedures outlined in §§ 151.240 of
this chapter.
(1) Wrecking and salvage yards when completely enclosed within a solid fence;
(2) Manufacturing of cement, cement products, and concrete;
(3) Stockpiling of sand, gravel, or fill dirt;
(4) Manufacture or distillation of grain, wood, or vegetable matter;
(5) Any industrial use not specifically listed as a permitted use in this district, and
which by its nature has a minimum impact of noise, dirt, soot, offensive odors or unsanitary
conditions which could be observed from beyond the specific industrial districts; and
(6) Day care facilities.
Yard Requirements for I-2 District
All Uses
Lot area minimum
1 acre
Lot width minimum feet
150 feet
Maximum lot coverage
Front yard minimum
35 feet
Side yard minimum
15 feet
Rear yard minimum/alley
30 feet/0 feet
(7) Renewable energy systems (roof mounted active solar system or wind energy
facilities) provided they will not cast shadows and obstruct solar access or cause wind deflection
to a contiguous property. These apparatuses must also meet all other required zoning and
Universal Building Code regulations including setback and height requirements, be in
compliance with all state and federal regulations, and meet the requirements of the Park Rapids
Municipal Airport Zoning Ordinance.
(Prior Code, § 66-64) (Am. Ord. 437, passed 6-28-2005; Am. Ord. 491, passed 5-22-2007; Am.
Ord. 522, passed 2-23-2010) Penalty, see § 151.999
Zoning 58A
(A) Generally. The regulations contained in this Overlay District are intended to guide and
govern the wise development of shoreland of public waters, thus preserving and enhancing the
quality of surface waters, preserving the economic and natural environmental values of
shorelands, and providing for the wise utilization of water and related land resources in the city.
(B) Lot area requirements.
Lot Area Requirements
Unsewered Natural Environment Lakes
Riparian Lots
Nonriparian Lots
80,000 square feet
80,000 square feet
120,000 square feet
160,000 square feet
160,000 square feet
240,000 square feet
200,000 square feet
320,000 square feet
Sewered Natural Environment Lakes
Riparian Lots
Nonriparian Lots
40,000 square feet
20,000 square feet
70,000 square feet
35,000 square feet
100,000 square feet
52,000 square feet
130,000 square feet
65,000 square feet
Unsewered Recreational Development Lakes
Riparian Lots
Nonriparian Lots
40,000 square feet
40,000 square feet
80,000 square feet
80,000 square feet
120,000 square feet
120,000 square feet
160,000 square feet
160,000 square feet
Sewered Recreational Development Lakes
Riparian Lots
Nonriparian Lots
20,000 square feet
15,000 square feet
35,000 square feet
26,000 square feet
50,000 square feet
38,000 square feet
65,000 square feet
49,000 square feet
(C) Lot width requirements.
Lot Width Requirements
Unsewered Natural Environment Lakes
Sewered Natural Environment Lakes
Residential Use
Riparian Lots
Nonriparian Lots
Riparian Lots
Nonriparian Lots
200 feet
200 feet
125 feet
125 feet
300 feet
400 feet
225 feet
220 feet
400 feet
600 feet
325 feet
315 feet
500 feet
800 feet
425 feet
410 feet
Special Lot Width Requirements for Shoreland Areas of Tributaries
Residential Use
Unsewered Lots
Sewered Lots
100 feet
75 feet*
150 feet
115 feet
200 feet
150 feet
250 feet
190 feet
*Lot widths may be more restrictive in the underlying zoning district. The strictest
standard shall apply.
Unsewered Recreational Development Lakes
Sewered Recreational Development Lakes
Residential Use
Riparian Lot
Nonriparian Lots
Riparian Lots
Nonriparian Lots
150 feet
150 feet
75 feet*
75 feet*
225 feet
265 feet
135 feet
135 feet
300 feet
375 feet
195 feet
190 feet
375 feet
490 feet
255 feet
245 feet
*Lot widths may be more restrictive in the underlying zoning district. The strictest standard shall apply.
(D) Setback provisions.
Structure and other setbacks:*
Structures from
Class of Treatment
Public Water
Ordinary High
Water Level
Side Lot Line Federal,
State or
Unsewered Sewered Unsewered Sewered R.O.W. R.O.W.
150 feet 150
50 feet 12 feet 10 feet 50 feet 30 feet 150 feet
100 feet 75 feet 30
50 feet 10 feet 10 feet 50 feet 30 feet 75 feet
Tributaries 100 feet 50 feet 30
50 feet 20 feet 10 feet 50 feet 30 feet 75 feet
*Structure setbacks from lot lines for non-riparian lots shall be equal to the existing setback requirement in the
corresponding zoning district that the lot is located in.
(1) Averaging setbacks. In shoreland areas, the structure setback from the ordinary
high water level may be modified to equal the average of the principal structure setback on lots
immediately adjacent to the parcel in question provided that no structure setback shall be
established at less than 50 feet from the ordinary high water level and no structure shall be
allowed within a shore or bluff impact zone.
(2) Height of structures. No buildings shall exceed 25 feet in height in shoreland
(3) Ground coverage percentage. The maximum ground coverage percentage shall be
25% of a lot in all shoreland areas and includes paving, cement, and all other impermeable
(4) Distance between buildings.
(a) No more than 1 principal building may be located on 1 lot in a residential
(b) In other districts, each principal building shall be a minimum of 12 feet from
any other principal building on the lot.
(5) Uses without water-oriented needs. Non-residential uses without water-oriented
needs shall locate on lots without public water frontage or, if located on lots with public water
frontage, shall be either set back double the ordinary high water level setback or be substantially
screened from view from the water by vegetation or topography assuming summer leaf-on
(6) Guest cottages in shoreland areas. In shoreland areas, 1 guest cottage is allowed
on lots meeting or exceeding the duplex lot area and width standards prescribed in divisions (B)
and (C) of this section, provided the following minimum standards are met:
(a) A guest cottage may only be allowed as an accessory structure to a conforming
single-family dwelling;
(b) For lots exceeding the minimum lot dimensions of duplex lots, the guest
cottage shall be located within the smallest duplex-sized lot that could be created including the
principal unit;
(c) A guest cottage must not cover more than 500 square feet of land surface and
must not exceed 15 feet in height; and
(d) A guest cottage must be located and designed to reduce its visibility as viewed
from public waters and adjacent shorelands by vegetation, topography, increased setbacks or
color, assuming summer leaf-on conditions.
(E) Design criteria for structures in shoreland areas. In shoreland areas, all structures must
be placed, and all lots developed, in accordance with the following design criteria:
(1) Structures. Structures must be placed in accordance with any floodplain
regulations applicable to the site. Where these controls do not exist, the elevation to which the
lowest floor, including basement, is placed or flood-proofed must be determined as follows.
(a) For lakes, by placing the lowest floor at least 3 feet above the highest known
water level, or 3 feet above the ordinary high water level, whichever is higher;
(b) For rivers and tributaries, by placing the lowest floor at least 3 feet above the
flood of record, if data are available. If data are not available, by placing the lowest floor at east
3 feet above the ordinary high water level, or by conducting a technical evaluation to determine
the effects of proposed construction upon flood stages and flood flows and to establish a flood
protection elevation. Under all 3 approaches, technical evaluations must be done by a qualified
engineer or hydrologist consistent with Statewide Floodplain Management Rules parts
6120.5000 to 6120.6200. If more than 1 approach is used, the highest flood protection elevation
determined shall be used for placing structures and other facilities.
(2) Stairways, lifts and landings. Stairways and lifts are the preferred alternative to
major topographic alterations for achieving access up and down bluffs and steep slopes to shore
areas. Stairways, lifts, and landings must meet the following design requirements:
(a) Stairways and lifts must not exceed 4 feet in width on residential lots. Wider
stairways may be used for commercial properties, public open-space recreational properties, and
Planned Unit Developments if specifically authorized in a conditional use permit;
(b) Landings for stairways and lifts on residential lots must not exceed 32 square
feet in area. Landings larger than 32 square feet may be allowed for commercial properties,
public open-space recreational properties, and Planned Unit Developments if specifically
authorized in a conditional use permit;
(c) Canopies or roofs are not allowed on stairways, lifts, or landings;
(d) Stairways, lifts, or landings may be either constructed above the ground on
posts or pilings, or placed into the ground provided they are designed and built in a manner that
ensures control of soil erosion;
(e) Stairways, lifts, or landings must be located in the most visually inconspicuous
portions of lots, as viewed from the surface of the public waters assuming summer, leaf-on
conditions, whenever practical; and
(f) Facilities such as ramps, lifts or mobility paths for physically handicapped
persons are also allowed as a conditional use (variance) for achieving access to shore areas,
provided that the dimensional and performance standards of ADAG, Americans with Disabilities
Act Guidelines, are complied with.
(3) Accessory structures and facilities. All accessory structures and facilities must
meet or exceed structure setback standards.
(4) Bluff impact zones. Structures or facilities, except stairways and landings, must not
be placed within bluff impact zones.
(5) Significant historic sites in shoreland areas. No structure may be placed on a
significant historic site in a shoreland area in a manner that affects the value of the site unless
adequate information about the site has been removed and deposited in a public repository.
(6) Steep slopes in shoreland areas.
(a) The Zoning Administrator shall evaluate possible soil erosion impacts and
development visibility from public waters before issuing a permit for the construction of sewage
treatment systems, roads, driveways, structures or other improvements on steep slopes.
64 Park Rapids - Land Usage
(b) When determined necessary, conditions must be attached to issue permits to
prevent erosion and to preserve existing vegetation screening of structures, vehicles, and other
facilities as viewed from the surface of public waters, assuming summer leaf-on conditions.
(7) Subdivisions of duplexes, triplexes, and quads on natural environment lakes.
Subdivisions of duplexes, triplexes, and quads on natural environment lakes must also meet the
following standards:
(a) Each building must be set back at least 200 feet from the ordinary high water
(b) Each building must have common sewage treatment and water systems in 1
location and serve all dwelling units in the building;
(c) Watercraft docking facilities for each lot must be centralized in 1 location and
serve all dwelling units in the building; and
(d) No more than 25% of a lake’s shoreline may be in duplex, triplex, or quad
(8) See §§ 151.100 et seq. for non-conformities and substandard lots of record in a
shoreland district.
(Prior Code, § 66-66) (Ord. passed 1994; Am. Ord. 375, passed 11-26-2002; Am. Ord. 491,
passed 5-22-2007) Penalty, see § 151.999
Removal or alteration of vegetation, except for agricultural and forest management uses as
regulated by §§ 151.085 and 151.086 of this chapter, is allowed subject to the following
(A) Intensive vegetative clearing within the shore and bluff impact zones and on steep
slopes is not allowed. Intensive vegetative clearing for forest land conversion to another use
outside of these areas is allowed as a conditional use provided an erosion control and
sedimentation plan is developed and approved by the Hubbard Soil and Water Conservation
(B) In shore and bluff impact zones and on steep slopes, limited clearing of trees and shrubs
and cutting and pruning, and trimming of trees is allowed to provide a view to the water from the
principal dwelling site and to accommodate the placement of stairways, lifts and landings, picnic
areas, access paths, livestock watering areas, and beach and watercraft access areas, provided
(1) The screening of structures, vehicles, or other facilities as viewed from the water,
assuming summer, leaf-on conditions, is not substantially reduced;
(2) Along rivers, existing shading of water surfaces is preserved; and
(3) The above provisions are not applicable to the removal of trees, limbs, or branches
that are dead, diseased, or pose safety hazards.
(C) Vegetative alterations necessary for the construction of structures and sewage treatment
systems and the construction of roads and parking areas regulated by § 151.082 of the chapter
are exempt from the vegetative alteration standards prescribed in the section.
(Prior Code, § 66-71) (Ord. passed 1994) Penalty, see § 151.999
Topographic alterations, including grading or filling, shall not be allowed without a use
permit from the Zoning Administrator, with the following exceptions.
(A) The cumulative movement of less than 10 cubic yards of material on steep slopes or
within shore or bluff impact zones may be undertaken without a permit.
(B) The cumulative movement of less than 50 cubic yards of material outside of steep
slopes and shore and bluff impact zones may be undertaken without a permit.
(C) Grading and filling and excavations necessary for the construction of structures, sewage
treatment systems, and driveways under validly issued construction permits for these facilities do
not require the issuance of a separate grading and filling permit. However, the grading and
filling standards prescribed in this section must be incorporated into the issuance of permits for
the construction of structures, sewage treatment systems, and driveways.
(D) Public roads and parking areas must meet the requirements prescribed in § 151.082 of
this chapter.
(E) The following considerations and conditions must be adhered to for the issuance of
construction permits, grading and filling permits, conditional use permits, variances, and
subdivision approvals:
(1) Grading and filling in any type 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 wetland must be evaluated to
determine how extensively the proposed activity would affect the functional qualities of the
wetland, including: sediment and pollutant trapping and retention; storage of surface runoff to
prevent or reduce flood damage; fish and wildlife habitat; recreational use; shoreline or bank
stabilization; and note worthiness, including special qualities such as historic significance, and
critical habitat for endangered plants and animals. This evaluation must also include a
determination of whether the wetland alteration being proposed requires permits, reviews, or
approvals by other local, state or federal agencies such as a watershed district, the Minnesota
Department of Natural Resources, or the United States Army Corps of Engineers. The applicant
will be so advised by the Zoning Administrator;
(2) Alterations must be conducted in a manner that ensures that only the smallest
amount of bare ground is exposed for the shortest time possible;
(3) Mulches or similar materials must be used, where necessary, for temporary bare
soil coverage, and a permanent vegetative cover must be established as soon as possible;
(4) Methods to minimize soil erosion and to trap sediments before they reach any
surface water feature must be used;
(5) Altered areas must be stabilized to acceptable erosion control standards consistent
with the field office technical guides of the Hubbard Soil and Water Conservation District and
the United States Soil Conservation Service;
(6) Fill or excavated material must not be placed in a manner that creates an unstable
(7) Plans to place fill or excavated material on steep slopes must be reviewed by
qualified professionals for continued slope stability and must not create finished slopes of 30%
or greater;
(8) Fill or excavated material must not be placed in bluff impact zones;
(9) Any alterations below the ordinary high water level of public waters must first be
authorized by the Commissioner of Natural Resources under M.S. Chapter 103 G, as it may be
amended from time to time;
(10) Alterations of topography must only be allowed if they are accessory to permitted
or conditional uses and do not adversely affect adjacent or nearby properties; and
(11) Placement of natural rock riprap, including associated grading of the shoreline and
placement of a filter blanket, is permitted if the finished slope does not exceed 3 feet horizontal
to 1 foot vertical, the landward extent of the riprap is within 10 feet of the ordinary high water
level does not exceed 3 feet.
(F) Excavating where the intended purpose is connection to public water, such as boat slips,
canals, lagoons, and harbors, requires a conditional use permit from the Park Rapids City
Council. The conditional use permit shall only be granted after the Commissioner of Natural
Resources has approved the proposed connection to public waters.
(Prior Code, § 66-72) (Ord. passed 1994) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) Public and private roads, recreational trails and parking areas must be designed to take
advantage of natural vegetation and topography to achieve maximum screening from view from
public waters. Documentation must be provided by a qualified individual that all roads and
parking areas are designed and constructed to minimize and control erosion to public waters
consistent with the technical guides of the Hubbard Soil and Water Conservation District, or
other technical materials.
(B) Roads, driveways, recreational trails and parking areas must meet structure setbacks and
must not be placed within bluff and shore impact zones when other reasonable and feasible
placement alternatives exist. If no alternatives exist, they may be placed within these areas, but
must be designed to minimize adverse impacts.
(C) Public and private watercraft access ramps, approach roads, and access-related parking
areas may be placed within shore impact zones provided that the vegetative screening and
erosion control conditions of this section are met. For private facilities, the grading and filling
provisions prescribed in § 151.081 (D) of this chapter must be met.
(Prior Code, § 66-73) (Ord. passed 1994) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) When possible, existing natural drainageways, wetlands, and vegetated soil surfaces
must be used to convey, store, filter, and retain stormwater runoff before discharge to public
(B) (1) Development must be planned and conducted in a manner that will minimize the
extent of disturbed areas, runoff velocities, erosion potential, and reduce and delay runoff
(2) Disturbed areas must be stabilized and protected as soon as possible and facilities
or methods used to retain sediment on the site.
(C) (1) When development density, topographic features, and soil and vegetation
conditions are not sufficient to adequately handle stormwater runoff using natural features and
vegetation, various types of constructed facilities such as diversions, settling basins, skimming
devices, dikes, waterways and ponds may be used.
(2) Preference must be given to designs using surface drainage, vegetation, and
infiltration rather than buried pipes and manmade materials and facilities.
(D) When constructed facilities are used for stormwater management, documentation must
be provided by a qualified individual that they are designed and installed consistent with the field
office technical guide of the Hubbard Soil and Water Conservation District.
68 Park Rapids - Land Usage
(E) Newly constructed stormwater outfalls to public water must provide for filtering or
settling of suspended solids and skimming of surface debris before discharge.
(F) Impervious surface coverage of lots must not exceed 25% of the lot area.
(Prior Code, § 66-74) (Ord. passed 1994) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) Surface water-oriented commercial uses and industrial, public, or semipublic uses with
similar needs to have access to and use of public waters may be located on parcels or lots with
frontage on public waters. Those uses with water-oriented needs must meet the following
(1) In addition to meeting impervious coverage limits, setbacks, and other dimensional
provisions of this chapter, the uses must be designed to incorporate topographic and vegetative
screening of parking areas and structures;
(2) Uses that require short-term watercraft mooring for patrons must centralize these
facilities and design them to avoid obstructions of navigation and to be the minimum size
necessary to meet the need; and
(3) Uses that depend on patrons arriving by watercraft may use signs and lighting to
convey needed information to the public, subject to the following general standards:
(a) No advertising signs or supporting facilities for signs may be placed in or upon
public waters. Signs conveying information or safety messages may be placed in or on public
waters by a public authority or under a permit issued by the Hubbard County Sheriff;
(b) Signs may be placed, when necessary, within the shore impact zone. The signs
must not be located higher than 10 feet above the ground, and must not exceed 32 square feet in
size. If illuminated by artificial lighting, the lights shall be shielded or directed to prevent
illumination out across public waters; and
(c) Other outside lighting may be located within the shore impact zone or over
public waters if it is used primarily to illuminate potential safety hazards and is shielded or
otherwise directed to prevent direct illumination out across public waters. This section does not
preclude the use of navigational lighting.
(B) Uses without water-oriented needs must be located on lots or parcels without public
water frontage, or, if located on lots with public water frontage, must either be set back double
the normal setback from the ordinary high water level or be substantially screened from view
from the water by vegetation or topography, assuming summer, leaf-on conditions.
(Prior Code, § 66-75) (Ord. passed 1994; Am. Ord. 491, passed 5-22-2007) Penalty, see §
(A) General cultivation farming, grazing, nurseries, horticulture, truck farming, sod
farming, and wild crop harvesting are permitted uses if steep slopes and bluff impact zones are
maintained in permanent vegetation or operated under an approved conservation plan consistent
with the field office technical guides of the Hubbard Soil and Water Conservation District or the
United States Soil Conservation Service. The shore impact zone for parcels with permitted
agricultural land uses is equal to a line parallel to and 50 feet from the ordinary high water level,
or half of the structure setback from the ordinary high water level within the particular
management district, whichever is greater.
(B) Animal feedlots must meet the following standards:
(1) New feedlots must not be located in the shoreland of watercourses or in bluff
impact zones and must meet a minimum setback of 300 feet from the ordinary high water level
of all public water basins;
(2) Modifications or expansions to existing feedlots that are located within 300 feet
from the ordinary high water level or within a bluff impact zone are allowed if they do not
further encroach into the existing ordinary high water level setback or encroach on bluff impact
zones; and
(3) Feedlots must comply with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Rules Chapter
7020, as it may be amended from time to time.
(C) Agricultural practices and associated uses must be conducted consistent with the
provisions of Agricultural and Water Quality, Best Management Practices for Minnesota, a copy
of which is on file at city hall, Park Rapids, Minnesota.
(Prior Code, § 66-76) (Ord. passed 1994) Penalty, see § 151.999
The harvesting of timber and associated reforestation must be conducted consistent with the
provisions of the Minnesota Nonpoint Source Pollution Assessment-Forestry and the provisions
of Water Quality in Forest Management Best Management Practices in Minnesota, a copy of
which is on file at city hall, Park Rapids, Minnesota.
(Prior Code, § 66-77) (Ord. passed 1994) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) An extractive use site development and restoration plan must be developed, approved,
and followed over the course of operation of the site. The plan must address dust, noise, possible
pollutant discharges, hours and duration of operation, and anticipated vegetation and topographic
alterations. The plan must also identify actions to be taken during operation to mitigate adverse
environmental impacts, particularly erosion, and must clearly explain how the site will be
rehabilitated after extractive activities end.
(B) Processing machinery must be located consistent with setback standards for structures
from the ordinary high water level of public water and from bluffs.
(C) Mining of metallic minerals and peat, as defined in M.S. §§ 93.44 to 93.51, as it may be
amended from time to time, shall be a permitted use provided the provisions of the specified
sections of state statutes are satisfied.
(Prior Code, § 66-78) (Ord. passed 1994) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) All legally established non-conformities existing as of the date of enactment of this
chapter may continue provided that they are managed in accordance with applicable state statutes
and the following standards.
(B) It is the intent of this subchapter to regulate non-conforming uses of structures and lots
and to provide for their gradual elimination.
(Prior Code, § 66-101) (Ord. passed 2001)
(A) Any use lawfully existing upon the effective date of this subchapter may be continued at
the size and in a manner of operation existing upon such date except as hereinafter specified.
(B) If such nonconforming use ceases for a continuous period of 1 year, any subsequent use
of the building shall be in conformity to the use regulations specified by this subchapter for the
district in which such building is located.
(C) Any structure which represents a nonconforming use shall not be rebuilt or
reconstructed to its former use and physical dimensions if damaged 50% or more of the current
market value by fire, wind, earthquake, explosion, or any other casualty, according to the
estimate of the Building Inspector and approved by the Planning Commission (estimates shall be
based on current market value and replacement costs); and no building permit has been applied
for within 180 days of when the property is damaged.
(D) Non-conforming uses shall not be expanded, changed, enlarged, or altered in a way
which increases its nonconformity.
(E) Normal maintenance of a building or other structure containing or related to a lawful
nonconforming use is permitted, including necessary non-structural repairs and incidental
alterations which do not extend or intensify the nonconforming use.
(F) Nonconforming use shall not be moved to any other part of the parcel of land upon
which the same was conducted on the effective date of this subchapter.
(Prior Code, § 66-102) (Ord. passed 2001; Am. Ord. 376, passed 1-14-2003; Am. Ord. 454,
passed 2-28-2006) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) Any structure lawfully existing upon the effective date of Ord. 454 may be continued at
the size and in a manner of operation upon such date except as hereinafter specified.
(B) An addition or alteration to the outside dimensions of a non-conforming principal
structure shall be allowed by building permit provided that:
(1) The principal structure is connected to city sewer pursuant to § 151.130;
(2) All other provisions (dimensional requirements, etc.) of this section are complied
with; and
(3) Any addition or alteration to the outside dimensions of a non-conforming structure
that cannon meet these provisions must be authorized by a variance pursuant to § 151.245.
(C) Expansion of a principal building found to be non-conforming only by reason of height
and yard setback may be allowed provided the expansion does not increase the non-conformance
or create a new non-conformance.
(D) No additions shall be allowed to non-conforming accessory structures.
(Prior Code, § 66-105) (Ord. passed 1994; Am. Ord. 454, passed 2-28-2006) Penalty, see §
(A) All lots of record existing as of the effective date of this chapter, with the exception of
lots located in shoreland areas, may be used for the erection of a structure without meeting the
minimum lot area and lot width requirements provided that all other requirements of this chapter
are complied with.
(B) (1) All lots of record in shoreland areas existing as of the effective date of this chapter,
that do not meet the minimum lot area and lot width requirements, may be allowed as building
sites without a variance from lot size requirements provided that:
(a) The use is permitted in the zoning district;
(b) The lot has been in separate ownership from abutting lands at all times since it
became substandard;
(c) The lot was created compliant with official controls in effect at that time; and
(d) The sewage treatment and setback requirements of this chapter are met.
(2) However, a variance from setback requirements must be obtained before any use,
sewage treatment system, or building permit is issued for a shoreland lot that does not meet
setback requirements. In evaluating the variance request, the Board of Adjustment shall consider
sewage treatment and water supply capabilities or constraints of the lot, and shall deny the
variance if adequate facilities cannot be provided.
(3) If, in a group of 2 or more contiguous shoreland lots under the same ownership, any
individual lot does not meet the minimum lot width or lot area requirements specified in this
chapter, the lot shall not be considered as a separate parcel of land for the purposes of sale or
development. The substandard lots of record in shoreland areas must be combined with 1 or
more contiguous shoreland lots so that they equal 1 or more parcels of land, each meeting the
requirements of lot area or lot width to the extent possible.
(Prior Code, § 66-106) (Ord. passed 1994) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) A sewage treatment system that does not meet the requirements specified in §§ 151.130
et seq. of this chapter must be upgraded by 7-1-1997, any time that a variance or permit of any
type is required for any improvement on, or use of, the property. If in the interim, city services
are made available within 200 feet of the resident’s structure, the resident shall connect to the
city sewer service. For the purposes of this provision, a sewage treatment system shall not be
considered non-conforming if the only deficiency is the setback of the sewage treatment system
from the ordinary high water level.
(B) Before a permit may be issued, the Zoning Administrator shall cause the inspection or
inspections which are necessary to determine if the sewage treatment system is in conformance
with the above stated Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s Chapter 7080, as it may be
amended from time to time.
(C) (1) The Park Rapids City Council has, by formal resolution, notified the Commissioner
of its program to identify non-conforming sewage treatment systems.
(2) The City of Park Rapids requires upgrading or replacement of any non-conforming
system identified through this program within 3 years of identification by the Zoning
Administrator or Planning Commission.
(3) Sewage treatment systems installed according to the applicable shoreland
management regulations adopted under M.S. Chapter 103F, as it may be amended from time to
time, in effect at the time of the installation, shall be considered as conforming, unless they are
determined to be failing, except that systems using cesspools, leaching pits, seepage pits, or other
deep disposal methods, or systems with less soil treatment area separation above groundwater
than required by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s Chapter 7080, as it may be amended
from time to time, for design of on-site sewage treatment systems shall be considered non-
(Prior Code, § 66-107) (Ord. passed 1994) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) In residential districts, the maximum size of an accessory building shall be based on a
lot-building area density ratio. For every 10 square feet of lot area, 1 square foot of building area
is allowed.
(B) Private garages on residential properties are intended for the storage of private
passenger vehicles of the family resident upon the premises; in which no business, service or
industry is carried on. An exception is made for home occupations that meet the requirements of
§ 151.146.
(C) No accessory building for a multi-family dwelling shall exceed 3,000 square feet,
without a conditional use permit.
(D) All accessory buildings attached to the principal building on a lot, shall be made
structurally a part thereof and shall comply in all respects with the requirements of this chapter
applicable to the principal building.
(E) All detached accessory buildings shall be located in the side or rear yards, and shall
comply with all of the requirements applicable to the accessory structure in a residential district.
(F) (1) In business and industrial districts, accessory buildings and uses may occupy any of
the ground area which the principal building is permitted to occupy.
(2) Accessory buildings such as buildings for parking attendants, gate houses and
transformer buildings, may be located in the front or side yard in District I-1 and B-1.
(3) Parking of automobiles and other motor vehicles is permitted in the front and side
yards in District I-1 and B-1 provided a greenbelt 8 feet in width is provided.
(G) No additions shall be allowed to nonconforming accessory structures
(Prior Code, § 66-121) (Ord. passed 1994; Am. Ord. 454, passed 2-28-2006; Am. Ord. 491,
passed 5-22-2007) Penalty, see § 151.999
Any premises used for human occupancy must be provided with an adequate method of
sewage treatment, as follows:
(A) The City of Park Rapids municipal sewer system must be used where available within
200 feet of a structure.
(B) All private sewage treatment systems must meet or exceed Minnesota Pollution Control
Agency’s standards for individual sewage treatment contained in the document titled, Individual
Sewage Treatment System Standards, Chapter 7080, which is hereby adopted by reference and
declared to be a part of this chapter. A copy of this document is on file at the Park Rapids city
(C) On-site sewage treatment systems must be set back from the ordinary high water level
in accordance with the minimum standards specified in § 151.104 of this chapter.
(D) Non-conforming sewage treatment systems shall be regulated and upgraded in
accordance with § 151.104 of this chapter.
(E) Sewage treatment systems shall not be permitted in shoreland areas where any of the
following conditions are present:
(1) Low, swampy areas, or areas subject to recurrent flooding;
(2) Areas where the highest known groundwater table is within 3 feet from the bottom
of the sewage treatment system at any time; or
(3) Areas of exposed bedrock or shallow bedrock within 3 feet of the bottom of a
sewage treatment system or any other geological formation which prohibits percolation of the
(F) In the creation of new lots where individual sewage treatment systems may be installed,
documentation shall be provided that there is adequate space for both primary and alternate
individual sewage treatment system.
(Prior Code, § 66-131) (Ord. passed 1994; Am. Ord. 375, passed 11-26-2002; Am. Ord. 491,
passed 5-22-2007) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) No person, firm or corporation shall install, alter, repair, or extend any individual
sewage treatment system without first obtaining a permit therefore from the Park Rapids
Planning and Zoning Office for the specific installation, alteration, repair or extension to be
(B) If the installation, construction, or modification is performed by a sewage treatment
installer, the installer shall be responsible for obtaining a permit.
(C) Permits shall be valid for a period not to exceed 12 months from the date of issuance.
(1) Applications for permits shall be made in writing upon forms provided by the
Planning and Zoning Office, and shall be signed by the applicant.
(2) Each application for a sewage treatment system shall include:
(a) A correct legal description of the property on which the proposed installation,
alteration, repair or extension will occur;
(b) A plan of the site of reasonable scale and accuracy showing the location of any
proposed and existing buildings, water supply, property lines, underground and overhead utility
lines, and an arrow indicating the direction of north;
(c) A complete plan of the sewage treatment system showing the location, size and
design of all parts of the system to be installed, altered, repaired, or extended;
(d) The name of the person, firm, or corporation which will install the system; and
(e) Any other pertinent information as requested by the independent Sewage
Treatment System Inspector.
(Prior Code, § 66-132) (Ord. passed 1994; Am. Ord. 491, passed 5-22-2007) Penalty, see §
In the event that necessity requires a modification to an approved plan, the installer shall,
before commencing or resuming construction of the system, contact the Plumbing Inspector and
submit to the City of Park Rapids a revised plan including the proposed modification.
(Prior Code, § 66-133) (Ord. passed 1994) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) (1) The ISTS shall cause the inspection or inspections which are necessary to
determine compliance with this chapter.
(2) No part of the system shall be covered until it has been inspected and approved.
(3) It shall be the responsibility of the installer to notify the City of Park Rapids
whether the installation, modification, or construction of the sewage treatment system is ready
for inspection, and it shall be the duty of the ISTS Inspector to make inspection within 3 regular
working days, excluding Saturday, Sunday, and all holidays, after notice has been given.
(4) The owner or occupant of the property shall give the ISTS Inspector or his or her
designated inspector access to the property at reasonable times for the purpose of making the
(5) If the system is backfilled before a final inspection is made, the system shall be
unearthed for final inspection.
(B) The Zoning Administrator may assign the responsibilities for the administration of these
provisions to a qualified inspector.
(Prior Code, § 66-134) (Ord. passed 1994; Am. Ord. 491, passed 5-22-2007) Penalty, see §
(A) The City of Park Rapids municipal water system must be used where available and
within 200 feet of a structure.
(B) All public or private supplies of water for domestic purposes must meet or exceed the
standards for water quality of the Minnesota Department of Health.
(C) Private wells must be located, constructed, maintained, and sealed in accordance with
the Water Well Construction Code of the Minnesota Department of Health.
(Prior Code, § 66-135) (Ord. passed 1994) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) (1) The performance standards established in this subchapter are designed to encourage
a high standard of development by providing assurance that neighboring land uses will be
(2) These standards are also designed to prevent and eliminate those conditions that
cause blight.
(B) (1) Before any building permit is issued, the Zoning Administrator shall determine
whether the proposed use will conform to the performance standards prescribed in this
(2) The applicant shall supply information necessary to demonstrate conformance.
(3) This information may include description of equipment to be used, hours of
operation, method of refuse disposal, type and location of exterior storage, or other reasonable
information as requested by the Zoning Administrator.
(Prior Code, § 66-146) (Ord. passed 1994)
In any zoning district where home occupations are allowed, the uses must comply with the
following provisions.
(A) The home occupation shall not occupy an area in excess of 25% of the total ground
floor area of the principal or accessory structures.
(B) Substantial interior or exterior alteration of a dwelling unit to accommodate a home
occupation shall not be permitted.
(C) Home occupations which will create odor, noise, electrical glare, dust, or vibrations
noticeable from outside of the dwelling shall not be permitted.
(D) No sign shall be allowed with the exception of 1 non-illuminated name plate measuring
not more than 4 square feet in size.
(E) Home occupations shall be conducted by the permanent occupants of the dwelling in
which the use is located and not more than 1 additional person.
(F) Home occupations shall be carried on wholly within the principal or accessory
structure, there shall be no exterior storage of materials, and no exterior indication of the home
occupation or variation from the residential character of the structure.
(G) A conditional use permit issued by the City Council for a home occupation shall not
transfer with the change of ownership of the dwelling.
(Prior Code, § 66-147) (Ord. passed 1994) Penalty, see § 151.999
The following standards apply to all single-family dwelling units, unless specifically
(A) All single-family dwellings shall have a minimum floor area of 800 square feet.
(B) All single-family dwelling units, except mobile homes in mobile home parks, shall be
attached to a permanent foundation with frost protection as per state building code.
(C) All single-family dwelling units, except mobile homes in mobile home parks, shall have
a minimum width of 20 feet and meet current codes.
(Prior Code, § 66-148) (Ord. passed 1994) Penalty, see § 151.999
No temporary dwelling may be erected or occupied on any parcel of land with the following
(A) Travel and motor home coaches may be occupied for a period of not more than 2 weeks
in 6 month period.
(B) Temporary residence in a basement or foundation structure while awaiting the
completion of the total structure may be allowed for a period not to exceed 12 months.
(Prior Code, § 66-149) (Ord. passed 1994) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) In all Residential Districts, all materials and equipment shall be stored within a building
or be fully screened so as not to be visible from adjoining properties, except for the following:
(1) Laundry and recreational equipment;
(2) Construction and landscaping materials currently being used on the premises;
(3) Agricultural equipment and materials if these are used or are intended for use on
the premises;
(4) Off-street parking of passenger automobiles and pick-up trucks if current license is
on the vehicle and is operative; and
(5) Boats and trailers, less than 20 feet in length, are permissible if stored in rear yard
more than 10 feet distance from property line.
(B) In other districts, no materials or equipment may be stored outside except those directly
related to the principal use or those being used for construction on the premises.
(Prior Code, § 66-150) (Ord. passed 1994) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) Before any dwelling unit or other principal structure not constructed entirely of new
material is moved onto a parcel of land, every structure shall be brought into compliance with the
standards set forth for new construction in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Code
Standards and other Zoning Code requirements as applicable.
(B) This requirement shall apply to the moving of pre-existing buildings and is not meant to
apply to new buildings manufactured off-site and moved to a permanent site in sections or as
complete structures.
(Prior Code, § 66-151) (Ord. 437, passed 6-28-2005) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) Screening shall be required in a residential zone where:
(1) Any off-street parking area containing more than 6 parking spaces and is within 30
feet of an adjoining residential zone; and
(2) Where the driveway to a parking area of more than 6 parking spaces is within 15
feet of an adjoining residential zone.
(B) No fence or screening shall exceed 6 feet in height in residential areas, 8 feet in height
in industrial or commercial areas, or 4 feet in height in the front yard. All fences must maintain a
30 foot sight triangle along the right-of-way when placed on corner lots.
(C) Fencing or screening required by this section or the City Council shall be either a solid
fence or dense vegetative cover at least 6 feet but not greater than 8 feet in height.
(D) All fences must be located entirely upon the private property of the person constructing
the fence and the property owner must leave enough setback to allow maintenance of both sides
of the fence.
(E) All posts or supports shall face inward toward the property being fenced. The good or
finished side shall face the neighboring property or the public right-of-way.
(F) All fences shall be made of durable, weather treated material, and kept in a condition so
as not to become a private or public nuisance.
(G) Above ground perimeter electrified and barbed wire fences are prohibited in residential
districts except those associated with a permitted agricultural use.
(H) Fences abutting an alley must leave enough setback as to not impede with snow
(Prior Code, § 66-152) (Am. Ord. 536, passed 3-27-2012) Penalty, see § 151.999
§ 151.152 MAINTENANCE.
(A) All structures shall be properly maintained in a clean and acceptable manner so as not to
constitute a menace to the public health, safety, convenience, general welfare, property values,
and aesthetics.
(B) All landscaping shall be properly maintained so as to preserve planting in a live state
and free of noxious weeds.
(Prior Code, § 66-153) (Ord. passed 1994) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) The traffic generated by any use shall be channelized and controlled in a manner that
will avoid congestion on the public streets, traffic hazards and excessive traffic through
residential areas, particularly truck traffic.
(B) Internal traffic shall be so regulated as to insure its safe and orderly flow.
(C) Traffic into and out of business and industrial areas shall in all cases be forward moving
with no backing onto streets.
(Prior Code, § 66-154) (Ord. passed 1994) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) No land shall be developed and no use shall be permitted that results in additional water
run-off, causing flooding, or erosion on adjacent properties.
(B) Site plans for new development of any kind, including any redevelopment that results in
additional impervious surface, shall provide on-site measures for storm water quantity control
and storm water quality management sufficient to reduce the impacts of the development by, at a
minimum, maintaining pre-development conditions. When applicable, a permit from the
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency shall be obtained and all appropriate runoff and treatment
requirements shall also apply.
(Prior Code, § 66-155) (Ord. passed 1994; Am. Ord. 548, passed 4-22-2014) Penalty, see §
§ 151.155 DRIVEWAYS.
(A) Residential lots shall be required to maintain at least a 3 foot side yard at driveways.
(B) Driveways in other districts must be located as to allow for orderly traffic flow and at
least 30 feet from any intersection.
(Prior Code, § 66-156) (Ord. passed 1994; Am. Ord. 548, passed 4-22-2014) Penalty, see §
(A) Minimum off-street parking stall requirements. In all zoning districts, with the
exception of the B-2 District, off-street parking facilities for employees and patrons of the
buildings or structures erected after the effective date of this chapter shall be provided as herein
(1) Residential uses including single family, multiple family, and other similar
residential uses. One and one-half (1.5) parking stall for each dwelling unit and 1 parking stall
for each efficiency unit.
(2) Hospitals, assisted care facilities, senior housing, state licensed residential
facilities and similar uses. One stall per employee on largest shift plus .5 stalls per dwelling unit
or patient bed.
(3) Hotels, motels, bed and breakfasts, resorts, campgrounds, and similar uses. One
stall per room or site for rent plus 1 stall per employee on largest shift. Additional auxiliary uses
(bars, restaurants, event facilities, retail, and the like) will be evaluated for additional parking
requirements and based on the parking requirements for those uses.
(4) Office, retail, clinics, minor repair shops, and similar uses. One parking stall per
250 square feet of floor area.
(5) Restaurant, bars, and entertainment uses. One parking stall per 150 square feet of
floor area.
(6) Schools, churches, theatres, funeral homes, and other similar institutional and
governmental uses. Parking stalls shall be provided in sufficient quantities to accommodate the
needs of each specific use without causing inconvenience to nearby properties, interfering with
the flow of traffic, or negatively impacting public safety.
(7) Outdoor recreational facilities. Parking stalls shall be provided in sufficient
quantities to accommodate the needs of each specific use without causing inconvenience to
nearby properties, interfering with the flow of traffic, or negatively impacting public safety.
(8) Open sales lots, outdoor storage, and warehouses. One parking stall per 2,000
square feet of floor or display area.
(9) Industrial uses, contractors yards, indoor storage facilities, wholesale and
manufacturing (non-retail). One parking stall per 500 square feet of floor area. Parking for
additional auxiliary uses (office space, open sales lots, warehousing, retail, and the like) shall be
provided in sufficient quantities to accommodate the needs of each specific use without causing
inconvenience to nearby properties, interfering with the flow of traffic, or negatively impacting
public safety.
(B) Exemptions and exceptions.
(1) Any existing non-conforming residential use that is converted into a conforming
permitted or conditional commercial use may exempt up to the first 5 required parking stalls of
this section, provided there is sufficient on-street parking adjacent to the property to meet the
needs of the specific use without causing inconvenience to nearby properties, interfering with the
flow of traffic, or negatively impacting public safety.
(2) Any commercial use in non-residential districts that are adjacent to streets that
allow on-street parking may factor the on-street parking spaces into their required stalls at a rate
of 1 space per 30' of street frontage.
(C) Parking lot dimensions for full sized cars.
Parking Lot Dimensions for Full Sized Cars
Angle (in degrees) Minimum Width of
Space at Curb
Minimum Length of
Space from Curb
Minimum Drive
Aisle Width (One-
Minimum Drive
Aisle Width (Two
12.6 feet
19.0 feet
13.6 feet
12.0 feet
11.0 feet
20.0 feet
18.6 feet
17.0 feet
9.0 feet
19.0 feet
23.0 feet
23.0 feet
9.0 feet
19.0 feet
26.0 feet
25.0 feet
23.0 feet
9.0 feet
22.0 feet
21.0 feet
(D) Design standards.
(1) In all residential districts, required parking spaces shall be located on the same
premises as the use that they serve. In other districts, they shall be located on the premises or
within 100 feet distance.
(2) Parking areas for 1 or 2-family dwellings shall be in the garage, in the rear or side
yards, or on the driveway leading to the garage only.
(3) Parking of automobiles and other motor vehicles is permitted in the front and side
yards in District I-1 and B-1 provided a greenbelt 8 foot in width is provided.
(4) Parking areas shall be used for automobile parking only, with no sales, dead
storage, repair work, dismantling, or servicing of any kind permitted.
(5) (a) All uses, excluding 1 and 2-family residences, where parking or access
facilities are located within 30 feet of a 1 or 2-family property line shall be required to
effectively screen their parking facility from the residential use pursuant to § 151.151, Screening
and/or Fencing.
(b) Before a building permit shall be issued, the Zoning Administrator shall
approve the screening proposal.
(6) Off-street parking areas on properties that are currently adjacent to Municipal
Storm Water Facilities (curb and gutter) or within an area outlined in the current Five-Year
Capital Improvement Plan to have Municipal Storm Water Facilities within the next 5 years shall
be improved with a paved impervious surface and afford adequate drainage and property on-site
storm water management. Gravel, crushed asphalt, or similar materials is not considered a paved
impervious surface.
(7) Off-street parking areas on properties that are not currently adjacent to Municipal
Storm Water Facilities (curb and gutter) or within an area outlined in the current Five Year
Capital Improvement Plan to have Municipal Storm Water Facilities within the next five years
may be improved with paved impervious, gravel, crushed asphalt, or similar materials and afford
adequate drainage and proper on-site storm water management. These parking areas must also
remain free of noxious weeds and dust.
(8) All sources of parking area lighting shall be fixed, directed, and designed so as to
not create a nuisance to any abutting residential properties.
(9) For bicycle parking, the total parking requirement is 1 space for each 25 off-street
parking spaces required. The bicycle parking spaces shall be equipped with bicycle racks.
(10) All newly constructed parking facilities must meet all ADA design requirements.
(Prior Code, § 66-157) (Am. Ord. 491, passed 5-22-2007; Am. Ord. 548, passed 4-22-2014)
Penalty, see § 151.999
No structure, vehicle, sign, fence, building or foliage shall obstruct the vision clearance of
street corners, curb cuts or railroad crossings or constitute a traffic hazard in any zone.
(Prior Code, § 66-158) Penalty, see § 151.999
In order that a mobile home park may be harmonious within itself and with the surrounding
area, the following performance standards are required.
(A) Inspection of mobile home parks. The Zoning Administrator, the Chief of Police, or
their duly authorized representative, shall have the power to inspect the register containing a
record of all residents of the mobile home park.
(B) Open space and area requirements.
(1) Area. The minimum total mobile home park shall be 10 acres.
(2) Open space.
(a) A minimum of 500 square feet per mobile home shall be provided in a
definable play area and/or open space.
(b) 1. Lot setbacks shall not be included in this space nor shall any areas of less
than 20 feet in length or width.
2. All areas not used for access, parking, circulation, buildings, and service
shall be completely landscaped and the entire area maintained in good condition, consistent with
the provisions of § 151.152.
(3) Setbacks.
Setback from property boundary lines
30 feet
Setback from public road/highway right-of-way
35 feet
Setback from front/park street right-of-way
20 feet
Side setback
10 feet
Rear setback
15 feet
(4) Lot size.
Minimum lot area
7,200 square feet
Minimum lot width
60 feet
Maximum ground coverage
(C) Streets. Streets must follow subdivision requirements concerning grading and must be a
minimum of 24 feet in width and be paved or have Class IV gravel. When a mobile home park
reaches 75% occupancy, streets will be required to be paved with a bituminous or cement
surface. The right-of-way width will be a minimum of 40 feet. On-street parking will not be
(D) Parking. A minimum and maximum of 2 off-street parking spaces will be provided on
each lot. These spaces will be clearly defined with a border and gravel or cement surface. A
parking compound must be provided by the developer to accommodate 1 parking space for every
2 mobile homes. All boats, campers, and trailers must be parked in this designated parking
(E) Screening. All mobile home parks located adjacent to residential, recreational,
commercial, or industrial land uses shall provide screening such as fences, shrubs, or trees along
the property boundary line separating the park and other uses and shall be maintained in a neat
and orderly manner. Screening shall be a minimum of 5 feet in height. Landscaping shall be
provided between the screen and the property boundary. A landscape plan is required as part of
the platting process for a mobile home park.
(F) Accessory buildings. One storage building of not more than 10 feet by 12 feet is
allowed per lot. A carport may also be allowed on mobile home lots. All accessory buildings
must meet setbacks. Storage and accessory buildings must be maintained and designed to
enhance the general appearance of the lot.
(G) Mobile home requirements. All mobile homes shall be skirted and shall be in
accordance with the decor of the mobile home and in good repair. Each home shall be parked
upon a jack or block approved by the city. Each mobile home shall be anchored to resist
damaging movement by wind or storm. Each mobile home base shall have a suitable hardstand
of durable material capable of supporting the vehicle wheels, stands or jacks. A minimum of 800
square feet shall be required for all single-family residential dwelling, including mobile homes.
(H) Miscellaneous requirements.
(1) Responsibilities of the park management.
(a) Park management shall notify park occupants of all applicable provisions of
this section and inform them of their duties and responsibilities under this section.
(b) 1. The park operator shall maintain a record of all mobile home owners and
occupants located within the park.
2. The register shall contain the following information:
a. The name and address of each mobile home occupant;
b. The name and address of the owner of each mobile home and
motor vehicle by which it is towed;
c. The make model, year and license number of each mobile home
and motor vehicle, the state, territory or country issuing the license; and
d. The date of arrival and departure of each mobile home.
3. The operator shall make this available to law enforcement officers, public
health officers, and other officials whose duty necessitates acquisition of the information in the
register. The register record for each occupant registered shall not be destroyed for a period of 3
years of the registrant moving from the park.
(2) Use requirements. No part of any park shall be used for non-residential purposes,
except the uses that are required for the direct serving and well being of park residents and for
the management and maintenance of the park.
(3) Compliance. All mobile home parks shall comply with the State of Minnesota
Board of Health requirements for mobile home licensing. The platting requirements of mobile
home parks shall meet the subdivision standards as listed in §§ 151.205 et seq. unless otherwise
stated in this section.
(Prior Code, § 66-159) Penalty, see § 151.999
The following provisions apply to all wholesale businesses, commercial laundries, dry
cleaning plants, manufacturing facilities, and public utility buildings and yards, electrical
transformer stations, substations, and gas regulator yards:
(A) All uses not located in an industrial park shall be conducted wholly within a building
with a landscaped front yard and with all loading, unloading, and employee parking provided in
the side or rear yards; and
(B) Visitor parking may be provided in the front yard.
(Prior Code, § 66-160) (Ord. passed 1994) Penalty, see § 151.999
Professional and personal service offices will be allowed in the R-3 District in existing
dwellings, provided the following provisions are met.
(A) Substantial exterior alteration of a dwelling unit to accommodate the office/service shall
not be permitted.
(B) Office and service activities which will create odor, noise, dust, electrical glare, or
vibrations noticeable from outside of the structure shall not be permitted.
(C) Office activities shall be carried on wholly within the principal structure, there shall be
no exterior storage of materials, and no variation from the residential character of the structure.
(D) Signs shall conform to all requirements prescribed in § 151.186
(E) One parking space per employee and 1 parking space for each office/service located in
the home shall be provided off-street. Parking area and building ground coverage shall not
exceed 50%.
(F) A conditional use permit issued by the City Council for a professional/personal service
office shall not transfer with the change of ownership of the dwelling.
(Prior Code, § 66-161) (Ord. passed 1994; Am. Ord. 491, passed 5-22-2007) Penalty, see §
(A) All proposed developments shall conform with the provisions of this section with
respect to site plan, parking, and landscaping.
(B) General development plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning
(C) The development plan shall include as follows:
(1) Complete details of the proposed site development including, but not limited to,
identification signs, location of buildings, streets, driveways, parking spaces, dimensions of the
lot, lot area, and yard dimensions;
(2) Complete landscaping plans reflecting all information showing planting size and
(3) Complete plans for proposed sidewalks or walkways and access driveways to
parking showing distance from street intersection and service areas;
(4) Complete plans for stormwater drainage systems sufficient to drain and dispose of
all surface water accumulations within the area of the site;
(5) Complete plans and specifications for exterior wall finishes proposed for all
principal and accessory buildings. Elevation drawings shall show proposed rooftop equipment
and any proposed screening; and
(6) Complete plans for screening of storage areas for waste and garbage.
(Prior Code, § 66-162) Penalty, see § 151.999
Every part of a yard shall be open and unobstructed by any building or structure, from its
lowest point upward, except as follows:
(A) Awnings, balconies, overhangs, fire escapes and eaves may project not more than 5 feet
over or half the distance of the required side yard, whichever is less;
(B) Walks, steps for negotiating ground slopes, retaining walls, hedges and natural growth,
fences, paved areas;
(C) Uncovered porches, and steps to building entrances may not extend more than 5 feet
into any required front yard or required rear yard and not more than 3 feet into any required side
yard; and
(D) Chimneys and fireplaces may extend not more than 4 feet into a required yard or court.
(Prior Code, § 66-163) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) Water retention areas. Water retention areas or devises shall be required for any new
development projects creating new impervious surface of 1 acre or greater.
(B) Exemptions. The following activities are exempt from this section:
(1) Where the development project is a linear project, such as sidewalks, paths, or
trails, or is reconstruction, repair, reconditioning, or resurfacing of existing roads or impervious
surfaces; or
(2) Where the plans for a project development site were approved by a local unit of
government by a permit or in a preliminary or final plat approval process prior to 11-1-2004.
(Prior Code, § 66-164) (Ord. 417, passed 11-29-2004) Penalty, see § 151.999
§ 151.164 LANDSCAPING.
(A) Statement of intent. The intent of this section is to improve the appearance of vehicular
use areas and property abutting public rights of way; to require buffering between non-
compatible land uses; to protect and preserve existing plant materials and promote aesthetic
appeal through green space, character and value of the surrounding neighborhoods; and to
promote public health and safety through the reduction of noise pollution, air pollution, visual
pollution, and glare.
(B) Compliance. No new site development, permanent building or structure construction,
remodeling involving change of the outside perimeter or vehicular use area modifications are
allowed, unless the provisions of this section are met for the property in its entirety.
(C) Reduction of visual impacts.
(1) The landscaping standards shall require reduction of visual impacts associated with
given uses, including, but not limited to:
(a) Truck loading areas;
(b) Refuse containers;
(c) Parking lots, interior lot areas, and perimeters;
(d) Large unadorned building massing;
(e) Garage doors associated with auto oriented uses;
(f) Vehicular stacking areas for drive-through uses; and
(g) Antennae and support structures.
(2) All undeveloped lots and parcels shall be mowed and kept free of accumulation of
garbage, trash, refuse, debris, and other unsightly or nuisance creating materials. All landscaping
shall be continually maintained by the owner or other person responsible for maintenance of the
premises, and all planting areas shall be kept free of weeds and debris.
(D) General landscaping and maintenance requirements.
(1) All planting material shall be of good quality, of species normally grown in
Minnesota and capable of withstanding the extremes of individual site microclimates. All
specifications for measurement, quality, and installation of trees and shrubs shall be in
accordance with the Urban Forestry Technical Manual.
(2) Landscaping and screening required by this section shall be interrupted only by
required access drives and sidewalks. All landscaping and screening required by this section
shall be so designed and maintained as to preserve unobstructed vision of the street and sidewalk
at points of access and as not to interfere with, or be damaged by, work within any public or
utility easement unless the City Planner shall determine that no other location is reasonably
(E) Applicability. A landscaping plan, and the implementation and maintenance of the plan,
shall be required for all uses, except for R-1 (Single-Family Residential), and B-2 (General
Business) districts and municipal airport property.
(F) Landscape plans.
(1) Issuance of building permit. No building permit shall be issued until the required
landscaping plan has been submitted and approved, and no certificate of occupancy shall be
issued until the landscaping is completed as certified by an on-site inspection by a designated
city official.
(2) Part of certificate of occupancy. Wherever the submission and approval of a
landscape plan is required by this chapter, the landscape plan and its maintenance shall be part of
the certificate of occupancy.
(3) Extension for completion. The city may allow an extended period of time for
completion of all landscaping if the delay is due to conditions which are reasonably beyond the
control of the developer. Extensions may not exceed 9 months, and extensions may be granted
due to seasonal or weather conditions. When an extension is granted, the city shall require a
performance bond, certified check or cash escrow. This amount shall cover 100% of the
remaining site work to be completed.
(a) Content of landscape plan. All landscape plans submitted for approval shall
contain or have attached thereto the following information:
1. The location and dimensions of all existing and proposed structures, lot
lines, easements, parking lots and drives, roadways and right-of-ways, sidewalks, bicycle paths,
ground signs, refuse disposal areas, bicycle parking areas, fences, freestanding electrical
equipment, tot lots and other recreational facilities, and other features as determined necessary
by the City Planner;
2. The location, quantity, size and name, both botanical and common names,
of all proposed planting materials;
3. Existing and proposed grading of the site, including proposed berming,
indicating contours, at 1 foot intervals;
4. Specification of the type and boundaries of all proposed ground cover;
5. Elevations of all fences proposed for location on the site; and
6. Elevations, cross-sections and other details as determined necessary by the
City Planner.
(b) Design criteria.
1. Landscaping plans described above shall be prepared based on the
following design criteria.
2. The evaluation and approval of landscape plans shall also be based on
these design criteria:
a. Scale and nature of landscaping material.
i. The scale and nature of landscaping materials shall be
appropriate to the size of the structures. Large scaled buildings, for example, shall be
complemented by larger scaled plants.
ii. Landscaping of larger areas, such as required yards, shall be
accomplished by both horizontal landscaping elements, such as planting beds, and vertical
landscaping elements, such as trees, berms, and fences.
b. Selection of plant material. Refer to Urban Forestry Technical
c. Conifers. Conifers should be incorporated into the landscape
treatment of a site, particularly in those areas screening parking lots from dedicated public right-
of-ways or property zoned for residential use. All conifers shall have a minimum height of 3
d. Deciduous shade trees. All shade trees shall have a minimum trunk
size of 1-1/4 inches in diameter upon installation, as measured 6 inches above the established
ground level.
e. Ornamentals. Ornamental trees shall have a minimum trunk size of
1-1/4 inches in diameter upon installation, as measured 6 inches above the established ground
f. Softening of walls and fences. Plant material shall be placed
intermittently against long expanses of building walls, fences, and other barriers to create a
softening effect.
g. Planting bed. Planting beds shall be mulched with bark chips, rock
mulch, feather rocks, or similar materials.
h. Detention, retention, basins, and ponds. Detention/retention basins
and ponds shall be landscaped. The landscaping shall include shade and ornamental trees,
conifers, shrubbery, hedges, and/or other planting materials.
i. Preservation of existing plant material. Existing plant material shall,
wherever practical as determined by the City Planner, be incorporated into the landscape plan.
Credit for retention of existing trees which are of acceptable minimum size, species, and
location, may be given to satisfy the minimum number of requirements.
j. Berming. Earthen berms, and existing topography should be,
whenever determined practical by the City Planner, incorporated into the landscape plan,
particularly when combined with plant material to facilitate screening from adjacent residential
uses. Berms should be designed to allow for maintenance, mowing, and adequate drainage. Final
slope grade steeper than the ratio of 3:1 will not be permitted without special approval or
treatment, such as terracing or retaining walls.
(G) Transitional yards. Transitional yards shall extend along the entire length of the lot line
and shall be designed and maintained to function as a buffer area. Transitional yards shall
consist of a combination of ground cover, shade trees, conifers and shrubs, and appropriate
screening devices such as decorative walls, fences, or berms. Areas not planted with shrubs,
trees, or other appropriate screening devices shall be maintained with living ground cover.
(H) Perimeter landscaping.
(1) (a) Every off-street parking lot containing 6 or more parking stalls shall be
buffered and screened by perimeter landscaping consisting of an area at least 8 feet or greater in
width as required in the yard and setback standards of each zoning district.
(b) The required perimeter landscaping area shall be measured from the property
line of the site.
(c) The perimeter landscaping shall consist of a combination of ground cover,
shade trees or conifers, shrubs, and/or appropriate screening devices such as decorative walls,
fences, or berms.
(d) Deciduous shade trees shall be provided at a minimum of 1 tree for every
2,000 square feet of total building floor area or 1 tree for every 100 feet of site perimeter,
whichever is greater. All shade trees shall have a minimum trunk size of 1-1/4 inches in
diameter upon installation, as measured 6 inches above the established ground level.
(e) Conifers shall be provided at a minimum of 1 tree for every 2,000 square feet
of total building floor area or 1 conifer for every 200 feet of site perimeter, whichever is greater.
All conifers shall have a minimum height of 3 feet.
(f) Ornamental trees shall be provided at a minimum of 1 tree for every 2,000
square feet of total building floor area or 1 ornamental tree for every 200 feet of site perimeter,
whichever is greater. Ornamental trees shall have a minimum trunk size of 1-1/4 inches in
diameter upon installation, as measured 6 inches above the established ground level.
(g) The number of planting material required in (H)(1)(d) through (f) may be
reduced by 15% in the (I-1) Light Industrial District and (I-2) Heavy Industrial District.
(h) Areas not planted with shrubs, trees, or other appropriate screening devices
shall be maintained with living ground cover, or planting beds with bark or rock mulch.
(2) Off-street parking areas for more than 6 vehicles shall be effectively screened by a
fence or densely planted hedge on each side of a parking area that adjoins or faces any property
located in a Residential District, unless the property is developed with a non-residential use. The
fence or hedge shall not be less than 4 feet nor more than 6 feet in height.
(I) Interior landscaping - off-street parking lots.
(1) Every off-street parking lot providing 100 spaces or more shall provide interior
(2) Interior landscaping shall consist of planting islands with a minimum area of 60
square feet and a minimum width of 6 feet, measured from the back of curb to back of curb.
(3) The interior landscaping shall constitute at least 5% of the area of the parking lot.
(4) Area devoted to perimeter landscaping shall not be considered as any part of
interior landscaping.
(5) Where more than 1 planting island is provided, the islands shall be appropriately
spaced throughout the parking lot.
(J) Refuse containers.
(1) All refuse and recyclable material containers, except those containers used on a
temporary basis for a construction or disposal activity, shall be fully enclosed by a gated opaque
fence or wall of a sufficient height to completely screen the containers from view by all
adjoining properties and all streets.
(2) The fence or wall shall have an exterior finish that is similar to the material found
on the exterior walls of the main building on the property or other approved material as
determined by the City Planner.
(3) The outside base of the wall or fence shall be landscaped if the wall or fence fronts
on a public street.
(K) Antennae and support structures. Ground-mounted antennae and antenna support
structures shall be buffered and screened by a fence and a densely planted conifer hedge of not
less than 6 feet in height.
(L) Maintenance policy. It is the responsibility of the property owner to insure that the
landscaping is maintained in an attractive condition. The owner shall replace any damaged or
dead trees, shrubs, ground cover, and sodding.
(M) Appeals. Appeals on the quantity, size, and location of planting materials, or any
variation to the provisions outlined in this chapter may be directed to the city’s Urban Forestry
Committee for consideration. The Urban Forestry Committee will then make a recommendation
for action by the Board of Adjustments.
(Prior Code, § 66-165) (Ord. 442, passed 7-12-2005; Am. Ord. 491, passed 5-22-2007; Am.
Ord. 518, passed 8-25-2009) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) Findings. The City Council hereby finds as follows:
(1) Exterior signs have a substantial impact on the character and quality of the
(2) Signs provide an important medium through which individuals may convey a
variety of messages.
(3) Signs can create traffic hazards, aesthetic concerns and detriments to property
values, thereby threatening the public health, safety and welfare.
(4) The city’s zoning regulations have included the regulation of signs in an effort to
provide adequate means of expression and to promote the economic viability of the business
community, while protecting the city and its citizens from a proliferation of signs of a type, size,
location and character that would adversely impact upon the aesthetics of the community and
threaten the health, safety and welfare of the community. The regulation of the physical
characteristics of signs within the city has had a positive impact on traffic safety and the
appearance of the community.
(B) Purpose and intent. It is not the purpose or intent of this subchapter to regulate the
message displayed on any sign; nor is it the purpose or intent of this subchapter to regulate any
building design or any display not defined as a sign, or any sign which cannot be viewed from
outside a building. The purpose and intent of this subchapter is to:
(1) Regulate the number, location, size, type, illumination and other physical
characteristics of signs within the city in order to promote the public health, safety and welfare.
(2) Maintain, enhance and improve the aesthetic environment of the city by preventing
visual clutter that is harmful to the appearance of the community.
(3) Improve the visual appearance of the city while providing for effective means of
communication, consistent with constitutional guarantees and the city’s goals of public safety
and aesthetics.
(4) Provide for fair and consistent enforcement of the sign regulations set forth herein
under the zoning authority of the city.
(5) To preserve and protect the integrity of the Lake Country Scenic Byway
designation by preventing visual clutter that is harmful to the appearance of the scenic byway.
(C) Effect. A sign may be erected, mounted, displayed or maintained in the city if it is in
conformance with the provisions of this subchapter. The effect of this subchapter, as more
specifically set forth herein, is to:
(1) Allow a wide variety of sign types in commercial zones, and a more limited variety
of signs in other zones, subject to the standards set forth in this subchapter.
(2) Allow certain small, unobtrusive signs incidental to the principal use of a site in all
zones when in compliance with the requirements of this subchapter.
(3) Prohibit signs whose location, size, type, illumination or other physical
characteristic negatively affect the environment and where the communication can be
accomplished by means having a lesser impact on the environment and the public health, safety
and welfare.
(4) Provide for the enforcement of this subchapter.
(D) Scope. This subchapter shall not regulate official traffic or government signs; signs not
intended to be viewed from a public right-of-way; window displays; product dispensers and
point of purchase displays; scoreboards on athletic fields; flags bearing any noncommercial
message; gravestones; barber poles; religious symbols; commemorative plaques; the display of
street numbers; or any display or construction not defined herein as a sign.
(Ord. 494, passed 9-25-2007)
§ 151.176 DEFINITIONS.
For the purposes of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context
clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ABANDONED SIGN. Any sign and/or its supporting sign structure which remains without
a message or whose display surface remains blank for a period of 1 year or more, or any sign
which pertains to a time, event, or purpose which no longer applies, shall be deemed to have
been abandoned. Signs applicable to a business temporarily suspended because of a change in
ownership or management of such business shall not be deemed abandoned unless the property
remains vacant for a period of 1 year or more. Any sign remaining after demolition of a principal
structure shall be deemed to be abandoned. Signs which are present because of being legally
established nonconforming signs or signs which have required a conditional use permit or a
variance shall also be subject to the definition of ABANDONED SIGN.
ADMINISTRATOR. The Zoning Administrator or designated representative.
ANIMATION. The movement of any object or light used in conjunction with a sign such as
blinking, flashing, traveling, scrolling or changing degree of intensity of any light movement
other than burning continuously.
AWNING. A roof-like cover, often of fabric, plastic, metal or glass designed and intended
for protection from the weather or as a decorative embellishment, and which projects from a wall
or roof of a structure primarily over a window, walk, or the like. Any part of an awning which
also projects over a door shall be counted as an AWNING.
AWNING SIGN. A building sign or graphic painted on, printed on, or attached flat against
the surface of an awning.
BALLOON SIGN. A sign consisting of a bag made of lightweight material supported by
helium, hot or pressurized air which is greater than 24 inches in diameter.
BANNER SIGN. A sign made of fabric or any non-rigid material with no enclosing
BUILDING. As defined in § 151.003 of this chapter.
BUILDING FACE. The exposed face of a building, including windows and doors, from
ground level to the roof line. Where a building has a facade, mansard, or awning, the Zoning
Administrator shall work with the applicant to determine what constitutes the aggregate building
face for purposes of signage.
CANOPY. A rigid multi-sided structure covered with fabric, metal or other material and
supported by a building at one or more points or extremities and by columns or posts embedded
in the ground at other points or extremities which provides shelter over a doorway.
CANOPY SIGN. Any sign that is part of or attached to a canopy, made of fabric, plastic or
structural protective cover over a door or entrance. A CANOPY SIGN is not a marquee and is
different from service area canopy signs.
CHANGEABLE COPY SIGN. A sign or portion thereof with characters, letter or
illustrations that can be changed or rearranged without altering the face or the surface of the sign.
CHANGEABLE COPY SIGNS do not include signs upon which characters, letters, or
illustrations change or rearrange only once in a 24-hour period.
CLEARANCE (OF A SIGN). The smallest vertical distance between the grade of the
adjacent street, highway, or street curb and the lowest point of any sign, includes framework and
embellishments, extending over that grade.
COMMERCIAL SPEECH. Speech or graphics advertising a business, profession,
commodity, service or entertainment.
COMMUNITY/SPECIAL EVENT SIGN. A sign which solicits for a special short term or
one-time civic event. Such events may include, but shall not be limited to: seasonal celebrations,
community programs and activities, or the location of places or events of interest to the
community or tourists. Such events must appeal to a broad audience, are open to the public, and
are accessible to all residents or visitors.
COPY. The graphic content of a sign surface in either permanent or removable letter,
pictographic, symbolic, or alphabetic form.
DIRECTIONAL SIGN - OFF-PREMISE. An off-premise sign which provides directional
assistance to access an establishment conveniently and safely.
DIRECTIONAL SIGN - ON-PREMISE. An on-premise sign giving directions,
instructions, or facility information and which may contain the name or logo of an establishment
but no advertising copy, e.g., parking or exit and entrance signs. May contain logo provided that
the logo may not comprise more than 20% of the total sign area.
DOUBLE-FACED SIGN. A sign with 2 faces, essentially back-to-back or v-construction.
DYNAMIC DISPLAY. Any characteristics of a sign that appear to have movement or that
appear to change, caused by any method other than physically removing and replacing the sign
or its components, whether the apparent movement of change is in the display, the sign structure
itself, or any other component of the sign. This includes a display that incorporates a technology
or method allowing the sign face to change the image without having to physically or
mechanically replace the sign face or its components. This also includes any rotating, revolving,
moving, flashing, shimmering, blinking or animated display and any display that incorporates
rotating panels, LED lights manipulated through digital input, “digital ink” or any other method
or technology that allows the sign face to present a series of images or displays.
ELECTRICAL SIGN. A sign or sign structure in which electrical wiring, connections, or
fixtures are used.
ELECTRONIC VARIABLE MESSAGE SIGN. A sign whose message may be changed at
intervals by electronic process or remote control and having a constant light level.
ERECT. Activity of constructing, building, raising, assembling, placing, affixing, attaching,
creating, painting, drawing or any other ways of bringing into being or establishing.
FACADE. The entire building front including the parapet.
FACE OF SIGN. The area of a sign on which the copy is placed.
FEATHER FLAG SIGN. A lightweight, portable advertising medium, mounted on a pole,
which resembles a sail.
FLAG. Any fabric or similar lightweight material attached at 1 end of the material, usually
to a staff or pole, so as to allow movement of the material by atmospheric changes and which
contains distinctive colors, patterns, symbols, emblems, insignia, or other symbolic devices.
FRONTAGE. The length of the property line of any 1 premise along a public right-of-way
on which it borders.
GOVERNMENT SIGN. Any temporary or permanent sign erected and maintained by the
city, county, state, or federal government for traffic direction or for designation of or direction to
any school, hospital, historical site, or public service, property, or facility.
HEIGHT (OF A SIGN). The vertical distance measured from the highest point of the sign,
excluding decorative embellishments, to the grade of the adjacent street or the surface grade
beneath the sign, whichever is less.
IDENTIFICATION SIGN. An on-premise identification sign giving the name, address,
and/or occupation of an occupant or group of occupants. IDENTIFICATION SIGNS may be
ILLUMINATED SIGN. Any sign which contains an element designed to emanate artificial
light internally or externally.
INCIDENTAL SIGN. A small sign, emblem, or decal informing the public of goods,
facilities, or services available on the premises, e.g., a credit card sign or a sign indicating hours
of business. Maximum size is 4 square feet.
INTERIOR SIGN. A sign which is located within the interior of any building, or within an
enclosed lobby or court of any building, and a sign for and located within the inner or outer
body, court, entrance of any theater.
structure lawfully erected prior to the effective date of this subchapter which fails to conform to
the requirements of this subchapter. A sign which was erected in accordance with a variance
granted prior to the adoption of this subchapter and which does not comply with this subchapter
shall be deemed to be a legal nonconforming sign. A sign which was unlawfully erected shall be
deemed to be an illegal sign.
MAINTENANCE. The cleaning, painting, repair, or replacement of defective parts of a sign
in a manner that does not alter the basic copy, design, or structure of the sign.
MANSARD. A roof having 2 slopes on all sides with the lower slope steeper than the upper
MARQUEE. Any permanent roof-like structure projecting beyond a building facade or
extending along and projecting beyond the wall of that building, generally designed and
constructed to provide protection from the weather.
MARQUEE SIGN. Any building sign painted, mounted, constructed or attached in any
manner, on a marquee.
MONUMENT SIGN. A sign where the extent of the sign surface is attached to the ground
or a foundation in the ground; and where there are no poles, braces, or other visible means of
support other than attachment to the ground.
MULTI-TENANT BUILDING. A building that houses more than 1 tenant or use.
NAMEPLATE. A non-electric on-premise identification sign giving only the name, address,
and/or occupation of an occupant or group of occupants.
NON-COMMERCIAL SPEECH. Dissemination of messages not classified as commercial
speech which include, but are not limited to, messages concerning political, religious, social,
ideological, public service and information topics.
OFF-PREMISE SIGN. A commercial speech sign which directs the attention of the public
to a business, activity conducted, or product sold or offered at a location not on the same lot
where the sign is located. For purposes of this subchapter, easements and other appurtenances
shall be considered to be outside such lot and any sign located or proposed to be located in an
easement or other appurtenance shall be considered an OFF-PREMISE SIGN.
ON-PREMISE SIGN. A sign which identifies or advertises an establishment, person,
activity, goods, products or services located on the premises where the sign is installed.
OWNER. In the case of a lot, the legal owner of the lot as officially recorded by Hubbard
County, and including fee owners, contract for deed purchasers and ground lessees. For the
purposes of this subchapter, the owner of property on which a sign is located is presumed to be
the owner of the sign unless facts to the contrary are officially recorded or otherwise brought to
the attention of the Administrator, e.g., a sign leased from a sign company.
PAINTED WALL SIGN. Any sign which is applied with paint or similar substance on the
surface of a wall.
PERSON. Any individual, corporation, association, firm, partnership, or similarly defined
POINT OF PURCHASE DISPLAY. Advertising of a retail item accompanying its display,
e.g., an advertisement on a product dispenser, tire display, and the like.
PORTABLE SIGN. Any sign which is manifestly designed to be transported, including by
trailer or on its own wheels, even though the wheels of such sign may be removed and the
remaining chassis or support is converted to another sign or attached temporarily or permanently
to the ground since this characteristic is based on the design of such sign.
PREMISE. A parcel of land with its appurtenances and buildings which, because of its
unity of use, may be regarded as the smallest conveyable unit of real estate.
PROJECTING SIGN. Any sign which is affixed to a building or wall in such a manner that
its leading edge extends more than 2 feet beyond the surface of such building or wall face.
PUBLIC STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY. The entire right-of-way of any public street.
PYLON SIGN. Any freestanding sign which has its supportive structure(s) anchored in the
ground and which has a sign face elevated above ground level by pole(s) or beam(s) and with the
area below the sign face open.
ROOF SIGN. Any sign erected and constructed wholly on and above the roof of a building,
supported by the roof structure, and extending vertically above the highest portion of the roof.
SANDWICH SIGN. Two sign faces that are back to back and are connected together at the
top and apart from each other at the bottom.
SCENIC BYWAY. Any portion of Highway 34 East and West and Highway 71 North
throughout the city.
SCROLL OR TRAVEL. A message transition where the message that is leaving or
appearing appears to move vertically or horizontally across the display surface.
SIGHT TRIANGLE. A triangular area formed at the intersection of any street right-of-way
lines by a straight line drawn between the right-of-way lines at a distance along each line of 30
feet from their point of intersection.
SIGN. Any letter, word or symbol, poster, picture, statuary, reading matter or representation
in the nature of advertisement, announcement, message or visual communication, whether
painted, posted, printed, affixed or constructed, including all associated brackets, braces,
supports, wires and structures, which is displayed for information or communicative purposes.
SIGN, AREA OF. Includes the space inside a continuous line drawn around and enclosing
all letters, designs, and background materials exclusive of border, trim and structural supports.
For the purpose of calculating the sign area of multiple-faced or back-to-back signs the stipulated
maximum sign area shall refer to a single face.
SUBDIVISION IDENTIFICATION SIGN. A sign identifying a recognized subdivision,
condominium complex, or residential development.
SUSPENDED SIGN. Any building sign that is suspended from the underside of a
horizontal plane surface and is connected to this surface.
TEMPORARY SIGN. Any sign, balloon, banner, blimp, flag, pylon, pennant, poster, reader
board or advertising display which is intended to be displayed for a period of time not to exceed
3 weeks per permit period. Signs other than temporary signs shall be considered permanent
TOTAL SITE SIGNAGE. The maximum permitted combined area of all free standing and
wall identification signs allowed on a specific property.
WALL SIGN. A sign attached essentially parallel to and extending not more than 24 inches
from the wall of a building with no copy on the sides or edges. This definition includes painted,
individual letter, and cabinet signs, and signs on a mansard.
WINDOW SIGN. Any building sign, pictures, symbol, or combination thereof, designed to
communicate information about an activity, business, commodity, event, sale, or service, that is
placed inside a window or upon the window pane or glass and is visible from the exterior of the
ZONING LOT. One or more lots which are used for a single principal use or planned unit
(Ord. 494, passed 9-25-2007; Am. Ord. 542, passed 4-23-2013)
No sign shall be erected, reconstructed, or moved in the city without first securing a permit
from the city and payment of fees as described in this chapter, unless no permit is required
pursuant to § 151.178. The content of the message or speech displayed on the sign shall not be
reviewed or considered in determining whether to approve or deny a sign permit. Application for
a sign permit shall be on forms furnished by the Administrator.
(Ord. 494, passed 9-25-2007) Penalty, see § 151.999
The following signs need no permit. These exemptions, however, shall not be construed as
relieving the owner of the sign from the responsibility of its erection and maintenance, and is in
compliance with the provisions of this subchapter or any other law or ordinance regulating the
same. Unless restricted by this section, these signs may be placed in all zoning districts.
(A) Signs with a commercial message placed upon construction sites. Such signs may be
erected 60 days prior to construction and shall be removed within 10 days after completion of
construction. Total site signage shall not exceed the following size limitations:
Project Area
Under 1 acre
8 sq. ft.
32 sq. ft.
1.01 to 10 acres
64 sq. ft.
64 sq. ft.
10.1 to 25 acres
150 sq. ft.
150 sq. ft.
25.1 plus acres
300 sq. ft.
500 sq. ft.
(B) On-premise directional/information signs of 9 square feet or less.
(C) Building address signs of 2 square feet or less.
(D) Non-commercial speech signs. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this subchapter,
all signs of any size containing non-commercial speech may be posted from 46 days before the
state primary in any general election year until 10 days following the general election and 13
weeks prior to any special election until 10 days following the special election. One non-
commercial speech sign is allowed on each lot outside the above specified time period on all
properties. All signs must be at least 5 feet from all property lines and shall not be located in the
sight triangle.
(E) Emergency signs as required by any governmental agency.
(F) Residential and commercial real estate signs, not placed in the right of way. These signs
must be removed within 7 days after the closing date of the sale or lease of the property.
(G) Signs or posters attached or painted on the inside of a display window including
illuminated signs, but not flashing signs. These signs shall be placed as not to obstruct or
interfere with any window, doorway or fire escape. Such signs shall not exceed 50% of the
window area or 32 square feet, which ever is more restrictive. Such signs shall be prohibited in
residential districts.
(H) Public signs, street signs, warning signs, or signs of public service companies for the
purpose of promoting safety.
(I) Noncommercial flags.
(J) Pedestrian, vehicular-traffic and parking directional signs in parking lots, provided the
face of such signs meet Minnesota Department of Transportation standards and which do not
contain commercial speech.
(K) Replacement or repair of signs damaged by storm or accident, as long as the size or
setback is not increased.
(L) Noncommercial directional signs not illuminated and not exceeding 2 square feet. Signs
are limited to 1 per avenue or street directly leading to the establishment.
(M) Temporary or permanent signs by public utilities erected to warn the public.
(N) Easel and/or sandwich signs, as long as such signs do not exceed 24 inches by 48
inches. Signs are limited to 1 per lot. Signs must be taken down daily and must not block
sidewalks or right of ways.
(O) Memorial signs or tablets, names of buildings and date of erection when cut into are
attached to any masonry surface or noncombustible material.
(P) Banners affixed to buildings for point of purchase displays or special events.
(Q) Portable sign for community events displayed for 7 calendar days or less at a time.
(R) General sign maintenance such as painting, replacing light bulbs, cracked panels, and
the like, including changing nameplates/sign copy for an existing business that does not increase
the size, height, or setback.
(S) Temporary off-premise community/special event signs which meet the definition of a
community/special event and all of the provision of § 151.184(F).
(T) Feather flag signs (commercial) not exceeding 10 feet in height.
(Ord. 494, passed 9-25-2007; Am. Ord. 526, passed 5-25-2010; Am. Ord. 542, passed 4-23-
The following signs are prohibited in all districts, unless otherwise noted below:
(A) Any sign, signal, marking or device which purports to be or is an imitation of or
resembles any official traffic control device or signal, or emergency vehicle signal, or which
attempts to direct the movement of traffic or which hides from view or interferes with the
effectiveness of any official traffic control device or signal.
(B) Signs within a public right-of-way or easement, except for signs installed by
governmental entities.
(C) Signs painted, attached or in any manner affixed to trees, rocks, or similar natural
surfaces, or attached to public utility poles, bridges, towers, or similar public structures.
(D) Electronic variable message signs dynamic displays are prohibited except in the B-1, I-1
and I-2 Districts and which conform to provisions in § 151.181.
(E) All off-premise commercial signs including billboards.
(F) Signs advertising by letters, words or figures painted upon any sidewalk with the city.
(G) Signs that emit sound.
(H) Signs painted or attached to vehicles where the vehicle is parked on a property and not
intended to be moved for a period of 48 hours or more. At all times, vehicles containing
advertising and/or signage shall not be parked along the property frontage.
(I) Vacant or abandoned building signs. Owner has 30 days to remove such signs after
notification by Administrator.
(J) Signs anchored by guy wires, chains, cables or similar devices that project down to the
ground in any way.
(K) Any signs that would conflict with restrictions set forth in the Airport Zoning
(Ord. 494, passed 9-25-2007; Am. Ord. 542, passed 4-23-2013) Penalty, see § 151.999
The following provisions apply to signs in all districts:
(A) All signs shall be constructed and maintained in a manner where they will be safe to the
general public. A sign shall be repainted whenever its paint begins to fade, chip or discolor and
defective parts shall be replaced promptly.
(B) A sign shall be considered abandoned if the property or use remains vacant for a period
of more than 1 year. The property owner has 30 days to remove such signs after notification by
(C) If the Administrator shall find that any sign is unsafe, a detriment to the public, not
maintained, or constructed, erected or maintained in violation of the provisions of this section,
the Administrator shall give written notice to the property owner thereof. If the property owner
fails to comply with the standards of this section within 30 days after such notice, and if no
appeal is taken pursuant to § 151.245, or if no owner, occupant, or agent can be found, such sign
shall be removed or altered by the city. The cost of such city action shall be specifically assessed
against the subject property.
(D) All permanent signs shall be constructed to meet the Uniform Building Code standards
for wind
resistance, dead loads, wind loads and other applicable sections of the Uniform Building Code.
Signs shall be rigidly suspended by means of fastening or support so as not to be free swinging
nor a menace to persons or property.
(E) All electrical wiring of signs shall comply with the provisions of the National Electrical
Code and other applicable sections of the State Building Code.
(F) No sign shall be erected as to obstruct access/egress to or from fire escapes, windows,
doors or exits and fire lanes.
(G) No pylon sign shall be erected in such a manner that projects or will project over any
building or public right-of-way.
(H) Projecting signs, awnings and canopies that overhang a sidewalk or other pedestrian
way shall provide a minimum clearance above the said pedestrian way of 8 feet.
(I) Monument signs shall be constructed with the entire bottom of the sign structure in
contact with the ground.
(J) Computation of the area of multifaceted signs. The sign area for a sign with more than 1
face shall be computed by adding together the area of all sign faces visible from any 1 point.
When 2 identical sign faces are placed back to back, so that both faces cannot be viewed from
any point at the same time, and when such sign faces are part of the same sign structure and are
not more than 42 inches apart, the sign area shall be computed by the measurement of 1 of the
(K) All signs may be illuminated as provided for in § 151.182.
(Ord. 494, passed 9-25-2007; Am. Ord. 542, passed 4-23-2013) Penalty, see § 151.999
Dynamic displays and changeable copy on signs are allowed subject to the following
(A) Dynamic displays and changeable copy signs are allowed only on monument and pylon
signs for all uses in the B-1, I-1 and I-2 Districts only. Dynamic displays and changeable copy
signs may occupy no more than 50% of the actual copy and graphic area. The remainder of the
sign must not have the capability to have dynamic displays even if not used. Only 1, contiguous
dynamic display or changeable copy is allowed on a sign face.
(B) A dynamic display may not change or move more often than once every 3 seconds.
(C) Messages on dynamic displays may not be animated. Transitions between messages are
permitted, but such transitions may only fade, scroll, travel or reveal, and the transition shall not
exceed duration of 1 second.
(D) The images and messages displayed must be complete in themselves, without
continuation in content to the next image or message or to any other sign.
(E) (1) Every line of copy and graphics in a dynamic display must be as outlined below:
Road Speed Limit
Height of Copy and Graphics
25 to 34 MPH
7 inches
35 to 44 MPH
9 inches
Road Speed Limit
Height of Copy and Graphics
45 to 54 MPH
12 inches
55 MPH or more
15 inches
(2) If there is insufficient room for copy and graphics of this size in the area allowed
under division (E)(1) above, then no dynamic display is allowed.
(F) Dynamic displays must be designed and equipped to freeze the device in 1 position if a
malfunction occurs. The displays must also be equipped with a means to immediately
discontinue the display if it malfunctions, and the sign owner must immediately stop the dynamic
display when notified by the city that it is not complying with the standards of this subchapter.
(G) Dynamic displays must comply with the brightness standards contained in § 151.182
(H) Dynamic displays existing on October 3, 2007 must comply with the operational
standards listed above. An existing dynamic display that does not meet the structural
requirements in division (A) above may continue as a legally established non-conforming sign
subject to § 151.192. An existing dynamic
display that cannot meet the minimum size requirement in division (E) above must use the
largest size possible for 1 line of copy to fit in the available space.
(Ord. 494, passed 9-25-2007; Am. Ord. 542, passed 4-23-2013) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) Illuminated signs may not exhibit any of the following:
(1) External illumination that is determined to interfere with safe traffic operations;
(2) The sign is directly oriented to any residential district;
(3) Illumination of any sign in a residential district;
(B) All signs must meet the following brightness standards:
(1) No sign may be brighter than is necessary for clear and adequate visibility.
(2) No sign may be of such intensity or brilliance as to impair the vision of a motor
vehicle driver with average eyesight or to otherwise interfere with the driver’s operation of a
motor vehicle.
(3) No sign may be of such intensity or brilliance that it interferes with the
effectiveness of an official traffic sign, device or signal.
(C) All signs installed after October 3, 2007 that will have illumination by a means other
than natural light must be equipped with a mechanism that automatically adjusts the brightness in
response to ambient conditions. These signs must also be equipped with a means to immediately
turn off the display or lighting if it malfunctions and the sign owner or operator must
immediately turn off the sign or lighting when notified by the city that it is not complying with
the standards in this section.
(Ord. 494, passed 9-25-2007) Penalty, see § 151.999
The owner of any sign which is otherwise allowed by this subchapter may substitute non-
commercial speech in lieu of any other commercial speech or non-commercial speech. This
substitution of copy may be made without any additional approval or permitting. The purpose of
this provision is to prevent any inadvertent favoring of commercial speech over non-commercial
speech, or favoring of any particular non-commercial speech over any other non-commercial
speech. This provision prevails over any more specific provision to the contrary.
(Ord. 494, passed 9-25-2007)
Temporary signs are only permitted in the B-1, B-2, R-B, R-3, I-1, and I-2 zoning districts
and are subject to the following requirements.
(A) Portable signs.
(1) There shall be no more than 1 portable sign on any zoning lot at a time, excluding
(2) Maximum size not to exceed 32 square feet in area.
(3) Portable sign shall be set back 5 feet from all property lines and shall not be located
in the sight triangle.
(4) A temporary sign permit is required for portable signs which are allowed for 4
times per year, each for a 3-week time period.
(5) Portable signs shall not be placed in the public right-of-way, be flashing, having
moving parts or be fastened to any pylon sign or light pole.
(6) The square footage of portable signs does not count towards the total site signage
maximum allowed.
(7) Multi-tenant businesses will be allowed temporary signage time per business, not
per building, subject to the other requirements of this section.
(8) The temporary sign permit fee shall be waived for new businesses for a period of 3
(9) Erecting a temporary sign without a permit shall result in a double permit fee.
(B) Banners.
(1) No more than 3 such signs shall be allowed on a building at any 1 time.
(2) Any 1 banner shall not exceed 10% of the wall area.
(3) Total square footage of all banners shall not exceed 200 square feet.
(4) Banners shall be affixed to the primary structure.
(5) The square footage of banners shall not count towards the total site signage
(C) Sandwich signs.
(1) One sandwich sign is allowed per zoning lot. Sign must be displayed only during
business hours and removed when closed. The placement of the sign must not interfere with
pedestrian traffic and must be able to maintain a 6-foot path on the sidewalk. Sandwich signs
shall not exceed 24 inches by 48 inches in size.
(2) The square footage of sandwich signs does not count towards the total site signage
(D) Feather flag signs (commercial).
(1) Only 1 feather flag is allowed per parcel and must be attached to the primary
structure or the sign must be displayed only during business hours and removed when closed.
(2) Signs must be set back a minimum of 5 feet from the property line.
(E) Garage sale signs.
(1) Signs may not be placed in the right-of-way.
(2) Signs may be placed off site with permission of the property owner.
(3) Signs must be removed by 6:00 p.m. on the last day of the sale.
(F) Temporary off-site community/special event signs.
(1) No signs are allowed within any right-of-way or along highway sections designated
as a scenic byway (Highway 34 East and West and Highway 71 North throughout the city).
(2) Need to have property owner permission to place signs.
(3) Individual signs not to exceed 32 square feet.
(4) Signs are allowed the week prior to the event and all signs must be removed within
24 hours of the conclusion of the event.
(5) No permit or fee is required, but all signs must identify the event location and
include contact information for the event sponsor.
(Ord. 494, passed 9-25-2007; Am. Ord. 542, passed 4-23-2013) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) Sign permit applications for signs located within these districts shall be reviewed on a
case by case basis depending on the proposed use of the property and based on similar uses in the
zoning districts listed below.
(Ord. 494, passed 9-25-2007; Am. Ord. 542, passed 4-23-2013) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) The following regulations shall apply to non-residential permitted, conditional or legal
nonconforming uses:
(1) Nameplates may be wall or monument mounted or combination thereof and shall
not exceed 20 square feet in area.
(2) Monument signs shall have a maximum height of 6 feet and shall have a setback of
15 feet from any property line and shall not be placed in the sight triangle.
(B) The following regulations shall apply to residential permitted, conditional or legal
nonconforming uses:
(1) One subdivision identification sign per street frontage, neighborhood, subdivision
or development, not to exceed 48 square feet in sign area in each location.
(2) One identification sign per entrance to apartment or condominium complex, not to
exceed 36 square feet in sign area.
(3) Home occupations - 1 sign with a maximum area of 4 square feet will be allowed
and may not be illuminated. The sign must be located in the front yard.
(4) All allowed signs shall have a maximum height of 6 feet and shall have a setback
of 15 feet from any property line and shall not be placed in the sight triangle.
(Ord. 494, passed 9-25-2007) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) The following regulations shall apply to non-residential permitted, conditional, or legal
nonconforming uses:
(1) One 20-square feet pylon or monument sign and one 12-square feet wall sign are
allowed per building.
(2) Pylon signs shall have a maximum height of 10 feet and shall have a setback of 15
feet from any property line and shall not be placed in the sight triangle. The Zoning
Administrator must verify setback before the sign support is installed.
(3) Monument signs shall have a maximum height of 8 feet and shall have a setback of
15 feet from any property line and shall not be placed in the sight triangle. The Zoning
Administrator must verify setback before the sign support is installed.
(B) The following regulations shall apply to residential permitted, conditional, or legal
nonconforming uses:
(1) One subdivision identification sign per street frontage, neighborhood, subdivision
or development, not to exceed 48 square feet in sign area in each location.
(2) One identification sign per entrance to apartment or condominium complex, not to
exceed 36 square feet in sign area.
(3) Home occupations - 1 sign with a maximum area of 4 square feet will be allowed
and may not be illuminated. The sign must be located in the front yard.
(4) All allowed signs shall have a maximum height of 6 feet and shall have a setback
of 15 feet from any property line and shall not be placed in the sight triangle.
(Ord. 494, passed 9-25-2007; Am. Ord. 542, passed 4-23-2013) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) Total site signage. Two square feet per front foot of building abutting a public right-of-
(B) On-premise signs.
(1) A zoning lot which has a front lineal footage of greater than 300 feet may have a
pylon sign and a monument sign or 2 monument signs. A zoning lot which has a front lineal
footage less than 300 feet may have either a pylon sign or monument sign.
(2) On corner lots, all signs must be located outside of the sight triangle.
(3) Pylon sign.
(a) A zoning lot is allowed 1 pylon sign not to exceed 100 square feet in area.
(b) Pylon signs shall be set back 10 feet from property lines to the support
structure. The maximum height for pylon signs is 30 feet. The sign may project from the support
into the setback area 5 feet. The sign must be a minimum of 8 feet above grade. The Zoning
Administrator must verify setback before the sign support is installed.
(c) The square footage of pylon signs shall count towards the total site signage
maximum allowed.
(4) Monument signs.
(a) A zoning lot is allowed to have up to 2 monument signs, provided the
requirements for 2 signs have been met per this section.
(b) Monument signs greater than 8 feet in height shall be constructed with the
entire bottom of the sign structure in contact with the ground. A solid continuous background
area should be provided from the ground to the top of the sign in a material which matches the
principal structure.
(c) Monument sign height may be a maximum of 15 feet.
(d) The sign face shall occupy at least 50% of the monument sign. The sign face
shall not exceed 100 square feet in area.
(e) Signs should exhibit a sense of continuity through the use of a uniform color of
the metal surround. Monument signs are required to be constructed of materials of either the
same as the principal structure or appear the same.
(f) Monument signs shall be set back a minimum of 10 feet from the property
lines. The Zoning Administrator must verify setback before the sign support is installed.
(g) The square footage of the sign area on a monument sign shall count towards
the total site signage maximum allowed.
(5) Wall signs.
(a) Total wall signage on any building shall not exceed 10% of the front wall area.
(b) Wall signs shall not project above the roof line.
(c) Wall signs shall not project in excess of 12 inches from building face, with the
exception of canopies or awnings that do not overhang the public right-of-way.
(d) Any 1 wall sign shall not exceed 200 square feet in area.
(e) Multi-tenant business centers may have 1 wall sign per business which has an
exclusive exterior entrance. A second wall sign may be allowed if a tenant has an additional
exclusive exterior entrance on a second wall. All wall signs shall not exceed more than 10% of
the wall area.
(f) The square footage of wall signs shall count towards the total site signage
maximum allowed.
(6) Window signs are exempt from permit requirements, but must conform to all other
requirements of this subchapter.
(Ord. 494, passed 9-25-2007; Am. Ord. 542, passed 4-23-2013) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) Size of signs. Total site signage - 150 square feet. Multi-tenant buildings and properties
located on a corner lot may increase the total site signage to 200 square feet with an approved
comprehensive sign plan for the property.
(B) On-premise signs.
(1) Pylon sign.
(a) A zoning lot is allowed 1 pylon sign which shall not exceed 60 square feet in
(b) Maximum height is 15 feet above grade. The sign may not be located in or
over right-of-way. The Zoning Administrator must verify setback before the sign support is
(c) The square footage of pylon signs shall count towards the total site signage
maximum allowed.
(2) Wall sign.
(a) Total wall signage on any building shall not exceed 20% of the front wall area.
(b) All signs shall not project above the roof line.
(c) Wall signs shall not project in excess of 12 inches from building face, with
exception of canopies or awnings.
(d) Any 1 wall sign shall not exceed 100 square feet.
(e) Multi-tenant buildings may have 1 wall sign per business which has an
exclusive exterior entrance. A second wall sign may be allowed if a tenant has an additional
exclusive exterior entrance on a second wall. All signs shall not exceed 20% of the wall area.
(f) The square footage of wall signs shall count towards the total site signage
maximum allowed.
(3) Projecting signs.
(a) Projecting signs cannot project more than 8 feet from the wall of the building
and must be a minimum of 8 feet above grade and shall not exceed 32 square feet in area.
(b) The square footage of any projecting signs shall count towards the total site
signage maximum.
(4) Suspended signs.
(a) Suspended signs shall not exceed 8 square feet and must have a minimum
clearance of 8 feet to grade.
(b) The square footage of suspended signs shall count towards the total site
signage maximum.
(5) Window signs are exempt from permit requirements, but must conform to all other
requirements of this subchapter.
(6) Signs in the General Business District may be illuminated.
(Ord. 494, passed 9-25-2007; Am. Ord. 542, passed 4-23-2013) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) Total site signage. Three square feet per front foot of building abutting a public right-
(B) On-premise signs.
(1) A zoning lot which has a front lineal footage of greater than 300 feet may have a
pylon sign and a monument sign or 2 monument signs. A zoning lot which has a front lineal
footage less than 300 feet may have either a pylon sign or monument sign.
(2) On corner lots, all signs must be located outside of the sight triangle.
(3) Pylon signs.
(a) A zoning lot is allowed 1 pylon sign not to exceed 100 square feet in area.
(b) Pylon signs shall be set back 10 feet from property lines to the support
structure. The maximum height for pylon signs is 30 feet. The sign may project from the support
into the setback area 5 feet. The sign must be a minimum of 8 feet above grade. The Zoning
Administrator must verify setback before the sign support is installed.
(c) The square footage of pylon signs shall count towards the total site signage
maximum allowed.
(4) Monument signs.
(a) No more than 1 monument sign shall be permitted per zoning lot.
(b) Monument signs greater than 8 feet in height shall be constructed with the
entire bottom of the sign structure in contact with the ground. A solid continuous background
area should be provided from the ground to the top of the sign in a material which matches the
principal structure.
(c) Monument sign height may be a maximum of 15 feet.
(d) The sign face shall occupy at least 50% of the monument sign. The sign face
shall not exceed 125 square feet in area.
(e) Signs should exhibit a sense of continuity through the use of a uniform color of
the metal surround. Monument signs are required to be constructed of materials of either the
same as the principal structure or appear the same.
(f) Monument signs shall be set back a minimum of 10 feet from the property
lines. The Zoning Administrator must verify setback before the sign support is installed.
(g) Multi-tenant business centers will be allowed to have 1 joint identification
monument sign.
(h) The square footage of the sign area on a monument sign shall count towards
the total site signage maximum allowed.
(5) Wall signs.
(a) Total wall signage on any building shall not exceed 10% of the front wall area.
(b) Wall signs shall not project above the roof line.
(c) Wall signs shall not project in excess of 12 inches from building face with the
exception of canopies or awnings that do not overhang the public right-of-way.
(d) Any 1 wall sign shall not exceed 200 square feet per sign.
(e) Multi-tenant business centers may have 1 wall sign per business which has an
exclusive exterior entrance. A second wall sign may be allowed if a tenant has an additional
exclusive exterior entrance on a second wall. All wall signs shall not exceed more than 10% of
the wall area.
(f) The square footage of wall signs shall count towards the total site signage
maximum allowed.
(6) Window signs are exempt from permit requirements, but must conform to all other
requirements of this subchapter.
(Ord. 494, passed 9-25-2007; Am. Ord. 542, passed 4-23-2013) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to place any sign or banner or other obstruction
across or over any street or alley except Main Avenue, Highway 71 and Highway 34.
(B) For banners placed upon or over Main Avenue, Highway 71 or Highway 34 a banner
permit must first be obtained from the Administrator. Proof of insurance shall be submitted with
all permit applications, as well as a permit from the State of Minnesota for the state highways.
(C) Such permit shall be granted upon Council approval provided a security deposit is paid
by the applicant in a sum established by the Council.
(D) Any permit granted pursuant to this section shall not exceed 30 days.
(Ord. 494, passed 9-25-2007) Penalty, see § 151.999
It is recognized that signs exist within the zoning districts which were lawful before this
subchapter was enacted, but will be prohibited under the terms of this subchapter. It is the intent
of this subchapter that nonconforming signs shall not be enlarged upon or expanded, nor be used
as grounds for adding other signs or uses prohibited elsewhere in the same district. It is further
the intent of this subchapter to permit legal nonconforming signs existing on the effective date of
this subchapter to continue as legal nonconforming signs provided such signs are safe, are
maintained so as not to be unsightly, and have not been abandoned or removed subject to the
following provisions:
(A) No sign shall be enlarged or altered in a way which increases its nonconformity.
(B) If the use of the nonconforming sign or sign structure is discontinued for a period of 1
year, the sign or sign structure shall not be reconstructed or used except in conformity with the
provisions of this subchapter.
(C) Should such nonconforming sign or sign structure be damaged or structure be destroyed
by any means to an extent greater than 50% of its market value and all required permits for its
reconstruction have not been applied for within 180 days of when the sign or sign structure was
damaged, it shall not be reconstructed or used except in conformity with the provisions of this
(D) Should such a sign or sign structure be moved for any reason for any distance
whatsoever, it shall thereafter conform to the regulations for the zoning district in which it is
located after it is moved.
(E) No existing sign devoted to a use not permitted by the Zoning Code in the zoning
district in which it is located shall be enlarged, expanded or moved except in changing the sign to
a sign permitted in the zoning district in which it is located.
(F) When a building loses its nonconformity status all signs devoted to the structure shall be
removed and all signs painted directly on the structure shall be repainted in a neutral color which
will harmonize with the structure.
(Ord. 494, passed 9-25-2007) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) If any portion of this subchapter is found to be in conflict with any other provision of
any zoning, building, fire safety, or health ordinance, the provision that establishes the higher
standard shall prevail.
(B) Failure to obtain a sign permit prior to erection of a sign shall result in a double permit
(Ord. 494, passed 9-25-2007)
If any section, division, sentence, clause or phrase of this subchapter is for any reason held
to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this
subchapter. The City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted this subchapter in each
section, division, sentence, clause, or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more
sections, divisions, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared invalid.
(Ord. 494, passed 9-25-2007)
(A) Each new subdivision becomes a permanent unit in the basic physical structure of the
community, a unit with which the future community will, of necessity, be forced to comply.
(B) Haphazard and piecemeal planning of subdivisions, without correlation to a plan, will
result in a disconnected patchwork of plats with poor traffic circulation and expensive provision
of utilities.
(C) In order that new subdivisions will contribute toward an attractive, orderly, stable and
wholesome community environment, adequate municipal services and efficient movement of
traffic, all subdivisions hereafter platted within the jurisdiction of the city shall comply with the
regulations set forth in this subchapter.
(D) In their interpretation and application the provisions of this subchapter are minimum
requirements adopted for the protection of the public health, safety, and general welfare.
(Prior Code, § 66-211)
(A) General. The rules and regulations governing plats and subdivisions of land contained
in this subchapter apply within the city and orderly annexation area in Henrietta Township.
(B) Prior subdivisions. Except in the case of a resubdivision, this subchapter shall not
apply to any lot or lots forming a part of subdivision plats recorded in the office of the County
Recorder of Hubbard County prior to the effective date of this chapter, nor is it intended by this
subchapter to repeal, abrogate, annul or in any way impair or interfere with existing provisions of
other laws or ordinances except those in conflict with these regulations, or with private
restrictions placed upon property by deed, covenant or other private agreements which are equal
to or more restrictive than covenants running with the land to which the city is a party.
(Prior Code, § 66-212)
§ 151.207 DEFINITIONS.
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context
clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ALLEY. A public or private right-of-way primarily designed to serve as secondary access to
the side or rear of those properties whose principal frontage is on a street.
BOULEVARD. The portion of the street right-of-way between the curb line and the
property line.
BUTT LOT. A lot at the end of a block and located between 2 corner lots.
BLOCK. An area of land within a subdivision that is entirely bounded by streets, or by
streets and the exterior boundary or boundaries of the subdivision, or a combination of the above
with a stream or water body.
COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN. The comprehensive plan prepared by the
Planning Commission indicating the general locations recommended for the various functional
classes of land use, places and structures, and for the general physical development of the city
and includes any unit or part of the plan separately adopted and any amendments to the plan or
parts thereof.
EASEMENT. A grant by a property owner for the use of a strip of land and for the purpose
of constructing and maintaining drives, utilities, including, but not limited to, wetlands, ponding
areas, sanitary sewers, watermains, electric lines, telephone lines, storm sewers, or storm
drainage ways and gas lines.
FINAL PLAT. The final map, drawing or chart on which the subdividers plan of
subdivision is presented for approval and which, if approved, will be submitted to the county
register of deeds. The plat must conform to the requirements of law.
LOT. A parcel or portion of land designated by metes and bounds, a registered land survey,
auditor’s plats or other means and separated from other parcels or portions by the description for
the purpose of sale, lease, or separate use thereof.
LOT IMPROVEMENT. Any building, structure, place, work of art, or other object, or
improvement of the land on which they are situated constituting a physical betterment of real
property, or any part of the betterment. Certain LOT IMPROVEMENTS shall be properly
bonded as provided in these regulations.
specifications for the preparation of subdivision plans indicating, among other things, the
minimum and maximum dimensions of the various elements set forth in the preliminary plan.
MINOR SUBDIVISION. Any subdivision containing not more than 3 lots fronting on an
existing street, not involving any new street or road, or the extension of municipal facilities, or
the creation of any public improvements, and not adversely affecting the remainder of the parcel
or adjoining property, and not in conflict with any provision or portion of the comprehensive
plan or these regulations.
OFFICIAL MONUMENT. A marker established by the original Federal Land Survey for
use as a reference point in surveying and subdividing land.
OUTLOT. A remnant from a subdivision that is not a developable piece of property unless
replatted in accordance with city ordinances.
OWNER. Any person having sufficient proprietary interest in the land sought to be
subdivided to commence and maintain preceding to subdivide the same under these regulations.
PEDESTRIAN WAY. The right-of-way across or within a block, for use by pedestrian
traffic whether designated as a pedestrian way, crosswalk or however otherwise designated.
the horizontal in feet and tenths of a foot for each 100 feet of horizontal distance.
PLANNING COMMISSION. The Planning Commission of the City of Park Rapids.
PRELIMINARY PLAT. The preliminary plat map, drawing or chart indicating the
proposed layout of the subdivision to be submitted to the Planning Commission and City Council
for their consideration as compliance with the comprehensive development plan and these
regulations along with required supporting data.
PROTECTIVE COVENANTS. Contracts entered into between private parties constituting
a restriction on the use of all private property within a subdivision for the benefit of property
owners, and to provide mutual protection against undesirable aspects of development which
would tend to impair stability of values.
PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT. Any drainage ditch, roadway, parkway, sidewalk, pedestrian-
way, tree, lawn, off-street parking area, lot improvement, or other facility for which the city may
ultimately assume the responsibility for maintenance and operation, or which may affect an
improvement for which local government responsibility is established.
SETBACK LINE, BUILDING. A line within a lot which establishes the minimum distance
between the property lines and the nearest portion of an enclosed structure.
STREETS AND ALLEYS. Public ways and have the following meanings:
(1) ALLEY. A minor way which is used primarily for vehicular access to the back or
the side of properties abutting on a street.
(2) COLLECTOR STREET. A street which carries traffic from minor streets to
thoroughfares. It includes the principal entrance streets of a residential development and streets
for circulation within a development.
(3) CUL-DE-SAC. A minor street with only 1 outlet and having a turnaround.
(4) HALF STREET. A public right-of-way having only half the required width as
specified in § 151.213.
(5) MARGINAL ACCESS STREET. A minor street which is parallel and adjacent to
a thoroughfare and which provides access to abutting properties and protection from through
(6) MINOR STREET. A street of limited continuity used primarily for access to the
abutting properties and the local needs of a neighborhood.
(7) PRIVATE STREET. A way for vehicular traffic which is not owned and
maintained by the city.
(8) STREET. A way for vehicular traffic, whether designated as a street, highway,
thoroughfare, parkway, throughway, road, avenue, lane, and place or however otherwise
(9) STREET WIDTH. The shortest distance between the lines delineating the right-
of-way of a street.
(10) THOROUGHFARE. A street which heavy volumes of fast moving vehicles are
provided for, having considerable continuity, and used primarily as traffic arteries for
intercommunication between large areas.
SUBDIVIDER. Any person commencing proceedings under the terms of this section to
effect a subdivision of land hereunder for himself, herself, or for another.
(1) The division of a parcel of land into 2 or more lots or parcels, any of which
resultant parcel is less than 5 acres in area or 300 feet in width, for the purpose of transfer of
ownership or building or development or, if a new street is involved, any division of a parcel of
(2) The term includes resubdivision and, when appropriate to the context, relates to the
process of subdividing or to the land subdivided.
WATER RETENTION DEVICE OR AREA. Any constructed control device, ponding area
or stormwater pond, or a natural depression or wetland installed or planned for under a state
approved surface water management plan which provides for the temporary storage of
stormwater runoff, with the purpose of replicating, pre-development hydrologic conditions and
retaining sediment and/or nutrients.
(Prior Code, § 66-213) (Am. Ord. 417, passed 11-29-2004; Am. Ord. 491, passed 5-22-2007)
Unless approved as a final plat as provided herein, no subdivision shall be entitled to record
in the County Recorder’s office or have any validity, and the building official shall not issue
building permits for any structure on a lot in any proposed subdivision. The Council shall not
permit any public improvements to be installed unless the preliminary plat is approved and shall
not permit any connection of services until approval of the final plat and recording of same.
(Prior Code, § 66-214) Penalty, see § 151.999
§ 151.209 PROCEDURES.
(A) Plat approval. The procedure for plat approval is set forth in this section.
(B) Sketch plan.
(1) Subdivider’s are invited to prepare, for review with the Planning Commission, City
Engineer and others as the Planning Commission may direct, a proposed subdivision sketch plan
which, in order to be most useful, shall contain the following information:
(a) Site location map showing streets, school locations, commercial centers and
other significant developments;
(b) Tract boundaries;
(c) North arrow and scale;
(d) Streets within and adjacent to tract;
(e) Topography and physical features;
(f) Proposed general street design; and
(g) Proposed lot size and orientation.
(2) The sketch plan will be considered as the basis for discussion between the
subdivider and the Planning Commission. Submission of the sketch plan shall not constitute
formal filing of a preliminary plan. If desired by either the Planning Commission or the
subdivider, the sketch plan may be submitted to the Planning Commission for their unofficial
review and comments, the intent of which shall be to point out any deficiencies in the plan and to
recommend any modifications necessary to bring the plan into conformance with this section.
(C) Preliminary plats.
(1) Before dividing any tract of land into 2 or more lots or parcels, an owner or
subdivider shall, unless a variance is authorized, file with the City Planner:
(a) Ten copies of the preliminary plat and one 11 inches by 17 inches copy.
(b) A subdivision fee per the city fee schedule, as adopted and amended from time
to time by the City Council. This fee shall be used for public expenses in connection with the
approval or disapproval of the plan and final plat that may thereafter be submitted. Each final
plat submitted except the first as a part of the approved preliminary plan, may require an
additional fee of $50.
(c) Minor subdivisions shall be charged a fee per the city fee schedule.
(d) If the subdivider requests or the Council requires that any existing special
assessments which have been levied against the premises described in the subdivision be divided
and allocated to the respective lots in the subdivision plat, the City Clerk shall estimate the
clerical cost of preparing the revised assessment roll, filing the same with the County Auditor,
and making the division and allocation, and upon approval by the Council of the estimated cost,
the same shall be paid to the City Clerk in addition to the fees mentioned in division (b) above to
cover the cost of preparing and filing of the revised assessment.
(e) The subdivider shall fill out a subdivision application blank available at the
office of the City Planner.
(2) The Planning Commission shall consider the preliminary plat officially filed after
the City Planner has examined it and advised the Planning Commission that it is in proper form.
(3) On the same date that the City Planner places the preliminary plat on file, the City
Planner shall:
(a) Set a date for a public hearing on the preliminary plat, subject to division (4)
below. The City Planner shall cause notice of the hearing to be sent by mail to all property
owners of record within 350 feet of the proposed subdivision boundaries at least 10 days prior to
the hearing. In addition, notice of the hearing shall be published in the official newspaper at
least 10 days prior to the hearing. The Planning Commission shall hold the public hearing at 1 of
its regular meeting dates.
(b) Refer 1 copy of the preliminary plat to the Street and Water Department for
examination and report and 1 copy to the City Engineer for his or her examination and report, 1
copy to the Hubbard County Wetlands Coordinator for his or her examination and report, and 1
copy to the school district. Copies of the report of the City Engineer shall be given to the
Planning Commission prior to the public hearing.
(4) The Planning Commission shall make its report to the Council within 60 days
except in cases where the applicant requests additional time to adjust or count the plats.
(5) The Council shall act on the preliminary plat within 60 days of the date on which it
was received from the Planning Commission.
(6) If the preliminary plat is not approved by the Council the reasons for the action
shall be recorded in the proceedings of the Council and transmitted to the applicant. If the
preliminary plat is approved, the approval shall not constitute final acceptance of the subdivision.
(7) Should the subdivider desire to amend the preliminary plat as approved, he or she
may resubmit the amended plan which shall follow the same procedure except for the hearing
and fee, unless the amendment is, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, of the scope as to
constitute a new plat, in which case it shall be refiled.
(D) Final plat.
(1) The owner or subdivider shall file 10 copies of the final plat with the Planning
Commission not later than 6 months after the date of approval of the preliminary plat by the
Council; otherwise, the preliminary plat will be considered void unless an extension is requested
in writing by the subdivider and for good cause granted by the Council. One 11 inches by 17
inches copy of the final plat shall also be submitted.
(2) The final plat will have incorporated all changes or modifications approved in the
preliminary plat; in all other respects, it shall conform to the preliminary plat. It may constitute
only that portion of the approved preliminary plat which the subdivider proposed to record and
develop at the time, provided that the portion conforms with all the requirements of this section.
(3) The Planning Commission shall consider the final plat officially filed after the City
Planner has examined it and advised the Planning Commission that it is in proper form.
(4) On the same date that the final plat is placed on file, the City Planner shall refer 2
copies of the final plat to the Planning Commission, 3 copies to the City Engineer and 1 copy
each to the telephone, gas, and electric companies. The procedure and timing for processing the
final plat shall be the same as for the preliminary plat except that no public hearing is required in
processing the final plat.
(5) If the final plat is approved by the Council, the subdivider shall record it with the
County Recorder within 6 months after the date of approval; and if not so filed, the approval of
the final plat shall be void and of no effect.
(6) The subdivider shall furnish the following specified types of copies of the final plat
to the persons listed below:
Hubbard County Recorder
1 copy on mylar
Hubbard County Auditor
1 copy on paper
Hubbard County Engineer
1 copy on paper
City Engineer
1 copy on transparent linen or mylar
1 copy on film positive at 1 inch equals 200 feet
A digital copy (when available) with information from the
preliminary and final plat included
(E) Land division. In any case where the division of a parcel of land into 2 or more lots or
parcels for the purpose of transfer of ownership or building development does not come within
the definition of a subdivision, a description of the land division shall be filed with the Planning
Commission which shall submit copies of the division to the Council and City Engineer. No
building permit may be issued until the description has been received by the City Planner.
(F) Absence of utilities. In areas which cannot reasonably be served by public water and
sanitary sewer, and the service cannot be expected within a 5 year period, no residential lot shall
be developed for residential purposes unless it contains at least 1 acre of land area regardless of
the lot area requirements of prevailing zoning regulations. Where public water and sanitary
sewer is not available and individual wells and disposal systems are to be utilized, the subdivider
may be required to submit the results of tests to ascertain subsurface soil, rock, and ground water
(Prior Code, § 66-215) (Am. Ord. 491, passed 5-22-2007) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) Size.
(1) The preliminary plat shall be clearly and legibly drawn.
(2) The size of the map shall not be less than 12 inches by 18 inches.
(3) All subdivision maps shall be drawn at a scale not smaller than a scale of 1 inch
equals 100 feet, unless otherwise required by the Council.
(B) Information required. The preliminary plat of the proposed subdivision shall contain or
have attached thereto the following information:
(1) Identification and description.
(a) Proposed name of subdivision, which name shall not duplicate or be alike in
pronunciation of the name of any plat theretofore recorded in the County of Hubbard;
(b) Legal description of property to be platted and a survey prepared by a surveyor
registered in the State of Minnesota;
(c) Names and addresses of the owner, subdivider, surveyor, and designer of the
(d) North arrow and scale; and
(e) Date of preparation.
(2) Existing conditions.
(a) Boundary line of proposed subdivision clearly indicated;
(b) Existing zoning classification;
(c) Total approximate acreage;
(d) Location, widths, and names of all existing or previously platted streets or other
public ways, showing the type, width and condition of improvements, if any, and utility right-of-
ways, parks and other public open space, permanent buildings and structures, easements and
section and corporate lines within the proposed subdivision and to a distance of 100 feet beyond
the proposed subdivision;
(e) Location and size of existing sewers, water mains, culverts or other
underground facilities within the proposed subdivision and to a distance of 100 feet beyond the
proposed subdivision. This data as grades, invert elevations and locations of catch basin,
manholes, and hydrants shall also be shown;
(f) Boundary lines of adjoining unsubdivided or subdivided land within 100 feet
of the proposed subdivision, the land to be identified by name and ownership;
(g) Topographic data, including an area 300 feet beyond the boundaries of the
proposed subdivision, with a vertical contour interval of not more than 2 feet. Water courses,
marshes, wooded areas, rock outcrops, power transmission poles and lines and other significant
features shall also be shown. United States Geographic Survey data shall be used for all
topographic mapping. In the case of a subdivision where no new street is involved, the required
topographic map may be waived if it is deemed unnecessary by the City Engineer and the
Planning Commission;
(h) In shoreland areas, a line or contour representing the ordinary high water level,
the “toe” and the “top” of bluffs, and the minimum building setback distances from the top of the
bluff and the lake or river; and
(i) A plan for soil erosion and sediment control both during construction and after
development has been completed. The plan shall include gradients of waterways, design of
velocity and erosion control measures, design of sediment control measures, and landscaping of
the erosion and sediment control system.
(3) Subdivision design features.
(a) Layout of proposed streets, showing right-of-way widths and proposed names
of streets;
(b) Location and widths of proposed pedestrian ways and utility easements;
(c) Typical cross-sections of proposed improvements upon streets, together with
an indication as to the method of disposing of the proposed stormwater runoff;
(d) Approximate centerline gradients of proposed streets;
(e) Locations, size, and approximate gradient of proposed sewer lines, water
mains, and service connections;
(f) Layout, numbers, and preliminary dimensions of lots and blocks;
(g) Minimum front and side street building setback lines, indicating dimensions;
(h) Areas, other than streets, pedestrian ways, and utility easements intended to be
dedicated or preserved for public use, including the size of the area or areas in acres.
(4) Other information.
(a) Statement of the proposed use of lots, stating the type of residential buildings,
with the number of proposed dwelling units; the type of business or industry so as to reveal the
effect of the development on traffic, fire hazards, or congestion of population;
(b) Proposed restrictive covenants and a copy of any restrictive covenants
pertaining to adjacent properties;
(c) Source of water supply;
(d) Provisions for sewage disposal, drainage, and flood control;
(e) If any zoning changes are contemplated, indicate the proposed zoning plan for
the area, including dimensions;
(f) Where the subdivider owns property adjacent to that which is being proposed
for the subdivision, the Planning Commission may require that the subdivider submit a
preliminary plan for the remainder of the property so as to show the possible relationships
between the proposed subdivision and any future subdivisions. In any event, all subdivisions
must be shown to relate well with existing or potential adjacent subdivisions; and
(g) Potential resubdivision and use of excessively deep (over 200 feet) lots must
be indicated in a satisfactory manner.
(Prior Code, § 66-216) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) Conditional report.
(1) If a proposed subdivision fails to meet the requirements set forth in this section, the
Planning Commission may submit a conditional report to the Council, listing those items in
which the proposed subdivision is deficient.
(2) The Council may then, at its discretion, require that the subdivider make any and
all necessary changes in the preliminary plan in order to bring it into compliance with the
requirements of this section.
(B) Tentative approval. The approval of a preliminary plan by the Planning Commission
and Council is tentative only, involving merely the general acceptability of the layout as
submitted, and is not to be construed as approval of the final subdivision plan.
(C) Other approvals. Subsequent approval of the engineering proposals pertaining to water
supply, storm drainage, sewerage and sewage disposal, sidewalks, gas and electric service,
grading, gradients and roadway widths and the surfacing of streets will be required by the
Council and by other public officials having jurisdiction in the matters, prior to the approval of
the final plat by the city.
(D) Flood prone areas. No plan will be approved for a subdivision which covers an area
subject to periodic flooding or which contains extremely poor drainage facilities and which
would make adequate drainage of the streets and lots impossible, unless the subdivider agrees to
make improvements which will, in the opinion of the City Engineer, make the area completely
safe for occupancy and provide adequate street and lot drainage.
(E) Sewers. No plat will be accepted that cannot be adequately served with sanitary sewers
or other approved disposal systems.
(Prior Code, § 66-217) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) General. The final plat shall be prepared by a land surveyor who is registered in the
State of Minnesota and shall conform to all state and county requirements and the requirements
of this section. For the final plat to be considered it must be accompanied by a letter from a
Minnesota registered land surveyor, other than the surveyor drafting the plat, stating that the
proposed plat is in conformance with existing laws and that all mathematical computations are
correct. In any event, the data shown on the final plat shall comply with provisions of law.
(B) Forms of approval.
(1) Form for approval by Council is as follows:
Approved by the City Council of the City of Park Rapids, Minnesota, this
___ day of ____, 20__.
Signed: ___________________________
Attest: ____________________________
City Clerk
Zoning 119
(2) Form for approval by Planning Commission is as follows:
Approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Park Rapids,
Minnesota, this ___ day of ___________, 20__.
Signed: ____________________________
Attest: ____________________________
(Prior Code, § 66-218) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) Conformity with the comprehensive development plan. The proposed subdivision shall
conform to the comprehensive development plan.
(B) Street plan. The arrangement, character, extent, width, grade and location of all streets
shall conform to the comprehensive development plan and to this section, and shall be
considered in their relation to existing and planned streets, to reasonable circulation of traffic, to
topographical conditions, to drainage patterns, to public convenience and safety and in their
appropriate relationship to the proposed uses of the land and land to be served by these streets.
Names of new streets shall not duplicate existing or platted streets.
(1) Continuation of existing streets. The arrangement of streets in new subdivisions
shall make provisions for the appropriate continuation of the existing streets in adjoining areas.
When new streets are extensions of existing streets or in alignment with the existing or platted
street, the new streets shall be at the same or greater width than the existing streets, but in no
case may a new street be less than the minimum width required by this section. Streets which
are an extension of existing streets or in alignment with the existing or platted street, shall have
the same name as the existing street.
(2) Future projection of streets. Where adjoining areas are not subdivided but may be
subdivided, the arrangement of streets in a new subdivision shall make provision for the proper
projection of streets into adjoining areas by carrying the new streets to the boundaries of the new
subdivision at the appropriate locations.
(3) Widths. All right-of-way widths and pavement widths (face to face of curb) shall
be not less than the following dimensions:
Roadway Width
Arterial and collector
44 - 48 feet
80 feet
36 feet
66 feet
Alleys (Commercial)
20 feet
24 feet
Alleys (Residential)
16 feet
20 feet
6 feet
10 feet
(4) Deflection. The angle of intersection between any 2 streets shall not vary by more
than 10 degrees from a right angle.
(5) Grades. All centerline gradients shall be at least .5% wherever feasible and shall
not exceed the following:
Grade (Percent)
Minor streets, alleys
(6) Vertical curves. Different connecting street gradients shall be connected with
vertical curves. Minimum lengths of these curves shall conform to the standards specified in
Table A, Sheet 5-291.231 of the Minnesota Highway Road Design Manual as amended.
(7) Street jogs. Street jogs shall have a centerline offset of 150 feet or more when
applied to minor streets or marginal access streets; in all other cases, they shall be avoided.
(8) Minor streets. Minor streets shall be so aligned as to discourage their use by
through traffic.
(9) Cul-de-sacs. The maximum length of cul-de-sac streets shall be 500 feet measured
along the centerline from the intersection of origin to the end of the right-of-way and terminated
with a diameter of 120 feet.
(10) Marginal access streets.
(a) Where a subdivision abuts or contains an existing or planned major
thoroughfare, the Council may require a street approximately parallel to and on either side of the
right-of-way for adequate protection of residential properties and to afford separation of through
and local traffic.
(b) The marginal access streets shall be located at a distance from the major
thoroughfare right-of-way as to allow for the appropriate use of the intervening land, as for park
purposes in residential districts, or for commercial or industrial purposes in the appropriate
(c) The distances shall also be determined with due regard for the requirements for
approach grades and future grade separations.
(11) Half streets.
(a) Half streets shall be prohibited, except where essential to the reasonable
development of the subdivision in conformity with the other requirements of this section; and
except where the Council finds it will be practicable to require the dedication of the other half of
the street when the adjoining property is subdivided.
(b) Wherever there is a half street adjacent to a tract to be subdivided, the other
half of the street shall be platted within the tract.
(12) Reserve strips. Reserve strips controlling access to streets shall be prohibited.
(13) Private streets. Private streets shall not be approved nor shall public improvements
be approved for any private street.
(14) Hardship to owners of adjoining property avoided. The street arrangements shall
not be so as to cause hardship to owners of adjoining property in platting their own land and
providing convenient access to it.
(C) Alleys.
(1) Location requirements. Either a public or private alley shall be provided in a block
where commercially zoned property abuts a major or local thoroughfare.
(2) Widths. All alley right-of-ways and pavement widths shall conform to the
following minimum standards:
24 feet
20 feet
Residential (2-way)
20 feet
16 feet
(3) Grades. All centerline gradients shall be at least .5% but not more than 8%.
(D) Intersections.
(1) Angle of intersection. The angle formed by intersecting streets shall not be less
than 60 degrees when measured at the acute angle formed by the intersecting centerlines. An
angle of 90 degrees is preferred.
(2) Size of intersection. Intersections of more than 4 corners are prohibited.
(3) Corner radii. Roadways of street intersections at the curb shall be rounded by a
radius of not less than 20 feet. Roadways of alley-street intersections shall be rounded by a
radius of not less than 10 feet. Corners at the entrance to the turnaround portions of cul-de-sacs
shall be rounded by a radius of not less than 15 feet.
(E) Water supply. Extensions of the public water supply system shall be designed so as to
provide public water service to each lot. The design of the extensions shall be in accordance
with the standards of the city.
(F) Sewage disposal. Extension of the public sanitary sewer system shall be designed so as
to provide sewer service to each lot. The design of the extensions shall be in accordance with the
applicable standards of the city, county, and state.
(G) Drainage. A complete and adequate drainage system for the subdivision shall be
designed and shall include a storm sewer system or a system of open ditches, culverts, pipes, and
catch basins. The system or systems shall be designed in conformity with all applicable
standards of the city.
(H) Easements.
(1) Utilities. Easements at least 12 feet wide, centered on rear and other lot lines, shall
be provided for utilities where necessary and shall be dedicated to the public by appropriate
language in the plat. They shall have continuity of alignment from block to block and at
deflection points, easements for pole-line anchors shall be provided where necessary. Easements
shall be provided along property lines from utility easements on rear lots lines to right-of-way so
as to provide for a street light interval not to exceed 500 feet.
(2) Drainage. Easements shall be provided along each side of the centerline of any
water course or drainage channel whether or not shown in the comprehensive development plan,
to a width sufficient to provide proper maintenance and protection and to provide for stormwater
runoff and installation and maintenance of storm sewers, and they shall be dedicated to the city
by appropriate language in the plat.
(I) Blocks.
(1) Factors governing dimensions. Block length and width or acreage within
bordering streets shall be so as to accommodate the size of residential lot required in the area by
the Zoning Chapter and to provide for convenient access, circulation control, and safety of street
(2) Length. Block lengths shall not exceed 1,300 feet.
(3) Arrangements. A block shall be so designed as to provide 2 tiers of lots, unless it
adjoins the Heartland Trail, Fish Hook River or a lake, or a major thoroughfare, where it may
have a single tier of lots.
(J) Lots.
(1) Location. All lots shall abut by their full frontage on a publicly dedicated street or
a street that has received legal status as such.
(2) Size. The dimensions of lots in a subdivision shall not be less than the minimum
dimensions specified under the appropriate district requirements in the City Zoning Chapter.
(3) Butt lots. Butt lots shall be platted at least 5 feet wider than the average width of
interior lots in the block.
(4) Side lot lines. Side lines of lots shall be substantially at right angles to the street
(5) Water courses. Lots abutting upon a water course, drainage way, channel or stream
shall be required to abide by the regulations of the shoreland provision of the Zoning Chapter.
(6) Natural features. In the subdivision of any land, due regard shall be shown for all
natural features such as tree growth, water courses, historic spots or similar conditions which, if
preserved, will add attractiveness and stability to the proposed development.
(7) Lot remnants. All remnants of lots below minimum size left over after subdividing
of a larger tract must be added to adjacent lots, rather than allowed to remain as unusable parcels.
(8) Lots along thoroughfares. Except in those cases where there are extenuating
circumstances, residential lots shall not front on major thoroughfares.
(Prior Code, § 66-219) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) Authority.
(1) Pursuant to M.S. 462.358, as it may be amended from time to time, the City
Council, upon recommendations by the Planning Commission, shall require all subdividers
requesting platting or replatting of land in the City of Park Rapids to contribute 5% of final gross
area of the subdivision to be dedicated to the public for their use as either parks, playgrounds,
public open space, trail systems; or to contribute an equivalent amount of cash, or any
combination thereof.
(2) The form of contribution (cash, land, or any combination thereof) shall be decided
by the City Council upon recommendation of the Planning Commission.
(3) Stormwater ponding areas may be incorporated into the park land but shall not be
consider a part of the park land dedication.
(B) Conditions for contribution for dedication. It shall be deemed in the public interest to
require land dedication, cash contribution or any combination thereof when the City Council,
after review and recommendation, makes 1 or more of the following findings of fact:
(1) The contribution is necessary in order to protect adjacent land uses from potential
conflicting land uses which could exist on the land being subdivided.
(2) Increased number of residents to reside or be employed within the subdivision will
increase the recreational demands upon the city.
(3) The contribution is necessary to provide surface water run off generated by the use
proposed within the subdivision.
(4) The land proposed to be subdivided contains or borders upon existing unique
topographical features including but not limited to ponds, lakes, streams, timber stands, water
holding areas, hills, steep slopes, drainage areas or bluffs which should be preserved to prevent
foreseeable safety, pollution, or erosion hazards or to provide unique recreational and aesthetic
qualities and enjoyment for the City of Park Rapids.
(5) The contribution is necessary to comply with or fulfill the goals, policies, and plans
of the city.
(C) Type of contribution or dedication.
(1) The City Council shall require the subdivider to dedicate 5% of the final plat gross
area or contribute an equivalent amount of cash, or any combination thereof to be used for either
park, open space or trail purposes.
(2) Land dedication will only be accepted if the property is consistent with the city’s
recreation or other related plans. In the absence of these plans or if the proposed dedicated land
is inconsistent with the appropriate city plans, cash contribution shall be mandatory.
(D) Procedure for cash contribution.
(1) Any cash contribution shall be based on 5% of the estimated fair market value of
the undeveloped land of the final plat area.
(2) For purposes of this division, FAIR MARKET VALUE OF UNDEVELOPED
LAND is defined as fair market value of the undeveloped portion of the proposed gross platted
area at the time of final plat submittal. The value shall exclude any value to be added to the land
as a result of improvements required as part of the final plat approval, including utilities, streets,
holding ponds and other public improvements serving the land. The fair market value as
determined by the City Council shall be based upon a current appraisal submitted to the city by a
qualified real estate appraiser at a fair market value or by reference to the estimated market value
as determined by the Hubbard County Assessor or by market analysis or other qualified opinion
from a non-certified appraiser. The cost of the appraisal shall be originally paid by the city and
then paid to the city from the cash contribution amount paid by the subdivider. If the subdivider
disputes the accepted appraisal, the subdivider at his or her own expense may obtain a second
appraisal of the property, which may, at the option of the City Council, be accepted by the City
Council as being an accurate appraisal of the property in question. If the city rejects the
subdivider’s second appraisal, the amount of the cash contribution shall be settled by arbitration
between the subdivider and the City Administrator. All revenue obtained as park dedication fees
shall be placed in the city’s park land dedication account.
(E) Land dedication. In cases where the subdivider is required to dedicate land area, the
City Council shall have the right to determine the geographic location and configuration of the
(F) Delayed dedication or contribution. At the time of preliminary plat approval, the
subdivider shall commit to the park dedication policy. The subdivider shall be required to pay
the dedication prior to the filing of the final plat.
(G) Exceptions for outlots. In subdivisions which include outlots, the subdivider may
contribute land, cash, or any combination thereof for the entire subdivision, including land within
the outlots, or for only that land exclusive of the outlots. When the outlots are subdivided, the
contribution requirement shall be met in accordance with then existing regulations as applicable,
unless the contributions have been previously met.
(H) Resubdivision credit. In a subdivision of any parcel of land which previously has been
subdivided and previously subjected to a cash contribution of land dedication, the amount of the
land dedication or cash contribution previously received or dedicated shall be a credit against any
new contributions or dedication required for resubdivision.
(I) Commercial or industrial subdivisions. The City Council may waive the requirements
of this section for commercial or industrial subdivisions or resubdivisions when it is found the
waiver is in the best interest for the City of Park Rapids.
(Prior Code, § 66-220) (Ord. 346, passed 6-12-2001; Am. Ord. 400, passed 11-25-2003; Am.
Ord. 418, passed 11-29-2004) Penalty, see § 151.999
Prior to the approval of a final plat by the Council, the subdivider shall have agreed, in the
set forth in this section, to install or pay for the installation in conformity with all applicable
standards and provisions of this code, the following improvements on the site.
(A) Monuments. Monuments of a permanent character shall be placed in locations on the
boundary of the subdivision and within it as required.
(B) Street and alley improvement.
(1) Grading. The full width of the right-of-way of each street and alley dedicated in
the plat shall be graded.
(2) Pavement. All streets and alleys shall have an adequate subbase and shall be
improved with an all-weather, permanent surface. If the streets and alleys are not paved, Class V
gravel must be applied as approved by the City Engineer.
(C) Water supply and sewage disposal. Water service and sanitary sewer mains and service
connections stubbed into the property line shall be provided to serve all the lots in residential
subdivisions and shall be connected to the existing city water and sewer system.
(D) Drainage. A system that will adequately take care of the water runoff within the
subdivision shall be provided. If the City Council, upon the recommendation of the City
Engineer, determines that it is feasible for the subdivider to install storm sewers connected to the
existing storm sewer system of the city within or adjacent to the subdivision, or an extension of
the city system which will be extended to the boundary of the subdivision within 18 months of
the filing of the final plat, the city shall install a storm sewer system to provide drainage. If a
storm sewer system is installed and connections to the city system are not immediately available,
the storm sewers shall be capped and temporary provisions made for drainage by other means.
The cost of storm sewers shall be assessed against the benefiting properties including those
which may lie outside the boundaries of the proposed subdivision.
(E) Street signs. Street signs shall be installed in all new subdivisions by the city.
(F) Underground electric service and phone service. The City Council may require that all
electric service and phone service installations be put underground except where extreme
conditions prohibit and a variance from this requirement is recommended by the Planning
Commission upon the advice of the utility companies.
(Prior Code, § 66-221) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) Plans and specifications. Prior to installation of any required improvements and prior
to approval of the final plat, the subdivider shall enter into a contract in writing with the city
requiring the subdivider to furnish and construct the improvements at his or her sole cost and in
accordance with plans and specifications and usual contract conditions all approved by the
Council, which shall include provisions for supervision of details of construction by the City
Engineer and grant to the City Engineer authority to coordinate the work to be done under the
contract by any subcontractors authorized to proceed thereunder and with any other work being
done or contracted by the city in the vicinity. The agreement shall require the subdivider to
make an escrow deposit or, in lieu thereof, to furnish a performance bond as specified in division
(B) below, the amount of the deposit and the penal amount of the bond to be equal to the city
engineer’s estimate of the total cost of the improvements to be furnished under the contract,
including the cost of inspection by the city. On request of the subdivider, the contract may
provide for completion of part or all of the improvements covered thereby, prior to acceptance of
the plat, and in the event, the amount of the deposit or bond shall be reduced in an amount equal
to the estimated cost of the improvements to be furnished after the acceptance of the plat only.
The time for completion of the work and the several parts thereof shall be determined by the
Council upon recommendation of the City Engineer after consultation with the subdivider and
shall be reasonable in relation to the work to be done, the season of the year and proper
coordination with construction activities in the subdivision. The provisions of this section shall
be waived or amended as deemed appropriate by the City Council upon advice of the City
Engineer on those improvements which the city has agreed to install under the provisions of §
(B) Financial guarantee. The contract required by this section shall require the subdivider
to make an escrow deposit or in lieu thereof, furnish a performance bond as follows.
(1) Escrow deposit. An escrow deposit shall be made with the City Clerk in an amount
equal to the total cost, as estimated by the City Engineer including the cost of inspection by the
city, of all the improvements to be furnished and installed by the subdivider pursuant to the
contract and which have not been completed prior to approval of the final plat. The city shall be
entitled to reimburse itself out of the deposit for any cost and expense incurred by the city for
completion of the work in case of default of the subdivider under the contract, and for any
damages sustained by the city on account of any breach thereof. Upon completion of the work
and termination of any liability to the city of the subdivider under this contract, the balance
remaining in the deposit shall be refunded to the subdivider.
(2) Performance bond. In lieu of making the escrow deposit above described, the
subdivider may furnish the city with a public contractor’s performance bond in the form
prescribed by statute, with corporate surety, in a penal sum equal to the total cost, as estimated
by the City Engineer including the cost of inspection by the city, of all of the improvements to be
furnished and installed by the subdivider pursuant to the contract and which have not been
completed prior to approval of the final plat. The bond shall be approved by the City Attorney
and filed with the City Clerk.
(3) Construction plans. Construction plans for the required improvements, conforming
to all respects with the standards of the City Engineer and this code, shall be prepared at the
subdivider’s expense by a professional engineer who is registered in the State of Minnesota and
shall contain his or her seal. The plans, together with the quantities of construction items, shall
be submitted to the City Engineer for his or her estimate of the total cost of the required
improvements. Upon approval they shall become a part of the contract required in division (A)
above. The tracings of the plans approved by the City Engineer plus 2 prints shall be furnished
to the city to be filed by the City Engineer as a record in the Engineering Department.
(4) Inspection. All required improvements on the site that are to be installed under the
provisions of this section shall be inspected during the course of construction by the City
Engineer at the subdivider’s expense, and acceptance shall be subject to the City Engineer’s
certificate of compliance with the contract.
(C) Improvements completed prior to approval of final plat. Improvements within the
subdivision which have been completed prior to application for approval of the final plat or
execution of the contract for installation of the required improvements shall be accepted and
equivalent improvements in compliance with the requirements of this section if the City
Engineer certifies that he or she has determined that the existing improvements conform to
applicable city standards.
(Prior Code, § 66-222) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) Petition.
(1) In lieu of doing the actual construction work on improvements required to be made
by the subdivider under this subchapter, the subdivider may petition the city to do the
construction work required.
(2) The petition shall include a request that the benefited property be assessed for the
cost of the improvements where appropriate.
(3) The petition shall be presented to the city by September 1 for construction during
the next season.
(4) The option shall apply to streets, alleys, curb and gutters, water and sanitary sewer
(5) In no event shall the construction result in a cost to be borne by the taxpayers of the
city generally, except in those cases where part of the benefit of the construction is deemed by
the City Council to extend beyond the properties contained in the proposed subdivision.
(B) Payment for installation of improvements.
(1) Improvements required by this subchapter are to be furnished and installed at the
sole expense of the subdivider and at no expense to the city, unless otherwise stated.
(2) In the case of an improvement the cost of which would, by general policy of the
Council, be assessed only in part to the improved property and the remaining cost paid out of the
general tax levy, the Council may make provisions for payment of a portion of the cost by the
subdivider and the remaining portion of the cost by the city, and provided further, that if any
improvement installed within the subdivision, the Council may make provision for causing a
portion of the cost of the same and in the case the subdivider will be required only to pay for the
portion of the whole cost of the improvement as will represent the benefit to the property within
the subdivision.
(Prior Code, § 66-223)
(A) Minor subdivisions. In the case of a subdivision of small size and of minor importance,
situated in a locality where conditions are well defined, the city may exempt the subdivider from
complying with some of the requirements of this section. In the case of a request to divide a lot
which is a part of a recorded plat where the division is to permit the adding of a parcel of land to
an abutting lot or to create 2 lots and the newly created property line will not cause the other
remaining portion of the lot to be in violation with this section or the Zoning Chapter, the
division may be approved by the City Council after submission of a survey by a registered land
surveyor showing the original lot and the proposed subdivision.
(B) Variances. The Council may grant a variance upon receiving a report from the
Planning Commission in any particular case where the subdivider can show that, by reason of
exceptional topography or other physical conditions, the strict compliance with these regulations
could cause an exceptional and undue hardship on the enjoyment of a substantial property right,
provided the relief may be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without impairing
the intent and purpose of this section.
(C) Application process. Application for a variance shall be made in writing by the
subdivider at the time when the preliminary plat is filed for consideration by the Council, stating
fully all facts relied upon by the petitioner and supplemented with maps, plans or other additional
data which may aid the
Planning Commission and Council in the analysis of the proposed project. The plans for the
development shall include covenants, restrictions or other legal provisions necessary to guarantee
the full achievement of the plan. Any variance or modification thus granted shall be recorded in
resolution form and entered in the minutes of the Council setting forth the reasons which
justified the action taken.
(Prior Code, § 66-224)
No building permits shall be issued for construction on any lot until the final plat has been
(Prior Code, § 66-225) Penalty, see § 151.999
§ 151.220 COPIES OF PLAT.
Copies of all plats or subdivisions, after the same have been submitted and approved as
provided in this subchapter, shall be filed with the City Engineer.
(Prior Code, § 66-226) Penalty, see § 151.999
No conveyance of land shall be filed which fails to meet the requirements set forth in state
(Prior Code, § 66-227) (Ord. passed 1994) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) Planned Unit Developments (PUD’s) area allowed as conditional uses for new projects
on undeveloped land, redevelopment of previously built sites, or conversions of existing
buildings and land in those management districts where specifically identified in §§ 151.055 et
seq. Planned Unit Developments shall be processed as a conditional use, except that an
expansion to an existing Commercial PUD involving 6 or fewer new dwelling units or sites since
the date of enactment of this chapter is allowed as a permitted use provided that the total project
density does not exceed the allowable densities as prescribed in this section. Approval shall not
occur until the environmental review process (EAW/EIS) has been completed, as required by
Minnesota Environmental Quality Board rules.
(B) (1) An applicant for a PUD shall submit the following documents to the Zoning
Administrator prior to final action being taken on the application request. A site plan and/or plat
for the project showing:
(a) The boundary of the proposed development;
(b) Surface water features and other natural and manmade features;
(c) Existing and proposed structures and other facilities, proposed land alterations;
the location of existing and proposed sewage treatment and water supply systems; and
(d) Topographic contours at a minimum of 10 foot intervals.
(2) A PUD that combines commercial and residential structures shall indicate and
distinguish which buildings and portions of a project are commercial, residential, or a
combination of the 2.
(C) For Residential Planned Unit Development a property owner’s association agreement
with mandatory membership, all in accordance with the maintenance and administrative
requirements prescribed in § 151.225 of the code.
(D) Deed restrictions, covenants, permanent easements or other instruments that:
(1) Properly address future vegetative and topographic alterations; construction of
additional buildings; beaching of watercraft; and construction of commercial buildings in
residential PUD’s; and
(2) Ensure the long-term preservation and maintenance of open space in accordance
with the criteria and analysis specified in the maintenance and administrative requirements of
this section.
(E) For Commercial Planned Unit Developments and for commercial structures within a
Residential Planned Unit Development, a master plan/drawing describing the proposed project
and the floor plan for all commercial structures to be occupied.
(F) Any additional documents as requested by the Park Rapids Planning Commission that
are necessary to explain how the PUD will be designed and will function.
(Prior Code, § 66-228) (Ord. passed 1994; Am. Ord. 370, passed 9-11-2002)
(A) Proposed new, or expansions to existing, Planned Unit Developments shall be evaluated
using the following procedures and standards to determine the suitable area for the dwelling
unit/dwelling site evaluation.
(B) The project parcel must be divided into tiers by locating 1 or more lines approximately
parallel to a line that identifies the ordinary high water level at the following intervals,
proceeding landward:
Public Water Classification
Tier Interval
Unsewered Natural Environment Lake Lots
400 feet
Sewered Natural Environment Lake Lots
320 feet
132 Park Rapids - Land Usage
Public Water Classification
Tier Interval
Unsewered Recreational Development Lake Lots
267 feet
Sewered Recreational Development Lake Lots
267 feet
300 feet
(C) (1) The suitable area within each tier is next calculated by excluding from the tier area
all wetlands, bluffs, and land below the ordinary high water level of public waters.
(2) This suitable area and the proposed development are then subjected to either the
Residential or Commercial Planned Unit Development density evaluation steps to arrive at an
allowable number of dwelling units or sites within each tier.
(Prior Code, § 66-229) (Ord. passed 1994; Am. Ord. 370, passed 9-11-2002)
The procedures for determining the allowable density of Residential and Commercial
Planned Unit Development are as follows. Allowable densities may be transferred from a tier to
any other tier farther from the public water, but shall not be transferred to any tier closer to the
public water.
(A) To determine the allowable density for Residential Planned Unit Developments:
(1) For lakes or tributaries, the suitable area within each tier is divided by the single
residential lot size standard for the applicable management district.
(2) Proposed locations and numbers of dwelling units or sites for the residential
Planned Unit Developments are then compared with the tier, density, and suitability analyses
herein and the maintenance and design criteria prescribed in § 151.225. All Residential Planned
Unit Developments must contain at least 5 dwelling units or sites.
(3) (a) Dwelling unit or site density increases above the densities determined in the
evaluation may be permitted if all dimensional standards in § 151.069 are met or exceeded.
Maximum density increases may only be allowed if all maintenance and design criteria in §
151.225 are also met or exceeded. Increases in dwelling unit or site densities must not exceed the
maximums in the following table. Allowable densities may be transferred from any tier to any
other tier further from the shoreland water body or watercourse, but must not be transferred to
any other tier closer to the water body.
Zoning 133
(b) Maximum allowable dwelling unit or site density increases for Residential
Planned Unit Developments.
Density Evaluation Tiers Maximum Density Increase
Within Each Tier (Percent)
(B) To determine the allowable density for Commercial Planned Unit Developments:
(1) The average inside living area size of dwelling units or sites is computed.
Computation of inside living area need not include decks, patios, stoops, steps, garages, porches,
or basements unless these areas are habitable space.
(2) The appropriate floor area ratio is then selected from the following table based
upon the average unit floor area for the appropriate public water classification.
Commercial Planned Unit Development*
Floor Area Ratio by Public Waters Classification
Average Unit Floor Area
(square feet)
Non-Shoreland Areas and
Recreational Development
Natural Environment Lakes
200 or less
134 Park Rapids - Land Usage
Commercial Planned Unit Development*
Floor Area Ratio by Public Waters Classification
Average Unit Floor Area
(square feet)
Non-Shoreland Areas and
Recreational Development
Natural Environment Lakes
1,500 or more
*For recreational camping areas, use the ratios listed for average floor area of 400 square feet. Manufactured home sites in
recreational areas
shall use a ratio equal to the size of the manufactured home, or if known shall use the ratio listed for the
average floored area of 1,000 square feet.
(3) The suitable area within each tier is multiplied by the floor area ratio to yield the
total floor area in each tier allowed to be used for dwelling units or sites;
(4) The total floor area for each tier is divided by the average living area size to yield
the number of dwelling units or sites allowed for each tier;
(5) Proposed locations and numbers of dwelling units or sites for the Commercial
Planned Unit Developments are then compared with the tier, density, and suitability analyses
herein and the maintenance and design criteria prescribed in § 151.221.
(Prior Code, § 66-230) (Ord. passed 1994; Am. Ord. 370, passed 9-11-2002; Am. Ord. 375,
passed 11-26-2002; Am. Ord. 392, passed 8-12-2003) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) Before final approval of a Planned Unit Development may be granted, adequate
provisions must be developed for the preservation and maintenance of open spaces in perpetuity,
and for the continued existence and functioning of the development.
(B) Deed restrictions, covenants, permanent easements, public dedication and acceptance,
or other equally effective and permanent means shall be provided to ensure long-term
preservation and maintenance of open space. The instruments must include all of the following
(1) Commercial uses shall be prohibited in Residential Planned Unit Developments;
(2) Vegetative and topographic alterations, except for routine maintenance, shall be
Zoning 135
(3) Construction of additional buildings or the storage of vehicles and/or other
materials is prohibited; and
(4) Uncontrolled beaching of watercraft shall be prohibited.
(C) All Residential Planned Unit Development must have a property owners association
with the following features:
(1) Membership shall be mandatory for each dwelling unit or site owner;
(2) Each member must pay a pro-rata share of the expenses of the association, and
unpaid assessments may become liens on units or sites;
(3) Assessments must be adjustable to accommodate changing conditions; and
(4) The association shall be responsible for insurance, taxes, and maintenance of all
commonly owned property and facilities.
(D) All Planned Unit Developments must contain open space meeting all of the following
(1) At least 50% of the total project area must be preserved as open space;
(2) Dwelling units or sites, road rights-of-way, land covered by road surfaces, parking
areas, and structures are developed areas and shall not be included in the computation of open
(3) Open space must include those areas with physical characteristic unsuitable for
development in their natural state, and areas containing significant historic sites or unplatted
(4) Open space may include outdoor recreational facilities for use by owners of
dwelling units or sites, by guests staying in commercial dwelling units or sites, and by the
general public;
(5) Open space may include subsurface sewage treatment systems provided the use of
the space is restricted to avoid adverse impacts on these systems;
(6) Open space must not include commercial facilities or uses;
(7) The appearance of open space areas, including topography, vegetation, and
allowable uses, must be preserved by use of restrictive deed covenants, permanent easements,
public dedication and acceptance, or other equally effective and permanent means; and
(8) The shore impact zone, based upon normal structure setbacks, must be included as
open space. For Residential Planned Unit Developments, at least 50% of the shore impact zone
of existing developments and at least 50% of the shore impact zone of existing preserved in its
natural or existing state. For Commercial Planned Unit Developments, at least 50% of the shore
impact zone must be preserved in its natural state.
(E) Erosion control and stormwater management plans must be developed and the PUD
(1) Be designed, and the construction managed, to minimize the likelihood of serious
erosion occurring either during or after construction. This must be accomplished by limiting the
amount and length of time of bare ground exposure. Temporary ground covers, sediment
entrapment facilities, vegetative buffer strips, or other appropriate techniques must be used to
minimize erosion impacts on surface water features. Erosion control plans approved by the
Hubbard Soil and Water Conservation District may be required if warranted by project size
and/or the physical characteristics of the site; and
(2) Be designed and constructed to effectively manage reasonably expected quantities
of stormwater runoff. Impervious surface coverage within any tier must not exceed 25% of the
tier area.
(F) Centralization and design of facilities and structures must be done according to the
following standards:
(1) Planned unit developments must be connected to publicly owned water supply and
sewer systems, if available. On-site water supply and sewage must be centralized and designed
and installed to meet or exceed applicable standards or rules of the Minnesota Department of
Health and suitable areas of the development, and sufficient lawn area free of limiting factors
must be provided for a replacement soil treatment system for each sewage system;
(2) Dwelling units or sites must be clustered into 1 or more groups and located on
suitable areas of the development. They must be designed and located to meet or exceed the
following dimensional standards for the applicable shoreland classification; setback from the
ordinary high water level; elevation above the surface water features; and maximum height.
Setbacks from the ordinary high water level must be increased for developments with density
increases. Maximum density increases may only be allowed if structure setbacks from the
ordinary high water level are increased to at least 50% greater than the minimum setbacks, or the
impact on the waterbody is reduced an equivalent amount through vegetative management,
topography, or additional means acceptable to the local unit of government and the setback is at
least 25% greater than the minimum setback;
(3) Shore recreation facilities, including but not limited to swimming areas, docks and
watercraft mooring areas and launching ramps must be centralized and located in suitable areas.
Evaluation of suitability must include consideration of land slope, water depth, vegetation, soils,
depth to groundwater and bedrock, or other relevant factors. The number of spaces provided for
continuous beaching, mooring, or docking of watercraft must not exceed 1 for each allowable
dwelling unit or site in the first tier (not withstanding existing mooring sites in an existing
commercially used harbor). Launching ramp facilities, including a small dock for loading and
unloading equipment, may be provided for use by occupants of dwelling units or sites located in
other tiers;
(4) Structures, parking areas, and other facilities must be treated to reduce visibility as
viewed from public waters and adjacent shorelands by vegetation, topography, increased
setbacks, color, or other means, assuming summer, leaf-on conditions. Vegetative and
topographic screening must be preserved, if existing, or may be required to be provided; and
(5) Accessory structures and facilities must meet the required principal structure
setback, and must be centralized.
(Prior Code, § 66-231) (Ord. passed 1994; Am. Ord. 370, passed 9-11-2002; Am. Ord. 491,
passed 5-22-2007) Penalty, see § 151.999
Resorts or other land uses and/or facilities may be converted to Residential Planned Unit
Developments provided all of the following standards are met.
(A) Proposed conversions must be initially evaluated using the same procedures as for
Residential Planned Unit Developments involving all new construction. Inconsistencies between
existing features of the development and the PUD standards shall be identified.
(B) Deficiencies involving water supply and sewage treatment, impervious surface
coverage, open space and shore recreation facilities must be corrected as part of the conversion,
or as specified in the conditional use permit.
(C) Shore and bluff impact zone deficiencies must be evaluated and reasonable
improvements made as part of the conversion. These improvements must include, where
applicable, the following:
(1) Removal of extraneous buildings, docks, or other facilities that no longer need to be
located in shore or bluff impact zones;
(2) Remedial measures to correct erosion sites and improve the vegetative cover and
screening of buildings and other facilities as viewed from the water; and
(3) If existing dwelling units are located in shore or bluff impact zones, conditions that
preclude exterior expansions in any dimension or substantial alteration are attached to approvals
of all conversions. The conditions must also provide for future relocation of dwelling units,
where feasible, to other locations meeting all setback and elevation requirements when they are
rebuilt or replaced.
(D) Existing dwelling unit or dwelling site densities that exceed standards prescribed in §
151.224 of this chapter may be allowed to continue but shall not be increased, either at the time
of conversion or in the future. Efforts must be made during any conversion to limit impacts of
high densities by requiring seasonal use, improving vegetative screening, centralizing shore
recreation facilities, installing new sewage treatment systems, or other means.
(Prior Code, § 66-232) (Ord. passed 1994) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) The position of Zoning Administrator is hereby established. The Zoning Administrator
shall be appointed by the Park Rapids City Council and shall serve at its pleasure. The Zoning
Administrator shall receive compensation as the City Council may, from time to time, determine.
(B) The Zoning Administrator shall:
(1) Act as inspector for the City of Park Rapids;
(2) Inspect all construction and development to ensure that the standards of this chapter
are complied with;
(3) Enforce and administer the provisions of this chapter;
(4) Issue permits for permitted uses and/or activities that comply with the provisions of
the chapter;
(5) Receive applications for conditional use permits and forward, along with
recommendations, to the Planning Commission;
(6) Receive applications for variance requests and forward, along with
recommendations, to the Board of Adjustment;
(7) Receive applications for zoning amendments and forward, along with
recommendations, to the Planning Commission;
(8) Maintain all records relating to the application for and deliberations relating to the
issuance or denial of permits;
(9) Develop and maintain a public information bureau relating to local development issues; and
Zoning 139
(10) Maintain the official zoning map as described in §§ 151.040 et seq.
(Prior Code, § 66-241) (Ord. passed 1994)
§ 151.241 PERMITS.
(A) Permits shall be required for the following permitted activities: building construction,
alteration or demolition; signs; sewage treatment systems in shoreland areas; and grading or
filling in shoreland areas.
(B) All contractors, subcontractors, builders or other persons having charge of the erection,
alteration, moving, change or remodeling of any building or structure shall apply for a building
permit from the Park Rapids Building Inspector before beginning or undertaking the work. After
the appropriate fee has been paid, and if the proposed work does not conflict with any portion of
the Park Rapids Zoning Chapter or Building Code, the permit shall be granted. If the permit is
not granted, the reasons for the denial will be provided, in writing, to the applicant.
(C) All building permit applications shall be examined and processed within 30 days of
receipt of all information needed to process the application.
(1) Application for a building permit shall be made to the Building Inspector on blank
forms to be provided by the city. Each application for a permit to construct, alter, move or
demolish a building shall be accompanied by a plan, drawn to scale, showing: the dimensions of
the lot where the activity will occur; and the size and location of the buildings and accessory
building. Applications for building permits shall contain other information as may be deemed
necessary for the proper enforcement of this chapter.
(2) Permits for the installation of sewage treatment systems or grading and filling in
shoreland areas must also be obtained from the Zoning Administrator before the installation or
shoreland alteration has begun.
(3) Permits for the construction or placement of signs must be obtained from the
Zoning Administrator before the construction or placement shall be allowed.
(4) (a) All building, sign, sanitary, excavation, and related permits shall expire 1 year
from the date of approval if construction has not started.
(b) A request for an extension may be considered by the Board of Adjustment
pursuant to M.S. 462, as it may be amended from time to time.
(Prior Code, § 66-242) (Ord. passed 1994) Penalty, see § 151.999
140 Park Rapids - Land Usage
(A) There is hereby created a Planning Commission consisting of 5 members. The
members of the Planning Commission shall be appointed by the Mayor consistent with the
Planning Commission bylaws as adopted by the Park Rapids City Council. The Planning
Commission now in existence shall continue as presently constituted.
(B) The Planning Commission shall elect a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson from
among its members. It shall adopt rules or bylaws for the transaction of its business and shall
keep a permanent public record of its proceedings, findings and determinations. The Planning
Commission shall cause all records of its proceedings, findings, and determinations to be filed at
the Park Rapids city hall.
(C) (1) The Planning Commission shall be advisory in nature, and shall serve at the
pleasure of the City Council.
(2) In this advisory role the Planning Commission shall:
(a) Assist the City Council in the formulation of goals, policies, and programs for
the future development of the City of Park Rapids;
(b) Assist the City Council in the preparation of development controls designed to
promote development consistent with adopted goals and policies;
(c) Review applications for conditional use permits and chapter amendments,
conduct public hearings in accordance with the provisions of the chapter, and make
recommendations to the City Council;
(d) Review subdivision proposals for compliance with the provisions of this
chapter, conduct public hearings, and forward final plat along with recommendation to the City
Council; and
(e) Any other duties as required or requested by the City Council to further goals
and policies in furtherance of the intent of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 66-243) (Ord. passed 1994)
(A) Any use listed as a conditional use in this chapter shall be permitted only upon
application to the Zoning Administrator, review and recommendation of the Planning
Commission, and approval and issuance of a conditional use permit by the Park Rapids City
Council. The applicant for a conditional use permit shall fill out and submit to the Zoning
Administrator an application for conditional use permit. When the permit is submitted the
appropriate fee shall be paid in order for the application to receive consideration by the Planning
Commission. A thorough site evaluation shall be conducted by the Zoning Administrator and
the Planning Commission prior to consideration of the permit.
(B) In considering the granting of any conditional use permit throughout the city, the
Planning Commission and City Council shall evaluate the effect of the proposed use upon:
(1) The maintenance of the public health, safety, and welfare;
(2) The location of the site with respect to existing and proposed access roads;
(3) Its compatibility with adjacent land uses; and
(4) Its compatibility with the intent of the zoning district in which the use is proposed.
(C) In considering the granting of any conditional use permit in shoreland areas, the
Planning Commission and City Council shall evaluate the effect of the proposed use upon:
(1) The prevention and control of water pollution, including sedimentation and nutrient
(2) Existing topography and drainage features and vegetative cover on the site;
(3) The location of the site with respect to floodplains and floodways of river or
(4) The erosion potential of the site based upon the degree and direction of slope, soil
type, and existing vegetative cover;
(5) The need for the proposed use for a shoreland location;
(6) The amount of liquid waste to be generated and the adequacy of the proposed
sewage treatment system;
(7) The visibility of structures and other facilities as viewed from public waters;
(8) Adequacy of the site for water supply and on-site sewage treatment systems; and
(9) The types, uses and numbers of watercraft that the project will generate in relation
to the suitability of public waters to safely accommodate these watercraft.
142 Park Rapids - Land Usage
(D) Upon consideration of the factors listed above, the Planning Commission may attach
conditions, in addition to those required elsewhere in this chapter, that it deems necessary for the
furtherance of the purposes set forth in this chapter. These conditions attached to conditional use
permits may include, but shall not be limited to:
(1) Increased yards and setbacks;
(2) Periods and/or hours of operation;
(3) Minimum number of off-street parking spaces;
(4) Type of construction;
(5) Deed restrictions;
(6) Landscaping and vegetative screening;
(7) Type and extent of shore cover;
(8) Specified sewage treatment and water supply facilities;
(9) Location of signs, parking, docks, and piers; and
(10) Any other reasonable requirements necessary to fulfill the purposes and intent of
this chapter.
(E) An applicant for a conditional use permit may be required to furnish the Planning
Commission, in addition to the information required for the building or other permit, the
(1) A plan of the proposed project area showing contours, soil types, ordinary high
water level, ground water conditions, bedrock, slope, and vegetative cover;
(2) Location of existing and proposed buildings, parking areas, traffic access,
driveways, walkways, piers, open spaces, and vegetative cover;
(3) Plans of buildings, sewage treatment facilities, water supply systems, and
arrangements of operations;
(4) Specifications for areas of proposed grading, filling, lagooning, dredging, or other
topographic alterations; and
(5) Other pertinent information necessary to determine if the proposal meets the
requirements and intent of this chapter.
(F) The Planning Commission and the City Council, in evaluating each conditional use
application may request the Hubbard Soil and Water Conservation District to make available
expert assistance to assist in the evaluation and consideration of the application.
(Prior Code, § 66-244) (Ord. passed 1994)
(A) There is hereby established a Board of Adjustment vested with the authority as is
hereinafter provided, and as provided in M.S. Chapter 462, as it may be amended from time to
time. The City Council shall act as the Park Rapids Board of Adjustment.
(B) The Board of Adjustment shall elect a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson from among
its members. It shall adopt rules or bylaws, for the transaction of its business and shall keep a
permanent record of its proceedings, findings, and determinations. The Board of Adjustment
shall cause all records of its proceedings, findings and determinations to be filed at the Park
Rapids city hall.
(C) The meeting of the Board of Adjustment shall be held as specified in the rules or
bylaws, and at other times as the Chairperson of the Board of Adjustment shall deem necessary
and appropriate.
(D) The Board of Adjustment shall have the exclusive power concerning the following:
(1) To hear and decide any appeal from an order, requirement, decision, or
determination made by the Zoning Administrator;
(2) To interpret any management district boundary on the official zoning map;
(3) All decisions by the Board of Adjustment in granting variances, or in hearing any
appeals from administrative order, requirement, decision or determination shall be final except
that any aggrieved person, department, agency, Board of Commission shall have the right to
appeal to the District Court within 30 days after receipt of the notice of the decision made by the
Board of Adjustment.
(E) The Board of Adjustment and Appeals authorizes the Planning Commission, in its
advisory role, to make the necessary findings for variances and appeals. The Board of
Adjustment maintains authority to grant variances from the strict enforcement of standards and
provisions prescribed by this chapter. Variances shall only be granted based upon the criterion
prescribed in § 151.245 of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 66-245) (Ord. passed 1994; Am. Ord. 364, passed 5-14-2002)
144 Park Rapids - Land Usage
(A) (1) The Park Rapids Board of Adjustment shall have the exclusive power to order the
issuance of variances from the terms of any official controls including restrictions placed on non-
conformities. A variance is a modification or variation of the provisions of an official control to
a specific piece of property.
(2) Pursuant to M.S. § 462.357, Subd. 6, as it may be amended from time to time, the
Board of Adjustment may only grant applications for variances where practical difficulties in
complying with the official controls exist and each of the following criteria are satisfied:
(a) The variance is in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning
(b) The variance is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan;
(c) The property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not
permitted by the zoning ordinance;
(d) The plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not
created by the landowner; and
(e) The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality.
Economic considerations alone do not constitute practical difficulties. Practical
difficulties include, but are not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy
(3) The Planning Commission, at the public hearing must make an affirmative finding
on all of the 5 criteria listed in division (2) above in order to recommend the granting of a
variance to the Board of Adjustment. The applicant for a variance has the burden of proof to
show that all of the criteria listed above have been satisfied. A variance shall not be granted for a
use that is not permitted under this chapter. A variance may be granted to temporarily permit the
use of a one-family dwelling as a two-family dwelling.
(4) Variances shall be granted for earth shelter construction as defined in M.S. §
216C.06, Subd. 14, when in harmony with this chapter.
(5) The Planning Commission may recommend that the Board impose conditions upon
a variance that relate to the purposes and objectives of this chapter. The Board of Adjustment
may impose conditions and the variance shall not be effective until the conditions are fully
complied with. A condition imposed in a variance must be directly related to and must bear a
rough proportionality to the impact created by the variance. A conditional variance shall be in
effect only as long as the condition is complied with. If a condition is not complied with, the
variance may be revoked and the city may pursue the enforcement remedies set forth in §
151.999 herein.
(B) An applicant desiring a variance shall fill out and submit to the Park Rapids Zoning
Administrator an application for consideration of variance request form, copies of which are
available from the Zoning Administrator. The appropriate fee shall be paid in order for the
application to receive consideration by the Board of Adjustment.
(C) Upon receipt of a complete application for a variance, the Zoning Administrator shall
make a recommendation, in writing, to the Planning Commission who shall make a
recommendation to the Board of Adjustment after conducting a public hearing in accordance
with M.S. 462, as it may be amended from time to time and the provisions of this chapter. The
Board of Adjustment shall make the final decision within 60 days of the date that a complete
application is submitted to the Zoning Administrator.
(D) An appeal of any administrative decision made in the enforcement of this chapter shall
be made by filling out and submitting to the Zoning Administrator an application for appeal,
which is available from the Zoning Administrator. The appeal shall be heard and decided by the
Board of Adjustment within 60 days of the date that the application is submitted to the Zoning
(Prior Code, § 66-246) (Ord. passed 1994; Am. Ord. 532, passed 8-23-2011)
§ 151.246 AMENDMENTS.
The procedure for amendments to this chapter shall be as follows:
(A) An amendment may be initiated by a property owner, the Planning Commission or the
City Council. Property owners wishing to initiate an amendment shall fill out an application for
amendment form, available from the Zoning Administrator. The application shall be filled out
and submitted to the Zoning Administrator together with the appropriate fee;
(B) The applicant shall appear before the Planning Commission to answer any questions
that Commission members may have concerning the amendment request;
(C) A public hearing on the amendment request shall be conducted by the Planning
Commission within 60 days following the initial meeting. The public hearing shall be conducted
in accordance with M.S. 462, as it may be amended from time to time;
(D) The Planning Commission shall make its recommendation to the City Council after the
proceedings of this public hearing. The applicant shall be notified in writing of the
recommendation that shall be forwarded to the City Council; and
146 Park Rapids - Land Usage
(E) The City Council shall consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission
within 30 days after the public hearing is conducted.
(Prior Code, § 66-247) (Ord. passed 1994)
(A) In addition to the procedures described in preceding sections of this chapters, all
conditional use permit requests, variance requests, requests for amendments, and preliminary plat
approval shall be reviewed at a public hearing conducted at least 10 days following official
public notification including publication in the official newspaper of the City of Park Rapids and
notification of all property owners
within the following distances from affected property when the notice is applicable: In the case
of variances and conditional uses, all property owners within 350 feet must be notified. In the
case of amendments to official controls which involve changes in district boundaries of 5 acres
or less, all owners of property within 350 feet must be notified.
(B) The Commission of Natural Resources must also receive at least 10 days notification of
hearings to be conducted concerning applications for conditional use permits, variances,
amendments or final plat approvals, in shoreland areas. Notice of hearings to consider
subdivisions must include copies of the proposed final plat.
(C) The Commissioner of Natural Resources must also receive a copy of approved
conditional use permits, variances, zoning amendments and final plats, in shoreland areas,
postmarked within 10 days of final action.
(Prior Code, § 66-248) (Ord. passed 1994)
The Zoning Administrator or his or her agent shall have the right, at all reasonable times, to
enter upon private property for the purpose of administration or enforcement of this chapter.
This includes the right to conduct investigations, sampling, test borings, and other actions
necessary for the enforcement of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 66-249) (Ord. passed 1994)
§ 151.249 FEES.
In order to defray the administrative costs associated with the processing of applications for
building and related permits, conditional use permits, variance requests, amendments and
subdivision plat approval, a schedule of fees has been adopted by the Park Rapids City Council.
The schedule of fees shall be posted at the Park Rapids city hall, and may be altered or amended
only by resolution of the Park Rapids City Council.
(Prior Code, § 66-251) (Ord. passed 1994)
§ 151.999 PENALTY.
(A) In the event of violation or threatened violation of this chapter, the City Council, in
addition to other remedies including prosecution under division (B) of this section, may institute
appropriate actions or proceedings to prevent, restrain, correct or abate the violations or
threatened violations, and it shall be the duty of the Park Rapids City Attorney to institute this
(B) Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions herein, or who
shall fail to comply with any of the provisions herein, or who shall make any false statement in
any document required to be submitted under these provisions, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor,
and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by penalties and fines provided by law. Each day
that the violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.
(Prior Code, § 66-250) (Ord. passed 1994)
General Provisions
152.001 Purpose
152.002 Definitions
152.003 Designation of unfit dwellings and condemnation
152.004 Higher standards to prevail
Minimum Standards
152.015 Basic equipment and facilities
152.016 Light, ventilation, and heat
152.017 Maintenance requirements
152.018 Minimum space, use, and location requirements
Responsibilities of Owners and Occupants
152.030 Public areas
152.031 Cleanliness
152.032 Rubbish
152.033 Garbage
152.034 Extermination of pests
152.035 Plumbing fixtures
Registration of Rental Units
152.050 Registration required; exemptions
152.051 Registration requirements
152.052 Manner of registration renewal
152.053 Transfer of property
152.054 Fees
152.055 Maintenance of records
152.056 Maintenance standards
152.057 Failure to grant registration; revocation, suspension, or failure to renew registration
2012 S-9
Rentals 149
Administration and Enforcement
152.070 Authority to condemn or close off rentals
152.071 Inspections and investigations
152.072 Notice of violation
152.073 Hearing
152.074 Order of the Board
152.075 Records at hearing
152.076 Emergency action
152.077 Further actions or injunctive relief
152.999 Penalty
§ 152.001 PURPOSE.
The city recognizes a need to ensure that housing units meet minimum safety and health
standards; to provide a system for ensuring that both absentee and local landlords correct
deficiencies and properly maintain rental property within the city; to provide a system of
organized inspection of residential rental units in the city; and to develop a system to monitor
orderly occupancy of residential rental units.
(Am. Ord. 473, passed 12-12-2006)
§ 152.002 DEFINITIONS.
(A) Whenever the words DWELLING, DWELLING UNIT or PREMISES are used in this
chapter, they shall be construed as though followed by the words “or any part thereof.”
(B) For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context
clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
BASEMENT. A portion of a building located partly underground but having less than
half its clear floor-to-ceiling height below the average grade of the adjoining ground.
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT. The Park Rapids City Council shall act as the Park
Rapids Board of Adjustment.
CELLAR. A portion of a building located partly or wholly underground and having
half or more than half of its clear floor-to-ceiling height below the average grade of the adjoining
DWELLING. Any building, including a manufactured home, which is wholly or
partially used or intended to be used for living or sleeping by human occupants; provided that
temporary housing shall not be regarded as a DWELLING.
DWELLING UNIT. Any building, room, or group of rooms, including a manufactured
home, located within a dwelling and forming a single habitable unit with facilities which are
used or intended to be used for living, sleeping, cooking, and eating by human occupants.
EXTERMINATION. The control and elimination of insects, rodents, or other pests by
eliminating their harborage places; by removing or making inaccessible materials that may serve
as their food; by poisoning, spraying, fumigating, or trapping; or by any other recognized and
legal pest elimination methods approved by the city.
GARBAGE. The animal and vegetable waste resulting from the handling, preparation,
cooking, and consumption of food.
HABITABLE ROOM. A room or enclosed floor space used or intended to be used for
the purposes of living or sleeping, excluding bathrooms, water closet compartments, laundries,
pantries, foyers, or communicating corridors, closets, and storage spaces. A room or enclosed
floor space used or intended to be used for the purposes of cooking or eating shall be considered
as a room or space being used or intended to be used for the purpose of living under this
INFESTATION. The presence, within or around a dwelling, of any insects, rodents, or
other pests.
INSPECTOR. Police Chief, City Administrator, and other persons designated by the
City Administrator.
MULTIPLE DWELLING. Any dwelling containing 2 or more dwelling units.
OCCUPANT. Any person over 1 year of age, living, sleeping, cooking or eating in or
having actual possession of a dwelling unit.
OPERATOR. Any person who has charge, care, or control of a building or part thereof
in which dwelling units are let.
ORDINARY MINIMUM WINTER CONDITIONS. The temperature 15°F above the
lowest recorded temperature for the previous 10-year period.
OWNER. Any person who alone, jointly, or severally with others:
(a) Shall have legal title to any dwelling or dwelling unit, with or without
accompanying actual possession thereof; or
(b) Shall have charge, care, or control of any dwelling or dwelling unit as owner or
agent of the owner, or as executor, executrix, administrator, administratrix, trustee, or guardian
of the estate of the owner. Any such persons thus representing the actual owner shall be bound to
comply with the provisions of this section and of any rules and regulations adopted pursuant
thereto, to the same extent as if they were the OWNER.
PLUMBING. Any of the following supplied facilities and equipment: gas pipes, gas
burning equipment, water pipes, garbage disposal units, waste pipes, water closets, sinks,
installed dishwashers, lavatories, bathtubs, shower baths, installed clothes washing machines,
catch basins, drains, vents, and any other similar supplied fixtures, together with all connections
to water, sewer, or gas lines.
RENTAL. The leasing of a rental unit to a non-owner for a fixed or non-fixed period of
PURCHASES whereby nonpayment of a periodic payment means the occupants may be evicted
without the necessity of either a statutory mortgage foreclosure procedure, a statutory
termination of contract for deed procedure, or a statutory repossession procedure and other
similar procedures.
RENTAL UNIT. Any room or group of rooms located within a dwelling and forming a
single habitable unit.
RUBBISH. Combustible and noncombustible waste materials except garbage, and the
term shall include, but not be limited to the residue from the burning of wood, coal, coke, and
other combustible material, paper, rags, cartons, boxes, wood, excelsior, rubber, leather, tree
branches, yard trimmings, tin cans, metals, mineral matter, glass crockery, and dust.
SUPPLIED. Paid for, furnished, or provided by or under the control of the owner or
TEMPORARY HOUSING. Any tent, trailer, or other structure used for human shelter
which is designed to be transportable and which is not attached to the ground, to another
structure, or to any utilities system on the same premises for more than 30 consecutive days.
(Am. Ord. 473, passed 12-12-2006)
The designation of dwellings or dwelling units as unfit for human habitation and the
procedure for the condemnation and placarding of such unfit dwellings or dwelling units shall be
carried out in compliance with the following requirements:
(A) Placarding condemned dwellings. Any dwelling or dwelling unit which is found to have
any of the following defects shall be condemned as unfit for human habitation and shall be so
designated and placarded by the city.
(1) One which is so damaged, decayed, dilapidated, unsanitary, unsafe, or vermin-
infested that it creates a serious hazard to the health or safety of the occupants or of the public.
(2) One which lacks illumination, ventilation, or sanitation facilities adequate to
protect the health or safety of the occupants or of the public.
(3) One which because of its general condition or location is unsanitary or otherwise
dangerous to the health or safety of the occupants or of the public.
(B) Vacating condemned dwellings. Any dwelling or dwelling unit condemned as unfit for
human habitation and so designated and placarded shall be vacated immediately or at such future
time as the inspector may order.
(C) Reuse of condemned dwellings. No dwelling or dwelling unit which has been
condemned and placarded as unfit for human habitation shall again be used for human habitation
until written approval is secured from and such placard is removed by the city. The city shall
remove such placard whenever the defect or defects upon which the condemnation and
placarding action were based have been eliminated.
(D) Defacing or removing placard. No person shall deface or remove the placard from any
dwelling or dwelling unit which has been condemned as unfit for human habitation and
placarded as such, except as provided in division (C).
(E) Hearing. Any person affected by any notice or order relating to the condemning and
placarding of a dwelling or dwelling unit as unfit for human habitation may request and shall be
granted a hearing on the matter before the Board of Adjustment under the procedures set forth in
this chapter.
(Am. Ord. 473, passed 12-12-2006)
In any case where a provision of this chapter is found to be in conflict with a provision of
any zoning, building, fire, safety, or health ordinance or code of this city, the provision which
establishes the higher standard for the promotion and protection of the health and safety of the
people shall prevail.
(Am. Ord. 473, passed 12-12-2006)
No person shall occupy as owner/occupant or let to another for occupancy any dwelling or
dwelling unit for the purpose of living, sleeping, cooking, or eating therein, which does not
comply with the following requirements:
(A) Kitchen sink. Every dwelling unit shall contain a kitchen sink in good working
condition and properly connected to a water and sewer system.
(B) Toilets. Every dwelling unit shall contain a room which affords privacy to a person
within said room and which is equipped with a flush water closet and a lavatory basin in good
working condition and properly connected to a water and sewer system.
(C) Bath. Every dwelling unit shall contain, within a room which affords privacy to a
person within said room, a bathtub or shower in good working condition and properly connected
to a water and sewer system.
(D) Water. Every kitchen sink, lavatory basin, bathtub, shower, and laundry facilities
required under the provisions of this chapter shall be properly connected with both hot and cold
water lines in good working order. If served by private wells, the water shall be tested annually.
A copy of the results of the test shall be filed with the city and posted on the site.
(E) Rubbish and garbage. Every dwelling unit shall have adequate disposal facilities or
storage containers for rubbish, garbage, and recyclables in accordance with the requirements of
applicable city ordinances. Rubbish and garbage shall be regularly disposed of at least every 2
(F) Smoke detector. Smoke detectors shall be installed in each sleeping room, outside each
separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms and on each additional story of
the dwelling, including basements and cellars but not including crawl spaces and un-inhabitable
(G) Hot water. Every dwelling shall have supplied water-heating facilities which are
properly installed, are maintained in safe and good working condition, are properly connected
with hot water lines required under the provisions of this chapter. The water-heating facility
must be capable of heating water to a temperature of 120°F to permit an adequate amount of
water to be drawn at every required kitchen sink, lavatory basin, bathtub, or shower. Such
supplied water-heating facilities shall be capable of meeting the requirements of this chapter
when the dwelling or dwelling unit heating facilities required are not in operation.
(H) Exits.
(1) Every dwelling unit shall have safe, unobstructed means of egress leading to safe
and open space at ground level as required by the laws of this state.
(2) No basement or cellar area or room may be tenant occupied for sleeping purposes
unless a properly sized and installed second emergency exit is present and approved.
(Am. Ord. 473, passed 12-12-2006; Am. Ord. 475, passed 2-27-2007)
No person shall occupy as owner/occupant, or let to another for occupancy, any dwelling or
dwelling units for the purposes of living therein, which does not comply with the following
(A) Emergency exit. Every habitable room used for sleeping purposes shall have at least 1
openable window or second door for egress purposes as approved by current Minnesota State
Building Code for the licensure of a rental property. Once a rental property is in compliance
with current Minnesota State Building Code standards and a rental license has been issued, and
the license has not lapsed or been revoked, the size of the egress windows will be considered
grandfathered until the window is replaced, if changes have been made to the current Minnesota
State Building Code in the interim. If a rental license has lapsed or been revoked the rental
property must be brought to current Minnesota State Building Code standards prior to the re-
licensure of the property.
(B) Ventilation. Every habitable room shall have at least 1 window or skylight which can
easily be opened or such other means to adequately ventilate the room as approved by Minnesota
State Building Code.
(C) Bathroom light and ventilation. Every bathroom and water closet compartment shall
comply with the light and ventilation requirements for habitable rooms contained in this section
except that no window or skylight shall be required in adequately ventilated bathrooms and water
closet compartments equipped with ventilation.
(D) Electric outlets. Where there is electric service available from power lines which are
not more than 300 feet away from a dwelling, every habitable room of such dwelling shall
contain at least 2 separate electric convenience outlets or 1 such convenience outlet and 1
supplied ceiling type electric light fixture; and every water closet compartment, bathroom,
laundry room, furnace room and public hall shall contain at least 1 supplied ceiling or wall-type
electric light fixture. Every such outlet and fixture shall be properly installed, shall be maintained
in good and safe working condition, and shall be connected to the source of electric power in a
safe manner. Every dwelling unit must have access to the fuse or circuit boxes serving that unit
for safety purposes. Kitchen, bath and u-1 occupancies must be protected by G.F.I. outlets.
(E) Heating facilities. Every dwelling shall have heating facilities which are properly
installed, are maintained in safe and good working condition, and are capable of safely and
adequately heating all habitable rooms, bathrooms, and water closet compartments in every
dwelling unit located therein to a temperature of at least 68°F, at a distance of 3 feet above floor
level, under ordinary minimum winter conditions.
(F) Lighting halls and stairways. Every hallway and stairway in every multiple dwelling
containing 4 or more dwelling units shall be adequately lighted at all times. Every hallway and
stairway in structures devoted solely to dwelling occupancy and containing not more than 3
dwelling units may be supplied with conveniently located light switches, controlling an adequate
lighting system which may be turned on when needed, instead of full-time lighting.
(G) Screens. During that portion of each year when it is necessary for protection against
mosquitoes, flies, and other insects, every window opening from a dwelling unit required for
ventilation shall have supplied screens.
(H) Rodent protection. Every basement or cellar window used or intended to be used for
ventilation and every other opening to a basement which might provide an entry for rodents shall
be supplied with a screen or such other device as will effectively prevent their entrance.
(Am. Ord. 473, passed 12-12-2006; Am. Ord. 475, passed 2-27-2007)
No person shall occupy as owner/occupant, or let to another for occupancy, any dwelling or
dwelling unit for the purpose of living therein which does not comply with the following
(A) Foundation, floor, wall, ceiling, and roof. Every foundation, floor, wall, ceiling, and
roof shall be reasonably weathertight, watertight, and rodent proof, shall be capable of affording
privacy, and shall be kept in good repair.
(B) Exterior opening. Every window, exterior door, and basement hatchway shall be
reasonably weathertight, watertight, and rodent proof and shall be kept in sound working
condition and good repair.
(C) Stairs and porches. Every inside and outside stair, every porch, and every appurtenance
thereto shall be so constructed as to be safe to use and capable of supporting the load that normal
use may cause to be placed thereon and shall be kept in sound condition and good repair.
Properly installed and maintained handrails are required on all stairs with 3 risers or more.
Guardrails shall be present to prevent any opening from being over 4 inches on all porches,
balconies, stairs, or landings which are higher than 30 inches off the ground. Guardrails may not
be less than 36 inches in height.
(D) Plumbing fixtures. Every plumbing fixture and water waste pipe shall be properly
installed and maintained in good sanitary working condition, free from defects, leaks, and
(E) Floor surfaces. Every water closet compartment floor surface, bathroom floor surface,
kitchen floor surface, and kitchen counter surfaces shall be constructed and maintained so as to
be reasonably impervious to water and so as to permit such floor to be easily kept in a clean and
sanitary condition.
(F) Supplied facilities. Every supplied facility, piece of equipment, or utility which is
required under this section shall be so constructed or installed that it will function safely and
effectively and shall be maintained in satisfactory working condition.
(G) Continuous service of facilities. No owner, operator, or occupant shall cause any
service, facility equipment, or utility which is required under this section to be removed from or
shut off from or discontinued for any occupied dwelling let or occupied by the owner, operator,
or occupant, except for such temporary interruption as may be necessary while actual repairs or
alterations are in process.
(H) Fitness for occupancy. No owner shall occupy or let to any other occupant any vacant
dwelling unit unless it is clean, sanitary, and fit for human occupancy.
(Am. Ord. 473, passed 12-12-2006)
No person shall occupy or let to another for occupancy any dwelling or dwelling unit for the
purpose of living therein, which does not comply with the following requirements:
(A) Living space. Every dwelling unit shall contain for use as living space at least 150
square feet of floor space of habitable room floor space for the first occupant thereof and at least
100 additional square feet of habitable room floor space for every additional occupant thereof.
Sleeping space to be contained within a dwelling unit shall be a separate requirement in
accordance within this section and shall not be counted in the calculation of living space to be
contained in the unit under this section.
(B) Sleeping space. In every dwelling unit of 2 or more rooms, every room occupied for
sleeping purposes by 1 occupant shall contain at least 70 square feet of habitable room floor
space, and every room occupied for sleeping purposes by more than 1 occupant shall contain at
least 40 square feet of habitable room floor space for each occupant thereof.
(C) Access to toilet facilities. No dwelling or dwelling unit used for rental purposes
containing 2 or more sleeping rooms shall have such room arrangements that access to a
bathroom or water closet compartment intended for use by occupants of more than 1 sleeping
room can be had only by going through another sleeping room, nor shall room arrangements be
such that access to a sleeping room can be had only by going through another sleeping room or a
bathroom or water closet compartment.
(D) Ceiling height. The floor area of that part of any room where the ceiling height is less
than 5 feet shall not be considered as part of the floor area in computing the total floor area of the
room for the purpose of determining the maximum permissible occupancy thereof.
(E) Basements. No basement space shall be used as a habitable room or dwelling unit
(1) It shall comply with this chapter.
(2) The floor and walls must be constructed so as to reasonably prevent leakage of
underground and surface runoff water. Proper drainage must be provided away from the
building, and floors and walls must be protected against dampness.
(Am. Ord. 473, passed 12-12-2006)
§ 152.030 PUBLIC AREAS.
Every owner of a dwelling containing 2 or more dwelling units shall be responsible for
maintaining in a clean and sanitary condition the shared or public areas of the dwelling and
premises thereof.
(Am. Ord. 473, passed 12-12-2006)
§ 152.031 CLEANLINESS.
Every occupant of a dwelling or dwelling unit shall keep in a clean and sanitary condition
that part of the dwelling, dwelling unit, and premises thereof which the occupant controls.
(Am. Ord. 473, passed 12-12-2006)
§ 152.032 RUBBISH.
Every occupant of a dwelling or dwelling unit shall dispose of all rubbish in a clean and
sanitary manner by placing it in the rubbish or recycling containers as required by city ordinance.
(Am. Ord. 473, passed 12-12-2006)
§ 152.033 GARBAGE.
Every occupant of a dwelling or dwelling unit shall dispose of all garbage and any other
organic waste which might provide food for rodents in a clean and sanitary manner by placing it
in the garbage disposal facilities or garbage storage containers required by this chapter. It shall
be the responsibility of the owner to supply such facilities or containers for all dwelling units in a
dwelling containing 4 or more dwelling units and for all dwelling units located on premises
where more than 4 dwelling units share the same premises. In all other cases, it shall be the
responsibility of the occupant to furnish such facilities or containers.
(Am. Ord. 473, passed 12-12-2006)
Every occupant of a dwelling containing a single dwelling unit shall be responsible for the
extermination of any insects, rodents, or other pests therein or on the premises, and every
occupant of a dwelling unit in a dwelling containing more than 1 dwelling unit shall be
responsible for such extermination whenever the dwelling unit is the only one infested.
Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section, whenever infestation is caused by
failure of the owner to maintain a dwelling in a rodent or reasonably insect proof condition,
extermination shall be the responsibility of the owner. Whenever infestation exists in 2 or more
of the dwelling units in any dwelling, or in the shared or public parts of any dwelling containing
2 or more dwelling units, extermination thereof shall be the responsibility of the owner.
(Am. Ord. 473, passed 12-12-2006)
Every occupant of a dwelling unit shall keep all plumbing fixtures therein in a clean and
sanitary condition and shall be responsible for the exercise of reasonable care in the proper use
and operation thereof.
(Am. Ord. 473, passed 12-12-2006)
(A) No rental unit shall be rented until it has been registered in accordance with the
provisions of this subchapter.
(B) This subchapter shall not apply to hospital units, nursing home units, retirement home
units, nor other similar units which are owned or operated by an agency or local unit of
(Am. Ord. 473, passed 12-12-2006)
No person shall hereafter occupy, allow to be occupied, or let to another person for
occupancy any rental unit within the city for which a rental unit registration has not been issued
by the city. An application for registration shall be made upon forms furnished by the city for
such purpose and shall specifically require the following minimum information:
(A) Name, address, and phone number of the property owner.
(B) The street address of the rental property. The PID# of the rental property.
(C) The number of units within the rental property.
(D) The name, phone number, and address of the person authorized to make or order repairs
or services made to the property, if in violation of any applicable city or state codes, if the person
is different than the owner or local administrator.
(Am. Ord. 473, passed 12-12-2006; Am. Ord. 475, passed 2-27-2007)
Registration shall be required every 3 years commencing upon adoption and publication of
this chapter. The city shall be required to mail renewal forms to the property owner or designated
local administrator on or before May 1 of the year prior to the renewal date. Forms may be
returned by mail at the property owner or designated local administrator’s risk to the City of Park
Rapids, 212 Second Street West, Park Rapids, Minnesota 56470.
(Am. Ord. 473, passed 12-12-2006)
160 Park Rapids - Land Usage
Every owner of a rental unit (whether as fee owner or contract purchaser) shall be required
to furnish to the city the new owner’s name, address, and phone number before taking possession
of the rental property upon closing of the transaction. No registration fee shall be required of the
new owner when possession takes place during the 3-year period, provided that the previous
owner has paid all registration fees and has complied with all requirements of this subchapter
and any violations of zoning, fire, or other safety codes of the city. If any change in the type of
occupancy as originally registered is contemplated by the new owner, a new registration
application will be required.
(Am. Ord. 473, passed 12-12-2006; Am. Ord. 475, passed 2-27-2007)
§ 152.054 FEES.
The fees are listed in the fee schedule section of the city code and may be altered or
amended by City Council.
(Am. Ord. 473, passed 12-12-2006; Am. Ord. 475, passed 2-27-2007)
All records, files, and documents pertaining to the rental registration and rental unit
inspection program shall be maintained by the city and made available to the public as allowed
or required by state law.
(Am. Ord. 473, passed 12-12-2006)
Every rental unit shall be maintained in accordance with the requirements and standards of
all applicable city and state ordinances, laws, rules, and regulations.
(Am. Ord. 473, passed 12-12-2006)
(A) The city reserves the right not to register a unit unless the rental unit or units for which
registration is sought complies with the requirements of this chapter.
(B) Any registration issued under this section is subject to the right, which is hereby
expressly reserved by the city, to suspend, revoke, or fail to renew the same should the
registration holder or their agents, employees, representatives, or lessees directly or indirectly
operate or maintain the rental dwellings contrary to the provisions of this chapter, any ordinance
of the city, of any special permit issued by the city, or the laws of the state. Provided, however,
registration shall not be suspended, revoked, or failed to be renewed if the registration holder
complies with a compliance order or orders in a timely manner.
(C) The City Administrator or his or her designee shall notify, in writing, the applicant that
his or her registration has been denied or the registration holder that his or her registration is
being suspended, removed, or nonrenewed. The suspension, revocation, or nonrenewal shall
occur 35 days after the date of the order or at such later date as set out in the order. The notice
shall be served by mailing a copy of the order to the property owner and the designated local
property administrator, if any, as indicated in the records on file with the city.
(D) The registration holder or designated local administrator shall have the right to request a
hearing before the Board of Adjustment by filing a written appeal from the order at the office of
the City Administrator as set forth in this chapter.
(E) The decision of the Board of Adjustment may be appealed by the registration holder by
filing an appeal or an appropriate writ with the District Court within 15 days of the date of the
order of the Board of Adjustment.
(Am. Ord. 473, passed 12-12-2006)
(A) When the conduct of any registration holder or their agent, representative, employee, or
lessee is detrimental to the public health, sanitation, safety, and general welfare of the
community at large or residents of the rental units so as to constitute a nuisance, fire hazard, or
other unsafe or dangerous condition and, thus, give rise to an emergency, the Police Chief, City
Administrator, or such other person designated by the City Administrator shall have the authority
to summarily condemn or close off individual rental units or such areas of the rental dwelling as
necessary in accordance with the procedures set forth in this chapter. Any person aggrieved by
such decision or action may appeal the decision following the procedures set out herein.
(B) The decision of the Police Chief, City Administrator, or such other person designated
by the City Administrator, as set forth herein, shall not be voided by the filing of such appeal.
Only after the hearing by the Board of Adjustment has been held will such decision or action be
(Am. Ord. 473, passed 12-12-2006)
(A) The Police Chief, City Administrator, and such other person designated by the City
Administrator are hereby authorized to make inspections reasonably necessary to the
enforcement of this chapter.
(B) All persons authorized herein to inspect shall have the authority to enter, with a 24-hour
notification to the landlord unless consent to enter is granted either from the landlord or the
tenant, any dwelling, dwelling unit, rental dwelling or rental unit pursuant to the provisions of
this chapter.
(C) Persons inspecting any dwelling, dwelling unit, rental dwelling, or rental unit as
provided herein shall notify the owner of all violations, if any, by written notice. The notice shall
direct that compliance be made within a reasonable time not to exceed 60 days, unless extended
by the compliance official based on good cause. The dwelling, dwelling unit, rental dwelling, or
rental unit shall be reinspected.
(Am. Ord. 473, passed 12-12-2006; Am. Ord. 475, passed 2-27-2007)
A notice of violation shall be deemed to be properly served upon such owner or agent or
upon such occupant if a copy thereof is served upon the owner personally or if the owner is
served with such notice by any other method authorized or required under the laws of this state.
(Am. Ord. 473, passed 12-12-2006)
§ 152.073 HEARING.
Any person affected by any notice which has been issued in connection with the
enforcement of any provision of this chapter or of any rule or regulation adopted pursuant hereto
may request and shall be granted a hearing on the matter before the Board of Adjustment,
provided that such person shall file with the city a written petition requesting such hearing and
setting forth a brief statement of the grounds therefore within 10 days after the date the notice
was served upon the person. Upon receipt of such petition, the city shall set a time and place of
such hearing and shall give the petitioner written notice thereof. At such hearing, the petitioner
shall be given an opportunity to be heard and to show why such notice should be modified or
withdrawn. The hearing shall be commenced by the city within a reasonable time, not to exceed
30 days after the date on which the petition was filed, except that, upon request of the petitioner,
a postponement of the date for hearing beyond the 30 days could be granted by the city for good
cause shown.
(Am. Ord. 473, passed 12-12-2006)
Rentals 163
After such hearing, the Board of Adjustment shall sustain, modify, or withdraw the notice
depending upon its finding as to whether the provisions of this chapter and any rules and
regulations adopted pursuant hereto have been complied with. If the Board of Adjustment
sustains or modifies such notice, it shall be deemed to be an order. Any notice served pursuant to
this chapter shall automatically become an order if a written petition for a hearing is not filed
with the city within 10 days after such notice is served. The decision of the Board of Adjustment
shall be final.
(Am. Ord. 473, passed 12-12-2006)
The proceedings at any hearing, including the findings and decision of the Board of
Adjustment, shall be summarized, reduced to writing, and entered as a matter of public record
with the city. Such record shall also include a copy of every notice or order issued in connection
with the matter.
(Am. Ord. 473, passed 12-12-2006)
Whenever the Police Chief, City Administrator, or other designated person finds that an
emergency exists which requires immediate action to protect the public health, the city, Police
Chief, City Administrator, or other designated person may, without notice or hearing, issue an
order reciting the existence of such an emergency requiring that such action be taken as deemed
necessary to meet the emergency and if deemed necessary, closing off all or a portion of a rental
dwelling or rental unit until the emergency condition causing the emergency is corrected.
Notwithstanding the other provisions of this chapter, such order shall be effective immediately.
Notice of the emergency action shall be posted at the units or areas of the dwelling or dwelling
units affected and shall be served upon the owner or agency as set forth herein. No person shall
remove the posted notice other than the Police Chief, City Administrator, or other designated
person. Any person to whom such order is directed shall immediately comply therewith, but
upon petition to the city shall be afforded a hearing as soon as possible. After such hearing and
depending upon whether compliance with the provisions of the section and of the rules and
regulations adopted pursuant hereto is found, the city may continue such order in effect or
modify or revoke it.
(Am. Ord. 473, passed 12-12-2006)
Nothing in this chapter shall prevent the city from taking affirmative action under any of its
city fire, housing, zoning, or other health safety codes or any other state or federal statutes or
laws for violations thereof to seek either injunctive relief or criminal prosecution for such
violations in accordance with the terms and conditions of a particular ordinance or code under
which the city would proceed against the property owner, designated property administrator, or
occupant of any residential rental dwelling unit covered by these registration and inspection
requirements. Nothing contained in this section shall prevent the city from seeking injunctive
relief against a property owner or designated property administrator who fails to comply with the
terms and conditions of this chapter on registration to obtain an order closing such rental units
until violations of this particular section or other section of this chapter have been remedied by
the property owner or designated property administrator.
(Am. Ord. 473, passed 12-12-2006)
§ 152.999 PENALTY.
(A) A person found to be in violation of this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor. Each day in
which any such violation shall continue shall be deemed a separate offense.
(B) The city may also enforce this chapter administratively in the following manner:
(1) First violation. Violators shall pay an administrative penalty of up to $250 and
bring the dwelling, dwelling unit, or premises into compliance as required under this chapter
within 30 days or such other time period as may be designated under this chapter.
(2) Second violation. Violators shall pay an administrative penalty of up to $500 and
bring the dwelling, dwelling unit, or premises into compliance as required under this chapter
within 30 days or such other time period as may be designated under this chapter.
(3) Third violation. Violators shall pay an administrative penalty of up to $1,000 and
bring the dwelling, dwelling unit, or premises into compliance as required under this chapter
within 30 days or such other time period as may be designated under this chapter, or suspension,
revocation, or refusal to renew registration of a rental unit or such other provisions as set forth in
this chapter.
(Am. Ord. 473, passed 12-12-2006)
Abandoned Vehicles
Authority to impound vehicles, 97.18
Contracts; reimbursement by MPCA, 97.25
Definitions, 97.16
Disposal authority, 97.24
Disposition by impound lot, 97.23
Findings and purpose, 97.15
Notice of taking and sale, 97.20
Operator’s deficiency claim; consent to sale, 97.22
Right to reclaim, 97.21
Sale; waiting periods, 97.19
Violation to abandon motor vehicle, 97.17
Disposition of abandoned property, 97.01
Appointment, 30.40
Duties, 30.41
Organizational chart, 30.42
Separate offices for City Clerk and Treasurer, 30.43
Application of this chapter, 119.03
Definitions, 119.02
Expiration and renewal, 119.10
Fees, 119.08
Hours of operation, 119.05
Inspection, 119.09
Location, 119.04
Operation, 119.06
Permit, 119.07
Purpose and intent, 119.01
2007 S-3 Repl.
4 Park Rapids - Index
Revocation, 119.12
Suspension, 119.11
Transfer of permit, 119.13
Beer Generally
Definitions, 91.001
Restrictions on purchase and consumption, 91.002
Beer Licensing
Applications, 91.016
Closing hours, 91.022
Conditions, 91.021
Fees, 91.017
Granting, 91.018
License required, 91.015
Persons ineligible for license, 91.019
Places ineligible for license, 91.020
Revocation, 91.023
Application for license, 91.055
Applications for renewal, 91.057
Conditions of license, 91.062
Council discretion to grant or deny a license, 91.054
Description of premises, 91.056
Hearing and issuance, 91.060
Hours and days of sale, 91.063
Investigation, 91.059
Kinds of liquor licenses, 91.052
License fees; pro rata, 91.053
Minors on premises, 91.064
Number of licenses which may be issued, 91.050
Restrictions on issuance, 91.061
Restrictions on purchase and consumption, 91.065
Suspension and revocation, 91.066
Term and expiration of licenses, 91.051
Transfer of license, 91.058
Liquor Regulations Generally
Adoption of state law by reference, 91.035
City may be more restrictive than state law, 91.036
Consumption in public places, 91.039
Definitions, 91.037
Nudity on the premises of licensed establishments prohibited, 91.038
Municipal Liquor Stores
Application of this subchapter, 91.080
Existing municipal stores continued, 91.081
Issuance of other licenses, 91.085
Location, 91.082
Operation, 91.083
Proof of financial responsibility, 91.084
Penalties, 91.999
Dangerous Dogs
Dangerous dog designation review, 90.066
Exemptions, 90.067
Registration of dangerous dogs, 90.065
Tag, 90.068
Definitions, 90.001
Destruction and Confiscation
Confiscation of dangerous dogs, 90.081
Destruction of certain dogs and cats, 90.085
Destruction of animals in certain circumstances, 90.086
Provision of reclamation, 90.083
Quarantine of certain dogs and cats, 90.080
Safety emergencies, 90.082
Subsequent offenses, 90.084
6 Park Rapids - Index
ANIMALS (Cont’d)
Dogs and Cats
Confinement of certain animals, 90.022
Dog and cat nuisances, 90.021
Impoundment and redemption procedures, 90.023
License tag and fees, 90.016
New residents in the city, 90.019
Rabies inoculation, 90.017
Registration and licensing requirements, 90.015
Running at large, 90.020
Terms of license, 90.018
Humane Treatment
Cruelty to animals, 90.056
Improper care, 90.055
Other Animals
Animals at large, 90.041
General prohibition, 90.040
Non-domestic or exotic animals, 90.042
Penalty, 90.999
Applications, 118.03
Board of Review, 118.09
Bond, 118.04
Inspections, 118.08
Insurance, 118.05
Penalty, 118.99
Permit, 118.01
Permits; fees; exceptions, 118.07
Permitted plumbers, 118.02
Worker’s Compensation, 118.06
BEER FEES, 36.04
Carrying articles, 74.07
Definition, 74.01
Hitching rides, 74.04
Lighting and brake equipment, 74.08
Manner and number riding, 74.03
Riding on sidewalks in business district, 74.10
Right-of-way; sidewalks, 74.06
Sale with reflectors, 74.09
Traffic laws apply, 74.02
Where to ride, 74.05
Roller Blades, Roller Skates, Roller Skis and Skateboards
Definitions, 74.25
Hours of use, 74.28
Right-of-way, 74.27
Unlawful acts, 74.26
Violations, 74.99
Building Code
Application, administration, and enforcement, 150.01
Building Code, 150.03
Permits and fees, 150.02
Penalty, 150.99
Uniform Address Plan
Building numbers, 150.16
Location; size; shape, 150.17
Maintenance of building numbers, 150.19
Multiple dwelling numbering, 150.18
Purpose, 150.15
Time for compliance, 150.20
Burning restrictions and permits, 32.41
Definitions, 32.40
Duration of permit, 110.03
Duties of permittee, 110.06
Fees, 110.02
Inspection, 110.05
Permits, 110.01
Suspension or revocation, 110.07
Transfers, 110.04
City Administrator
Appointment, 30.40
Duties, 30.41
Organizational chart, 30.42
Separate offices for City Clerk and Treasurer, 30.43
City elections, 30.01
Appeals procedure, 30.21
Committees, 30.27
Initial meeting of each year, 30.17
Minutes, 30.23
Order of business, 30.24
Ordinances, resolutions, motions, petitions, and communications, 30.26
Presiding officer, 30.19
Public meetings, 30.18
Quorum and voting, 30.25
Regular meetings, 30.15
Rights of presiding officer, 30.22
Rules of procedure, 30.20
Salaries of Mayor and Council members, 30.29
Special meetings, 30.16
Suspension or amendment of rules, 30.28
Hearings, 30.03
Terms of office, 30.02
Appointment, 30.40
Duties, 30.41
Organizational chart, 30.42
Separate offices for City Clerk and Treasurer, 30.43
Administrative Penalties
Appeals, 35.55
Collection of Administrator penalties, 35.61
Continued violation, 35.58
Designation as an Administrator violation, 35.60
Findings, 35.54
Hearing officer, 35.53
Hearings, 35.52
Misdemeanor prosecution, 35.57
Notice, 35.51
Penalties, 35.59
Purpose, 35.50
Record of proceeding, 35.56
Statute, 35.62
Personnel Policy
Establishment, amendment, and modification by resolution, 35.20
Purchasing Policy
City employee purchasing, 35.03
Contracts for local improvements paid for by special assessments of $50,000 or greater,
Contracts from $2,500 to $25,000, 35.04
Contracts from $25,000 to $100,000, 35.05
Contracts of $100,000 or greater, 35.06
Emergency purchasing and contracting, 35.02
Purchasing agent duties, powers, and dollar limits, 35.01
Adoption of statutes and rules by reference, 10.19
Application to future ordinances, 10.03
Captions, 10.04
Copies of code, 10.18
Definitions, 10.05
Effective date of ordinances, 10.14
Enforcement, 10.20
Errors and omissions, 10.09
General penalty, 10.99
Official time, 10.10
Ordinances repealed, 10.12
Ordinances unaffected, 10.13
Ordinances which amend or supplement code, 10.16
Preservation of penalties, offenses, rights and liabilities, 10.17
Reasonable time, 10.11
Reference to offices, 10.08
Reference to other sections, 10.07
Repeal or modification of ordinance, 10.15
Rules of interpretation, 10.02
Severability, 10.06
Supplemental administrative penalties, 10.98
Title of code, 10.01
Definitions, 111.02
Health and welfare regulations, 111.08
Penalty, 111.99
Permit application, 111.04
Permit application, execution, verification and consideration, 111.06
Permit fee, 111.05
Permit regulations, 111.10
Permit required, 111.03
Persons and locations ineligible for a permit, 111.07
Purpose, 111.01
Sanctions for permit violations, 111.09
CURFEW, 130.05
Definitions, 37.02
Emergency management a government function, 37.07
Emergency regulations, 37.06
Establishment of emergency management organization, 37.03
Local emergencies, 37.05
Participation in labor disputes or politics, 37.08
Penalty, 37.99
Policy and purpose, 37.01
Powers and duties of Director, 37.04
Applicants for city employment, 38.01
Criminal history employment background investigations, 38.02
Firewood and Stockpiling of Wood
Regulations adopted by reference, 93.35
Penalty, 93.99
Tree Standards and Urban Forestry Committee
Arborists license and bonding, 93.21
Boulevard trees, 93.10
Boulevard trees damaged by contractor or property owner, 93.11
Compensation, 93.04
Creation and establishment of the Urban Forestry Committee, 93.02
2014 S-11
12 Park Rapids - Index
Tree Standards and Urban Forestry Committee (Cont’d)
Dead or diseased tree removal on private property, 93.17
Definitions, 93.01
Distance from curb to sidewalk, 93.08
Distance from street corners to fire hydrants, 93.09
Duties and responsibilities, 93.05
Insurance, 93.22
Interference with Urban Forestry Committee, 93.20
Protection and preservation of trees, 93.19
Pruning and corner clearance, 93.15
Pruning standards, 93.14
Public tree care, 93.13
Removal of tree stumps, 93.18
Review by City Council, 93.23
Spacing, 93.07
Terms of office, 93.03
Tree species to be planted, 93.06
Tree topping, 93.16
Utilities, 93.12
Airport fees, 36.12
Beer fees, 36.04
Building permit fees, 36.08
City equipment charges, 36.10
Commerce fees, 36.03
Dog, cat and other animal fees, 36.07
Employee/contracted services compensation, 36.06
Event fees, 36.15
Fees covered, 36.01
Liquor fees, 36.05
Miscellaneous fees, 36.13
Payment, 36.02
Planning/zoning fees, 36.11
Rental inspection fees, 36.16
Revolving Loan Fund fees, 36.14
Water and sewer fees, 36.09
Lodging Tax
Administration of tax, 34.10
Advertising of no tax, 34.05
Collections, 34.03
Definitions, 34.01
Examination of records, 34.11
Examination of return, adjustments, notices, and demands, 34.07
Exceptions and exemptions, 34.04
Failure to file a return, 34.09
Imposition of tax, 34.02
Payment and returns, 34.06
Private or nonpublic data, 34.14
Refunds, 34.08
Use of proceeds, 34.13
Violations, 34.12
Penalty, 34.99
Burning restrictions and permits, 32.41
Definitions, 32.40
Fire Code
Adoption, 32.25
Appeals, 32.29
Enforcement, 32.26
Explosive and flammable liquids district, 32.27
Modifications, 32.28
Fire Department
Assistant Chiefs, 32.07
Chief to have Fire Marshal duties, 32.03
Compensation, 32.10
Duties of Chief, 32.04
Fire Department continued, 32.01
Firefighters, 32.08
Interference with Department, 32.13
Loss of membership, 32.09
Minimum pay, 32.11
Practice drills, 32.06
Records, 32.05
Relief association, 32.12
Selection, 32.02
Penalty, 32.99
Regulations adopted by reference, 93.35
Definition, 112.02
Limitations, 112.03
Penalty, 112.99
Purpose, 112.01
Extermination of pests, 152.034
Generally, 152.033
Penalty, 152.999
Rubbish, 152.032
Criminal History Checks
Applications, 33.21
Effective date, 33.27
Information on application, 33.23
Other investigations, 33.26
Index 15
Criminal History Checks (Cont’d)
Persons subject to criminal history checks, 33.20
Referral to Chief of Police, 33.24
Verification, 33.25
Waiver statement to be on applications, 33.22
Police Department
Chief of Police, 33.02
Duties of police, 33.03
Establishment, 33.01
Extra police, 33.05
Uniform and badge, 33.04
Bond requirement, 116.09
Definitions, 116.02
Duration of permit, 116.05
Eligibility for permit, 116.07
Penalty, 116.99
Permit application, 116.04
Permit fee, 116.08
Permit required, 116.03
Purpose, 116.01
Renewal, 116.06
Restriction regarding permit transfer, 116.10
Sanctions for permit violations, 116.11
16 Park Rapids - Index
Public, 30.18
Regular, 30.15
Special, 30.16
MINUTES, 30.23
Conflict of interest, 31.07
Established, 31.01
Functions, powers and duties, 31.08
Meetings, 31.03
Memberships, 31.04
Officers, 31.06
Purpose, 31.02
Reimbursement for expenses, 31.11
Removal from office; vacancies, 31.10
Terms of office, 31.05
Vacancies, 31.09
Administrative liability, 92.10
Definitions, 92.02
Enforcement, 92.09
Findings, purpose and definition, 92.01
General policy, 92.06
Inspection of dwelling and premises, 92.07
Penalty, 92.99
Public nuisances affecting public peace and safety, 92.04
Public nuisances affecting health, 92.03
Public nuisances affecting environment, 92.05
Service of notice, 92.08
Curfew, 130.05
Definitions, 130.01
Handbills, 130.04
Loitering, 130.03
Index 17
Noisy parties, 130.02
Penalty, 130.99
Public event at fairgrounds, 130.06
Responsibility of parents, 130.07
Composition of Board, 31.43
Members and terms, 31.42
Purpose, 31.40
Responsibilities of the Board, 31.41
Bonds, 113.05
Definitions, 113.02
Exceptions, 113.03
Holding and redemption periods, 113.13
Hours and days of operation, 113.14
Identification requirements, 113.12
Penalty, 113.99
Permit application, 113.06
Permit required, 113.04
Purpose, 113.01
Receipts required, 113.10
Records required, 113.09
Reports to police, 113.11
Restrictions, 113.07
Suspension and revocation, 113.08
Unlawful acts, 113.15
Appeals, 114.13
Definitions and interpretation, 114.01
Duration, 114.06
Effective date, 114.18
Emergency, 114.12
Exceptions to definitions, 114.02
Exclusion by placard, 114.17
Fees, 114.04
Ineligibility for permit, 114.08
Notice of revocation or suspension, 114.10
Penalty, 114.99
Permit exemptions, 114.07
Permitting, 114.03
Procedure, 114.05
Prohibited activities, 114.16
Public hearing, 114.11
Registration, 114.15
Suspension and revocation, 114.09
Transferability, 114.14
Establishment, amendment, and modification by resolution, 35.20
Extermination of pests, 152.034
Penalty, 152.999
Applications, 115.04
Bond, 115.05
Exemption from state master plumbers license requirement, 115.03
Insurance, 115.06
Permit, 115.01
Permits, fees and exceptions, 115.08
Plumbing fixtures, 152.035
State license, 115.02
Worker’s Compensation, 115.07
Index 19
Plumbing fixtures, 152.035
Definitions, 96.026
Permit application; verification and consideration, 96.028
Permit fees, 96.029
Permit restrictions, 96.030
Purpose, 96.025
Special event dance permit required; exceptions, 96.027
Duration of permit, 96.006
Duties of permittee, 96.009
Fees, 96.005
Inspection, 96.008
Outdoor Concerts/Music Events
Definitions, 96.046
Exemptions from permit fee and application, 96.050
Permit application, 96.048
Permit fees, 96.049
Permit required, 96.047
Purpose, 96.045
Alternative permit, 96.072
Application, 96.068
Definitions, 96.065
Exceptions, 96.067
Notice of rejection, 96.071
Notice to other officials, 96.073
Permit required, 96.066
Public conduct during parades, 96.074
Review by Police Chief, 96.069
Standards for issuance, 96.070
Park Regulations
Bicycling, 96.098
Boating, 96.096
Camping, 96.094
Definitions, 96.091
General conduct, 96.092
Horseback riding, 96.097
Meetings, speeches, demonstrations and parades, 96.099
Motorized recreation vehicle, 96.101
Park operation, 96.102
Protection of natural resources and wildlife, 96.093
Purpose, 96.090
Swimming, 96.095
Vehicles, 96.100
Penalty, 96.999
Permits, 96.001
Postings and circulations prohibited, 96.011
Procedures for review; waivers, 96.004
Processing of application for permits, 96.003
Provisions of application, 96.002
Revocation, 96.010
Transfers, 96.007
Definition, 73.02
Designation of public areas for use, 73.07
Hours of operation, 73.05
Minimum equipment requirements, 73.06
Motorized golf carts, 73.08
Operation requirements, 73.03
Purpose and intent, 73.01
Street crossings, 73.04
Administration and Enforcement
Authority to condemn or close off rentals, 152.070
Emergency action, 152.076
Further actions or injunctive relief, 152.077
Hearing, 152.073
Inspections and investigations, 152.071
Notice of violation, 152.072
Order of the Board, 152.074
Records at hearing, 152.075
Definitions, 152.002
Designation of unfit dwellings and condemnation, 152.003
Higher standards to prevail, 152.004
Minimum Standards
Basic equipment and facilities, 152.015
Light, ventilation, and heat, 152.016
Maintenance requirements, 152.017
Minimum space, use, and location requirements, 152.018
Penalty, 152.999
Purpose, 152.001
Responsibilities of Owners and Occupants
Cleanliness, 152.031
Extermination of pests, 152.034
Garbage, 152.033
Plumbing fixtures, 152.035
Public areas, 152.030
Rubbish, 152.032
Registration of Rental Units
Failure to grant registration; revocation, suspension, or failure to renew registration,
Fees, 152.054
Maintenance of records, 152.055
Maintenance standards, 152.056
Manner of registration renewal, 152.052
Registration required; exemptions, 152.050
Registration requirements, 152.051
Transfer of property, 152.053
22 Park Rapids - Index
Administration and Enforcement
Authority to condemn or close off rentals, 152.070
Emergency action, 152.076
Further actions or injunctive relief, 152.077
Hearing, 152.073
Inspections and investigations, 152.071
Notice of violation, 152.072
Order of the Board, 152.074
Records at hearing, 152.075
Definitions, 152.002
Designation of unfit dwellings and condemnation, 152.003
Higher standards to prevail, 152.004
Minimum Standards
Basic equipment and facilities, 152.015
Light, ventilation, and heat, 152.016
Maintenance requirements, 152.017
Minimum space, use, and location requirements, 152.018
Penalty, 152.999
Purpose, 152.001
Responsibilities of Owners and Occupants
Cleanliness, 152.031
Extermination of pests, 152.034
Garbage, 152.033
Plumbing fixtures, 152.035
Public areas, 152.030
Rubbish, 152.032
Registration of Rental Units
Failure to grant registration; revocation, suspension, or failure to renew registration,
Fees, 152.054
Maintenance of records, 152.055
Maintenance standards, 152.056
Manner of registration renewal, 152.052
Registration required; exemptions, 152.050
Registration requirements, 152.051
Transfer of property, 152.053
Administration, 95.15
Registration and right-of-way occupancy, 95.17
Registration information, 95.18
Reporting obligations, 95.19
Utility Coordination Committee, 95.16
Definitions, 95.02
Findings and purpose, 95.01
Abandoned and usable facilities, 95.51
Appeal, 95.52
Damage to other facilities, 95.48
Denial of permit, 95.38
Indemnification and liability, 95.50
Inspection, 95.40
Installation requirements, 95.39
Issuance of permit; conditions, 95.32
Joint application, 95.35
Location of facilities, 95.45
Mapping date, 95.44
Other obligations, 95.37
Permit applications, 95.31
Permit fees, 95.33
Permit requirement, 95.30
Pre-excavation facility and facilities location, 95.47
Relocation of facilities, 95.46
Reservation of regulatory and police powers, 95.53
Revocation of permits, 95.43
Right-of-way patching and restoring, 95.34
Right-of-way vacation, 95.49
Severability, 95.54
Supplementary applications, 95.36
Supplementary notification, 95.42
Work done without a permit, 95.41
Extermination of pests, 152.034
Garbage, 152.033
Generally, 152.032
Penalty, 152.999
Application of traffic ordinances, 72.03
Definitions, 72.02
Emergency operation permitted, 72.09
Equipment, 72.07
Intent, 72.01
Persons under 18, 72.06
Restrictions, 72.04
Stopping and yielding, 72.05
Unattended snowmobiles, 72.08
Authority, 131.02
Definitions, 131.03
Enforcement, 131.06
Exceptions, 131.05
Penalty, 131.99
Prohibited acts, 131.04
Purpose and findings, 131.01
Severability, 131.07
Administration, 51.03
Purpose, 51.02
Rates and charges, 51.04
Storm water utility and authority, 51.01
Liability of City
Actions against city; notice, 94.070
Receipt of notice, 94.071
Record of notices, 94.072
Obligation of Property Owners
Assessment, 94.037
Civil action, 94.038
Definitions, 94.035
Personal liability, 94.036
Public health and safety standards, 94.040
Repair of sidewalks and alleys, 94.041
Snow, ice, dirt and rubbish, 94.039
Penalty, 94.999
Street Excavations
Application and regulations, 94.002
Bond, 94.003
Excavations on state or federal highways, 94.007
General regulations for excavations, 94.004
Map of subsurface installations, 94.008
Pavement; city to replace, 94.006
Permit required, 94.001
Refilling excavations, 94.005
Street Lighting
Assessment of unpaid bills, 94.022
Billing; billing units, 94.021
System established, 94.020
Streets, Alleys and Boulevards
Boulevards, 94.056
Streets and alleys, 94.055
Abandoned property (See ABANDONED PROPERTY)
Cruising prohibited, 70.09
Declaration of snow emergency; parking prohibited, 71.04
Excessive noise, 70.07
Exhibition driving prohibited, 70.08
Impoundment, 71.09
Limited parking, 71.02
Motor vehicle noise, 70.10
No parking where posted, 71.01
Other parking restrictions, 71.03
Overnight parking, 71.06
Parking certain semi-trailers or tractors on public streets prohibited, 71.05
Prima facie violation, 71.10
Prohibiting parking areas in front yards in residential zones, 71.08
Recreational vehicles (See RECREATIONAL VEHICLES)
Repairing of vehicles, 71.07
Snowmobiles (See SNOWMOBILES)
State highway traffic regulations adopted by reference, 70.01
Stop intersections, 70.03
Through streets and 1-way streets, 70.04
Trucks prohibited on certain streets, 70.02
Turning restrictions, 70.05
U-turns restricted, 70.06
Application, 120.02
Duration of permit, 120.04
Insurance, 120.05
Penalty, 120.99
Permit fee, 120.03
Sanctions for permit violations, 120.07
Tree contractor permit, 120.01
Worker’s Compensation, 120.06
Designation of unfit dwellings and condemnation, 152.003
Penalty, 152.999
Application; requirements, 121.03
Definitions, 121.01
Duration of license, 121.05
Examination of taxicabs, 121.06
Granting license, 121.07
Insurance, 121.10
License fee, 121.04
License required, 121.02
Limit on number of licenses to be issued, 121.08
Penalty, 121.99
Taxicab drivers, 121.09
Penalty, 50.99
Sewer Service Charge
Administration, 50.46
Sewer service rates, 50.48
Sewer service fund, 50.45
Validity, 50.47
Sewer Use
Authority of Inspectors, 50.31
Building sewers and connections, 50.28
Definitions, 50.25
Main and lateral sewer construction, 50.29
Private sewage disposal, 50.27
Protection from damage, 50.30
Use of public sewers, 50.26
Validity, 50.32
Application for service connection, 50.01
Billing and payment, 50.09
Connection mandatory, 50.06
Defective service, 50.12
Disconnection for late payment, 50.10
Failure to connect; Council action, 50.07
General regulations, 50.11
Inspection and repairs, 50.13
Installation, 50.04
Installation, water services, 50.05
Separate connections, branch systems, 50.03
Water meters, 50.02
Water rates, 50.08
Water Superintendent, 50.14
Penalty, 117.99
Permit required; application; fee, 117.01
Regulation, 117.02
Revocation, 117.03
Abrogation and greater restrictions, 151.009
Accessory Uses and Structures, 151.115
Access to private property, 151.248
Amendments, 151.246
Board of adjustment, 151.244
Conditional use permits, 151.243
Fees, 151.249
Permits, 151.241
Planning Commission, 151.242
Public notice and hearing requirements, 151.247
Variances and appeals, 151.245
Zoning Administrator, 151.240
Compliance, 151.005
Definitions, 151.003
Effective date, 151.010
Enforcement, 151.006
Establishment of Zoning Districts
Establishment of zoning districts, 151.040
Interpretation of zoning map, 151.042
Zoning map, 151.041
General Shoreland Requirements
Placement and design of roads, driveways, recreational trails and parking areas, 151.082
Special provisions for forest management, 151.086
Special provisions for agricultural uses, 151.085
Special provisions for commercial, industrial, public and semi-public uses, 151.084
Special provisions for extractive uses, 151.087
Stormwater management standards, 151.083
Topographic alterations/grading and filling, 151.081
Vegetative alterations, 151.080
Intent and purpose, 151.002
Interpretation, 151.007
Jurisdiction, 151.004
Non-conformities and Substandard Lots of Record
Non-conforming sewage treatment systems, 151.104
Non-conforming structures, 151.102
Non-conforming uses, 151.101
Statement of intent, 151.100
Substandard lots of record, 151.103
Penalty, 151.999
Performance Standards
Determination of conformity, 151.145
Driveways, 151.155
Exceptions to yard requirements, 151.162
Exterior storage, 151.149
General development plan and site plan, 151.161
Home occupations, 151.146
Landscaping, 151.164
Maintenance, 151.152
Mobile home park standards, 151.158
Moved in structures, 151.150
Parking standards, traffic control, and storm water management, 151.156
Professional/personal service offices, 151.160
Screening and/or fencing, 151.151
Site view clearance, 151.157
Special provisions applicable to specific permitted and conditional uses, 151.163
Special provisions for industrial uses, 151.159
Standards for single-family dwellings, 151.147
Storm water management, 151.154
Temporary dwellings, 151.148
Traffic control, 151.153
Sanitation Standards
Revision to an approved plan, 151.132
Sewage treatment permit requirements, 151.131
Sewage treatment standards, 151.130
Sewage treatment system inspection, 151.133
Water supply standards, 151.134
Severability, 151.008
Shoreland Classification System
General provisions, 151.025
Natural environment lakes, 151.026
Recreational development lakes, 151.027
Tributaries, 151.028
Sign Regulations
Administration and enforcement, 151.193
Definitions, 151.176
Dynamic displays and changeable copy signs, 151.181
Effect, 151.175
Exempted signs - no permit, 151.178
Findings, 151.175
General provisions, 151.180
Illumination and brightness standards, 151.182
Non-conforming sign; compliance, 151.192
Permit required, 151.177
Prohibited signs, 151.179
Severability, 151.194
Signs permitted in General Business (B-2) District, 151.189
Signs permitted in Highway Business (B-1) District, 151.188
Signs permitted in Light Industry (I-1) and Heavy Industry (I-2) Districts, 151.190
Signs permitted in Agricultural (AG-1) District, Public and Quasi-Public (P) District,
and Conservation (C-1) District, 151.185
Signs permitted in Residential (R-1, R-1A, R-2, and R-3) Districts, 151.186
Signs permitted in Residential-Business Transitional (R-B) District, 151.187
Street banners, 151.191
Substitution clause, 151.183
Temporary signs, 151.184
Statutory authorization, 151.001
Subdivisions and Planned Unit Developments
Building permits, 151.219
Conversions to PUD’s, 151.226
Conveyance by metes and bounds, 151.221
Copies of plat, 151.220
Definitions, 151.207
Development agreement for improvements, 151.216
General provisions, 151.208
Limits of regulations and scope, 151.206
Minimum subdivision design standards, 151.213
Modification, exceptions, and variances, 151.218
Necessary data for final plat, 151.212
Necessary data for preliminary plat, 151.210
Optional city construction permitted, 151.217
Park dedication, open spaces and public uses, 151.214
Planned unit development review, 151.222
Procedures, 151.209
PUD maintenance and design criteria, 151.225
PUD site suitability evaluation, 151.223
Purpose and interpretation, 151.205
Qualification governing approval of preliminary plan, 151.211
Required improvements on the site, 151.215
Residential and commercial PUD density evaluation, 151.224
Zoning District Requirements
(AG-1) Agricultural District, 151.058
(B-1) Highway Business District, 151.065
(B-2) General Business District, 151.066
(C-1) Conservation District, 151.057
(I-1) Light Industry District, 151.067
(I-2) Heavy Industry District, 151.068
(P) Public and Quasi-Public Zone District, 151.059
(R-1) Single-Family Residential District, 151.060
(R-1A) Single-Family Residential in Annexation Area District, 151.061
(R-2) Single, 2-Family and Townhouse District, 151.062
(R-3) Medium Density Residential District, 151.063
(R-B) Residential-Business Transitional District, 151.064
(S-O) Shoreland Overlay District, 151.069
Averaging setbacks, 151.055
Distance between buildings, 151.056